The Power Of Love

One-Shot 1/7/25

The library at Red Rock is located within the English building, and takes up much of the first floor. It’s a bright and accommodating space thanks to its large glass windows, with sofas and chairs arranged to make seating areas. There are also computer banks, arranged in cross patterns throughout the center of the room.
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Survival Chances
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The Power Of Love


Post by Survival Chances »


On an ordinary day, Thomas would spend the morning before the first bell rang chatting with his friends, making jokes, and acting like idiots. Unfortunately for Thomas, he had work to do. I swear if I find the joker decided to give out schoolwork to work on during winter break… Thomas thought bitterly. There had been so much work to do he barely had time for his favorite thing when school was not in session: relaxing.

On days like today, Thomas would head to the library, pick an empty table, and work on his assignments while listening to some of his favorite music (mostly The Beatles, The Beach Boys, and random movie themes thrown in). Thomas had to work on the finishing touches of his winter break essay (on paper, to add salt to the wound!) and complete his backstory for his brand new DND character after the last one rolled one too many nat 1s. He also hoped to squeeze in time to recheck his script for the new film he was going to make with a few friends, but he was doubtful that would happen.

Thomas had finished his essay and was completing his character's backstory (good old-fashioned stupid charismatic bard) when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Geez… How many times have I had to tell ALL my friends that library time is my time!? Thomas popped out one of his earbuds and turned around, fully prepared to explain why the library was such a sacred place to get work done.

Instead, he was face-to-face with the librarian. She stared at him with annoyed eyes, as Thomas nervously peered around the library. Nobody was around. Thomas quickly raised his wrist and checked his pedometer. 3,005 steps… Not bad… But not important right now! Thomas quickly jabbed the button on the right side of his pedometer, which showed the numbers flash from his number of steps to a new few numbers, a few that showed it was now five minutes past the ringing of the first bell.

Thomas could hear his mom's voice echoing in his head. “Remember always to keep one ear open…” and quickly began to shove everything in his backpack. Thomas could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins. And to top it all off, Thomas had left his earbud in his ear and the song playing just so happened to be “The Power Of Love.” Now I know how Marty McFly felt!

As Thomas was finished packing when he realized that the librarian had been watching him the whole time. “Well?” She asked, most likely expecting a thanks for letting him know the time, or a sorry, or anything like that. Instead, thanks to the mix of adrenaline, music, and Thomas’ mind on Back To The Future, he decided to tell her, “As a young Doc Brown could have said: Great Scott, I’m late for class! Gotta run!”

Wow, that was stupid… Thomas thought. I didn’t even say the line correctly!

Thomas sprinted out of the library, hearing the librarian’s laughter behind him. At least I gave her a fun story to tell… Thomas clutched his rosary and prayed to god that his teacher had been busy using the bathroom… Or something like that… (Thomas continued in 15% or more or we're legally allowed to leave)
V9 characters:
Thomas Shaw - The Nerd
Chester Mullivan - The Kindhearted athlete
Kaede Miller - The Dramatic Theater kid
Samuel Burkholder - The Amish Guy
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