Fall Down, Go Boom

Day 10 - Paired One-Shot (8th)

Formerly kept clear by the foot passage back and forth between the different halves of the island, the lower mountain pass has become a wasteland of loose rocks, potholes, and overgrown plants, making it take effort to navigate. As the former connecting path between the research station and the village on the side of the island, the lower mountain pass is still easy to follow and is wider with barriers on its steeper sides to help the people that used to make use of it. While obviously at a lower elevation than the upper mountain pass, the lower pass is still raised above other parts of the island; if one was to leave the path and follow the slopes down, they would find themselves either on the old road or in the tundra forest.

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Fall Down, Go Boom


Post by VoltTurtle »

((A frigid wind blew across the isle.))

An aura of death poured over the mountain, choking it with an invisible miasma too faint for a human nose to detect. Clouds of snow rolled down the mountain's banks in small waves, riding the breeze like lost, wayward ghosts. The cold clung to the skin up here, its touch sharp, ready to sink in its claws at any moment. There was a high whistle in the air, and the faint sound of distant voices echoing down, down, down.

An interloper approached from below, climbing the mountain's path like a hungry lion. Its eyes peered out from the mountain's shadow, glinting like sapphires, sizing up prey in the distance. It panted, still catching is breath from the climb, unused to clawing its way up with so much weighing it down. It perched on its part of the pass further down the mountain, almost out of sight.

Kitty had made sure that she wasn't visible from the lake. Fitz probably wouldn't be dumb enough to take the shot and risk invoking her wrath if he missed, but that didn't mean she wanted to bet her life on a probably. Intentionally approaching a known threat that was out for her blood was already dangerous enough on its own, she didn't need to bring that awfully fallible trust into it.

Indeed, Fitz hadn't been lying, they were right up there. That friend-killing snake Matthew and... Shawn? Or was it Sean, or Shaun, or Shawne, or... it didn't matter. Two others were with them that Kitty couldn't quite make out from this angle and distance. While she didn't know who they were, it was presumably safe to say that none of them besides Matthew had done anything to her. None of them deserved to be collateral damage in what she was about to do to him. But, what was the word of the day, again? Carefree?

They wouldn't be the first group that she had blown up for flimsy reasons under this cold winter sun. All of them needed to die anyway, and maybe she could get another gun and a meal out of it for her trouble.

Kitty took the grenade launcher in hand, and allowed a moment to catch her breath. Gunshots came from where the little group had gathered, though she couldn't make out precisely what was happening from her vantage point. That complicated her little gift exchange, but she could always add to the chaos, and she was in for a penny already...

She took aim, as carefully as she could. She hadn't fired the grenade launcher from this distance before, and she didn't know how much she needed to account for gravity to get it to land dead-on. Moving any closer wasn't safe, so she couldn't be sure she'd actually kill Matthew with this. She could paint the mountain with grenades to be absolutely sure, but that would be a bit of a waste, wouldn't it? She might need those later.

Ah well, no use fretting about it, she missed every shot she didn't take.

Kitty's finger curled around the trigger of the weapon. There was a THUMP, and a brief whistle as the grenade was launched, followed a second later by an ear-splitting BOOM. Rock dust and snow bloomed out from the mountain's side like a great spray of blood, blotting out her targets. She felt the rumble run through her toes and up her spine as the wave of sound hit, leaving ears ringing like church bells in the aftermath. Faint, panicked screams cut through the cloud of smoke and debris, letting her know that not all of them were dead.

With no more element of surprise to practice her blood alchemy with, Kitty slipped away before the dust had settled.

((The only trace of her presence was the wound she had carved into the mountain's side.))
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