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Mona Marroquín

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 9:40 pm
by Cicada
Name: Ramona 'Mona' Antonio Marroquín
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
School: Southwest Red Rock High School
Hobbies and Interests: Spirituality, psychology, content creation and social media, trolling and memes, electronica and hyperpop, raves, anime and manga, video games, sewing, cosplay, thrifting, fashion, foodie culture

Appearance: Ramona is a Hispanic mestiza and has dark olive skin that easily tans. She is taller than average at 5’9” and has a classic hourglass figure, broad shoulders, large bust, and broad hips. She has raven black hair, naturally unruly and wavy that she meticulously keeps straightened. She lets it grow to her waistline and styles it with curtain bangs. She enjoys all sorts of hairstyles such as space buns, pigtails, and elaborate princess braids. Her body language is confident and assertive, and often she consciously makes it bouncy and energetic to a slightly exaggerated level.

Mona has light brown eyes in an almond shape. Her nose bridge is slightly concave. She has naturally full dusky tone lips with a prominent cupid's bow. She has dark under eye circles but will always conceal them with makeup even in the most casual of situations. Her eyebrows are thin, exaggeratedly arched, and well-groomed. She is very skilled with makeup and will wear all sorts of looks, her day to day usually being clean girl inspired, minus a love for bold eyeshadows such as orange and forest green.

She has a naturally powerful voice and doesn’t need much force to project it, and her pitch is high in the typical feminine range. Her common vocal affect is even more pitchy and light, as one might expect of a character from an anime, and she rarely drops this affect except around a trusted few such as her sister. She similarly rarely uses Spanish except with a trusted few despite being fully fluent in it

Mona has pierced ears and rotates between a number of colorful danglies, a lot of which were bought from anime conventions and have sentimental value to her. She does her own nails and generally files them into a short round shape with a wide variety of polishes. Mona has fashion inspired in equal parts by Asian streetwear and anime, and she prioritizes aesthetics over comfort. She takes pride in a lot of her clothes being handsewn and upcycled to some extent.

On the day of the abduction, she was wearing a black knit crop top with a white collar along with a high waist above-the-knee pencil skirt with a white lined windowpane pattern, specifically measured to slightly show a modest amount of stomach skin. She wore a single breasted dark blue blazer over this, left open. She wore a red neckerchief. For shoes, she wore white Doc Martens with inch platforms, customized with embroidery of floral shapes in black. She wore onyx star-shaped danglies in the style of those worn by Genshin Impact character Arlecchino. Her makeup was dramatic, with a floating eyeliner wing and asymmetrical eyeliner dots under each eye, along with bold white eyeshadow and deep red lipstick. Her hair was done up into a princess braid and ponytail, held in place with a red ribbon in a butterfly bow. Her nails were done in a glittery silver.

Biography: Ramona was born on the 21st of November, 2006, to Gustavo and Rosalina Marroquín. She was one of two children along with her younger sister Jimena, younger than her by three years. Her parents had illegally emigrated from their native Honduras several years before the birth of their two children, settling in the Westlake neighborhood of Los Angeles where they lived with Rosalina’s parents, Linda and Rafael Antonio. Gustavo worked in construction. Rosalina was a stay at home mom who regularly did volunteer work with a local Presbyterian church. Gustavo and Rosalina had a turbulent marriage, with regular falling outs and both Gustavo and Rosalina having affairs. The family’s finances were held up by Rafael, who was a salaried auto mechanic despite his age.

Mona was pleasant but temperamental as a child, easily frustrated and whiny when bored. From an early age she disliked schooling. She often went to church with her mother and preferred the environment there. Most of her friends were children from church. Mona identified proudly as Christian.

Mona’s favorite memories from the time included her time hanging out with friends and playing on their consoles that she had no access to at home. She has fond memories to this day of games like LittleBigPlanet and the Mario Party series. She also regularly accompanied her mother with volunteer work. Her most cherished memories are of working with her grandmother on projects. Linda recycled clothes from thrift stores, and Mona picked up such skills with guidance from her grandmother’s gentle and patient discipline.

When Mona was due to start the first grade her grandfather began to show signs of dementia. Rafael began to require assistance to get through his day to day tasks. The family was skeptical of government assistance as undocumented immigrants, despite qualifying for programs like Medicaid and California IHSS. Rosalina was forced into the workforce as a call center worker to make up for the loss of Rafael’s income. Her long hours lessened the time she had to take care of the children. Linda was entrusted with the household. Over time her husband's struggles began to degrade her mental health. She became depressed and quick to temper. Gustavo also began working overtime hours to ignore the mess at home.

Mona had to spend a lot of emotional and mental energy helping care for Jimena at home, as Jimena was a fussy and temperamental toddler. Mona prided herself on her religious identity and on being a good daughter and older sister, and focused on this over her academics. While she didn’t attempt to proselytize her classmates she viewed them as morally inferior and used this to other them and isolate herself at school.

When Mona began the second grade, her grandmother’s depression turned to lashing out at the women of the household. She continued to take care of the household while Rosalina worked, but her unpredictable temper reached abusive levels. She would berate and physically strike her daughter, and as for her granddaughters she likewise verbally abused them, cussing them out and callously insulting them. In the same manner she used to guide Mona she now began to do this abusively, whipping her with a belt for perceived slights such as poor grades and talking back.

Rosalina, busy with work as she was, could not always help Mona, and was conflicted on what to do even when around. Mona herself was also deeply conflicted with love for her still beloved grandmother. Most of all, she wanted to protect her younger sister. Linda generally only targeted the older women and left Jimena alone, but she directed her horrible behavior at Jimena often enough that Mona felt deep shame, especially since Mona could observe how Jimena was struggling in the bad environment despite Mona’s best efforts.

Rosalina, fearful of the consequences of CPS being called to a household of illegal immigrants, actively encouraged Mona to continue attending school and hanging out with friends as normal. Time with her friends from church, for a while, became a respite from the hypervigilance that resulted from her grandmother’s unpredictable abuse. She was exposed to age-inappropriate video games like Saints Row and GTA, and to anime and manga, which she also consumed in a desensitized manner, with her favorite titles including the Watamote series, Menemosyne, and Elfen Lied. Mona compartmentalized her attraction to age-inappropriate content and her strong belief in following the Bible. Mona felt obligated to help her mother out by pretending things were normal and did enjoy the times of reprieve, but this came with severe survivor's guilt. Leaving Jimena alone during those times, while they fortunately never ended in catastrophe, would haunt Mona. To this day she believes that some of the anxiety and PTSD that her younger sister still suffers is due to abandoning Jimena at times when she needed to be there.

This turbulence continued for a full year. Eventually, Mona’s grandmother’s abusive behavior died down as Linda entered a period of listlessness, spending most of her time sleeping and at her infirm husband’s side ignoring everyone. Jimena entered school, where Mona could watch over her. Jimena’s trauma manifested as avoidance and difficulty speaking, and was mistaken for neurodiversity or otherwise ignored by teachers.

Rosalina began to openly date other men and bring them into the house, and Mona grew accustomed to strange men coming and going. Gustavo would simply vanish from their family entirely by the time Mona was in the fifth grade.

Mona continued to go to church with her mother for a time, but Rosalina would eventually stop going to church due to a crisis of faith and considered herself an ex-Christian. Mona continued to go by herself. She would reflect on the words of her pastor and pray every night. With this time she developed a fairly comprehensive understanding of theology for her age. Her friends for the rest of elementary school remained those she met at church.

Mona kept to herself at school, and her grades stayed mediocre for lack of interest. She continued to shun classmates over religion. She also was preoccupied with being there for her sister at school. The two would do skits and impressions at lunch instead of hanging out with other kids. Jimena was her only school friend for the remainder of her elementary school years, and the sister duo would often go thrifting like Mona and her grandmother had used to. Mona taught Jimena some basic sewing. By the time Mona graduated elementary school she had few aspirations for her future besides getting a job without high educational requirements like her mother had.

The boyfriend of Mona’s mother at the time, Joseph Clayton, decided to go steady with Rosalina after they’d dated for a year. Mona had come to like him as he was friendly and kind. Joseph was a practicing Muslim and Mona found herself okay with this despite her usual disdain for those she didn’t believe were solid Christians. She enjoyed getting the perspective and differing worldview of someone she felt she could trust, especially with her broad interest in theology. Joseph announced that he wished to return to Las Vegas to be closer to family, and wanted Rosalina and the kids to move in with him.

Mona was thus able to get a fresh start for her middle school years, along with finally being able to open up to a father figure in her life. Joseph was firmly upper middle class as a senior engineer for Allegiant Air and owner of several rental properties. Joseph hired proper in-home services to make sure Rosalina’s parents remained well cared for. Jimena was able to get a level of professional help she needed, which lightened Mona’s emotional burden significantly. Joseph also offered to hire counseling services for Mona, but Mona declined to consent, thinking she didn’t need it. Joseph would regularly make the offer from then on, his concern for Mona growing over time, but as a recent figure in her life he didn’t feel comfortable forcing the issue at the time.

In school, Mona would use her developed sewing skills to start making costumes for her middle school’s theater productions. She took pride in her work and the friendships it earned her. Mona also joined the school’s anime club, where she was able to recommend the more obscure, edgy anime she already knew about. She was invited to watchalong’ parties regularly at friends houses, and for once was able to invite friends over to her own home now that it was a safe and pleasant environment. She now had plenty of friends to play video games with, and played regularly. In particular, she was a fan of playing ranked in shooters such as Call of Duty and Overwatch, along with online sessions of Civilization V and VI, a game that she was introduced to by friends.

Mona’s grades started to improve. She was motivated by seeing her sister come out of her shell at school and decided she wanted to be a therapist someday. She worked harder in classes and began to do extracurricular reading and research on psychology and therapeutic schools of thought, which she found also appealed to her developed spirituality in producing a holistic view of the human condition. Overall in her middle school years Mona enjoyed positive social attention. She was considered attractive by peers and had her first casual dates with boys. Her confidence made her often come off in a good light as a leader who could get groups of her friends organized during activities and school projects.

However, Mona remained heavily affected by her childhood struggles. Unconsciously she viewed the friends she’d made as people who would potentially hurt or abandon her. Her hyperalert paranoia led to her still withdrawing from friend’s lives at odd intervals, and also testing the loyalty of her friends with arguments and other petty efforts. At points she would be tempted to rifle through diaries and even phones during sleepovers to check on her friends' opinions of her.

As Mona graduated into high school she for a time was nominally popular and perceived as cool for her looks and talent, getting invited to parties. She was a key stage crew member for her costuming skills, along with briefly having a leadership role in the on-campus anime and horror clubs.

She started to get into cosplay around this time. Her thrifting skills lent themselves to the hobby. While she did not need to rely on them as her family could buy any supplies she needed, she regardless relied on it both for personal enjoyment and to build a brand, starting a YouTube channel where she posted tutorials for constructing cosplays from upcycling. She started an Instagram dedicated to her work. She found she preferred the attention of anonymous people to those in real life, as her unconscious social paranoia was lessened allowing her to feel less anxious.She slowly and surely built a following, and liked to cosplay characters from popular anime and manga such as Nobara Kugisaki from Jujitsu Kaisen and the Bomb Devil from Chainsaw Man.

At the end of her freshman year she started a relationship with a basketball player, Manuel "Mañana" Hernández. She was attracted to him for his confidence, and related to him for how deeply he cared for his siblings, and he also taught her to cook. This was her first serious relationship, and they grew very close within their first summer as a couple, with Mona trusting him enough to share some of the more vulnerable details of her background with him. However, as they got closer the maladaptive behaviors stemming from her unresolved trauma began to detrimentally affect the relationship. Mona became jealous of any woman Mañana grew close to, her paranoia leading her to see them as threats. She attempted to control Mañana’s time and schedule, and his headstrong personality led to him not going along with her demands. Her genuine affection for him was slowly twisted into distrust and possessiveness.

Not helping was her developing a social media presence driven by melodrama and toxicity. While she initially justified her fascination with crueler online personalities and fandom drama as academic curiosity driven by her fascination with psychology, she began to internalize more degenerate manners of social interaction due to her hours engaging with it and surrounding herself with similar people.

By the end of her sophomore year Mona was sending anonymous threats and vitriol to people Mañana was close to and going through his phone and emails, She repeatedly stood by what she’d done instead of showing remorse despite his efforts to give her more chances. He put her on public blast as part of their acrimonious breakup, providing evidence of her behavior to his peers. The incident was ugly and included the two coming to physical blows.

The news spread quickly through most of the school’s social scene and Mona’s image was ruined in a matter of days as other friend’s suspicions of her were vindicated. She lost a lot of friends in a snowball effect as associating with her became a detriment to one’s own reputation, and Mona found her presence in her old clubs generally unwelcome.

Disciplinary action resulted with the school administration intervening. Evidence that could be connected to her was produced by Mañana and a few of her other victimized friends providing private DMs and messages. This was sufficient to lead to a few weeks suspension, a required public apology to the students who had come forward with evidence of her cyberbullying, and requirements to be under close supervision by a school counselor. Mona was especially humiliated by the requirement for a public apology, and she only went through with it due to her parents demanding she did.

Mona’s mother and informal father were shocked by the sudden eruption of her slightly worrisome tendencies into something that might ruin her future. Her rejection of therapy was no longer tolerated despite her continued arguments against it, and her relationship with her parents only didn’t degrade further because Jimena remained deeply faithful in the good in her sister and advocated for Mona to her parents, reminding them of how good an older sister Mona was.

Mona, to her own surprise, did enjoy the company of both the school counselor and her private therapist. She enjoyed the deep attention to her psyche and the insights into why she behaved the way she did on an intellectual level, but she ultimately dismissed them due to not matching her strongly developed sense of self and worldview. She has attended therapy since the incident, but despite her close rapport with her therapist she has only achieved superficial progress, only enough to make her parents satisfied she is improving despite her stubborn self-image making real progress impossible. She truly loves her family enough to want to show them she is okay which is part of why she has kept her head down at school despite her continued urges to lash out.

Mona’s grades slipped to barely passing once more, especially with all the schoolwork she’d missed. She lost interest in her career ambitions in therapy. She began to seek alternatives for building a future for herself. She mourned the loss of Mañana to an extent that still continues to this day due to raw feelings over him leaving her despite the deeply private things she’d trusted him with. Conversely, she maintained little love for her other dissolved social connections.

Mona expanded her focus on content creation, having much more time to work on her presence online. In addition to her Instagram and TikTok content she began to stream on Twitch, developing an identity as a variety game streamer with her broad love of many video game genres, as well as secondarily being a reaction streamer. She has a naturally engaging style with few filters and quick quips, similar to that she maintains with her sister Jimena.

Mona’s focusing on building herself into the person she wanted to be outside of her high school setting means she has put more effort into being unique with her style compared to when she was copying trends among her peers, as opposed to making styles to appeal to herself. She had the time to focus heavily on tutorials and further developing to the point that she could impress older women in her social circles outside of school with her artistry. She wears the bold looks she does both to impress others with her skill and because it lets her express herself.

Mona looked to anime conventions to socialize in a non-school setting and grow her brand, and has attended Seattle’s SakuraCon and Los Angeles’ Anime Los Angeles every year since 2023. She also affiliates with the anime clubs of local colleges and has a major social presence in them independent of her poor high school reputation. By the time she was eighteen she had the presence in the scene to be invited to be a judge for the cosplay contest of the local Sin City Anime.

With her heavy engagement in the anime community online Mona would naturally be exposed to anime aesthetic music like nightcore and happy hardcore. Positive associations and memories have led her modern playlists being mostly electronica. In particular, she came to love the energetic and frenetic sounds of hyperpop, and its association with the aesthetics of online toxicity and irony that she enjoys. Among her favorite modern artists are Sewerslvt, 100 gecs, and Frost Children, and she has extensive playlists of similar music that she will play on her streams.

As a natural extension of her music tastes and the crowds she hung out with Mona came to enjoy raves, her first being the night rave at Sakuracon 2023, which was an all ages dance. As many rave events are eighteen and twenty one plus Mona depends on falsified ID provided by her friends, who encourage her to join them. Mona in turn feels belonging, being treated as an adult by actual adults that she respects more than her peers in Red Rock.

Raves are a way for her to cut loose with friends, and to show off her aesthetics as she’s regularly praised by friends for her carefully thought out rave cosplay and outfits. Mona would be regularly invited to local raves by her older friends as they came to trust her as a member of their circle, and she makes it a point at any anime convention she attends to be at the rave every night. As Mona is not shy about posting her raves on social media her parents are well aware of what she is up to. Her mother, still somewhat conservative despite renouncing religion, was convinced to allow Mona to do as she would by Joseph. Joseph was relieved that Mona was finding new friends after how much she’d struggled socially in the wake of her incident with Mañana. A few of Mona’s closer friends in her rave and anime club social circles have started hanging out at her place regularly, and their behavior proved truly considered Mona a friend which earned them the benefit of the doubt from Mona’s parents that she was safe in her new hobbies.

Mona at present mostly keeps to herself at school. She puts minimal effort into schoolwork and coasts. She is coldly polite when she must work with peers she does not trust. She is careful to avoid another incident like the one that landed her in trouble in the first place out of consideration for her family’s peace of mind.

Mona has not seriously entertained romance since her break up with Mañana. She consciously considers herself too mature for high school romance, and makes it a point to outwardly be attracted to older men such as friends from local college anime clubs and men she meets at conventions, though she maintains boundaries for anything past flirting. She is straight, and while she is not queerphobic and affiliates with many queer identified people online, she has only a mercenary level of allyhood, treating it mostly as a way to categorize others.

Outside of school one thing she particularly enjoys is trying new restaurants. She loves the opportunity to treat her few friends and her family on a regular basis while using food photography to add to her Instagram and YouTube shorts content. She has no preferences for cuisine and has developed an expansive taste, along with a fairly developed vocabulary for critiquing the eateries she goes to, to the point that she considers herself a legitimate authority on Las Vegas restaurants of all price points.

Her regular presence in a variety of conventions and networks of fellow nerds has given her the ability to start making content that deep dives into the drama and history of conventions and content creators, in the vein of YouTubers such as Izzzyzzz. Her cosplay content has also expanded and she also produces monthly costume tutorials. Upon hitting eighteen she began to do risque cheesecake-esque cosplays, as she has no inhibitions about using her looks in a transactional manner to get clicks and grow her fanbase and notoriety. While she doesn't mind showing skin, she does it to an extent that does not actually fit her aesthetic preferences for her social media photos, strictly for the attention and engagement.

Her follower counts have reached twenty thousand and growing on both YouTube and Instagram, and between this and her regular stream viewers on Twitch she makes an average of eight hundred a month pre-tax.

Her present day beliefs are contradictory, as she has a fairly developed set of insights due to her history of research into spirituality and psychology and continued interest despite her giving up on those dreams of higher education in such subjects. She allows her personal biases and beliefs to distort her intellectual understanding. She has more interest in using psychology and theology to justify her hedonism, her poor view of her high school age contemporaries, and to make memes. This gives her otherwise legitimate body of knowledge significant flaws that she is too arrogant and disaffected to acknowledge.

She continues to consider herself Christian, though her spirituality is complicated, and she has stopped going to church. She has not voted and has no intent to engage in politics beyond memes and hot takes. She feels most comfortable keeping her opinions as thought exercises and she is generally apathetic to the real world consequences of most things she considers.

One of Mona’s closest friends in her senior year is Jimena, currently a freshman, who is more socially connected as a member of the cheer team. Jimena continues to struggle with anxiety attacks when overstimulated socially, and Mona is the sole person she will let herself be comforted by in these incidents. Jimena will openly praise and defend her older sister despite Mona requesting Jimena protect herself and minimize affiliation, which does genuinely hearten Mona in a way most of her other relationships fall short of.

Mona’s social circles in her senior year are small when she is on Red Rock campus. Over time the stigma attached to her has faded from immediate memory, but most people in the know remain leery of letting her close, and she in turn holds little love for her peers due to lingering bitterness and resentment. Her few friends at school are generally old friends from anime club and theater who have let her back in to some degree. She also associates with a few budding content creators she works with on collaborations and gives advice to. She is generally not close to these people as well, and will only spend time with them in passing or through social media. She does not go to any clubs, and generally gets most of her socialization from her online friends and friends outside of school.

Mona has increasingly begun to spend on treating friends and herself to restaurants, with a large portion of the income she makes off content creation going right into her foodie habits. Her therapist has suggested she has a poor relationship with food between her preoccupation with her appearance, a lingering resentment of cooking due its association with Mañana, and using food as a way of coming to terms with her guilt with Jimena as she is particularly quick to treat Jimena to anything she wants. Mona has dismissed this on multiple occasions as she does not self-diagnose herself to have the traditional marks of an eating disorder. However Mona rarely finishes meals compared to how much she spends on them. She regularly claims to be on a diet and shows no signs of unhealthy weight loss, and as a result her potential to develop an eating disorder at some point in her future remains unnoticed by loved ones.

With the sort of company Mona parties with, she has been exposed during recent raves to a number of harder drugs than those typically used by teenagers her age. Mona has tried party drugs such as ketamine and ecstasy that are casually passed around, and enjoyed her experience on them to enhance the experience and further integrate with the groups. She trusts the older, more experienced members among her rave buddies to keep a protective eye on her while tripping, and does not watch for her personal safety as much as she should.

This lack of care and self-awareness put Mona in a dangerous place once. Mona went up to Seattle in early December of 2023 to visit one of her closest friends. The two attended a local cosplayer mixer where drugs were available. Mona overestimated her ketamine dose and was in such a dissociated state she could easily have been taken advantage of. She was rescued by her friend, who tracked Mona down in time and stayed with her while her trip wore off. This friend has warned her to start going to raves sober and to generally be more careful, but the advice hasn’t stuck with Mona, and she remains too lackadaisical and confident with her actions at parties and raves.

Mona maintains a positive life at home and genuinely enjoys time with her family, who approve of her content creation career plans with her existing monetization as proof of concept. Her parents' concerns about her stability remain, but are generally assuaged by Mona’s energetic lifestyle and her ability to stay out of further trouble at school. Dialogue between them and Mona is positive, and Mona enjoys discussing her career moves with her parents and getting their feedback, albeit leaving out the more questionable details. Rosalina and Joseph have not been shy about hinting that they intend to get engaged at some point in 2025. Mona is only somewhat familiar with the extended family she’ll have through Joseph, but they have already taken a liking to her and she is not worried about her potential future with the new family. She is very open to the idea of taking the Clayton name, which she and Jimena have already discussed at length.

The in-home assistance for Rosalina’s parents continues and from the nurse reports Linda has recovered from her depression and is active around the house once more, and Rafael is stable. Bringing up the idea of visiting them is awkward at the family dinner table, and Mona is personally conflicted on if she could handle a reunion with the woman who still occasionally shows in her nightmares. As a family they have so far demurred on a potential visit, and have not been back to Los Angeles since leaving.

Mona focuses on her life outside of Red Rock, which she feels is going very positively, despite being embroiled in drama and often disliking her peers in these social settings. She has a very transactional view of most people, and with her few friends her controlling and paranoid tendencies are only barely kept in check by her conscious effort and an unconscious tendency towards avoidance.

Advantages: Mona is disinhibited, unattached, and already expresses a heavily misanthropic perspective of the vast majority of her peers, so she may be more inclined to take actions conducive to her survival even if they would harm others. Mona is very self-assured in her own correctness and moral virtue, so she will be able to justify her actions to herself and deal with less mental stress as a consequence of her actions.
Disadvantages: Mona is reclusive and when people do remember her, she has a very poor reputation so she will likely be distrusted, and have a difficult time peacefully navigating group situations. Due to her paranoia around others, Mona will likely sabotage any successful group settings with unpredictably rash and self-serving actions that will alienate potential allies. Mona’s self-assuredness can backfire, she is less intelligent and observant than she believes herself to be and she will be overconfident in both her situational awareness and self awareness to the point that she may take risks that will not work in her favor.

Re: Mona Marroquín

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 11:45 pm
by Deamon
Hi there CIc! I'll be taking a look at Mona for you today who is a good start but requires some work and smoothing out before she'll be ready to go into pregame. So let's get into it.

The first and most major issue of this pass is that this abuse and neglect at home is at such an extreme level that I find it hard to believe no one would notice. This child is cooking and doing all her laundry for herself at around age 6-7 and is also having meals withheld and is being beaten by her grandma. Mona has been stuck in this environment for multiple years but is still attending school and going to friends houses and there is no mention of anyone noticing anything amiss and then she is suddenly withdrawn from all social activity? It strains believability in a big way. Someone would question this and from there everything would unravel fairly quickly. I think it would be best if you scaled some of this back, my suggestion would be to pick one thing to have happen rather than both at once. So either Rosalina is absent and neglectful and Linda also becomes so after Rafael's condition worsens or you can have Linda be abusive towards everyone and Rosalina being cowed by that but still present to handle the household. The way this is presently covered though it is very likely that something would happen with an authority of some kind just because it is not very possible for one of these girls to go through all of this and not break the act at some stage, they are both too young and the issues are so overwhelming that eventually something would cause it all to come crashing down.
As she began to hit puberty male peers treated her even worse, mocking her for her developing body, and she withdrew further.
She was being treated badly by her peers? This is the first time this is brought up so it will either need to be added or changed to reflect that this was a new development and not an escalation of something that was already happening.
In school, Mona began to blossom.
You need a comma after school here.
She was invited to watchalong parties regularly at friends' houses
Apostrophe after the S on friends.

The paragraph starting with Mona's grades improving and the one covering her middle schools can be combined as they're both covering similar details.
However beneath the surface Mona’s mentality remained heavily affected by her early childhood struggles.
Comma after however.
She showed signs of long term PTSD
Long-term, we need the hyphen.

As part of Mona's whole issue with her behaviour and beliefs comes from her toxic traits picked up from places like 4chan and kiwi farms etc. I'd like some explanation as to how she discovers these sites and why the ideas espoused there are something she puts stock in. As currently, she is just on them and becomes blackpilled. So it feels like we have gone from A to C and skipped B entirely.

The paragraphs about Mona's relationship with Mañana can be combined. On the subject of this relationship, I am unsure why her fight with him would result in her requiring to take state-mandated remedial classes if it was dealt with by the school. At current it is unclear if the people were just fellow classmates, which the school could probably handle perfectly fine by themselves especially if it was just focused on one relationship, or if Mona had a more substantial issue with her behavior in online environments that required a more severe punishment.
between them when the break up occurred.
Breakup is one word.
with some leniency considering it was a first time offense and that Mona was still a minor.
First-time has a hyphen.
Mona, to her own surprise, did enjoy the company of the psychiatrist and her state mandated remedial classes.
State-mandated has a hyphen.
Mona’s radicalization continued unabated as she turned to her online communities as she had little that mattered to her at school except few friends.
You need an A after except.
Conversely she maintained little love for her other dissolved social connections.
Comma after conversely
The expectations of streamer circles to have an inherent environment of toxicity and unverified rumors and accusations allowed her naturally adopt a more disaffected personality with hot takes that allowed her growing tendencies to be volatile and acerbic to be less of a social risk.
You need a To after her and before naturally.
conventions on the west coast in cities like Los Angeles, San Jose, Portland, and Seattle.
West Coast is the name of a region so should be capitalised.
Mona, junior year on, mostly keeps to herself at school,
I think you are missing some words here.
Mona has entertained few suitors since her break up with Mañana,
A few suitors.

The part about Mona getting her driving license is randomly brought up and just needs some clarification to not come out of nowhere, so just say that its her drivers license and what age she got it at. Also when did she get a car if she got one at all.

Have her mother and her partner at no point ever thought about teaching Mona how to cook?

I am a little confused in how Mona's parents pay for her to go to all these conventions but then she is the one treating them to meals at restaurants, and she is also going to fine dining restaurants, so how is she affording this exactly? This could just be a paragraph-order issue but the loose nature of how much she makes from Twitch and such makes it hard to gauge where we're at with this.

When did Mona start up a YouTube and start making content on it? As up until this point she's just had a Twitch.

The two sentences about cosplay can be added to the rest of the paragraph about her content creation as it fits fine there.
However her knowledge as a whole has begun to decay as she consumes more biased content through her online circles,
Comma after however.
This leads her to taking on right wing political beliefs including Christian Zionism and MAGA tendencies
Right-wing in this context would have a hyphen.
She keeps these beliefs to herself and trusted friends loosely, knowing her career aspirations could be sunk with some of the bigoted and hateful ideas she has endorsed in private, but due to her disinhibitions she does not tightly practice infosec and some rumors about her are abound in her online circles, if generally hushed.
This sentence is very messy and will need to be tidied up.
and is even weary of people she does trust outside of her immediate family.
I think you mean wary here rather than weary.
Mona is very self assured in her own correctness and moral virtue
Self-assured has a hyphen.

And that is everything I got on this pass, so after you've made the edits post back here and I'll give Mona another look.

Re: Mona Marroquín

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 3:33 am
by Cicada
Thanks for the critique, very appreciated! GDocs version of the edited profile with major changes highlighted.

In summary:
  • As you recommended I dialed down the amount of abuse the poor girls were being put through by their grandmother. She continued to act as housekeeper while Rosalina had to work, so the state of the household did not deteriorate, and Rosalina also remained present in the children's lives during these difficult times moreso than in the profile pre-edit.
  • As recommended the intervention due to her cyberbullying is now limited to the school admin level.
  • I cut out the element of her character where she falls into the alt-right/4chan/Kiwi Farms/truth social/whatever rabbit hole and made her terminally online persona an extension of her deeply integrating her life into fandom and its associated drama. She's no longer right wing, moreso apathetic and contrarian for dopamine and clicks.
  • With the above I realigned her hobbies into those one might expect of an anime-focused content creator, specifically raving. I added details about her rave friends introducing her to party drugs in her senior year, for however many alarm bells that sets off for you I apologize in advance.
  • I realized while rewriting that her foodie tendencies and focus on her appearance for professional reasons would lend itself to some form of disordered eating likely arising. This is probably also a step back and I apologize in advance again.
  • Generally the profile is about 1k words shorter though that might not help TBH.

Re: Mona Marroquín

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 10:04 pm
by Deamon
Hi Cic! Mona is looking a lot better, the work you did to tone down the abusive and far-right elements has definitely paid off as she's in a much better place now in terms of the progress of her how her childhood experience informs her behaviour as she grows up. As such this time it's going to be a lot of grammar and some questions for expansion purposes. So let's dive in.
Her eyebrows are thin, exaggeratedly arched, and well groomed.
On the day of the abduction she was wearing a black knit crop top with a white collar
Comma after abduction
For shoes she wore white Doc Martens with inch platforms,
Comma after shoes
She wore onyx star shaped danglies in the style of those worn by Genshin Impact character Arlecchino.
Star-shaped needs a hyphen.
Gustavo began working overtime hours to ignore the mess at home.
Maybe throw an also in here in front of began.
for a while, became respite from the hypervigilance that resulted from her grandmother’s unpredictable abuse.
Missing the A before respite.
Eventually Mona’s grandmother’s abusive behavior died down as Linda entered a period of listlessness,
Comma after eventually.
Mona grew accustomed to stranger men coming and going.
I think you accidentally put stranger men instead of strange men.
In particular she was a fan of playing ranked in shooters such as Call of Duty and Overwatch,
Comma after particular.

The sentence about her maladaptive behaviours negatively affecting the relationship with Mañana, comes out of nowhere and reads as a fragment rather than a sentence by itself. So you'll want to find a way to smooth its entry into the paragraph.
Not helping was her developing an increasingly toxic social media presence driven by melodrama and toxicity.
This can probably be neatened up by saying she developed a social media presence driven by melodrama and toxicity. As at the moment what you're saying is she developed a toxic social media presence driven by toxicity, which is a tad redundant.
Mona’s radicalization continued unabated as she turned to her online communities with her social life in school ruined by her reputation.
I think this is a holdover from the previous draft that slipped through, but with Mona no longer being blackpilled I'm not sure radicalization is the correct word to use here.
being treated as an adult by actual adults that she respects more than her peers in Red Rocks.
Hate to be pedantic, but the school is Red Rock, not Red Rocks. You do this a couple of times in the profile so this will need to edited.

What does Mona enjoy about going to raves? I ask as we don't have this information in the profile currently.

While we are here and on the subject of the raves, I assume her parents aren't aware of this behaviour? Have there also ever been any issues when at a rave or any moments when she's encountered trouble at a rave?
she makes an average of eight hundred a month pre tax.
Pre-tax needs a hyphen.
preoccupation with her appearance- Mona rarely finishes meals compared to how much she spends on them- a lingering resentment of cooking due its association with Mañana,
This should be hyphens, it should be em-dashes—like so—the keyboard code for an em-dash is alt+0151, also you either need no spaces or a space on either side.

I'd like further details of Mona's current relationship with both her mother and I can't believe it's not a father as at the moment this is fairly glossed over at the end of the profile. Do they still have any contact with Rosalina's parents at all?

In regards to Mona's social life at Red Rock, does she actually have friends there or is it just a very limited amount? If so, what sort of friends and group is it in general?

And that is everything! Post back here once these edits have been made and I'll look at Mona again for you.

Re: Mona Marroquín

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:06 am
by Cicada
Thank you, once more! The link to all major changes made. I did add an incident with her party drug usage to highlight her carelessness and over-confidence, and tried to elaborate further on all other points you wanted more details on.

Re: Mona Marroquín

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 10:12 pm
by Deamon