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Triassic Mafia Signups

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 3:14 pm
by Zetsu
it's been awhile huh?

[insert obligatory joke about how you can't tell whether I'm referring to our last mafia game or to the Triassic Period]

Anyways! I've been missing site mafia for awhile, and figured I'd go ahead and see if I could bring it back. Without further ado:

Activity Rules
  1. Every player must contribute at least four meaningful posts per day to be considered active.
  2. A post is considered 'meaningful' if it advances the discussion or engages with the game in some way.
  3. Your first vote of each day phase is automatically counted as a meaningful post. Further votes will count if they're accompanied by any amount of reasoning (something as simple as 'yeah what they said' will count).
  4. The first time you are inactive at the close of a day phase, you will receive a warning. The second time, you will be modkilled.
  5. Exceptions may be made for day phases that end notably early (e.g. because of an early lynch). I'm going to be playing this by ear to some extent, but the basic idea is that activity requirements may be reduced for day phases that end 1-2 RT days early, and they may be removed for day phases that end 3+ RT days early. I won't make guarantees, though; please don't try to game this.
  6. If you know in advance that you won't be able to meet the activity requirements for a given day phase, please let me know. Depending on your circumstances, I may give you an exemption for that day phase.
The t h e m e

People tend to forget about the Triassic when it comes to the Mesozoic. Its dinosaurs are small, unimpressive, and generally unadorned; certainly there isn't anything as iconic as Diplodocus from the Jurassic, or Tyrannosaurus from the Cretaceous. This is understandable, but it's also a bit of a shame, because if you look a little closer you'll quickly realize that the Triassic was a completely batshit period of geologic time. The Triassic came immediately after the largest mass extinction in Earth's history, one that very nearly wiped the slate clean. The lifeforms that survived the extinction event found themself in an environment with little competition and a whole lot of empty niches, and this meant that evolution was pretty much free to drop a lot of acid and experiment to its heart's content. A lot of the animals that lived during the Triassic period were simply, for lack of a better word, very, very, very weird. I've been dying to have an excuse to inflict them on other people, so here we are. I'm sorry; or, if there's nothing to apologize for, then you're welcome.

Miscellaneous notes
  • Day phases will last 5 real-time days, and night phases will last 2 real-time days. I'm not wedded to this, though; if y'all want phases to be shorter/longer, please let me know when you sign up.
  • The game setup will be fairly 'conventional'--it won't necessarily fit the standards of 'normal' on MafiaScum, but this game will eschew bastard elements. No lynchers or jesters, no cults, no 'insane' roles, etc.
  • Roles will be assigned randomly.
  • There will be no post restrictions.
  • Flavor will consist entirely of fauna from the Triassic period. Scum are dinosaurs; all other roles (inc. town, third-party if it's present) are non-dinosaurian fauna.
aaaaaaand that's it! Game size is 14-26 people. Signups will run for ten days, ending on May 6th at 10 pm. You can sign up by PM/DM'ing me, or by posting in this thread. You can also use these methods to contact me if you have any questions.

1. blizz
2. dogs
3. eugene crabs
4. gundham
5. mara
6. boogie
7. MW


Re: Triassic Mafia Signups

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 3:16 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
ohohohohooooooooooooooooooooooo sign me up

Re: Triassic Mafia Signups

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 3:18 pm
by Dogs231
Signing up!

Re: Triassic Mafia Signups

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 4:32 pm
by midnight_twelve
Let's give this a try-assic!

(No I'm not dinosorry for that)

Re: Triassic Mafia Signups

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 5:00 pm
by Zetsu
(No I'm not dinosorry for that)

Re: Triassic Mafia Signups

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 1:56 pm
by Gundham
Can mafia succeed in this day and age?

You bet Jurassic can!

Re: Triassic Mafia Signups

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 2:19 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
wrong time period, someone jail this man for time crimes

Re: Triassic Mafia Signups

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 6:39 pm
by Zetsu
Gonna extend signups by three days (to May 9th, 10 pm)! We don't strictly need to hit 14, but 4 is defo not enough people for a game

Re: Triassic Mafia Signups

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 1:17 am
by Maraoone
Let's see how poorly this goes for me 🥳

Re: Triassic Mafia Signups

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 4:35 am
by dmboogie