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Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 6:34 pm
by Frozen Smoke
((Lara Bullock continued from Boundries))

"How DARE you just leave me like that, without saying anything?! You fucking-"

No, that didn't sound right. Lara's face pulled to one side as she pressed her molars together in frustration. Maybe it would sound better when she yelled it, rather the strained half mumble that drowned under the constant crunch of gravel that accompanied her.

The energy had to go somewhere, though.

"You- you fucking asshole! Don't you trust me, yourself, even the slightest bit? Acting like I would jump you just because you- you did what you did, like I have some kind of death wish?" Her head shook with disgust. "We can talk this out, I just need to-"

She wiped the tears away from her eyes.

"Just tell me why. Please. Why... everything. I just..."

The wave of energy felt like it had crested, for a moment, leaving a calm in its wake. The echo of all her intensity reverberating in her now hollow form.

"I just don't understand."

The picture of Evie's face in her mind's expression turned from hurt to pity, and she tried with all her might to focus on the little scuff marks along the path, dusted with snowmelt.

((Lara Bullock continued in Another Thread))