The special girls and boys of this wonderful game!

NoLife's darling children

V9 Pregame is in development! So while you wait for it’s arrival this is the place where you can look for friends, enemies, romances, hobby groups, school clubs and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can look through what others' are looking for to find something that would work for your character. Please note that V9 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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The special girls and boys of this wonderful game!


Post by NoLife »


Of them some things are bound to change, Whether that be names, details, dates, gender, etc, etc.

I've had some of these darlings brewing for a while now, and even if they aren't used this version expect to see them in others! Because I'm a weirdo, I have given all of my kids titles so have that.

Without further ado....

The Fighter - Lily Kemp

Likes: Working out, Fighting, Boxing

About:Lily is the result of her mother forcing her father, Oliver, to stay with her. Even when she was a child growing up she could feel how strained her mother and father’s relationship was.

It was when her brother, Robin, was born that it all fell apart. Her parents hadn’t been together in years, when Robin was born it came to Oliver’s attention that his wife was cheating on him.

Her father filed a divorce and while he tried to gain custody of Lily, the favor went to her mother instead. Oliver lost most of his possessions including the house but managed to keep his money. After the divorce, Lily would only really see her father on rare occasions.

Lily was angry but didn't know how to properly deal with her emotions, so she began to fight people. After these fights, she came to two shocking realizations: Lily was damn good at fucking people up and that fighting felt good. So Lily became the terror on the playground, in elementary school Lily was both feared and admired. The boys hated her because a girl could beat them up, and the girls avoided her because she acted like a boy.

Back home, her mother moved on to a new boyfriend. As Lily grew older, she saw her mother less and less. Sometimes she would be gone for weeks at a time, off playing with men and sleeping with rich boyfriends. Lily's mother always encouraged her to be more feminine and girly, instead Lily grew to hate femininity. Her mother's actions making her believe all women were manipulative and cruel.

This left her to raise her brother. Oliver would always pay child support, but would also give extra money to Lily to take care of herself out of fear of her mother using it on herself(which she did). Using this money and whatever her mother actually gave them to raise both herself and Robin.

The Acrobat - Taylor

Likes: Theater, Dance, Shitposting, podcasts.

About: Taylor is the daughter of a ringleader and an acrobat. Taylor is a twin, her brother born a minute after her. Taylor is blessed with photographic memory, which she uses to great effect.

Taylor and her brother, Harper, were born and raised in a traveling circus. Her father the ringleader, her mother an acrobat. Taylor and her brother grew up surrounding the traveling circus, they played with clowns and magicians. Taylor moved around a lot, most of the time she would spend a year at a school then would move with the circus, but she rarely felt lonely thanks to her brother and the circus.

Taylor and her brother, Blake, dreamed of taking over the circus. Her brother wanted to be a ringleader like their father, while Taylor wants to follow after their mother and become a performer. Using her photographic memory, Taylor practices relentlessly. Every move she has ever seen, whether it be the magicians, the clowns, the tiger tamers, or the acrobats and her mother.

When Taylor and Blake became old enough to take care of themselves, they were allowed to stay at a school alone even after the circus had left. Still Taylor practices with her memories and whenever the circus is in town.
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Post by Polybius »

Mo and Lily

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