Disavowed Anger In The Face Of Evil

Private! (Day 6 - An hour after the announcement)

Between the base of the mountain and the research station is a large and rough expanse of land permanently covered in snow. The snowfield has remained this way thanks to the slight increase of elevation and shading from the mountain itself providing cover for the snow that frequently falls upon the island. Crossing the snowfield can be treacherous as the thick snow layer and rough terrain makes walking difficult, with the ground appearing to be flatter than it actually is. Rolled ankles and falls are not uncommon and on rare occasions, a small avalanche from the slopes of the mountain will cause a fresh layer of snow to come crashing down into the valley.

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Disavowed Anger In The Face Of Evil


Post by Primrosette »

((Aion Rhodes continued from This Holy Place Is Really Unholy))

Perante Losoa then decided to take all the fun out of things and walked into a danger zone.

Aion wanted to feel angry, but he felt was regret about not being able to get back to him and Chester and having anything for them to plan out. The thing is, is that they still had nothing after making sure to go to the radio station yesterday. Aion had hoped there had been anything that they could use, but no, just nothing useful at all. He couldn't help but feel disappointed with himself. He felt like he had failed somehow.

Perante was dead, Chester was out there somewhere, Amos was still sticking by his side and Adam was still a mystery and a flirt.

"Snow, snow, snow and freaking more snow." He muttered bitterly, kicking up crumbs of snow in front of him and he glanced back at the other two boys, feeling at a loss at what to do next. "This is so frustrating. I don't even know where Chester would have gone and... Perante."

He didn't know how to feel. Did Perante just think that dying was the better option? He wondered if....

No...! Don't think about it, Aion...!

He glanced at Amos, feeling unsure about his next move and words. Should he just be honest about his feelings before he might die? Aion was never going to kill anyone, so the terrorists could shove that shit up their asses. But it also felt the worst timing....

What the fuck was he doing?!
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Ohm »

Amos tried to keep a steady pace. His right hand dug into the shoulder strap of his bag every once in a while. It was what he could do to keep his feelings quiet.

Several days of this now. Amos had heard so many deaths, and guessing by what this person had been saying, he and Aion were lucky ones. The closest they had gotten to trouble had been that thrower the first day and the weird stuff with Przemek.

Didn't stop death from creeping in every corner. It was always there.

The church had been their sanctuary from that for a while. A nice break from wandering, but since then, their travels together hadn't been as fruitful as Amos had hoped, all cause of one thing.

Perante was dead. According to what they say, it was a danger zone that he decided to walk into. Amos wasn't sure what to think of that. Did he decide it wasn't worth it anymore?

They had taken too long.

He did not hear anything about Chester. For all they knew, he was dying somewhere, alone.

There was a pit in his stomach whenever he thought of them or the plan. It was just a few days ago when they had given them a place to stay and words of comfort, an idea to work towards, but things since had kept them off that track.

And when they finally did? They got nothing for their trouble but wasted time and someone dead on their minds.

They should have followed him, but Amos did not know where to search or even what to do from here on out. All he had was his travel buddy.

And some unwelcome company to boot, but he could not think of that. He needed to think of Aion. He had been taking care of him since the first day, since he met the guy, and it was up to him to make sure that he was fine.

He was looking at him now, and Amos looked back. If it weren't for the words, it was in them that he could see that things weren't fine as if they'd ever been.

"I get it, Aion, but we have to keep looking. We owe Chester that much." He held eye contact before turning and looking into the distance, muttering:

"I don't want to hear about him from them."
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Post by Kotorikun »

“It might be too late already. But who knows,” Adam chimed in eagerly, a faint snarl in his tone.

((Adam Lader continued from This Holy Place Is Really Unholy))

He touched his cold cheek, huffing a warm breath against his palm. He had been quieter ever since the announcement. Using his pool cue as a walking stick, he had been watching the snowflakes take their course whenever he looked up. Adam could hear the silent snow, the deafening vast white. He was embracing his existence as a wet pink rat, though the more they walked, the more his hair resembled a white veil. What the fuck was this area anyways? He doubted anyone was out here right now.

Nevertheless, they had to cut their way through somewhere.

As peculiar as the silence was, why was Salem’s name resonating so loudly in his mind? That fucking bastard... Adam hadn’t mentioned him, but he might have made the quiet remark of how he hoped that Salem choked on his apparently hard-earned roast beef sandwich, but more so on the cream pie.

“Frustrating, isn’t it? At this rate, we’re gonna get snowed in.”
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Post by backslash »

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. Or think of him, in this case.

((Salem Fox continued from cower and præy))

Salem had been creeping along for a while, sticking to the higher-elevation part of the snowfield. He hadn't bothered coming around this way before now. Like, what was a snowfield? A field of snow. Cool beans. Being totally exposed in an empty white expanse sounded just peachy-fucking-keen when about half the people he'd come across showed some sort of killer instinct and the other half couldn't have found their own asses with both hands and a flashlight. Honestly, he was kind of surprised that more people hadn't wandered out here and just died from falling into a ditch under the snow or something.

The point was, if you decided to go walk around in the big open area where there was no cover and not even any variation in color, you might as well have just painted a target on yourself before you went. Which was why he was up here and not down there; he hadn't gone up the mountain to pick up his shiny new toy yet, but you didn't need a sniper rifle to take a few potshots at an easy target if you so felt like it.

He hadn't decided yet if he felt like it, watching the trio down the slope cutting their little caterpillar trail through the snow. Strange bedfellows, to be sure. He'd picked out Adam right away by the hair, Aion by the hideous shirt that Salem kind of wanted to steal, and uh... jury was still out on Guy #3, actually. The lack of any garish clothes to match Aion's ruled out Fitz. It didn't really matter, anyway.

Salem waited to be sure that they were well past his position before continuing to trail them from his vantage point. He thought about creeping closer, following right in their footsteps until he fell in line. Left, right, left, until he was close enough to reach out and tap Adam on the shoulder. The thought of making him jump, yell, and swear made a smile flicker across Salem's face.

He didn't know what any of them were packing, though, and he didn't really want to catch a right hook from Aion either if he'd decided that he liked Adam enough to stick together. A second jury next door to the one deliberating over Guy #3's identity was in heated debate over whether Aion or Adam had lower standards. (Actually, Salem could answer that one; he'd never hooked up with Aion. Boom, self-deprecation quota for the day reached.)

His hand briefly dipped into his jacket pocket, less intent on drawing the gun and more habit of making sure it was still there, like he'd pat his pockets to check for his phone. He withdrew the hand just a moment later; feeling the weight of the gun in his hand even that briefly confirmed that he didn't want to fire it again just yet. His arms still kind of ached. Lugging around the sword he'd borrowed from the church cellar wasn't helping.

Instead, Salem stopped and knelt, laying down the heavy sweater-wrapped sword as he did so, and then scooping some snow into both hands and packing it into a ball. Straightening back up, he zeroed in on the bright target of Adam's hair once again, and he let it fly.

And you know what? It was a beautiful toss. Maybe the snowball toss of all time. It had been years since Salem had gotten into a snowball fight, but this? This was it. This was his peak snowball. It flew in the kind of arc that made angels sing and mathematicians weep a single tear of pure awe and joy.

Yeah, okay, Salem hadn't eaten since yesterday, and he was feeling a little lightheaded. He was so focused on the perfect trajectory of the snowball, though, that it actually startled a laugh out of him when it finally made impact and exploded into a white puff against the back of Adam's head.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by Kotorikun »


Adam lowered his head in an instant after the impact, waiting to fall to his knees as the sudden mass of pulverized snow sparkled around the air and disappeared. For a brief moment, he thought this was it. This was it, this was how it was going to end right then and there. There was never meant to be clarity, was there?

Maybe not, but he was still breathing just fine, hearing just fine, and the white he was seeing wasn’t heaven.

“What the fu–hh—”

Of course he wasn’t dying. Adam wouldn’t allow himself to go down like this.

When he turned his head and touched the back of his hair, his cheeks burned up, enough to make the ice melt. If not, he was going to break it. It was just the blessing he was waiting for, just, the sign. His breathing wasn't so fine anymore; Adam was panting at the sight of his indirect manifestation.


Salem dared to... laugh? Did he see that right? Salem dared to laugh at him?

"I....!!" Adam's expression conveyed shock at best. "I'll be right back!" was all he said to Amos and Aion before he took off. He ran. Thankfully his oh-so-serious wound on his ankle was barely a scratch, because he was running fast with his things in his hand, as fast as the thick layers on the ground allowed him to.

He scooped up a snowball on the way, but didn't throw it.
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Post by Primrosette »

Aion knew that Amos was right. They had to keep looking for Chester. He just felt like he could have done better for Perante. Could he have done something different to make sure that Perante hadn't gave up on living anymore? He didn't know the answer to that. God, he couldn't become all doom and gloom right now. They just had to make sure to find Chester and make sure to keep an eye on him. They couldn't split up again. Simple as heck.


He had been turning to face Adam and noticed in time to see an snowball hitting the back of Adam's head, making him blink a few times in surprise. He felt a sudden dread when he heard a laugh. Not just a normal laugh. A laugh that he knew that was familiar.

Salem's laugh.


He couldn't get much out as Adam was telling him and Amos that he would be right back and all he could do was gape a little when Adam was rushing off towards Salem. Aion couldn't believe what he was seeing. He wanted to go after Adam, but the gun... the gun that had killed Timothy. What the fuck...?

"Adam! Wait...!" He called out desperately but it didn't look like Adam was going to stop. "Shit...!"
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
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Post by Ohm »

They were on the same foot regarding the issue which made Amos less worried about the path they were walking. Sure, Adam continues to make his enigma act apparent, but Amos kept that out of his mind still. He had to; otherwise, how could he keep traveling with this guy?

Suddenly, there was an errant snowball, an angry weird guy, and a laugh that made the pit in Amos' stomach grow a bit. Adam went off to deal with this, but Amos didn't move. Aion was calling out for him, but Amos did not say anything.

At first.


"Should we stop him?"
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Post by backslash »

Salem couldn't have stopped grinning if he wanted to. Six days. He'd been here six days, and this was the first time he'd felt anything approaching happy. Elated, even. It was like he'd pulled a couple all-nighters and just gotten to the point of exhaustion where everything started being funny.

Maybe it was just the hunger but- oh shit Adam was really booking it up this way now.


He was a track star and all, but Salem had kind of been counting on the terrain slowing him down more.


"Uh-oh, sisters!" He exclaimed, counting now on the nearest camera to pick it up. He knelt and scooped up the khanda, grunting. Then with another breathless laugh, he turned tail and booked it, dragging the sword through the dirt and snow behind him.

((Salem Fox and Adam Lader continued in I'm so tired of 17. where's my fucking teenage dream?))
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by Primrosette »

Aion would only watch quietly while Adam continued to chase after Salem off into an unknown distance and all he could do was sigh in frustration. "Ugh, looks like we were too late to stop Adam from being a complete idiot. Also, I didn't want to get shot by that gun." He admitted honestly and now he noticed that he and Amos were finally alone again. "I'm... I'm sure that Adam will be okay. They are exes after all. I don't think that Salem will kill him..."

He paused to think about it for a few moments and he folded his arms across his chest, humming softly.

"Maybe." He chuckled unsurely and he bit down on his lower lip slightly. "God, this is really is a big mess right now. Crap...!"

He kicked at the snow again in annoyance.

"Okay, so... what do you want to do now?" He asked, feeling nervous now and he cleared his throat a little. "While we're waiting for Adam to come back, we can finally talk about, well, what I said at the church, I guess or whatever. I 'unno."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Ohm »

"He'll be fine," Amos said as he put his hands in his pockets and looked away from the distance where Adam was chasing Salem. The laughter went further and further away from them; that was fine by him. Maybe now he'd actually get to sleep at night.

Aion said something about them being exes, hmm? Man's screwed.

With the gun gone, the chills in the area went down despite them being outside. For once in three days, Amos could breathe easily despite the snowfall.

Or that was the thought before the blood rushed to his face as Aion asked about what he had said at the church, that he liked him.

Amos stared into the distance for a bit, trying to think what to say.

"I-I, you, I thought a lot on that."

Amos swallowed, and his hands shook in his pockets. He blamed it on the cold.

"You really like me?"
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Post by Primrosette »

Aion wasn't normally good at talking about feelings and all that jazz. But he wasn't going to try to make things complicated about it. He wondered a little about how Amos was really feeling. Oh, god. It was all feeling so strange at the moment. He was glancing down at the snow, feeling his cheeks warming up despite it being pretty cold out.

"...Yeah." He mumbled awkwardly and he knew that he should say more. He couldn't be silly about it right now. This might be the only time that he could talk about it as they didn't know what would happen in the future. "Ugh. I mean, yes. I do. I like you, Amos. I know it's only been a few days, but I'm glad that you wanted to stick by me this whole time. Normally people would drop my ass after a few hours or so."

He was tapped his foot lightly against the snow.

"Shit. Maybe the head injury is causing me to think this way." He let out a small chuckle and he glanced up to look at Amos with a genuine smile. "Well, even if my head is a bit messed up, I don't care. Heck, I can't even believe that I would feel safe with you. God, that sounded so weird to say."

He moved his hand up to scratch the back of his head, feeling his heart thumping a bit faster.

"I do wish it had been you who kissed me instead." He muttered very, very quickly. He had hoped that Amos hadn't heard that, but his whispering was normally a bit loud anyway.
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
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Post by Ohm »

Ah, so he did. He really did like him. Now that Amos had that confirmed, it was time for his heart to panic.

It had just been a few days together, almost a week. Amos had taken care of him the entire time so it was natural to, you know, care for one like that. Maybe Amos did as well; one never knew for certain. He hadn't properly thought about it for a while due to the whole business of possibly dying and having to get to the radio station, and then Adam showed up and started kissing people, and then Perante died, so that was a whole shitshow.

And now they were out there in the snow, alone and together.

Amos' breath caught in his throat when Aion made that comment about his injury.

It hurt when he said that maybe the head injury made him think like that, to think it was his head injury that was the reason, and then Amos wondered why that hurt as much as it did. Even when the consolatory not caring about it did not lessen the sting that was made.

But it was the comment about the kiss and wishing it was Amos that clinched it for him.

Amos walked towards him.

"Hey, Aion." He said before putting his hands to the sides of his head, forcibly turning him around, and leaning forward, pressing their mouths together.
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Post by Primrosette »

Aion was too caught up in his thoughts to notice that Amos was moving towards him and he felt a bit frustrated with himself. Why did he even talk about his head injury like that? That was such an idiotic thing for him to say. Why did he even confess in such an open area? What if Amos-

Aion didn't even get a chance to say anything after Amos was speaking to him and he felt Amos' hands on the sides of his hand, turning him around to face him more clearly. He then noticed Amos' face getting closer to his own and he almost felt like his heart stop for a brief moment when he felt his lips against his own. He felt his face heating up a little and a small startled noise rumbled in his throat out of pure joy and surprise.

Amos was really kissing him. Holycrapholycrapholycrapholycra-

Aion found himself kissing Amos back with a small hint of desperation. It was something that he had really wanted to do for a while now and he felt like his head was flying high with a small light of happiness. He never thought that he would be this happy to be able to kiss someone in the middle of such a despairing time.

Not just someone.


He moved his lips away from Amos', feeling his breath coming out a bit shaky. "Definitely a lot better than Adam's tongue." He smirked slightly and he let out a light-hearted chuckle. "Oh, fuck.... We really did just do that. Hahaha!"

His body was trembling a little and all he could feel was fuzzy enjoyment. His heart was soaring upwards like a phoenix which had been reborn with wicked flames.
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Ohm »

Amos was doing it; after all this time, he was really doing it. He finally kissed him.

He was so afraid that he was doing this wrong, pressing himself against Aion like this, but he did not stop. Amos' hands held onto his head, and he felt Aion reciprocating, and at that moment, they weren't there in the snowfield. They were back home, maybe at school, maybe at one of their homes, maybe at a random field somewhere with no worries of all this bullshit, and they could make out for as long as they dreamed.

It was the happiest Amos had been in days.

When Aion let go, Amos breathed heavily into the air and could see it materialize. His heart thumped in his chest, and his face was so warm.

He had the biggest smile.

"Listen, taking care of you, helping and all that. It's been good, and being with you in that church was..."

Amos swallowed, blinking a bit since there was a tint of a tear in his eye. He had let go of Aion's head, reached out for his hands, and held them in his.

"Being with you has been great. It made me happy in so many ways."

The thumb on his right hand traced across Aion's.

"And it pissed me off so much when he kissed you like he did. So, I hope I made you forget that feeling."

"Y-Y'know, with that..."
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Post by Primrosette »

Aion's brain felt like it wanted to go through a lot of emotions while Amos was basically confessing to him about how he felt about him and having his hand held by Amos, was making Aion's heart feel like it was melting a bit. Aion wasn't that great at romantic stuff, but he was feeling emotional and a bit sensitive about it right now. He almost felt like they were somewhere else and not in a death game. He was just glad that they were both able to open up to each other in a way.

Aion felt himself let out a quieter laugh. "Adam who?" He joked with a big, fat grin on his face.

He glanced around the snowy area and then he glanced back at Amos once again.

"God, you're making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside right now, argh...!" Aion felt himself squeezing Amos' left hand and his right thumb was trying to rub over Amos' thumb affectionately. "Fucccckkk, I'm not good at this sappy romance stuff. But y-yeah..."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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