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"Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 6:56 pm
by Applesintime
((Matthew Bell continued from
Aiskhylos, Agamemnon, line 805))
Matthew winced as another piece of shrapnel was gently eased out of his skin and dropped into a bowl that he'd found in the cupboards of this place. The house had something on it about being a safehouse, and so he'd barrelled into here hoping that there'd be someone here who could patch him up. No dice, though. So here he was, shirt and jacket off, pulling little bits of metal and wood and what at one point looked like a tiny pulverised rock out of himself. The jacket had been like... it wasn't entirely fucked, but it'd managed to blunt a little of the shrapnel. Fucking Katelyn. That was a good jacket, and now it was sort of holey. The shirt underneath was a lot worse. Good thing he brought spares.
The gun was resting on the table. He could very faintly hear shit right now, but his head was still ringing like a fucking alarm clock. Hopefully he wasn't fucking concussed. At the very least he'd become a poster boy for wearing your hearing protection while shooting murderers.
God. Now the battle haze of red and adrenaline had cleared, Matthew could think a little more clearly. Ren hadn't been a threat at all, and he'd just fucking emptied into them. For a moment, he asked if he was doing the right thing. If, shit, killing Ren hadn't made him just as much of a cold blooded murderer as Katelyn and Jack and their lot.
But then he reasserted the facts. Ren had either been helping or was happy with running about with a murderer. A five or six time murderer. Instead of bringing Matthew to her so he could eliminate that particular threat, they'd pulled a gun and tried to help her escape. They got what they fucking deserved, and if it wasn't for Katelyn's grenade launcher - that must have been Danya's little prize - her and her little friend would have got that too.
A little piece of tree bark came out next, Matthew supressing a swear. He'd do the best he could to patch himself up, then hide in a room somewhere with a gun pointed at the door until his hearing returned. If it returned.
Fucking Katelyn.
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 9:21 pm
by Deamon
((California Fox continued from
it takes a lot to make a stew))
California, despite Salem's half-hearted warning for her not to, had set off for the town once she had departed from the beach. He said it had been where he had seen Kai and she had no idea of anywhere else she could have gone. California hadn't been to the town in her time on the island and had been expecting more from it. It was surprisingly tame at first glance. A weird slice of Americana that she hadn't been expecting to encounter. It was just so mundane. The buildings were in disrepair but they all seemed familiar, it was a half-remembered street from Salem. A vague memory of a street from the Boston suburbs.
As she approached the streets California's forearm stung and she looked down at the lines that had been carved into it by the scalpel flail. Seamless and smooth. All the cuts had stopped bleeding and settled into bright red lines on her flesh that almost looked drawn on at a glance. She rotated her wrist and they squashed and distorted along with her skin. The wind howled in the distance but the streets themselves remained quiet. Either no one was around or the horsemen had already made their way through her part of town.
Looking through the windows of the first house she reached, California tried to push the thoughts of Salem and what happened from her mind. She had been abandoned yet again. First Kitty, then Salem. She wondered if their arrival on the island had made them both realize that they didn't actually care about her and didn't want her around. California knew she could be quiet and sullen but of everyone, she had thought Kitty and Salem would have understood that, but at the first chance they got they had both left. Meena had been annoyed by her presence. Fey had left and never returned, presumably having made an excuse to ditch her and Trinity. Trinity herself had been someone California had run out on but Trinity had been unnerving in her beliefs. California bit her lip and slammed a fist into her thigh.
She had wanted to be mature. She was supposed to be the oldest student on the trip. But everyone she had come across left her. If she found Kai would he just do the same? What if when she found him she was deadweight and couldn't keep up? He could easily just outpace her. Maybe he would do just that. Maybe the people watching from the safety of their homes thought she was a crybaby, a pathetic mess who was wasting breath and supplies. She tugged at a dangling end of her hair as she continued walking. Maybe she just sucked to be around.
Her footsteps stopped as she caught sight of a strange detail on one of the front doors she was passing by. California stared at it for a moment, squinting to try and make out what exactly it was before moving closer. As she did so she realised that someone had carved a message into the door.
- MW
It seemed better than nothing so California pushed the door open and made her way inside.
It took some effort because dusty, moldy old furniture had been put behind the door but eventually, she managed to squeeze her way inside, gently closing the door behind her. It felt strange, to be back inside a real house. But it wasn't an unwelcome sensation, it was almost pleasant to be somewhere that almost felt familiar. Stepping deeper inside California heard something coming from deeper in the house, stepping into what seemed to be a dining area she came face to face with someone seemingly performing field surgery on themself.
"Uh, hey." She offered.
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:33 pm
by Applesintime
Matthew had felt the door open rather than heard it. Then the vibration of the furniture he'd put back up clumsily after knocking it all down trying to get in the front door being shoved back down again. Could be Katelyn. Could be Kai. Could be pretty much fucking anybody. Pausing to set the tweezers down quietly next to the bowl, his hand crept towards his pistol. He had a full fifteen rounds, so if it was someone looking for any easy target he could pump them full of holes.
Once they were fully in, he could start to hear footsteps, and then a face rounded the corner.
It was California. Salem's sister.
Matthew let out a sigh of relief.
He was friends with Salem, in that way where you both know that if you pry too deeply into the other's political stance it'll end in tears and screaming and probably a fistfight outside Walmart or some shit but you don't wanna do that so you're fine just hanging out and talking about the mildest shit possible. And seeing as Salem was her brother, Matthew figured she wouldn't do him any harm. Plus, hey, she wasn't on the murdering list that Danya told them about every morning so - wait, shit, how was he gonna hear that if his ears were fucked? Aw, fucking Katelyn.
"Hey!" Matthew yelled, but not in an aggressive way, more a 'this is the only way I can actually hear myself talk' way.
"Sorry for, uh, shouting! Just, I got my fucking eardrums blown out by Katelyn, she has a fucking grenade launcher and I can't hear shit right now because of it!" Picking up the tweezers again, Matthew pulled out a little sharp chunk of metal with a hiss. Another little trickle of blood started to flow. At least his front and side had taken most of the blow, 'cause he couldn't get his back right now. God, if only he hadn't left Corbin behind. Really fucking needed someone to get his back, both literally and metaphorically.
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 4:02 pm
by Deamon
Matthew was someone California was aware of because he sometimes spoke to Salem. He was a JROTC kid, she knew that much. One of a conveyor belt of similar kids playing soldier that John Endecott had produced in all the years California had been attending. She had sometimes wondered how many of them actually went on to join the military, her assumption was not many. But as he spoke—shouted—to her he revealed the reason for his wounds. He had come across Kitty and she had been given a grenade launcher. California knew enough to figure out that the grenade launcher was likely the prize the terrorists had said she'd won, or she had picked it up from one of her victims.
After initially giving her a once over Matthew must have figured that she wasn't an immediate threat because he had returned to pull pieces of metal out of his body with tweezers.
She wondered where exactly it had happened.
Seeing as how Matthew hadn't immediately told her to leave California moved over to the table and rested her hands on the back of one of the chairs. The grenade launcher had appeared to do a number on Matthew but when California looked closer she thought most of it seemed superficial. There was an irregular set of angry red cuts in the side of his face from the shrapnel and she could still see the glint of some pieces that he had yet to remove. But she didn't make any offer to help.
"Did she attack you?"
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 10:48 am
by Applesintime
California didn't attack him, so Matthew figued that he was right in his assumption that she wasn't gonna do shit to him. She wasn't on the list of murderers anyway. It was then that Matthew's explosion-affected brain put two and two together and realised that shit, he was gonna be on the murdering list. With two to his name to boot. People would probably be able to put the pattern together if it had just been Jack, but Ren wasn't on that list. They helped Katelyn with killing, they weren't gonna get their hands dirty.
But at the same time, if he went around killing people who didn't pose a single threat to him anymore in his quest to kill killers, there was going to be no difference between him and who he hunted. He'd just have a slightly better reason for doing so.
"I ATTACKED HER! UH, SHE WAS HANGING OUT WITH SOME OF HER FRIENDS, KAI AND REN. THEY'D MADE A CAMP ON THE ROAD LEADING OUTTA TOWN, I THINK THEY WERE WORKING TOGETHER, HELPING KATELYN GET HER KILLS. REN'S DEAD, I SHOT THEM BECAUSE THEY PULLED A GUN ON ME TRYING TO PROTECT THEIR FUCKING MURDERER FRIEND, THEN KATELYN PULLED THE LAUNCHER AND NEARLY FUCKING BLEW ME UP!" Saying that Ren pulled a gun on them wasn't the whole story, but he doubted California would take it well if he informed her that he shot someone who was unarmed and no threat to him. Especially when he could have taken a shot at Katelyn. God, it was a stupid fucking move. She was still down a friend, though Matthew knew that she was gonna be coming after him now.
This time, he tugged what looked like a little piece of leather out of his side. This was like, low down on the list of actual injuries - the bruising and the hearing loss was the real shit to worry about here - but he figured that if he left any of this in him, it could get infected and then he'd have a real fucking problem. Clinking it into the bowl of shrapnel, filled with little pieces of deitrus, Matthew yanked out another piece of metal shrapnel before he continued talking.
"YOU SEEN YOUR BROTHER ANYWHERE? OR CORBIN? IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT CORBIN LOOKS LIKE, HE LOOKS LIKE HE GOT HIS SHIT KICKED IN. LEG'S FUCKED, HIS EYE'S KINDA SWOLLEN SHUT." This had made him aware that he needed allies. Katelyn had only gotten so far because of her friends. Had they held Robin down while Katelyn stabbed him or slit his throat? Brought Alex down to the floor (although good riddance to shit) and let her finish him off? To him, helping a murderer seemed equally as evil as being one.
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 6:50 pm
by Deamon
California froze momentarily and squeezed her hand into a fist. He hadn't just seen Katelyn, he'd also seen Kai and Ren. But as he kept talking the full extent of what had happened was revealed. He'd launched an attack of some sort, found and killed Ren, then Katelyn retaliated. California could believe how indifferent he was regarding the fact he had killed Ren. He said it as if it was merely a formality like it didn't matter to him that someone—her friend's—life was over because of his actions. It made her feel sick, but California tried not to openly react, even as a lump formed in her throat. Instead, she faked a cough and raised an eyebrow as he kept talking.
"I...uh...yeah, I saw my brother at the beach," She stammered, caught off guard by his sudden question. Although whether that was due to the sudden change in topic or his shouting she didn't know. "Not seen Corbin."
She felt no better about Katelyn, Kai, and Ren all having been together. Matthew had provided her with their last location but they would have moved. He had attacked them so clearly their camp wasn't safe and he had killed Ren. California took a deep breath out through her mouth and let her arms relax. One of her hands found its way into her jacket pocket and bumped into the ice pick. Not outwardly reacting California removed her hand and took a cautious step forward. In an attempt to prevent her hands from shaking too much California placed them on the backrest of the chair in front of her and focused her gaze on the bowl of shrapnel and debris Matthew kept adding to.
Various pieces of shining metal of different sizes lay inside it, a thin layer of blood gathering at the bottom. Matthew raised the tweezers once more and pulled on another piece from the side of his cheek, with a clink it was deposited in the bowl, causing the other pieces to all shift in reaction to the new arrival.
As California gazed at the bowl the rest of her vision was overtaken with black spots that slowly formed together into a pinhole, another clink announced the arrival of another piece of shrapnel but it sounded muffled. There was another clink that sounded like it came from the next room over.
She saw Ren's face.
Then with a blink everything snapped back to normal.
Her hands came off the backrest and one went back to the icepick in her pocket, checking it was still there. The other pointed to the tweezers.
"Want some help?"
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 9:23 pm
by Applesintime
No Corbin. God damn it, where the hell could he be? With how fucked he was, he couldn't have gotten far. So he was either holed up in a house or building somewhere around here, or he was already dead. Matthew didn't like to think of that last possibility.
Fortunately, California's offer helped distract him.
"OH, YEAH, SURE! THANKS." He set the tweezers down on the table and leant fowards a bit so Cali could get to the bits that were embedded in his back. There weren't many, fortunately. "I RAN INTO JACK AS WELL, THE GUY WHO WAS IN THE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR STEALING A GUY'S GUN AND SHOOTING HIM WITH IT. HE TRIED TO STEAL MINE, SO I PUT ONE IN HIS HEAD." Even through his permanent shouting, Matthew still sounded a little down about it. "WISH I'D BEEN WRONG."
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 9:44 pm
by Deamon
California watched as Matthew eagerly accepted her offer of help. He seemed so wrapped up in regaling her in tales of his victories that he hadn't even noticed any reaction out of her. California couldn't exactly say she was surprised, Matthew seemed to think that his actions were incredibly heroic and justified. But she didn't believe Ren of all people would have tried to kill him. She could believe Kitty, she had seen the aftermath of one of Kitty's kills and she'd only gone on to kill more, but Ren? California didn't buy it.
Reaching out she picked up the tweezers and spun them around in her hand a few times. The physical action of moving something in her hands helped calm her. It always had helped keep her calm and with the situation she found herself in, she needed calming more than ever.
She merely nodded as he spoke about shooting Jack in the head.
"Yeah," She said, humoring his story with a smile that lasted until the moment she was behind him.
Using the tweezers she reached out and pinched a long, thin piece of metal positioned just at the nape of Matthew's neck. As she began to extract it she deliberately flinched.
"Shit, sorry," She said, as it came out, leaning past Matthew she dropped it into the bowl.
"Lean your head forward more."
Meanwhile, the ice pick stayed in her pocket, waiting.
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 3:38 pm
by Applesintime
Matthew let out a hiss as Cali sorta messed up pulling a bit of shrapnel out. He wasn't gonna hold it against her, cause like, he'd sorta messed up pulling it out a couple of times at the start too. She'd probably get the hang of it, but right now he just thought about Jack and Ren. Jack. Fuck, he still wished he had been wrong. He needed a friend more than ever, now he had a psycho furry and her friend hunting him in addition to all the killers on this island. And he'd left Corbin.
"ALRIGHT." Matthew leant forwards a little, staring down at his boots and the little drops of blood on them. Ren or Jack? God, he'd killed two people and all he was fucking thinking about was how his boots were gonna be a little bloody. But try as he might, he just couldn't muster any empathy for the two of them. Jack had murdered a man in cold blood and would have probably done the same to him given the chance. Ren was working with a murderer to help her kill and they'd drawn a gun on him when he tried to stop her.
He wished he hadn't had to kill them. An ideal world where they coulda just went skiing and went home. But they'd put themselves in the position of murdering people. Jack could have not stole a gun. Ren could have walked away from their murderer friend.
But they'd brought it on themselves. That was what he kept telling himself, no matter how much it still didn't sit right with him. Maybe he did feel a little bad. Matthew was human, after all. Killing someone was one of the most permanent things you could do. You can fix a broken leg, or a broken heart, but you can't fix a heart with a bullet through it.
Fuck, his head hurt. Probably the grenade. Maybe the confusing emotions.
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 4:22 pm
by Deamon
Her patient did as she asked and lowered his head more, giving her a clean view of the nape of his neck. As calmly as she possibly could California continued to remove pieces of shrapnel. Her hands worked slowly as she tried to buy herself time. She hadn’t fully built up the nerve to go through with what she was planning and each clink of metal into the bowl felt like the tick of a clock counting down.
Matthew continued to talk and California wondered if he believed everything he was saying. When he showed doubt and questioned whether he was doing the right thing she decided to twist the knife of his uncertainty.
“No worries,” She said trying to keep her voice level. “But do you know that Ren was helping Kitty kill?” She asked softly,
As she did so she reached into her pocket and began to withdraw the icepick.
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 3:20 am
by ViolentMedic
The front door pushed open with some struggle, with all the furniture stacked there like it was. There was a grunt and a sharp inhale, before the furniture thumped back into place and the door shut.
A few footsteps, slow and heavy. A voice tried to speak, cracked, then paused. Then the voice tried again, at a volume dimmer than his usual shout but still loud enough to carry through the house.
“Chloé?! Are you there?!”
((Marshall West continued from
Safety Net.))
Marshall stepped further into the house, after stopping to yank his emergency blanket away from where it had gotten wedged between some of the furniture. He looked a mess. One of his hands was covered in bandages that didn’t look big enough to house his last two fingers. The starts of frostbite had affected the tip of his nose, part of his left cheek and part of his ear, resulting in a red, shiny look with occasional blisters. Blood had been smeared down the other side of his face, and blood and bits of glass matted the hair. He had the emergency blanket awkwardly draped about him, and was wearing two windbreakers underneath his jacket, the upper-most one bearing the number 84. The same number of the windbreaker that had been sitting inside Jack Kilgore’s bag earlier that day.
He wandered forward as he awaited a response.
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 9:48 pm
by Applesintime
At her question, Matthew paused. He'd just assumed that Ren and Kai had been helping Katelyn, 'cause it seemed like the logical explanation as to how she murdered so many people, especially that guy who'd already killed two people. She was weak, fragile, cried if you so much as looked at her the wrong way. Seemed like she couldn't murder anyone without a little help, but... what if that was the case? What if she'd murdered all those people on her own and Kai and Ren had just... what, sat there and done nothing? How long had they even been with her, anway? A couple of days? Had they just met?
Matthew just couldn't know. But he had to imagine the worst. Because otherwise he'd just shot an innocent person.
A noise, vibrations coming from the door. Matthew stood up in a hurry, gun snatched off the table and aimed at the doorway. Only when he heard Marshall's voice - even when he was half deaf he could still hear the motherfucker yelling like the person he was talking to was on the Moon or some shit - did he relax.
"NO. JUST ME AND CALI. SALEM'S SISTER." Yeah, really needed to clarify that, half the people here were named California.
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 7:50 pm
by Deamon
Matthew was beginning his response as California pulled the ice pick from her pocket. She began to raise it to a position above his neck as he continued, he admitted that he didn't know if Ren was helping Kitty and California tightened her grip on the picks handle, but her hand began to shake. But as Matthew continued to speak she heard the door beginning to open and Matthew started to move. Quickly, she stuffed the ice pick away, hiding it from view once again as Matthew spun around with his gun suddenly in hand and pointed towards the noise. California felt a wave of anger at that moment and an immense feeling brought on by the fact her one line of defense was the same person who had shot her friend only hours prior. A weird and unpleasant scenario she resented being placed in the middle of. It was coupled with frustration as to her inability to get some form of retribution for her friend.
The mystery of the new arrival was solved quickly enough as Marshall called out from the adjoining room in his loud voice, although still out of sight. Matthew responded with his equally loud and annoying shouting. Two loud people who were going to spend the entire conversation being too loud. California didn't say anything to confirm what Matthew said.
The arrival of Marshall solved the mystery of the identity of MW, the note carver. Marshall, unlike Matthew, was also free of the stain of any murders. California hadn't heard his name on any of the announcements that had occurred over the five days they had been trapped on the cold island.
But she didn't say anything. Instead, she took a step back, away from the opening into the room and toward the table, dropping the tweezers on them as she did so. Then she waited, one hand in her pocket, grip still on the ice pick, to see what the two boys would do.
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 8:15 am
by ViolentMedic
He winced as Matthew’s shouting sent a bolt of pain through his head, starting from where the pistol’s handle had made contact, reaching up to touch his head briefly.
Matthew had a known tendency to make rude comments about people, and was known for his parties. Neither of these things endeared him to Marshall. California, he knew very little about aside from the fact that she’d been in the year above them, and that a car accident was to blame for her predicament.
Neither had been on the announcements. Good. He needed to think of how to handle the possibility.
“Okay,” he said, lowering his voice back down to what most would consider a normal pitch. “I’m coming in. I’m unarmed.”
He stretched his hands out so they were visible as he entered the room, finally seeing the two properly. Matthew looked to be in terrible shape, judging by all the bloody rubble sitting on the table and the tweezers that had barely left California’s hand. She must have been helping. First aid. Not violence.
“Do you need more first… aid?”
Halfway through offering to share some of the supplies that were (hopefully) tucked under the bed in the upstairs bedroom, Marshall stopped as his eyes fixed on Matthew’s gun.
“...I trust your trigger discipline, but I’d like for the gun to… not… be there.”
Re: "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 9:48 am
by Applesintime
As Marshall made his way into the room, Cali moved back and left the tweezers on ther table, presumably making way for their new guest. Matthew didn't have any particular opinion on the guy except knowing that he was loud as shit and was a pretty fucking busy guy. Lacrosse, the student council; maybe he shoulda bugged him about getting an actual football team instead of lacrosse or some shit, who plays lacrosse except rich kids with too much time on their hands? As for what he did, the hand holding the gun was dropped down, resting by his side.
"i'M GOOD. KATELYN HIT ME WITH A GRENADE LAUNCHER. CAN'T HEAR SHIT RIGHT NOW SO THAT'S WHY I'M LOUD AS FUCK." It was tempting to throw in a little snide comment about how loud Marshall was in turn, but eh, that wasn't gonna do anything other than just be a needlessly antagonistic dick. OK enough in the outside world, but after killing two people in the span of like, four or five hours — he needed a damn watch — he was feeling a little more peace-loving today.
Taking his seat again and picking up the tweezers, gun resting on his lap now with the barrel pointed at the wall, Matthew rolled up his pants leg and started to pull out the few pieces of shrapnel that had landed there, glancing up at Marshall halfway through pulling out a jagged little piece of metal.
He resumed pulling out shrapnel. There was probably some in too deep for the tweezers, but he could get to that later, might work its way out of the skin or push up a little and make it easier to pull out. Matthew had decided to not consider how Marshall, the perpetually cheerful and happy guy, might react to Matthew starting to kill people.
They deserved it, but he had a feeling it wasn't gonna be alright with him.