if there were two kids on an island and one of them killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what
Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2025 8:44 pm
by Fenris
hey i have no idea what i'm doing anymore so i'm going to throw children at the wall to see what sticks (because the children are dead now and entrails are sticky, do you get it, that was a very funny joke). i have very few set ideas at the moment so if you want to do stuff with me hit me up and i will probably roll with it! i will be stalking the rest of yalls threads at some point too probably
i should probably not make more characters but i probably will so watch this space maybe hahaha guess what i did
i should probably not make more characters but i probably will so watch this space maybe hahaha guess what i did
- [+] weeb prince
Hunter Kim
summary: terrible beautiful weeb twink. terminal writer of checks his fists can't cash but he won't let that stop him. unfortunately talented and mildly internet-famous, at least enough to worsen his ego problem. maybe one day he'll find another positive character trait!
points:- very pretty, extremely aware of it, extremely high maintenance. do not touch his hair. yes it is as soft as it looks
- weeb extraordinaire. reads more manga than he watches anime but plenty of both. gamer boy but single player only because gamers are gross, duh
- super into j-fashion as a subset of his weebdom. has cleared out the stock of every OMOCAT collection since 2020
- is a fairly prolific content creator. initially did vocaloid covers exclusively, developed a small fandom on that, and branched out into vtubing after spending an entire summer basically doing nothing but working on a Live2D avatar. has a decent amount of subs and is unfortunately unfairly good at singing, and drawing, and pretending to be likeable on the internet. sn: hunterxxh, name HUNTER
- grinding all day every day. if he can't be actively working on content he's probably networking. if he's not doing either he is probably making you suffer for making him do something else
- irl his primary priority is to cause problems on purpose at least when he has the energy to bother caring about irl people at all
- constantly working on something or another whether it be Content or Scheming, chronically exhausted as a result, the eye bags just means hes grinding harder than you
- chronic party-attender for the Drama and also the boys even tho tbh he'd rather be streaming
- has probably locked himself into an unsustainable cycle of work and creation and not sleeping but you would too if your numbers looked this good
- naturally irritable but capable of turning on the in-character streamer Charm when needed, like if you are a boy who is cute, or if he wants to get under your skin
- or maybe if he actually likes you (rare)
- positive qualities: talented, hard-working, ambitious, charming
- negative qualities: petty, argumentative, egotistical, superficial
- basically any sufficiently cute boy that he may have kissed at some point in the past (current relationship may range from "he's fun at parties" to "please don't remind me he exists")
- possible actual ex-boyfriends if anyone could suffer long enough
- maybe one guy hunter has an actual doki doki in his heart for if you hate your kid enough for that
- fellow weeb types - hunter is probably not a staple at anime club because he has too much shit going on but he probably drops in occasionally. he can poke at people's weak spots in arguments to get rises but he does looove talking about things he's invested in. he may even let you also talk
- possible fans of his content, probably overlapping with "fellow weebs" but its reasonably obvious if you see hunter irl that his content is his, so if you were a fan you'd probably guess. again Unfortunately he's pretty good at all the stuff he does so it would not be unreasonable
- maybe some like actual friends??? if it hasn't been made clear yet hunter is not super easy to get along with but i'd like him to have at least a few people he has an actual soft spot for through some manner or another. maybe friends from when they were younger, maybe someone who just meshes well with him in conversation and doesn't get tripped up by the land mines he drops mid-dialogue, maybe someone who honestly admires how much work he puts into things. i swear theres a befriendable boy in there somewhere you just might need to dig a little bit
- [+] apathy prince
Trent Taylor
summary: Dysthymia (/dɪsˈθaɪmiə/ dihs-THIY-mee-uh), also known as persistent depressive disorder (PDD),[3] is a mental and behavioral disorder,[5] specifically a disorder primarily of mood, consisting of similar cognitive and physical problems as major depressive disorder, but with longer-lasting symptoms.
points:- like, you know, whatever?
- heterosexual life partners with boogie's Sirius which is ironic because they're both gay
- they're in a very shitty band that only has a bassist and a drummer and no they're not going to get more members that would like throw off the vibes probably
- will basically do anything you ask him to do as long as it will take less than 5 minutes and less than 1% of his energy
- either was diagnosed with dysthymia in late elementary/early middle school and his meds aren't doing much or hasn't been diagnosed, haven't decided yet; either way he has sort have just figured this is what life is and it's fine. his relevant symptoms: general lack of emotional range for most things, chronically low-energy, has to be reminded to eat, alternates between sleeping not at all and waaaay too much
- eats real food like once a day and/or when someone makes him but is constantly eating candy, like he constantly just has candy for some reason and it is always in his mouth
- has So many games on his phone because one of those games will maybe unlock the serotonin one day
- really into two things: playing the drums and professional wrestling
- if you ever want to magically charge him with energy please ask for his opinions about jey uso and its like wow that's an alive boy!
- generally content to drift around in life like a balloon on a string that Sirius carries around
- would be cool if he could find something that makes life a little less like that but you know, honestly, it's fine? this is fine.
- actually a pretty funny dude, it is probably a coping mechanism, but if absurdist dark humor is your brand he's got you
- probably anyone who gets to know him outside of Sirius would be at least mildly worried about him all things considered but like seriously he's fine. he ate like yesterday he's not going to drop dead if he doesn't eat today you know?
- positive qualities: idk man im just here
- negative qualities: stuff probably
- you know........ whatever..... sorry ill cut the bit
- anyone into professional wrestling at all, he wears wrestling t-shirts as like half his wardrobe so he's not hiding lmao
- other musicians - ive seen that there's like a million bands planned for pregame atm, maybe theres a friendly rivalry thing happening, maybe they just run in the same circles. trent does have a lot of feelings about the Art of Drumming and such so other drummers might get along with him
- maybe a guy that he had to interact with for a group project or something and now he has a feeling about and he's just keeping it in a Disallowed Feelings Basement
- maybe a guy he dated at some point and they broke up because his brain never stopped being Like That
- any mom friends who want to try to keep him from slowly killing himself (he's fine he swears etc)
- whoever else might have wandered into his life and found him interesting for some reason or another
- [+] doing his best prince
Ezra Weiss
summary: athletic, smart, popular, has his life together, wow look at him go! wow look at him drown. wow he does appear to be drowning. oh dear
points:- cool popular athletic boy, involved in two sports (probably baseball and ??? still considering)
- also very smart, making straight As, or else he was up until relatively recently
- generally appears to be pretty perfect, his obvious lack of confidence tends to come across as "modesty" because come on, what could he possibly be insecure about
- truth? he's flailing. he's a decent teammate at [sports] but not at a level that it would get him to college and his grades have been tanking as he's been crashing from the pressure
- his parents are Extremely overwhelming, and his older siblings are fuckups, so he's the one who's supposed to Make It
- is very definitely going to an ivy league school you guys, haha, (frantically photoshops an acceptance letter together)
- really desperately needs therapy but is extremely reluctant to make other people party to his problems
- perfectly happy to listen to other people's problems though! please make him your sounding board he is fine with it
- has a general emotional hierarchy of "people who are important to him" and will generally agree with whoever he loves the most in an argument regardless of who's right
- has a golden retriever named Simon he would literally die for
- emotionally invested in the state of the flowers he grows in his backyard
- keeps a fairly extensive journal that is sometimes just violent ink scribbles because thats how things have been going lately
- generally just a really nice dude. invested in making sure other people are doing okay. burning his clothes to keep other people warm (metaphorically)
- positive qualities: kind, athletic, diplomatic, understanding
- negative qualities: anxious, insecure, passive, timid
- shock of all shocks i am writing a Straight Boy, he is currently taken but crushes/exes are possible
- generally should be part of the Popular Squad for whatever that is worth, particularly friendly with members of the baseball and ??? teams [i will figure out what the ??? team is eventually]
- a wide variety of general acquaintances, ezra is nice to pretty much everyone he meets and if you want to drop a drama bomb on him for some reason he Will listen to you
- very possible at some point he pissed someone off by not taking sides in an argument (or taking the Wrong Side because he didnt want to make someone specific mad)
- relatedly if someone doesn't like him because they think he's two-faced or a wuss (he Will be sad about this)
- oh yeah he's also jewish and not really religious but gets dragged to temple by family now and then so he may or may not know any other jewish kids in this class by default
- [+] poet princess
Marina Bandura
summary: there is so much beauty in this world that its impossible not to feel joy! by beauty i only partly mean cute girls, and by partly i mean mostly. sometimes there are also flowers. and cats! and sunsets!
points:- tall, thighs that could kill a man, could and will carry you if you let her
- also the girliest girl to ever do it. pure aesthetics always. gauzy fabrics and layers and flowers woven into her hair and oh whats this she is taking one out and giving it to you
- never did decide if she wanted to be the princess or the brave knight. has settled on a compromise
- is so romantic you will either swoon or throw up, there is no in-between. will write you a poem comparing your eyes to the ocean at sunset or something and she will mean every word of it
- is just so full of feelings about everything! they are mostly positive feelings. she is less literate about the negative ones
- the positive ones come out in the form of an extremely cluttered poetry journal (volume like 15 or something who even knows)
- trying really hard to learn to paint so her feelings can also be Visual but like... wow it's kinda hard yknow?
- her moms met playing roller derby so of course that is now her deepest dream and passion. she has been trying to come up with a name for years now
- hockey is also neat, and probably a more realistic prospect or something,, but roller derby,,, [mod squad still out as to whether there's a women's hockey team at red rock so either she's on the team or just a fan/plays casually]
- thrift shop queen, very skilled at modifying things to fit her style (and just to fit her in general), can take a bag of scraps and make the weirdest dress you've ever seen but it Will do the spinny thing
- just a big softie in general. loves animals and flowers and friends and all kinds of beautiful things
- relentlessly, sometimes exhaustingly optimistic
- will probably miss it completely if someone quietly dislikes her but if someone vocalizes that feeling she will instantly crumble into dust at your feet
- positive qualities: cheerful, romantic, creative, exuberant
- negative qualities: oblivious, naive, fragile, simply too girlypop
- g i r l s marina said All Women Are Queens and she was so real for that. possibly a currently girlfriend, possibly ex-girlfriends who were too exhausted by her to stay together (possibly some sort of bad blowup that marina is still super sensitive about? we can discuss), definitely non-girlfriend beneficiaries of a dramatic romantic gesture or two (all reactions welcome, flattered, embarrassed, distressed, heterosexual)
- probably at least one sibling-level Best Friend who she does not flirt with because flirting with a sibling would be weird, they still definitely get poetry though, it's just like, platonic poetry? they will receive all of her love and affection always and will be gifted so many random pretty things marina found at the park and/or on etsy
- fellow fashionable types, artsy types, hockey fans, etc
- general acquaintance-types; marina has a pretty big and hard to ignore personality and would probably make an impression on most people she's interacted with, positive or negative
- any bully types who really want to make someone visibly, pathetically Miserable, this is your girl!!! (rude)
- [+] cheer princess once upon a time
Alaina de la Grange
summary: ex-cheerleader, popular, sweet, easy to sympathize with, genuinely is rooting for you, just so long as your success was her idea to begin with. perfection is a porcelain mask but her balance is very good. don't worry about it too much! let's just be friends.
points:- member of the cheer squad until mid-junior year- talented, beautiful, well-liked, possible future captain, etc
- then Oops! There Was An Accident
- now she's an Honorary Member and also down a leg from below the knee woopsie daisy
- still attends cheer practice and events like she's on the squad, she has to support her girls after all, and also she has some advice for them, friendly advice, and if they follow her advice and do well why its almost like shes the cheer squad captain after all!
- just kidding! that was a joke, she of course respects the captain's authority and would do nothing to disturb the peace c:
- extremely in control of her own image and reputation. projects rich girl energy despite being squarely middle class by virtue of being so well put-together. has never done anyone wrong as far as anyone knows (because if she had there would not be any evidence)
- ideal position in any situation: Personally In Charge Of Who Lives Or Dies (metaphorically) (until it isn't a metaphor)
- reasonably ambitious and conscious of what looks good on college applications but unfortunately if she joined an academic club she would die instantly so
- extracurriculars of choice: yearbook (cannot be held legally responsible if someone who wronged her gets a bad photo in the candids section), debate (excellent place to show off her unflappability), possibly other things i have not yet decided on
- mean girl to nurse pipeline except instead of regular mean its psychological torment mean but also just kidding! she's very nice c:
- is a surprisingly good baker (can't be upset with someone who turns up to a function with cupcakes) and rather less good knitter (if she simply never shows anyone anything she makes they will never know)
- positives: helpful, intelligent, likeable, self-possessed
- negatives: manipulative, controlling, secretive, perfectionist (derogatory)
- cheer squad! in theory she should know/have some form of relationship with everyone on the squad as she was in it from freshman year to mid-junior year and has stuck around since then. probably mostly casually friendly relationships but maybe a couple of closer friendships and also possibly a couple of strained relationships (or people who just don't like her whom she mostly ignores probably)
- debate team and yearbook, probably again mostly casual relationships though if you have an idea i am all ears
- sexuality is currently "none of your business" (i have not decided!) so any relationship ideas past or present i am all ears for! anyone who dated her would have had to put up with a lot of emotional distance and fakeness; crushes from a distance are reasonably likely
- generally alaina has sewn herself neatly into the social fabric of the school and is vaguely aware of pretty much everyone, so if you have a random idea for some way in which she interacted with your kid briefly that they have a memory of i will keep it on the list
- MAYBE AN ACTUAL GOOD FRIEND???? like, one actual really close friend maximum, and even they probably don't get to see everything, but they get a little closer, which is a lot for her.
- generally her Women's Wrongs are subtle enough that no one should realize she is responsible if they got hurt by her actions, but certainly if someone wants to suspect it was her fault, well