SOTF Horror Anthology (Songtest 126)
Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:52 am
It’s time for your typical late-night ritual on cold, lonely Fridays.
You get your popcorn, popped freshly on the stove. You get some soda. You sit down on the floor in front of the old television set. After a few commercials, it is time.
A person wearing a rabbit costume appears on the screen, accompanied by ominous music.
“Hello, gentle viewers! It is I, your lapine Mistress of All Evil, Kamilla! And welcome back to my lair!”
Kamilla laughs as she swings around a skull cup with an umbrella sticking out. The set is a stereotypical Gothic castle, but it has been decorated with tropical decorations for this episode. She takes off her dark sunglasses and winks.
“My, I am enjoying this summer heat. I’m having my Hot Girl Summer, but unfortunately, she screamed when I put her on the grill!”
Another cackle from her.
“Alas, it has been a cruel summer. But now– What’s that?”
A green, decrepit hand peeks out of a basket, handing her a folded note. Kamilla takes it and reads it.
“It is September?”
She frowns, crumpling the note. She takes a giant chug from her drink, tossing it aside exaggeratedly after she finishes. Then, she grins.
“It is September! It is now OUR season!”
Two black cats pop up.
“OUR season?”
“OUR season!” Kamilla repeats.
She swings around.
“It is September! It is almost Halloween!”
One of the cats speaks up. “But Kamilla, it won’t be until October!”
“Quiet!” she raises a finger. “If Christmas can keep creeping up where it doesn’t belong, the Halloween season starts now!”
She reaches from a shelf of film reels, and continues speaking.
“Speaking of a cruel summer, did you know that statistically, you are more likely to die from a vending machine than a shark? It’s true! I saw one machine just eat someone right in front of me! Swallowed him whole! So folks, the beach is safe until there’s a vending machine. Tonight’s movie is a pretty good example. In fact…”
Survival of the Fittest is a late-night horror anthology series, hosted by Kamilla, a rabbit monster. There is also a cast of two black cats, a water monster, and a set of crawling hands that do miscellaneous work. It’s pretty clearly low-budget, but it helps with the charm. It also helps that Kamilla throws out lame puns and jokes at every turn, which makes it better.
You wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Going OOC…
First off, thank you for voting for “Cruel Summer” by Bananarama! It’s legit a good song.
Second off, the theme is…
Here’s how we’ll do this. Express your interest, whether in this thread or over DMs. I’ll then spin a wheel I made in, and pull up a horror trope or genre. Then, I send it over to you, and you have to pick a song based on the prompt. It can be a horror genre, a horror trope, or even a few joke prompts! I have upwards of 40 on the wheel right now, so don’t worry about me running out.
Special notice/disclaimer for this contest: Given the nature of this theme, some songs may play off more goofy interpretations of the prompt, while others may play it more… dead serious. As such, broad potential trigger warning for various horror tropes. I’ll state what the prompts were when I post them, as well as any additional triggers that may apply. Additionally, I am willing to reroll for any reason, even if it’s just ‘ew, can’t think of anything for this prompt.’ Don’t be afraid to ask for specific TWs, too!
Got that? Good? Now let’s get SCARY.
1. KamiKaze
2. Murderweasel
3. AnimeNerd
4. Ahab9
5. Kotorikun
6. BlizzardeyeWonder
7. Fiori
8. Laurels
9. Pancapples
10. Maraoone
11. dmboogie
12. Zetsu
13. Carlisle
14. LordofAwesome
15. DerArknight
16. Skraal
Italics are peepz who haven't picked yet.
Deadline to get everything in order is September the 12th at 11:59pm, PST!

You get your popcorn, popped freshly on the stove. You get some soda. You sit down on the floor in front of the old television set. After a few commercials, it is time.
A person wearing a rabbit costume appears on the screen, accompanied by ominous music.
“Hello, gentle viewers! It is I, your lapine Mistress of All Evil, Kamilla! And welcome back to my lair!”
Kamilla laughs as she swings around a skull cup with an umbrella sticking out. The set is a stereotypical Gothic castle, but it has been decorated with tropical decorations for this episode. She takes off her dark sunglasses and winks.
“My, I am enjoying this summer heat. I’m having my Hot Girl Summer, but unfortunately, she screamed when I put her on the grill!”
Another cackle from her.
“Alas, it has been a cruel summer. But now– What’s that?”
A green, decrepit hand peeks out of a basket, handing her a folded note. Kamilla takes it and reads it.
“It is September?”
She frowns, crumpling the note. She takes a giant chug from her drink, tossing it aside exaggeratedly after she finishes. Then, she grins.
“It is September! It is now OUR season!”
Two black cats pop up.
“OUR season?”
“OUR season!” Kamilla repeats.
She swings around.
“It is September! It is almost Halloween!”
One of the cats speaks up. “But Kamilla, it won’t be until October!”
“Quiet!” she raises a finger. “If Christmas can keep creeping up where it doesn’t belong, the Halloween season starts now!”
She reaches from a shelf of film reels, and continues speaking.
“Speaking of a cruel summer, did you know that statistically, you are more likely to die from a vending machine than a shark? It’s true! I saw one machine just eat someone right in front of me! Swallowed him whole! So folks, the beach is safe until there’s a vending machine. Tonight’s movie is a pretty good example. In fact…”
Survival of the Fittest is a late-night horror anthology series, hosted by Kamilla, a rabbit monster. There is also a cast of two black cats, a water monster, and a set of crawling hands that do miscellaneous work. It’s pretty clearly low-budget, but it helps with the charm. It also helps that Kamilla throws out lame puns and jokes at every turn, which makes it better.
You wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Going OOC…
First off, thank you for voting for “Cruel Summer” by Bananarama! It’s legit a good song.
Second off, the theme is…

Special notice/disclaimer for this contest: Given the nature of this theme, some songs may play off more goofy interpretations of the prompt, while others may play it more… dead serious. As such, broad potential trigger warning for various horror tropes. I’ll state what the prompts were when I post them, as well as any additional triggers that may apply. Additionally, I am willing to reroll for any reason, even if it’s just ‘ew, can’t think of anything for this prompt.’ Don’t be afraid to ask for specific TWs, too!
Got that? Good? Now let’s get SCARY.
1. KamiKaze
2. Murderweasel
3. AnimeNerd
4. Ahab9
5. Kotorikun
6. BlizzardeyeWonder
7. Fiori
8. Laurels
9. Pancapples
10. Maraoone
11. dmboogie
12. Zetsu
13. Carlisle
14. LordofAwesome
15. DerArknight
16. Skraal
Italics are peepz who haven't picked yet.
Deadline to get everything in order is September the 12th at 11:59pm, PST!