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The Last of the Irish Rover

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 9:26 am
by D/N
(Fey Zelenka-Morrison continued from Molly and Danny)

'Twas a wonderful craft she was rigged fore and aft

She was on her way home and she could remember where that was. Though it wasn't home but you never really had a home on the island. You were all cursed you were all a fluttering through your days as your classmates went down and you wandered through them. So she was on her way back to where she'd first met some people like a month ago or whatever. Some building on the other side. Gotta make the island tour return

And oh, how the wild wind drove her
She stood several blasts, she had twenty-seven masts

She was still protesting you see. Food and drink were all gone again but she still had her in less than perfect shape gloves and she'd even stolen a hat from that dead kid two days ago and she was holding up a stick that was her sign.

The stick said nothing.

"I'm protestin'!!" she called out and cackled.

And lord how the trade winds drove her
She had twenty-three masts, and she stood several blasts

What now which the fuck was it?

Was it twenty-seven or twenty-three?

Cause she had to know. Cause the crew was dropping off. They were seven years in and Fey and the dog were gonna be the last and that would send the old message they needed.

That was it. They were all gonna drop off one by one while she waltzed on through. The power of her message would shock the system to its stem.

She was on her way on her protest through the island. Last what was it maybe a day, hell if she knew. Chester was still alive, that was nice. Whatever'd happened to hi. Didn't mind the snow no, it was blowing now but she needed to be out in it gave her that minty fresh feeling and she'd always hated the heat anyways besides her skin felt hot right now so it was good to be out in the cold. Her ass felt hot. But them bandages were still on there that was fine.

She wiped absently at her cheeks, They'd puffed a bit. Some skin came off. Wonder what that was.

It was dark.

Where was she.

There was the door. Fuckit all she wasn't back at the houses no she was alone. This place was alone.

Some random cabin or shit.

Fey kicked it down and laughed shrilly as it actually flew open this time. That didn't happen last time when something else had happened instead but she couldn't know what.


No one doin. Place was a mess.


Fey Fell Down.

Re: The Last of the Irish Rover

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 8:53 am
by D/N
When she woke up she had no clue where she was.

Then she realized that it didn't matter.

Fey squirmed restlessly on the ground, burrowing into her coat a bit more. She licked her lips. Didn't do a goddamn thing. Her lips felt like fucking wax or something.

Fuckin' face as a whole felt funny. Like she'd slept on it wrong. Hahahahahaha. That was funny.

Oh well it's like time waits for no fuckin maiden.

She thrashed around and got up. She grabbed a bag.

Was that hers?

Did it matter?

She had places to go after all.

"Fuckin a...."

She was limping now and didn't know why.

(Fey Zelenka-Morrison continue elsewhere)