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V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 3:38 pm
by Ruggahissy
Hello May flowers,

If you have not been rolled, please do not post in the rolls thread except to use cards. Those rolled are free to request heros or death ideas as needed. Keep discussion in chat and other parts of the board respectful (no gloating about not getting rolled, etc.).

The following characters have been rolled:
[+] V8 Eleventh Rolls
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 10:40 PM
Hello again
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 10:40 PM
Alrighty, traditional test rolls
— Today at 10:40 PM
27 ⟵ [27] 1d69
Gundham — Today at 10:40 PM
Let's go
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 10:40 PM
— Today at 10:40 PM
379 ⟵ [379] 1d420
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 10:41 PM
looks good
we're out of 74, doing 5
Gundham — Today at 10:41 PM
Roll 1, START!
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 10:41 PM
— Today at 10:41 PM
35 ⟵ [35] 1d74
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 10:41 PM
35. Jennifer Farrow (PlatFleece)
Gundham — Today at 10:41 PM
Roll 2!
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 10:42 PM
— Today at 10:42 PM
50 ⟵ [50] 1d74
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 10:42 PM
50. Billie Sommerfield (Skraal)
Gundham — Today at 10:42 PM
Roll 3!
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 10:42 PM
— Today at 10:42 PM
14 ⟵ [14] 1d74
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 10:42 PM
14. Juanita Reid (Gundham)
Gundham — Today at 10:42 PM
Roll 4!
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 10:42 PM
— Today at 10:42 PM
32 ⟵ [32] 1d74
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 10:43 PM
32. Kyle “K.” Emerson (MethodicalSlacker)
Gundham — Today at 10:43 PM
Roll 5!
Hello? Is it weed ur lookin 4? — Today at 10:43 PM
— Today at 10:43 PM
33 ⟵ [33] 1d74
Ultra Despair Girl — Today at 10:43 PM
33. Humphrey “Prii” Hayward (Namira)
And that's it for this one
1. Jennifer Farrow (PlatFleece) - Maya Press (PlatFleece), Swap Card used
2. Billie Sommerfield (Skraal)
3. Juanita Reid (Gundham) - Andrew Lapson (Dr Adjective), Hero Card used
4. Kyle “K.” Emerson (MethodicalSlacker)
5. Humphrey “Prii” Hayward (Namira)

You have THREE days (72 hours) from this announcement going up to play hero or swap cards to save a rolled character. Characters slotted to die at the end of that 72 hour period have an additional NINE days to die before they and their killer become ineligible for the Best Kill and Best Death Awards for this rolls cycle.

Any characters who have not died by the BKA/BDA deadline of the next rolls cycle will be taken over by SOTF_Help in order to complete their deaths.

Time remaining for cards:

Time remaining for BKA/BDA eligibility:

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 4:30 pm
by Gundham
Honestly, y'all. I'm struggling for what to say. I'd make another infomercial here, but I blew all my production budget last month.

I know I already got heroed once and it feels selfish to even ask for another one. Because what am I supposed to say? Maybe she won't get rolled a fourth time? Maybe whatever dice deity I pissed off will stop targeting me eventually like it did with Evie McKown? Do it because the dice clearly don't want you to, and fuck them dice, they don't control you?

...Because, yeah, if any of that works, I'll say it. I'll mean it, too. Especially that last one. And hey, Anderson did it, and they're based AF and have no regrets!

Look, I wouldn't ask if I didn't have actual thoughts and plans for Juanita, and concrete things I want to work towards with her that I think would be fun to read. I want to explore the fallout of the Legion imploding. I want to go deeper into her backstory and how it made her into the person she is, and what it means to her to be a competitor and to try and prove to herself that she can do this even though all of the odds are stacked against her. I want to write about her being bullied in the past and her feeling objectified and I want her to have tough conversations with people like Jezzie and Teddie, to realize that for all of her moral posturing she's no better than anybody else, to face up to what she's done and the fact that all of her efforts were for nothing. I want to put her in spots where she has to ask herself if she really was doing all of this to help anybody or if she was just selfish, and how she's gonna live with the consequences of either of those options.

And don't forget that I promised that if she survives this rollset I'll send her to the hot springs for onsen fanservice. Just sayin'.

Anyway. I'm just gonna say that if you've enjoyed reading Juanita thus far, if you've been entertained by the experiment that was the legion, if you want to see where she can go from here and what could happen to her next, or if you've got a character that you think could take an exit here and get a satisfying conclusion out of it, or you're tired of writing and could use a bit more free time in your life, please do consider heroing Juanita here.

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 5:35 pm
by Namira

Please send me some ideas for doing the die.

I wouldn't turn you down if you really wanted to save Prii but yes, give me them pitches.

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 3:49 am
by Skraal
Hey, I'm really enjoying writing Billie so far and I'd really appreciate a hero if you could throw one my way. That said, I'm also down for death ideas, so if you got any pitches feel free to send those over as well.

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 4:39 am
by MethodicalSlacker
I would also like to open the floor (mine specifically [not here {maybe this was a poor choice of metaphor} ] ) for death pitches and ideas for K. Emerson.

I would personally feel much better to see any cards go to literally anybody else but me here so if for some reason you wanted to save K., please don't? Thank you.

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 11:22 am
by Dr Adjective
Rolled-too-much solidarity.

Spending my Hero card.
"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To save Juanita Reid, an Andrew Lapson of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only truth."

(I have an idea in mind for how he’ll go but I welcome pitches anyway if anyone has a cool idea they really wanna offer.)

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 3:16 pm
by PlatFleece
Second post in a death roll I think?

I gotta admit, at first I was a little worried that I wouldn't be going anywhere with Jenny, but after a really good group thread I do think I have a solid arc planned out for her to just eke out a little longer. I would appreciate a Hero if anyone has enjoyed her or would like to see more, as I feel I've finally found a good direction to take her now. Thanks in advance if you do swing a Hero my way! No worries if not.

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 4:42 pm
by Ruggahissy
Little under one day for cards

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 1:00 am
by PlatFleece
Using a Swap Card to swap Jennifer Farrow for Maya Press!

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 6:05 am
by Gundham
And that's time for cards. A little more than eights days left to be eligible for BKA/BDA!

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 11:18 am
by Dr Adjective

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 11:16 pm
by Ruggahissy
Bit under 17 hours left.

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 4:40 am
by Skraal

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 7:16 am
by Deamon
8 hours left for deaths to be within BKA/BDA eligibility

Re: V8 Eleventh Rolls

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 8:32 am
by Namira