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privyet's pre-game planning party

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:55 am
by Privyet
Hello! My name is Privyet. I was active from 2016 to the very start of 2018 or thereabouts. I had one character, Matthew Moradi. This time around, I also plan on playing one character (don't want to spread myself too thin.) I'm tossing this thread down more as a 'sign of life' than anything else, since pregame is fast approaching. Hi!

Seventh-Day Adventist. Lives with Grandma. Dressed like Grandma. Doesn't want to talk about why she lives with Grandma. Doesn't want to be here. Closet case. Rocks back and forth in class. Online (in a bad way.) Creepy-nice. Still uses Facebook. Is only allowed to use Facebook. Grandma comments on all of her Facebook status updates. Plays Roblox. Watches kid's shows. Republican. Isn't allowed to watch movies with violence in them. Lurks the TCC on Tumblr. Grandma doesn't know what Tumblr is. Misses Bestgore and LiveLeak. Dissociates a lot. Will agree with most of what you say and do whatever you want to do if it means you won't leave. Deeply hateful.
GOVERNMENT NAME - Mildred "Milly" Henrietta Reimer
HOBBIES, INTERESTS - watching Young Sheldon and Jeopardy with Grandma, Scooby Doo, cartoons and animation in general, "drawing," Roblox, unrestricted internet access, the "true crime community," the film Zero Day, Yearbook, Bible study

DIGITAL FOOTPRINT - Milly has a Facebook page. It's public. This is something of an issue, because Milly has a tendency to overshare and posts a lot. Browsing her Facebook wall for just a few minutes would reveal that she has an extremely close relationship with her grandmother, watching television with her every night and posting selfies whenever they go out, whether that's to one of Las Vegas's many bingo halls, to church, or grocery shopping. In fact, that seems to be all that they do: watch TV, play bingo, go to church, and buy groceries. Milly posts about her and grandma's many outings like she's going clubbing. She also posts about how she doesn't have any friends, how she wets the bed, and about Scooby Doo.

Even the most casual observer would notice that Milly has a strong attachment to Scooby Doo. The fanart she posts is questionably appropriate, generally drawn in pencil and poorly photographed via her Samsun Galaxy S7. By the fifth drawing of a shirtless Fred and Shaggy --- each liked and commented on by Grandma --- it becomes clear that Milly... really, really, really likes Scooby Doo. All iterations of it. All of the movies. All of it. She's got a lot of Scooby Doo merchandise, too... posters, plush dolls, DVDs, VHS tapes... thanks to this --- and her tendency to fire back at any negative comments or perceived digital slights with long-winded, entirely circular responses --- Milly is a prime target for what some call "cyberbullying." The slightest bit of e-sleuthing would also reveal that Milly is also a fairly prolific editor of a few Fandom wikis, all of them related to Scooby Doo. Three-thousand edits since 2020. Milly also has a YouTube account where she intermittently posts videos of herself unboxing Scooby Doo merch. She also posts (unintentionally grotesque) cooking videos. The views range from 5 to 100.

Anyone who's been 'friends' with Milly for more than a week would find out, directly from the source, that Milly also has a Tumblr blog and X, formerly known as Twitter account. Grandma doesn't know about these. Her Tumblr account is mostly reblogs of TCC content, covering an astonishingly wide breadth: the Columbine Massacre, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook... occasional forays into a select few serial murderers, like Dahmer, Gacy, Panzram, Corll, et al. The few original posts she has are mediocre musings on the psychology behind mass murder, bemoaning that she was born too late to enjoy Tumblr before the content guidelines were updated in 2018, and talking about how much she hates being alone. It gets dark. All tagged with 'dnc' --- do not condone.

Her Twitter account is scarcely used and primarily retweets of other people's Scooby Doo fanart. Sometimes she posts about how bad she is at drawing, how much she hates school, so on and so forth.

APPEARANCE - In the real world, Milly is fairly short, standing at about 5'3", and has a slight, spindly build. Could be mistaken for someone a bit younger than her actual age. Rarely outside for long, so she has pale skin. Straight, light brown hair that her hairdresser (grandma) has cut the same exact way for the past seven years, keeping it generally chin-length. Forced to maintain good hygiene. Dresses modestly. Wears at least on piece of Scooby Doo merchandise at all times, usually an old (and well loved) brown hoodie depicting the dog himself...

PSYCHOLOGY - Milly is only intermittently content with being by herself; she wants to be close to others but has no functional idea of how to go about that. Chances are, she has very few to no friends. She tries her best to be friendly to people but this manifests as being overly-familiar, which usually comes off as a bit... creepy. She isn't the best conversationalist, either; around people she isn't familiar with, she tends to nod along, since she figures that being agreeable is how you make friends. Once someone is even a little bit friendly to her, Milly has the tendency to treat that person like they're her new best friend and will proceed to talk their ear off at any given opportunity.

BASIC BACKSTORY - Born and raised in Eureka, Nevada. Mother is a cashier at E-Z Stop, father wasn't in the picture. Has an older half-brother. Has lived with her grandmother in Las Vegas since the 7th Grade; was homeschooled through 7th and 8th Grade. Joined the Yearbook Club to make friends. Sometimes wore a MAGA hat during Freshman year, which some of her classmates might remember.
  • Trolls.
  • "Friends." (Mostly one-sided. The bar is on the floor.)
  • Someone her Grandma secretly pays to eat lunch with her at school.
  • Those unfortunate enough to have stumbled upon Milly's Facebook page.
Self-describes as a "former incel." Was more than a "former incel." Still a little bit of a chud. Lifts weights. Quiet, keeps to himself. Records crappy alternative rock and posts it on SoundCloud and YouTube. Extreme pothead and somewhat ashamed of it. Reads 'problematic,' difficult books by the likes of Mishima and Celine and pretends to understand them. Plays Fortnite and COD and is a little bit ashamed of it because it's not 'intellectual.' Unironically says he works out at the library. Also works out at a gym. His personal record is a 215 pound bench press.
GOVERNMENT NAME - Richard Shō Hamura
HOBBIES, INTERESTS - playing guitar for his solo rock "project" Fluoride Poisoning, reading, lifting, hiking, playing Fortnite and Minecraft, Million Dollar Extreme

APPEARANCE - Rick is tall, standing at 6'0", but he usually tells people that he's 6'1". He is lightly tanned and has a round, narrow face. Mixed race, with Japanese and Polish ancestry on his father and mother's sides, respectively; takes more after his father in terms of appearance. Black hair, kept short and parted to the side. Short-sighted. Wears aviator-style eyeglasses. Well-built, owing to his strong focus on personal fitness.

PSYCHOLOGY - Rick is a deeply unhappy person and, in the past, has intentionally put up a wall of hyper-edginess and shock humor to keep others away. He figures that if people think he's a bad guy, he might as well play the role. He has a general distrust of others and doesn't have a lot of friends, but the few he has, he values very highly. Loyalty is a principle that he values greatly and one that he tries his best to practice. If you're a fellow chud, Rick has your back, basically. At his best, Rick can be caring and easy-going; he smokes a lot of weed to stay calm. At his worst, he's an edgelord incapable of taking anything seriously.

BASIC BACKSTORY - Born and raised in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada. Mother is a school administrator, father is a banker. Grew up in a more than comfortable environment. Started attending Red Rock in his junior year. Some of his classmates might have heard just why Rick had to switch schools... see below.

In the final term of his freshman year, Rick got into a heated argument with one of his classmates, Jessica Ferreira, that escalated into physical violence. Jessica slapped Rick across the face and punched him in the chest; in response, Rick pushed her to the ground. Afterwards, Jessica said that Rick had hit her first, saying that he'd assaulted her. Someone, at some point, heard the word assault and assumed it was a much worse kind of assault, and before long, Rick had been 'cancelled.' A call-out was posted on Instagram saying that, more or less, Rick Hamura was an abuser, a sex pest, misogynist, and so on. After that, he started acting weird, flirting with incel and alt-right ideology, which only made things worse. By sophomore year, Rick's reputation --- and the resultant bullying --- was so bad that he switched schools to Red Rock.
Rick is based partly on my twin brother and inspired by a V2 character, Felix Travertil.
  • Friends. Maybe fellow lifters, fellow edgelords, people who Rick smokes with.
  • Acquaintances. People who have a class with Rick or know his name.
  • Enemies. Not hard to guess why.

Re: privyet's pre-game planning party

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:10 am
by LYourLocalAutist
I commend your bravery for writing this child

Raya Loux
Raya saw her as someone lonely and tried to be her friend in freshman year but was nearly immediately put off by her politics. After further learning about her online *tendencies* she doesn't go out of her way to meet the woman anymore.

Manuel "Mañana" Hernández
He has a facebook account under a pseudonym for the precise reason of fucking her. He finds her reaction to the slightest criticism or teasing online utterly *hilarious* and will comment some bullshit under one of her posts to see her response anytime he needs a laugh. Outside of the online world, he verbally abuses her with allusions about her *markedly* cringy online interests.

Sylvie Rattray-Aubert
She does have a tumblr to enjoy online discussion about her interest in casual games like Stardew and Animal Crossing, so when she found out that one of the people in her year was also in possession of one, she figured she'd check it out and whhAt the fUUUUUUUUUUUCK

She leaves her well alone in slight fear, and is inadvertently a source of a bit of her outcast status due to her spreading this knowledge to those who have asked about why she acts the way she does about her.

Re: privyet's pre-game planning party

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:42 pm
by Privyet
[+] Response
Raya Loux
This sounds interesting! Unless Raya directly told her, "I am not comfortable talking to you because of X, Y, and Z," Milly would likely still consider Raya a friend, all based on whatever few positive interactions they had in freshman year. I'm curious as to how long Raya tried to be friendly with her --- was it measured in days or weeks?

Manuel "Mañana" Hernández
Hoo, boy. This sounds funny. The thing is, Milly should be used to dealing with trolls. Manuel's pseudonymous account wouldn't be the first time someone's gone out of their way to fuck with her on the internet. But she isn't. She's just as upset the fiftieth time it's happened as she was the first time. To go into more detail on the exact content of Milly's responses to trolls: there's a lot of self-pity mixed with anger. She'll reference, sometimes several times in the same reply, the concept of "not throwing stones," some kind of allusion to the Bible. If she's sufficiently upset, she'll bring it to DMs, informing whoever made her this upset that they're 'harassing a 'neurodivergent minor.' In the real world, Milly's view of Manuel would sort of depend on how verbally abusive he is. Alluding to her interests would make her suspect that Manuel shares them, if anything. She has no concept of 'cringe.' Is it okay if I PM you with a few questions?

Sylvie Rattray-Aubert
I'm all for this, but we should work out just how Sylvie learned about Milly's Tumblr account --- probably second-hand, if not directly. Milly would share the information after a week with anyone who talked to her more than a few times --- probably faster, if Sylvie made it known that she also has an account. Milly probably has no idea that Sylvie's been telling people about her more concerning online activities.

Re: privyet's pre-game planning party

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2024 12:50 am
by EllisWilson
Hi, I have three kids

Wade Colter:

Wade actually has some superficial similarities to Milly, in that he is was also socially inept with no friends and had a fixation on pro wrestling that was likely on par with Milly’s Scooby doo obsession. ‘Was’ is the keyword here though, because Wade managed to get some actual friends on top of generally improving himself around the same time Milly would still be getting homeschooled.

I mention all of this because Wade really doesn’t like being reminded of how he used to be. Considering how public all of Milly’s quirks seem to be, Wade, I think, would consider Milly an unwelcome reminder of all the stuff he cringes about while trying to sleep, and would have an excessive dislike of her on those grounds. Not enough to actually bully her or anything, more like he gets visibly pissed when he can’t just avoid her.

Londyn Mackred

Londyn does not use Facebook. Londyn uses everything but Facebook, including Tumblr, so they’ve probably discovered the TCC stuff. A smarter person would probably distance themselves, but Londyn is an asshole who tries to leverage everything around them into the next big viral video, which means they have tried to deliberately antagonize Milly into some kind of outburst they can make memes of. Londyns also probably tried to make Milly into a ‘lolcow’ but I don’t imagine this succeeded.

Alec Yves

Alec is desperate for a girlfriend, but not even he’s willing to try with Milly. He’ll be nice to her because he doesn’t have any real reason not to be, but he also doesn’t share many interests with her outside of drawing (ignoring the actual content of said drawings) Maybe he did a commission for her at some point?

Re: privyet's pre-game planning party

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2024 2:17 am
by Cicada
Priv writing peak fiction as always I salute:
[+] a milly a milly a milly
- TBH there would probably be an angle with Ray but he knows too many people as is so I'll hold off on any ideas here unless Milly somehow gets close to someone already in his established inner circle. He does have similar interests, down to drawing very questionable content, so if there's an opening I'll definitely revisit.

- Mona could like, be in the market to do something similar to Londyn above tbh, but with the caveat that Mona is more covert about it. Could actually befriend Milly unironically. Holding her at something of a distance, but since Mona herself is already a social pariah the two might actually find common ground over both being generally shunned for their own flavors of weird and offputting. Mona could get familiar enough with Milly and they could find a common interest in, like, weird fandom art and true crime (with Mona in turn having a bit of an unhealthy vouyeristic fascination with observing how fucked up and sad Milly's life is, her own version of true crime) since Mona is doomer pilled so she'd enjoy depictions of humanity at its ugliest and worst. Root for the killer as bih, etc.

I don't imagine Mona would have the time to indulge Milly on those grounds all the time, but Milly seems to be the takes what she can get sort and I'm sure there'd be a bit of genuine mutual affection between them. And Mona ofc would still be very willing to backstab Milly and farm her oddities for content, but like, really long term. Just waiting for Milly to snap and become the next pixiteri or smth. If Milly ever wanted to make cringe cosplay and start the e-thot phase of every cringe woman's life, Mona would be right there with the assist. I dunno. Could be a fun bubbling under kind of dynamic.

Also giving Mañana even more reasons to realize he dodged a bullet with Mona after the fact would be hilarious.

- Clarissa could come to know about Milly through Raya and Sylvie (them her girls), but unlike them Clarissa isn't the sort who can be offput very easily. She's just generally always vibing, so she wouldn't get what her friends were trying to warn her about and she'd reach out and try to befriend Milly. The problem is they're both socially passive and there wouldn't be much in common they could talk about. But Clarissa would stay casually friendly and they could do a cute asking each other about their pet interests and nodding and smiling when its the other girls time to talk thing whenever they met each other in the halls.

Milly's super oversharing tendencies wouldn't put Clarissa off- Clarissa wouldn't really understand or be able to engage with it, but she wouldn't be horrified or revulsed. That's probably enough for Milly to consider Clarissa in the upper half of her best friends, really.

Re: privyet's pre-game planning party

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2024 6:34 am
by Privyet
Responses! (Also updated the OP --- minor additions to Milly and another character concept. A little iffy on certain parts and am very open to feedback in DMs.)
[+] EllisWilson
Wade Colter
I like the dynamic (if you can call it that) that you have in mind between Wade Colter and Milly. It makes a lot of sense --- while both Wade and Milly have Autism Spectrum Disorder, Milly clearly has a more difficult time masking, which could certainly make someone like Wade, who's put in a lot of work to learn certain skills that Milly lacks. One thing that I think would be neat is if there were certain times where Wade can't avoid Milly --- maybe they were assigned to sit next to each other in a particular class, maybe they have to work on a group project together --- who knows! One thing that might bug Wade in particular is the fact that Milly has trouble sitting still and rocks back and forth to lesser or greater degrees when sitting down. Unless Wade has outright told Milly that he dislikes her, Milly would be unaware and would likely try to talk to him if Wade can't just walk away.

Londyn Mackred
I also like what you have down for Londyn could be a lot of fun. The part about them trying to make Milly into a 'lolcow' is particularly interesting --- maybe Londyn's posted about Milly on KiwiFarms or This could be pretty dark, given how nasty those sites can be, but like you said, it probably wouldn't be successful. Milly is, ultimately, while fairly strange, also very boring. Even though she responds to any and every negative comment thrown her way, her life is very much the same each week.

Alec Yves
As for Alec, aside from going to the same school, I'm not sure if they would interact much. Maybe they're 'friends' --- as in, very surface-level 'friends' who don't see each other outside of school. Milly is non-threatening and generally agreeable, if a bit grating at times. I'm not sure if Milly would commission him --- it'd depend on Alec's willingness to draw borderline-yaoi images of Scooby Doo characters.
[+] Cicada
Ray Janeczek
This is fair!

Mona Marroquín
I like this! I think it'd be interesting if Mona and Milly were unironically friends, with the caveat that Milly would probably make things real uncomfortable, real fast. Every time Milly calls Mona her 'best friend,' it'd probably serve as a reminder of just how far Mona's fallen, social status-wise. I could definitely see them bonding over --- really, mainly over --- true crime. Mona would end up hearing a lot about Columbine. A worrying amount. How she relates strongly to Dylan Klebold. All of Milly's pet theories about Columbine, like how Brooks Brown was one of the shooters. How she wishes something like that'd happen at Red Rock. Stuff like that. Mona would probably learn that Milly can get really dark.

Milly probably wouldn't be the best at having boundaries, of course. I figure that their friendship, however it looks, would be fairly on-and-off, depending entirely on how willing Mona is to put up with her on any given week. Regardless, Milly would serve as an essentially bottomless narcissistsic supply for Mona: lots of nodding along and agreeing about how nothing's her fault.

Clarrisa Shoemaker
This is neat. Milly would probably overstate how well she knows Clarissa, up to the point of calling her a friend. Maybe even a best friend. The bar for 'best friend' is worryingly low for Milly.

Re: privyet's pre-game planning party

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2024 7:09 am
by Deblod100
I'm in the middle of possibly the smallest airport I ever been to in Africa, but I try to do things quick with my SI Mortimer.

For Rick, Mortimer sees him as a mixed bag, since he knows of his reputation and is hesitant to stick around him, but Rick might look up to Mortimer for being an edge lord, even though Mortimer doesn't see him as being a friend to him.

Mortimer was an unfortunate victim on going down the Milly rabbit hole internet footprint after he encountered Milly by accident while playing Pressure on Roblox. As a result, Mortimer thinks Milly is trying to be a serial killer or worse and avoids her like the plague.

Also, I don't have my computer, but make sure to check out my triple 777 girl boss thread for other possible relationships. And check out Mortimer's thread to get a better picture of him.

Re: privyet's pre-game planning party

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2024 5:32 pm
by Privyet
[+] Deblod100
Hiya! Thanks for the reply.

Rick and Mortimer (hehehehehe. get it?)
I'm not entirely sure if Rick would look up to Mortimer or if Mortimer would even register as being particularly edgy to Rick, who has an extremely high tolerance for that sort of thing. For example, one of Rick's interests is listed as Million Dollar Extreme, a deeply controversial comedy group whose founder donated thousands of dollars to the defense fund of a neo-Nazi website. He also previously flirted with incel and alt-right ideology in a half-serious, half-joking way, two things that are very, very, very extreme. I'd be willing to talk things out in PMs and figure something out, since there might be something here!

Milly and Mortimer
I like this and think it'd be worth expanding on a little bit; I especially like the detail that Mortimer first encountered Milly on Roblox. Given the course things took (Mortimer goes down the 'Milly rabbit hole' and decides avoiding her like the plague is the smartest choice), I think it'd be interesting if Milly and Mortimer were briefly acquainted, mainly communicating through the internet. Over the span of two weeks, Mortimer would end up receiving links to Milly's Tumblr and Twitter, and all the contents therein, along with some other stuff: a link to a thread on documentingreality, a 'true crime' website that's mostly a photodump for real-life gore and crime scene photos. While Mortimer seems to have an interest in graphic content, going off of your thread on him, it's probable that he'd find this to be, uh, a little horrifying. After that, it'd probably be very easy for Mortimer to completely cut off any contact he had with Milly.

Haven't had the time to check out your Triple 777 thread, but I'll try to over this week. Hope your stay at that airport wasn't too uncomfortable!

Re: privyet's pre-game planning party

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2024 1:11 pm
by Deblod100
I do have some questions regarding milly, but I wait until I get back home next week to ask.