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Laurels' slowly developing character concepts

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 2:48 am
by Laurels
Ok, I wasn't sure if I was gonna do V9, but the Vegas setting gave me some ideas. I only have two for now, but I'll add as more come in.

Enola Berkeley
[+] Enola
Enola is from the other side of the tracks, having grown up in poverty and an unstable home life. This has made her quite scrappy and tough as nails, specifically her sharp, well manicured nails. Enola's found some solace in dancing, having mostly taught herself from watching videos as she hasn't been able to afford formal lessons. This has helped her join the Red Rock dance team, although she is at odds with another member, Delphine Davenport, who she has gotten into scrapes and arguments with. Enola is hoping to get a dance scholarship so she can further her career and escape the trailer park.

Enola, despite her issues, is loyal to those who are kind to her and help her out. She is well-meaning but a bit selfish at times, which means she can take advantage of those she considers friends and loved ones. She is also quite impulsive and hot tempered, but is also determined and dedicated to her crafts. She finds kinship with those who are also towards the bottom rung of the social pyramid and for the less prominent dancers.

Delphine Davenport
[+] Delphine
Delphine comes from a wealthy Vegas family and has had everything given to her. She primarily has focused on her passion for dancing, which has allowed her to get the best lessons. She has also made her way into the Red Rock dance team, although this put her at odds with Enola, namely due to Delphine's classist behavior towards the lower class girl. Delphine expects the best and seeks the best.

Delphine is quite magnetic and charming as a person, although she is a bit classist and judgmental of those she finds below her. She's definitely known to be a bit of a schemer, but tends to pass her behavior off with charisma. She's definitely running with the popular kids and probably has had a few boyfriends or not.

Looking for any kinds of relationships with these two.

Re: Laurels' slowly developing character concepts

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:46 am
by Fiori

Marcy will definitely know both Enola and Delphine, as she's a prominent member of the dance team herself. Between the two I imagine she'll probably lean more towards Delphine, at least back when she was more associated with the popular crowd than Beel's gang.

Re: Laurels' slowly developing character concepts

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:19 pm
by KamiKaze
Ginger is a sleazy rich girl who underage gambles, and hides her more questionable activities by being a good student with no disciplinary record.

Delphine might be friends with her. Enola might hate her for the same reason.

Re: Laurels' slowly developing character concepts

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:37 pm
by JacobAllTradez
Enola Berkeley

Edwin is one of the rich kids that looks down on Enola, probably mocks how poor she and her family are. She'd probably be another candidate to roast him on a silver platter if the opportunity arose.

Enola would definitely hate Skyla for her perceived perfectness. Skyla feels your pain.

Keiko's an introvert, not particularly high up the social pyramid and she's relatively quiet. She might not be the keenest if Enola's really extroverted, but if she's able to tone things down, Keiko might warm up to her.

Delphine Davenport

First off, I love the name. Alliteration is always fun!

Delphine feels like someone who would suck up to Skyla, because she knows that everything she does is perfect. Skyla would see her as a nuisance.

Now Maggie is interesting because she's trying to find some sort of personality quirk that makes her stand out, so Maggie might try to hang around her, try and get pointers because Delphine is a charisma goldmine and Maggie is not. At some point, Delphine might have gone behind her back because...yeah, Maggie can be a bit overbearing with this whole personality quest thing. I also feel like Maggie and Delphine's parents might have seen each other in the past so there's some connection between the two.

...Can Murray be one of the boyfriends? I don't know why, the idea of the big dumb jock with a heart of gold and the charismatic but rough around the edges cheerleader just meshes well in my mind.

It must be a full moon day because I actually think Edwin respects what she's done in her life and...well, I guess I'll be honest, he probably would simp for her? I can't see Delphine reciprocating those feelings though, Edwin can and should have no nice things.