Sansa's Suitors

he's Dusty; she's *Done*

V9 Pregame is in development! So while you wait for it’s arrival this is the place where you can look for friends, enemies, romances, hobby groups, school clubs and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can look through what others' are looking for to find something that would work for your character. Please note that V9 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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Sansa's Suitors


Post by Sansa »

Hi angels,

Long time no see! Dipping my toe back in the SOTF world – please find my babies below <3
[+] Dusty Hanson-Miller

Interests: Academics, cooking, gymming, karaoke

Dusty is the son of a psychiatric nurse and a former construction worker. His dad is a bit of a man’s man, pushing Dusty into sports from an early age. After a work related accident a few years ago, Dusty’s dad has been unemployed and is parked in front of the TV at home most days. This has led to some stress at home as his mum has become the main breadwinner and works nights a lot of the time. He has a younger sister named Bethenny that he adores and spoils, making her lunch and dinner every day and cheering her on at her ballet recitals.

Dusty gyms and cooks everyday, finding them to be his main sources of stress relief. He dislikes how he feels when aggravated and tends to disengage (both mentally and physically) when he comes into conflict with others. He is very studious, but has no clear cut idea of what he wants to do career-wise, which is an increasing source of anxiety for him. He has recently been attending a lot more parties and experimenting with alcohol and other illicit substances.

His general demeanour is quite bubbly and personable but he tries to keep his friendships superficial as he is scared of being too vulnerable. He’s not the best at deep and meaningful conversations but tries to compensate by bringing in baking for his friends if they’re going through a tough time. He can be a touch insecure (especially about his appearance) and tends to cover this up by posting a lot of thirst traps on instagram and being a bit of a flirt.

* I want to plonk Dusty into a team sport but I’m unsure which one! So if you have a team whose membership could do with some beefing up, let me know!
* Any boys Dusty may have flirted with or gone on ‘dates’ with
* Any gym or cooking buddies
* He loves a spot of karaoke – anyone up for a duet?
* He works at a local shoe store, so holla at your boy if you want a discount!
* I have the vague concept of other fruity characters all having gummy bear earrings as well in different colours and being a part of a Gummy Gang if anyone would be keen~
* I am very open to anything! If you have any roles you need filled just let me know -- I am all ears
[+] Tabitha Cabello

Interests: Gossip, history, make-up, stand-up comedy, shopping

Tabitha grew up in a somewhat well-to-do but very temperamental household, with two lawyer parents who would often take out their frustrations with their high-pressure careers on each other. In an effort to get away from a toxic home life, she has developed an independent and adventurous streak.

She watched a lot of sitcoms growing up and from this stems an affinity for comedy shows; she can often be found in the audience of both visiting renowned comics and local amateurs alike. She hates working out but takes good care of herself otherwise – a full face of make-up, pristinely manicured nails, and can be found at the mall every weekend shopping up a storm to burn off stress.

She has a strong aversion to conflict due to her home life, but instead of disengaging from it she tends to immediately go for the jugular if she finds herself in a verbal disagreement in a haphazard attempt to shut it down (which tends to have the opposite effect). She is otherwise a supportive albeit intense friend who remembers everyone’s birthdays and will always go out of her way to provide advice and cheer others up (she loves her terrible dad puns) so her friendships can be quite tumultuous. She is naturally very curious about the world and this manifests in a passion for world history, a rolodex of information on her classmates, and vague aspirations of being an interrogative journalist.

* People who are keen for a little pun battle
* Any other shopping or make-up buddies (she’ll fix your mascara before you go to that party, don’t worry babe)
* People she’s burned with her acerbic tongue
* Other gossipy hens
* Like with Dusty I am also open to anything!
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Post by FlockOfHens »

For Dusty:

Beau would be a perfect friend for Dusty! I'm open to the Gummy Gang idea, but Beau may try to get Dusty into his club. Whether or not Dusty accepts is up to you. I also have an idea of Beau being flirted with in the past, but I'm not entirely sure how that would end up.

Not much on Inessa.

Marino would be a good friend for Dusty, but only for discounted shoes in return. Other than that, there is not much to expand on their friendship.

Remi would also be for to be Dusty's friend! If so, Dusty would consider her a perfect gym partner, but one day took a hiatus from fitness for a while. She may also be a love suitor... Who knows!

For Tabs:

Nothing much for Beau.

Inessa could work as a shopping buddy for Tabitha! She wants to find clothes that can fit her aesthetics! I would also think that Inessa would go to her for help on knowing a few facts about the seniors for the yearbook, but would mostly end up with gossip.

Marino and Tabitha's relationship would be similar to Inessa's. He would ask for any gossip and rumors from Tabs to use as insults against anyone.

Also not much on Remi.
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Post by EllisWilson »

I meant to get to this sooner but I kept forgetting. I only have the one kid so far, so this should be pretty short.

Wade is part of the wrestling team, so if you’re undecided on what team to put the Dustman on, that’s an option. Either way, Wade would probably be good company in a ‘gym bro’ sense.

Not much overlap I can see with these two. Maybe they had a brief spat for whatever reason and she said something that touched a nerve? I can see Wade holding a grudge over that.
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