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Kermit thread

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 6:55 am
by Kermit
Hi hello

general emotional vibes even though the Vegas our school is in is technically a different municipality than the one that this song is about

Currently, I have two characters planned. I have one character's details sorted out, because I've been writing versions of her in NPC form in the Goth Gaggle Extended Universe for like two fucking years now. The other character's specifics, I'm still percolating on. Marawhoone????? I may also run a third depending on how I feel.

[+] Stella Nyquist
Stella Nyquist

- Scientifically proven to be the worst person in the goth gaggle. But this time there's no goth gaggle, just her. As a result she is a slightly different character than the other Goth Gaggle Sarah-oids
- Is a goth, but like, she's classy about it. Classy enough about it that she's always been more of a prep than a goth, socially speaking. She can't help being a social climber.
- Upper-upper-middle class
- Is popular. Actually gets invited to parties etc.
- Cheerleader!
- If you're unironically edgy in a way where it seems like you're actually buying into yourself, she will act with 0 warmth whatsoever to you while still politely maintaining plausible deniability, at least until you fuck off and leave her alone. She ain't your therapist. She does not want to be associated with you in the slightest. Same deal if you're weird. Or if you're cringe. Or if you're gross. Or if you're an asshole.
- Used to get bad grades. Organized a study group with other fairly popular people. Now gets good grades.
- Is bi, because she is a character written by me. Is closeted and has only ever dated guys as of pregame start, because she finds nearly everyone she associates with the GSA who isn't in a relationship to be deeply irritating on some level. Also finds most men's personalities deeply annoying, but they're a more normal look to her (and it makes her feel special if they're on a sports team (assuming it's a sport that matters))
- Only child
- Will absolutely shittalk you, but only with people she knows won't tell you.
- Has mastered the art of politely undermining the self-confidence of people who never realize she hates them whenever she's forced to interact with them
- "apolitical"
- Plans on majoring in something like idk communications or something just to get her degree out of the way. Is generally expecting to be one of those people whose parents give them enough money to cover pretty much any living expenses.
- is like 5'2''. Will bite your knees.

Looking for:
- Fellow rich kids with clout
- Cheer team!
- Cool sports man boyfriend who she pretends to like but on the inside mostly just sort of tolerates!
- Exes, amicable or not
- Fellow millers of the hot goss mill
- People who she doesn't want to be around.
- i mean ill take any ideas not included in the above. worst case scenario, it's not like im gonna say no to her being aware of your kid existing
[+] uhhhhh mmmMmMMMm Jaaaaaared fuckin Jaaaaredsonnnn or whatever
rich sad gay doormat in relationship with mara's mad gay. parents are divorced. father is in the ~casino~ business and thus is rich. Mom is still also rich because she got a lot of money in the divorce. He lives with his mom. MORE DETAILS PENDING. I CANT CONCENTRATE WITH ALL THIS OMINOUS CHOOCHING OUTSIDE MY HOUSE

Re: Kermit thread

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:48 am
by Dr Adjective
Hello I begin my rounds of bothering other people’s threads in revenge for them not coming to mine, the cowards. I bring to you children to be sacrificed upon the altar of fiction.

Firstly Stella. Hi Stella.

Heather Klein hates her. Not a surprise. Moving on.

Relationship with Artemis probably not great either? Artemis may not realise this.

Mercy seems like exactly her kind of person, goth-lite and wealthy and surrounded by a protective layer of irony and insincerity. UNLESS you want her to part of the extended family that Mercy’s immediate family is Not Chill with. DM me and perhaps Krabs if you’d like to subscribe to Rich Influential Clan With A Black Sheep Cousin plans!

LK might be cool enough to hang out with her, unclear. She might also confuse her closeted bisexuality?

Hope is definitely not cool enough to hang out with her. Ball’s in your court how mean she wants to be to the girl with no hands.

And Grace… I feel like there’s something here but I can’t put my finger on it. Grace plays football and may also cause closet-related problems but also I dunno how well Stella would respond to her as a person. They’re probably forced to interact due to said sports connection though so something worth discussing further?

As for Jared??? that’s sure not a lot to go on but insert rich fucker clan pitch here as well. And Heather probably still has a problem with him unless he also finds himself diametrically opposed to his rich background?

Re: Kermit thread

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:41 am
by ViolentMedic
For Stella:
- Finn probably annoys her, because the punk clothes might give an impression of him trying to be edgy (in a sleepy, quiet way, but his clothing is loud af.) It’s kind of hard to tell how serious he takes himself because he doesn’t say much. He just stands up very fast when he’s about to throw hands.
- On one hand, Candy is wealthy and down to party. On the other hand, she’s kind of a bitch. Debatable.

Ideas for Jared pending for once he has a personality that isn’t sad gay.

Re: Kermit thread

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 4:52 pm
by Maraoone

Re: Kermit thread

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:06 pm
by midnight_twelve
Hello Kermit of "Kermit thread" fame

Stella’s opinions on Hayden might vary depending on whether the “rich” or “clout” part of “rich kids with clout” is more important to her- he’s squarely the former but also a bit of a pariah. I don’t know how rich people work but maybe their families are friends or rivals or something (this is probably the same family as Emmy’s Mercy and Medic’s Candy). Don't see my other kids having much in common with her, but Niall and Rowan at least probably go to the same parties so, acquaintances maybe?

I'll return when new Jared lore drops but there's potential Sad Gay solidarity with Niall if Mr Jaaaaredsonnnn ever needs someone to open up to

Re: Kermit thread

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:14 pm
by Fiori
G'day mate.

I imagine Stella and Marcy will definitely know each other, given that they're both on the cheer team and have likely attended the same parties over the years. Whether or not Stella would actually like Marcy is another matter, as she's a bit exhausting to be around, especially after she started dating Finn. Can easily picture her being a snarky straight (wo)man to Marcy's loud-mouthed antics, though whether or not Stella actually considers Marcy a friend or barely tolerates her is up to you.