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Charon's Yurilings

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 6:48 am
by apocalypseyuri
Hello SOTFers! I’ve been on-and-off spectating the boards since V7, but this would be my first version actually applying. I’ve got two totally normal girls–possibly more, if I’m struck by inspiration–up for your consideration.

Sofia Banderas
[+] Everskies mockup
sofia.png (27.09 KiB) Viewed 425 times
One Sentence Description: An overachieving perfectionist who suppresses her own desires in fear of becoming her parents.

Longer Description: Sofia is a highly organized girl with a strict sense of routine and order who’s heavily involved in the school yearbook and newspaper, as well as an internship with a. She’s very controlling about the way she presents herself; prim, proper, and professional, she makes an effort to act “mature for her age.” This extends to other people, too, especially her peers in yearbook and the newspaper; in fact, those she works with tend to have a more negative opinion of her than anyone else, seeing her as a busybody who can’t help but stick her know-it-all nose into other people’s business. If Sofia is aware of this, she just shrugs it off.

Her strict and humorless nature is the result of great emotional repression. To expand on this, we have to dig a little deeper into her home life. Her parents are both addicts–an alcoholic and a compulsive gambler, respectively–trapped in a loveless marriage, partially out of stubbornness and partially out of having no one else to turn to. Her father often acts up on the job, and only manages to keep it on account of his many connections, while her mother is distant and often away from the house. Sofia is resentful towards her parents, and has also developed a deep primal fear of becoming them, as if vice runs in their bloodline (and you could say it does; for example, her family on her father’s side has a history of alcoholism). Her repression results from the need to control herself entirely, out of the fear that if she lets herself slip even the tiniest bit, she risks falling apart. Thus, she’s left with a lot of bottled up aggression and other impulses, and yes, sometimes she does slip. She’s only human, after all. As you may expect, she’s not the funnest person to hang out with.

As for her interests, Sofia is part of the school’s yearbook and newspaper, and is prominent in both. She likes journalism, photography, graphic design, strategy games, and insects. Her mother also likes insects, but she doesn’t know that.
[+] Relationships

Friends: Sofia would only reasonably be friends with people similar to her, that is, mature hard-workers with little stomach for nonsense. Having an interest in common may give you more leeway, though.

Co-Workers: Sofia’s “special relationship.” People she might work with, like in the yearbook or newspaper. She holds her coworkers to high standards–higher than even her friends–and is annoyed when they don’t meet them. These relationships are mostly strained, held together by obligation.

Neutral/Acquaintances: People Sofia only knows in passing, or has no opinion on.

Dislikes: Sofia has a lot of pet peeves, and her know-it-all, straight-laced nature has the tendency to rub people the wrong way in turn.

Enemies: Although Sofia is more the type to be merely annoyed or frustrated by a person than hate them, if you really get on her nerves or severely slight her, you just might go here.
Jade O’Neal
[+] Everskies mockup
jade.png (20.11 KiB) Viewed 425 times
One Sentence Description: An outwardly nice and flawless girl with religious and identity issues who secretly thinks she’s a monster, leading to maladaptive coping mechanisms aplenty.

Longer Description: Jade moved to Las Vegas from Jackson, Mississippi with her father after her mother died, in hopes of a fresh start. Her father is devoutly religious, but Jade doesn’t talk much about her religious beliefs. To those who know her, Jade is the archetypal girl-next-door: sweet, demure, and friendly, a “nice popular girl.” Despite this, though, not many people are actually close with Jade. She’s pleasant enough to talk to and hang out with, but she never confides in anyone, so her friendships are rather surface-level. Those who do attempt to get to know her on a deeper level are quickly put off by the growing feeling that beneath Jade’s smiling face, nothing is really there.

Jade may be inclined to agree with you on that. Catholic repression, the need to "fit in," and the emotional distance of all her friendships has caused Jade to feel as if she’s something other than human. She flip-flops between believing she’s a monster and believing that she’s empty inside, and is torn between her desire for connection and fear that someone will discover her “true self.” Even as a young child in a stuffy Catholic middle school, Jade felt isolated and different from her peers. She has taken on an affected “good girl” persona in hopes of fitting in, but this faked personality has only made her feel hollow. Forming real relationships is hard for her, since she has a tendency to be possessive, as well as paranoia for being betrayed or “found out.” Although Jade is no bigot, her Catholic upbringing has rooted in her the belief that her sexuality is deviant and wrong, and she is stuck between repressing it and wanting to express it no matter how wrong it feels.

Jade’s father has encouraged her to be active in school life, so she is involved in the school cheer squad and choir. Although she works hard in both, she isn’t genuinely passionate about either; they’re just another part of her attempts to fit in. Jade’s main genuine interest is horror media–movies, books, comics, anything–because the monsters and monstrous people portrayed make her feel somehow seen, especially works centering around body horror. Her favorite movies are The Fly (the Cronenberg version), Tetsuo: The Iron Man, Let The Right One In, and Ginger Snaps, and she has a special place in her heart for classic RPG horror games. Jade doesn’t talk about her genuine interests in public, but you might catch her sneaking out of a late night showing at a theater or stumble across her Yume Nikki-themed Tumblr. She also likes rabbits!
[+] Relationships

Friends: Jade has a lot of casual friends. She *is* a popular girl, after all. She isn’t argumentative or combative, almost like a sponge in how she soaks up other people’s words, so it’s easy to get along with her. Just don’t get too close. As a note, Jade is a straight edge; she’s not no problem with people doing wild things, but won’t partake herself.

Exes: Jade has been in a few relationships with men before, in an attempt to appear “normal.” She hated all these relationships, however, and thus holds a lot of residual hatred for her exes because of it. To her ex-boyfriends, Jade was nice, but emotionally distant and adverse to physical affection. Jade only dates men that her father approves of: good-natured, respectful men, mostly middle-to-upper class. She’s cordial to her exes, even though she dislikes them greatly.

Neutral/Acquaintances: People Sofia only knows in passing, or has no opinion on. Ex-friends can also go here.

Dislikes: Jade doesn’t really dislike a lot of people besides her exes, but you never know.

Enemies: Same as above, but you never know! She is, however, notedly against bullies and bigots.

Target: Jade’s “special relationship.” Her current crush. A girl not in Jade’s main circle, but someone she came across by happenstance and started fixating on. She sees this girl as the only person who can save her from what she is, idolizing to degrees that no human could ever really reach. Of course, none of this manifests in a healthy way; Jade is very possessive over her crush and harasses them in order to get them to notice her. A lot of the exact details of the relationship is up to whoever’s the admin of the target, but Jade would obsessively cyberstalk this person at the least. This is definitely something I’ll wait a while and think on before deciding, but if you have a character you’d be interested in offering, let me know!
Those are my girls for the time being! If you have any questions about them, feel free to ask!

Re: Charon's Yurilings

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:57 am
by FlockOfHens
For Sofia:
  • Beau would be an acquaintance. She may have only seen him in past yearbooks or just walking by.
  • Inessa just so happens to work in the School Yearbook! She may have problems with Sofia's expectations, but still tries to meet them. They also both share an interest in insects!
  • Marino would be the same as Beau, but if she's seen him bully someone or one of his devious licks, then he'll land in Dislikes.
  • Remi would be recognized by Sofia for her former position in the swim team. Maybe Remi had received some questions about the reason for her withdrawal.
For Jade:
  • Beau may be added in as a friend of hers. They both share a cheery personality!
  • Inessa would have a Neutral standing with her. She may have taken photos of her in the cheer squad and choir a few times.
  • I'm not sure, but Marino would be either neutral or a friend. He would act nice to try and be favorable to everyone around him, but he still has a bad side.
  • Remi would definitely be a friend of Jade. They both can relate to problems of trying to fit in with others. Remi also has a few interests in movies as well! Although they're more apocalyptic.