V8 Rescue Check-In
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 9:46 pm
Hey everyone,
As a result of the events of the current thread at the shoreline, Interpol and the United States Army are now aware that the AT did not abandon the game and the kids are still alive on the island.
This means that rescue is coming for the kids that are left alive. Now the reason we're making an announcement about this for all of you left alive is that we're aware that the way escapes and rescues can be handled are viewed differently by different handlers, so this is our way of opening up the process, laying the cards on the table and seeing how people want to proceed.
The main way things will work is as follows: The Army will be sending a pair of boats to the island, landing around the town, in an attempt to pick up as many kids as possible. They will be sticking around for a while and gathering up the remaining kids, until they encounter resistance from the AT team on the island, take casualties, and need to withdraw. In this timeframe, your kids will be able to hop onboard a boat and be able to go home. There's no catch to this and it's open to all the remaining unrolled kids. The army doesn't care about how many kills your child has; their objective is only to get everyone left alive off the island. The in-game timeline for this will be roughly one month, to allow people to wrap up any scenes they want to finish and get to the boats.
But we're also aware some of you may want to stay behind for either IC or OOC reasons and to continue the game, and as such we are prepared to continue the game after the army leaves with all the kids that are escaping. So you also have the option of your unrolled character staying behind. The game will play out like normal, either going into an endgame phase if we have between 4-6 characters staying on the island. If there's more than 6, we will do a roll set to bring us down to 4 characters and then proceed as normal.
On the flip side however we don't believe that an endgame under 4 people would be viable due to a combination of IC and OOC factors. It is a time-consuming endeavor to run and moderate an endgame, and with the potential for smaller numbers to produce deadlocks and higher chances of hurt feelings, we feel it is best to only run an endgame if there is sufficient enough demand to mean that it will be a full endgame. As such, if there are less than 4 characters designated to stay behind, the game will end with the rescue, and no endgame will occur. We understand that this may be unsatisfying for the handlers who want to stay behind and have an endgame on the island in this instance, but unfortunately, as a staff team we couldn't happily come to any solution to this issue that would leave us with a viable scenario that we feel would be satisfying.
Now the reason why we've opened the floor publicly on this is that we would like handlers to declare ahead of time in this thread whether their character(s) will be escaping or staying behind. This is because we will not be running an endgame if we have less than 4 characters staying on the island. We would like to make clear, however, that we have no problem with either possible outcome. If everyone opts to escape (or die before they can escape) and the ending of the game is the AT losing and everyone left alive being saved, that is something were are perfectly happy running with going forward.
We don't want to rush anyone into a decision on this as we know that this is a surprising and unexpected occurrence, so you have until the end of November to consider and figure out what you want to do, and to post in here your decision as to whether your character will be rescued.
Here are the answers to some questions we expect you might be wondering. If you have any other related questions, please feel free to ask them in this thread, and we'll answer them to the best of our ability:
Why is this happening?
This is a result of Kai blowing up the downed airplane.
But why is this only happening now?
This escape is happening now due to handlers taking advantage of an in-universe window where the AT were disorganized. Out of character, as game runners, the staff team didn't announce or make a big deal about the opportunity that the handlers had because we wanted any rescue or escape to be an organic result of handler actions based on the information they had available. While we understand that this is likely disappointing for those that don't get to take part, like any handler driven event this is when it ended up happening.
How was Kai able to get into the Danger Zone?
Due to the strike on the AT by the army they were in disarray and oversight was lax. This was also what allowed Fitz and Alexander to pursue their collar investigation and escape attempt respectively.
Why don't the AT just blow all the collars when the army land?
There is a simultaneous attack on the remaining AT forces elsewhere, meaning the AT are once again flying without a pilot at this moment in time.
Will there be any more rolls?
No, there will be no more rolls unless more than 6 characters choose to stay on the island, at which point we would roll down to 4.
If I designate whether my character is staying or leaving but then change my mind, can I change this in the thread?
Yes, but please be aware that if you change your mind after the deadline passes, we will have locked-in numbers and will not be accepting any alterations.
Will I get to write my character after they are rescued?
Yes! We will have a space for the surviving kids to be able to interact with each other following their rescue.
Will I get to write my character in Meanwhile going forward?
Also yes! You will be able to write your character in Meanwhiles going forward starting with the V9 Meanwhile, please be aware that any threads will still be subject to the Meanwhile rules.
As a result of the events of the current thread at the shoreline, Interpol and the United States Army are now aware that the AT did not abandon the game and the kids are still alive on the island.
This means that rescue is coming for the kids that are left alive. Now the reason we're making an announcement about this for all of you left alive is that we're aware that the way escapes and rescues can be handled are viewed differently by different handlers, so this is our way of opening up the process, laying the cards on the table and seeing how people want to proceed.
The main way things will work is as follows: The Army will be sending a pair of boats to the island, landing around the town, in an attempt to pick up as many kids as possible. They will be sticking around for a while and gathering up the remaining kids, until they encounter resistance from the AT team on the island, take casualties, and need to withdraw. In this timeframe, your kids will be able to hop onboard a boat and be able to go home. There's no catch to this and it's open to all the remaining unrolled kids. The army doesn't care about how many kills your child has; their objective is only to get everyone left alive off the island. The in-game timeline for this will be roughly one month, to allow people to wrap up any scenes they want to finish and get to the boats.
But we're also aware some of you may want to stay behind for either IC or OOC reasons and to continue the game, and as such we are prepared to continue the game after the army leaves with all the kids that are escaping. So you also have the option of your unrolled character staying behind. The game will play out like normal, either going into an endgame phase if we have between 4-6 characters staying on the island. If there's more than 6, we will do a roll set to bring us down to 4 characters and then proceed as normal.
On the flip side however we don't believe that an endgame under 4 people would be viable due to a combination of IC and OOC factors. It is a time-consuming endeavor to run and moderate an endgame, and with the potential for smaller numbers to produce deadlocks and higher chances of hurt feelings, we feel it is best to only run an endgame if there is sufficient enough demand to mean that it will be a full endgame. As such, if there are less than 4 characters designated to stay behind, the game will end with the rescue, and no endgame will occur. We understand that this may be unsatisfying for the handlers who want to stay behind and have an endgame on the island in this instance, but unfortunately, as a staff team we couldn't happily come to any solution to this issue that would leave us with a viable scenario that we feel would be satisfying.
Now the reason why we've opened the floor publicly on this is that we would like handlers to declare ahead of time in this thread whether their character(s) will be escaping or staying behind. This is because we will not be running an endgame if we have less than 4 characters staying on the island. We would like to make clear, however, that we have no problem with either possible outcome. If everyone opts to escape (or die before they can escape) and the ending of the game is the AT losing and everyone left alive being saved, that is something were are perfectly happy running with going forward.
We don't want to rush anyone into a decision on this as we know that this is a surprising and unexpected occurrence, so you have until the end of November to consider and figure out what you want to do, and to post in here your decision as to whether your character will be rescued.
Here are the answers to some questions we expect you might be wondering. If you have any other related questions, please feel free to ask them in this thread, and we'll answer them to the best of our ability:
Why is this happening?
This is a result of Kai blowing up the downed airplane.
But why is this only happening now?
This escape is happening now due to handlers taking advantage of an in-universe window where the AT were disorganized. Out of character, as game runners, the staff team didn't announce or make a big deal about the opportunity that the handlers had because we wanted any rescue or escape to be an organic result of handler actions based on the information they had available. While we understand that this is likely disappointing for those that don't get to take part, like any handler driven event this is when it ended up happening.
How was Kai able to get into the Danger Zone?
Due to the strike on the AT by the army they were in disarray and oversight was lax. This was also what allowed Fitz and Alexander to pursue their collar investigation and escape attempt respectively.
Why don't the AT just blow all the collars when the army land?
There is a simultaneous attack on the remaining AT forces elsewhere, meaning the AT are once again flying without a pilot at this moment in time.
Will there be any more rolls?
No, there will be no more rolls unless more than 6 characters choose to stay on the island, at which point we would roll down to 4.
If I designate whether my character is staying or leaving but then change my mind, can I change this in the thread?
Yes, but please be aware that if you change your mind after the deadline passes, we will have locked-in numbers and will not be accepting any alterations.
Will I get to write my character after they are rescued?
Yes! We will have a space for the surviving kids to be able to interact with each other following their rescue.
Will I get to write my character in Meanwhile going forward?
Also yes! You will be able to write your character in Meanwhiles going forward starting with the V9 Meanwhile, please be aware that any threads will still be subject to the Meanwhile rules.