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Polybius Relationship Thread 2024

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 9:33 pm
by Polybius
Mohammed “Mo” Shadid

The Egyptian Johnny Bravo, a decade-old concept that I won’t give up on despite all reason. He wasn’t in V6, or V7, or TV3 so here he is now. Mo comes from a conservative religious upbringing and as a teenager he’s fully in the throws of rebellion. And to Mo, rebellion means dressing like a 50s greaser and hitting on every attractive woman he sees. He’s got a pompadour, sunglass, leather jackets, and muscles. He’s constantly flirting with girls using a bad Elvis impression, regardless of how interested they seem, basically going right up to the lines of what he can get away with in our current times. He gets rejected most of the time, but it’s a numbers game. When Mo’s not chatting up the babes, he’s hitting the gym, admiring classic cars, or looking at himself in the mirror. He’s also a staunch atheist, but he generally keeps that quiet; he doesn’t want that getting back to his parents. The only King in Heaven he acknowledges is the King of Rock n Roll. Mo’s pretty friendly with everyone, including girls that keep rejecting him, but he just doesn’t pay attention to anyone’s feelings. At his core he’s a free spirit. He's stubborn, hotheaded, and rebellious. Mo values complete freedom, and he’s not going to let anyone or anything tie him down.

Relationships: ;)
-Friends. His male/nonbinary friends are probably fellow meatheads and rebels. His female friends are girls who he doesn’t find attractive or girls who’ve rejected him but put up with him anyway. Mo will generally keep flirting with girls until they give a pretty strong and firm rebuke, but after that he’ll respect the boundaries. Mo is generally self-absorbed and callous, he can be fun to hang around with but he blatantly disregards others’ feelings. He is the life of the party, though.
-Girls who he’s interested in, girls who’ve rejected him, girls who have hooked up with him. Mo generally follows societal beauty standards but he’s not that picky. Commitment is off the table entirely.
-Enemies. He doesn’t purposely antagonize people, but he doesn’t care if you hate him. If pushed, he’ll’ push back. He’s no chicken.

Bronson “Buster” Johnson

American patriot, neoliberal shill, and social butterfly. He’s one part prep and one part nerd. Buster’s life fascination is American history and culture, from a young age he’s loved all things Americana. He fully believes America to be the greatest country ever, despite its flaws. He’s also very involved in politics, as an establishment liberal and hardcore President Kirby supporter. Even after Thursday. Buster is very friendly to everyone, cheerful and quick with a joke, but he has a darker side he only lets out online. He spends a lot of time Xitter, with his main account that he uses to make jokes and retweet other liberals and his anonymous accounts that he uses mainly just to start arguments with people to the right or left of him, which is most people. Buster holds the world record of times blocked by Glenn Greenwald. He basically just takes all of his negative feelings in real life and throws them into online arguments. Buster’s also a comedy fan, interested in sitcoms, sketch comedy, and improv. He’s involved in student council, of course, and hopes to be your Red Rock class president. Buster’s real goal in life is to become a historian of American History, and to write the definitive biography of his favorite president, John Quincy Adams, that will be so meticulously researched it’ll make Robert A. Caro look like Mason Locke Weems. Buster also has a Substack, unfortunately.

Relationships: :D
-Friends. He’s friendly with everyone, but he really bonds with people who share his interests: politics, history, and comedy.
-Enemies? Buster his always gonna be himself. Whether you find his chipper extroversion to be annoying, or you think his politics suck, or you just think he’s a dork, he’s not going to apologize or change himself. He’ll generally just avoid people who dislike him, he’s not a fighter.
-Maybe other political people he anonymously harasses online who don’t even know that it’s him

Penny Vargas

Penny Vargas was an active and outgoing girl with a big imagination. She had a very close group of friends. Around the start of middle school, Penny started dealing with intense anxiety and OCD, and at the same time her friend group naturally drifted apart due to diverging interests. Not a good combination. Nowadays Penny is a quiet loner, the type of girl who doesn’t even talk in school unless a teacher calls on her. In her free time, Penny reads fantasy books and also works on her own fantasy world. She has a giant fantasy writing/worldbuilding project that she’s worked on for years but still hasn’t shown anyone else. She doesn’t have any friends, but she still can’t get over her old friends, and spends a lot of time stalking their social media and otherwise thinking about them. To her, they’re still her only friends, even if she hasn’t spoken to some of them in years.

Relationships: :|
-Okay, this one’s complicated. I made a whole other thread for the childhood friend group. So I have the pitch there.
-Very loose acquaintances. She doesn’t have friends, but there has to be at least a few people who kind of know her. Maybe those other loners who have to pair up with her in class for group projects because they’re always the odd one out, or something. Or even people who’ve been in group therapy with her.
-Bullies, maybe. If you’re a bully, here she is.

Re: Polybius Relationship Thread 2024

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:25 pm
by EllisWilson
Hi, I have this one kid named Alec. He’s already been mentioned in the penny thread, but I have another idea.

Mo seems like the kind of guy Alec would really want to be like, so he would try and get Mo to fulfill the ‘teach the dweeb how to be cool’ trope. Idk whether Mo actually would or not, but I’m open to anything really.

I don’t have any other ideas sadly.