Leah-Kim “LK” Mitchell
Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 10:59 pm
Name: Leah-Kim “LK” Mitchell
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
School: Southwest Red Rock High School
Hobbies and Interests: Video games, streaming, Magic: the Gathering
Appearance: LK has an essentially average build, standing between the male and female averages at 5 feet and 7 inches tall and weighing about 125 pounds. Her body is modestly curvy as a result of her hormone replacement therapy, but still noticeably boyish in shape to those who look closely, with her figure otherwise best described as skinny. Being ethnically a mix of White British and Italian-American, LK naturally has a light olive complexion, with straight black hair and large, almond-shaped amber eyes. Her nose is quite narrow in bridge and nostrils, with an upturned tip, and her full lips always seem to settle in a slight smile.
LK’s fashion sense is eclectic, but broadly leans towards things she considers to be both comfortable and cute, with lots of bright pastel colours. She can typically be seen wearing zip-through hoodies, preferring the way the baggy shape conceals her shoulders whilst allowing her to draw attention instead to her bust. Her favourite of these is a pastel pink one with long bunny ears attached to the hood. Besides this she regularly wears graphic t-shirts bearing references to pop-culture she enjoys, alongside skirts, long socks, and comfortable sneakers. LK’s usual school bag is also decorated heavily with pins and badges relating to her favourite video games and other media, and she’s rarely seen out in public not wearing a black choker with a heart-shaped metal ring in the centre.
To augment her looks and otherwise appear more feminine and eye-catching, LK regularly employs many cosmetics. Her hair is typically dyed with purple balayage highlights, whilst her face is almost always made up in an “e-girl” style with exaggerated blush on the cheeks and nose; false freckles; heavy, winged black eyeliner; bold red lipstick; and a black broken heart design drawn on her left cheekbone. She also regularly paints her fingernails with alternating blue-pink-white-pink-blue polish, mimicking the colours of the transgender pride flag.
Biography: Born in Las Vegas on Christmas Eve, Leah-Kim is the daughter and only child of English-born Dillon Mitchell and his wife Fiorella “Fio”, née Lupo, a Nevada local. Both of her parents work in marketing, having first met at a trade show where the two began a long-distance relationship which eventually led to marriage, and finally Dillon moving to Las Vegas to live with Fio full time. The couple’s work provides a very comfortable life in the Silver Springs neighbourhood, but keeps them both extremely busy with overtime and a busy calendar of networking and industry events. Being assigned male at birth, LK was initially named in honour of both of her grandfathers, a sentiment which she would later choose to retain by appending her given initials of K.I.M. to her new name of choice, Leah.
Though LK was cared for by her mother in earliest infancy, Fio would return to work after only a few months. Left mostly under the supervision of family friends or paid nannies, LK saw little of her biological parents during her formative years, developing a less intimate relationship with them than most children would as a result of their heavy work commitments. Instead much of her early experience was spent sat in front of screens that kept her occupied whilst adults were overseeing but otherwise busy. As she grew older and began selecting some of her own entertainment rather than whatever YouTube Kids playlist was set up for her, LK began seeking out gaming-related content in hopes of connecting better with her parents on the occasions she did see them, as they had mentioned maintaining their long-distance romance in part through gaming together. She soon became a fan of channels like Alpharad, Northernlion and Friends Without Benefits, which would remain consistent sources of entertainment for her throughout her childhood and adolescence. By the age of six she was already playing some of the more easily accessible games that her favourite influencers showcased, such as Spelunky and Castle Crashers. When LK did see her parents, they were rarely both present, and they would tend to shower her with praise and attention by way of making up for lost time. Between this and their significant disposal income, LK rarely if ever found herself denied any material wants throughout her childhood.
As early as elementary school, LK experienced what she would later understand to be early kinds of dysphoria. Though not distressed yet by her body itself, she resented her designation as one of the boys, and envied the girls in a way she struggled to articulate. Although considered to be naturally bright, LK’s reputation with teachers was complicated by her consistent disruptive behaviour. Her teachers were especially disappointed in her poor grades, admonishing her to little effect that she was clearly smart and wasn’t showing it. Explained alternatively as boredom, possible ADHD, or simply attention-seeking behaviour, LK would regularly play the class clown whenever a subject inevitably failed to hold her attention for the full duration of a class. Though her antics were never troublesome enough to warrant escalating beyond in-the-moment discipline, the pattern grew consistent enough that her parents were often contacted to ask them to take a more active role in reining her in.
Ultimately at the age of ten LK was taken to a specialist to be assessed, who in short order diagnosed her with ADHD. She was prescribed medication, and advised on management strategies for LK herself as well as those around her to help keep the condition in check. Additionally, whilst speaking to the psychologist LK mentioned in passing her feelings regarding gender, and was referred onwards to another specialist. LK’s last year at elementary school saw a noticeable improvement in academics as a result of the better management of her ADHD, though her attention-seeking behaviours persisted at a reduced intensity. Throughout these last few months she remained in contact with a therapist to talk through her gender dysphoria, eventually being prescribed a course of hormone treatment to counter the effects testosterone had already had on her developing body and push her puberty in a direction more in line with her expressed identity. Her largely liberal parents offered little hard objection to LK’s transition, mostly having concerns early on as to whether the difficult path ahead was truly what their daughter needed, and if she was prepared for it. With their being regularly out of contact with her however, they were slow to adopt her new name and pronouns.
Although she would see many of the same people there, LK took the transition from elementary to middle school as an opportunity to begin open social transition, introducing herself at her new school as Leah-Kim and fully adopting her chosen gender in public life. The name quickly proved cumbersome for her friends, and the nickname LK soon replaced Leah-Kim as her typical moniker both at school and at home. LK matured in many ways throughout middle school, growing more comfortable in herself she felt less cause to seek attention in disruptive ways, reserving her sense of humour for outside of the classroom and developing a more casual, confident type of charisma. She developed an easy-going persona, taking few things particularly seriously and finding it easy to get along with most of her peers. Her academic results improved as well, plateauing at mostly above-average levels; LK enjoyed the intangible benefits that wealth and comfort conferred on schooling, but still tended to fail to put in the effort necessary to truly excel. Being openly transgender already, when her romantic interest in other girls began to emerge, LK saw little reason to hide it and readily identified herself as a lesbian too, perhaps too readily for the straight girls she often attempted to flirt with before developing a better eye for those more receptive to her interest. Though her interests mostly aligned with boys of her age, she also actively sought out female friends for advice on her appearance.
LK’s taste in games likewise matured as she did, with competitive gaming becoming the one arena she did take seriously and a primary source of recreation. She dabbled in many games and stuck with many of them on a more casual level, but her true focus would ultimately become League of Legends, a game she was drawn to in part thanks to its connection to the early MOBA games her parents had spoken of enjoying together. She found herself quickly and easily committing information about the metagame to memory, rapidly progressed through the ranked ladder, and following in the footsteps of her favourite entertainers by starting her own streaming career, playing ranked solo-queue on Twitch as soon as she turned 13 under the username LKLetsPlay. She grew to love the creative outlet and enjoyed the praise of strangers who had no reason to admire her except for genuine enjoyment of her efforts, where conversely she had often found the seemingly-automatic praise of her distant parents felt hollow and born of obligation. At first LK kept her new outlet a secret from the adults around her, as even though she started out streaming only gameplay without her voice or face, she feared she would be forbidden from continuing. To begin with, her audience consisted almost entirely of friends from middle school, and viewer counts rarely reached two digits.
Compared to most, the COVID-19 lockdown period at the end of middle school was an enjoyable time for LK, who already socialised about as much online as she did in person. Moreover, she relished the opportunity to see more of her parents whilst they worked from home for the duration, with whom she spent many hours sharing interests and making up for familial intimacy she’d been lacking until that point. In particular, LK spent many evenings with her father introducing her to British television he’d enjoyed as a youth, whilst her mother delighted in sharing the music she’d grown up with, and both had recommendations and advice to share with regard to gaming. For her part, LK admitted to her nascent streaming career, though she implied it to be a much newer endeavour than it really was. After some serious talk of online safety and the risks of oversharing, she received their approval to continue streaming.
With so many bored at home, Twitch saw a significant increase in viewership which LK’s channel greatly benefitted from, drawing in many new viewers and peaking at an average audience of fifty at the height of lockdown. A decent proportion of these new fans remained loyal regulars even after restrictions were lifted, and her numbers receded from their mid-pandemic peak to stabilise closer to thirty. Having made many new friends online and connected much more with her parents, LK was almost disappointed to see things return to normal, glad as she was to see her local friends in person again and get back outside. Although returning to work and school restored the physical separation between LK and her parents, they remained much more connected than before the pandemic, interacting much more regularly through text and instant messages. LK started proudly updating her parents on in-game achievements and milestones she reached in viewership numbers.
On advancing to high school at Red Rock, LK saw only a few significant changes in her life. She joined the school’s video games club, and through friends made there, developed further interests in card games; both trading card games like Magic: the Gathering, and traditional playing card games like poker and blackjack. Despite living so close to the Vegas Strip LK had previously found little interest in gambling for its own sake, but soon grew to enjoy the gameplay in playing around probabilities and bluffing. As a result, her stream schedule started to include a regularly scheduled day where she would play card games and deckbuilders such as Magic: the Gathering Arena, Slay the Spire, and Balatro instead of League of Legends.
In the real world, LK also made ever deeper forays into the world of physical card gaming, she joined Red Rock’s Magic: the Gathering club and started attending local Friday Night Magic events, whilst also regularly inviting friends over for low- or no-stakes poker nights. Owing to encouragement from her new friends in the club and local scene, as well as some cajoling from her parents to get outside more, LK’s engagement with Magic: the Gathering grew rapidly in her early years at Red Rock. It grew to become something of a fixation for several months of her freshman year, with much of her free time being devoted to learning and mastering the competitive metagame in much the same way she’d done with League of Legends. Before long she was assembling the most powerful decks and regularly placing in the top four at competitive events hosted at her local stores, bringing home prizes more often than not. After reaching a level of consistent success in the local scene, LK’s focus eased off significantly as she considered herself to have caught up to those who had been involved for longer, but she remained engaged and continued attending events on Friday nights more often than not, keeping abreast of new releases and shifts in the metagame. With major events coming to Denver and Las Vegas in 2025, LK looks forward to taking what she’s learned to an even more competitive environment throughout her senior year.
With the added variety, alongside overall improvements to quality and general momentum, LK’s Twitch channel grew steadily throughout her high school years, returning to a peak viewership of around fifty and rising by the end of eleventh grade, with especially noticeable bumps coinciding with the releases of each season of the League of Legends spin-off series Arcane. Over several years of interacting with her chat, LK developed her existing social confidence greatly, becoming adept at switching seamlessly between friendly banter, serious analysis, and occasionally having to shut down poor behaviour.
Besides her newfound interest in card gaming, LK’s high school social life came to mostly centre around her fellow nerdy students, particularly those who shared in her chosen online subcultures of gaming and irony-poisoned memes. Her relationship with her parents grew closer throughout high school, although they remained connected primarily by electronics. With their closeness during lockdown in mind, LK and her parents made a point of setting aside times for group phone calls to discuss life events and keep sharing interests like they had before.
She also pursued a more active dating life, trying her luck with almost every girl that seemed to reciprocate her interest, largely driven by an underlying desire for emotional closeness to fill the gap created by her parents’ return to work. Although her unapologetically forward approach has rubbed a few very much the wrong way, LK knows how to graciously take no for an answer, resulting in reputation as a shameless flirt but also a harmless one, simply over-enthusiastic and maybe a little desperate. The approach has earned her a few brief relationships so far, typically ending as quickly as they started thanks to LK’s inattentiveness to her girlfriends as she maintains her focus on her hobbies and forgets not to flirt with other girls.
In terms of academic attainment, LK’s record remained solidly above-average throughout high school, with her mathematics and IT grades improving consistently over the years as the prospect of college applications began to loom in the future. With the advantage of financial security and some family ties to rely on, she’s remained comparatively casual about her future prospects, confident that she can do without a scholarship thanks to her parents’ money and that she’ll find herself at whichever college accepts her. She intends to study computer engineering with a view to putting her extensive experience playing video games to use in developing them, though her plans are essentially vague and nebulous as of the start of her high school senior year.
Advantages: LK is very confident, especially socially confident, and finds it easy to get along with her peers. She possesses a competitive drive and quick reflexes that have served her well in cards and e-sports, which may help make up for her otherwise average physical fitness.
Disadvantages: LK has never experienced significant hardship in her life and has essentially no practical skills to depend on. She is dependent on prescription medications to manage her mental health, which will suffer heavily if she runs out or loses them.
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
School: Southwest Red Rock High School
Hobbies and Interests: Video games, streaming, Magic: the Gathering
Appearance: LK has an essentially average build, standing between the male and female averages at 5 feet and 7 inches tall and weighing about 125 pounds. Her body is modestly curvy as a result of her hormone replacement therapy, but still noticeably boyish in shape to those who look closely, with her figure otherwise best described as skinny. Being ethnically a mix of White British and Italian-American, LK naturally has a light olive complexion, with straight black hair and large, almond-shaped amber eyes. Her nose is quite narrow in bridge and nostrils, with an upturned tip, and her full lips always seem to settle in a slight smile.
LK’s fashion sense is eclectic, but broadly leans towards things she considers to be both comfortable and cute, with lots of bright pastel colours. She can typically be seen wearing zip-through hoodies, preferring the way the baggy shape conceals her shoulders whilst allowing her to draw attention instead to her bust. Her favourite of these is a pastel pink one with long bunny ears attached to the hood. Besides this she regularly wears graphic t-shirts bearing references to pop-culture she enjoys, alongside skirts, long socks, and comfortable sneakers. LK’s usual school bag is also decorated heavily with pins and badges relating to her favourite video games and other media, and she’s rarely seen out in public not wearing a black choker with a heart-shaped metal ring in the centre.
To augment her looks and otherwise appear more feminine and eye-catching, LK regularly employs many cosmetics. Her hair is typically dyed with purple balayage highlights, whilst her face is almost always made up in an “e-girl” style with exaggerated blush on the cheeks and nose; false freckles; heavy, winged black eyeliner; bold red lipstick; and a black broken heart design drawn on her left cheekbone. She also regularly paints her fingernails with alternating blue-pink-white-pink-blue polish, mimicking the colours of the transgender pride flag.
Biography: Born in Las Vegas on Christmas Eve, Leah-Kim is the daughter and only child of English-born Dillon Mitchell and his wife Fiorella “Fio”, née Lupo, a Nevada local. Both of her parents work in marketing, having first met at a trade show where the two began a long-distance relationship which eventually led to marriage, and finally Dillon moving to Las Vegas to live with Fio full time. The couple’s work provides a very comfortable life in the Silver Springs neighbourhood, but keeps them both extremely busy with overtime and a busy calendar of networking and industry events. Being assigned male at birth, LK was initially named in honour of both of her grandfathers, a sentiment which she would later choose to retain by appending her given initials of K.I.M. to her new name of choice, Leah.
Though LK was cared for by her mother in earliest infancy, Fio would return to work after only a few months. Left mostly under the supervision of family friends or paid nannies, LK saw little of her biological parents during her formative years, developing a less intimate relationship with them than most children would as a result of their heavy work commitments. Instead much of her early experience was spent sat in front of screens that kept her occupied whilst adults were overseeing but otherwise busy. As she grew older and began selecting some of her own entertainment rather than whatever YouTube Kids playlist was set up for her, LK began seeking out gaming-related content in hopes of connecting better with her parents on the occasions she did see them, as they had mentioned maintaining their long-distance romance in part through gaming together. She soon became a fan of channels like Alpharad, Northernlion and Friends Without Benefits, which would remain consistent sources of entertainment for her throughout her childhood and adolescence. By the age of six she was already playing some of the more easily accessible games that her favourite influencers showcased, such as Spelunky and Castle Crashers. When LK did see her parents, they were rarely both present, and they would tend to shower her with praise and attention by way of making up for lost time. Between this and their significant disposal income, LK rarely if ever found herself denied any material wants throughout her childhood.
As early as elementary school, LK experienced what she would later understand to be early kinds of dysphoria. Though not distressed yet by her body itself, she resented her designation as one of the boys, and envied the girls in a way she struggled to articulate. Although considered to be naturally bright, LK’s reputation with teachers was complicated by her consistent disruptive behaviour. Her teachers were especially disappointed in her poor grades, admonishing her to little effect that she was clearly smart and wasn’t showing it. Explained alternatively as boredom, possible ADHD, or simply attention-seeking behaviour, LK would regularly play the class clown whenever a subject inevitably failed to hold her attention for the full duration of a class. Though her antics were never troublesome enough to warrant escalating beyond in-the-moment discipline, the pattern grew consistent enough that her parents were often contacted to ask them to take a more active role in reining her in.
Ultimately at the age of ten LK was taken to a specialist to be assessed, who in short order diagnosed her with ADHD. She was prescribed medication, and advised on management strategies for LK herself as well as those around her to help keep the condition in check. Additionally, whilst speaking to the psychologist LK mentioned in passing her feelings regarding gender, and was referred onwards to another specialist. LK’s last year at elementary school saw a noticeable improvement in academics as a result of the better management of her ADHD, though her attention-seeking behaviours persisted at a reduced intensity. Throughout these last few months she remained in contact with a therapist to talk through her gender dysphoria, eventually being prescribed a course of hormone treatment to counter the effects testosterone had already had on her developing body and push her puberty in a direction more in line with her expressed identity. Her largely liberal parents offered little hard objection to LK’s transition, mostly having concerns early on as to whether the difficult path ahead was truly what their daughter needed, and if she was prepared for it. With their being regularly out of contact with her however, they were slow to adopt her new name and pronouns.
Although she would see many of the same people there, LK took the transition from elementary to middle school as an opportunity to begin open social transition, introducing herself at her new school as Leah-Kim and fully adopting her chosen gender in public life. The name quickly proved cumbersome for her friends, and the nickname LK soon replaced Leah-Kim as her typical moniker both at school and at home. LK matured in many ways throughout middle school, growing more comfortable in herself she felt less cause to seek attention in disruptive ways, reserving her sense of humour for outside of the classroom and developing a more casual, confident type of charisma. She developed an easy-going persona, taking few things particularly seriously and finding it easy to get along with most of her peers. Her academic results improved as well, plateauing at mostly above-average levels; LK enjoyed the intangible benefits that wealth and comfort conferred on schooling, but still tended to fail to put in the effort necessary to truly excel. Being openly transgender already, when her romantic interest in other girls began to emerge, LK saw little reason to hide it and readily identified herself as a lesbian too, perhaps too readily for the straight girls she often attempted to flirt with before developing a better eye for those more receptive to her interest. Though her interests mostly aligned with boys of her age, she also actively sought out female friends for advice on her appearance.
LK’s taste in games likewise matured as she did, with competitive gaming becoming the one arena she did take seriously and a primary source of recreation. She dabbled in many games and stuck with many of them on a more casual level, but her true focus would ultimately become League of Legends, a game she was drawn to in part thanks to its connection to the early MOBA games her parents had spoken of enjoying together. She found herself quickly and easily committing information about the metagame to memory, rapidly progressed through the ranked ladder, and following in the footsteps of her favourite entertainers by starting her own streaming career, playing ranked solo-queue on Twitch as soon as she turned 13 under the username LKLetsPlay. She grew to love the creative outlet and enjoyed the praise of strangers who had no reason to admire her except for genuine enjoyment of her efforts, where conversely she had often found the seemingly-automatic praise of her distant parents felt hollow and born of obligation. At first LK kept her new outlet a secret from the adults around her, as even though she started out streaming only gameplay without her voice or face, she feared she would be forbidden from continuing. To begin with, her audience consisted almost entirely of friends from middle school, and viewer counts rarely reached two digits.
Compared to most, the COVID-19 lockdown period at the end of middle school was an enjoyable time for LK, who already socialised about as much online as she did in person. Moreover, she relished the opportunity to see more of her parents whilst they worked from home for the duration, with whom she spent many hours sharing interests and making up for familial intimacy she’d been lacking until that point. In particular, LK spent many evenings with her father introducing her to British television he’d enjoyed as a youth, whilst her mother delighted in sharing the music she’d grown up with, and both had recommendations and advice to share with regard to gaming. For her part, LK admitted to her nascent streaming career, though she implied it to be a much newer endeavour than it really was. After some serious talk of online safety and the risks of oversharing, she received their approval to continue streaming.
With so many bored at home, Twitch saw a significant increase in viewership which LK’s channel greatly benefitted from, drawing in many new viewers and peaking at an average audience of fifty at the height of lockdown. A decent proportion of these new fans remained loyal regulars even after restrictions were lifted, and her numbers receded from their mid-pandemic peak to stabilise closer to thirty. Having made many new friends online and connected much more with her parents, LK was almost disappointed to see things return to normal, glad as she was to see her local friends in person again and get back outside. Although returning to work and school restored the physical separation between LK and her parents, they remained much more connected than before the pandemic, interacting much more regularly through text and instant messages. LK started proudly updating her parents on in-game achievements and milestones she reached in viewership numbers.
On advancing to high school at Red Rock, LK saw only a few significant changes in her life. She joined the school’s video games club, and through friends made there, developed further interests in card games; both trading card games like Magic: the Gathering, and traditional playing card games like poker and blackjack. Despite living so close to the Vegas Strip LK had previously found little interest in gambling for its own sake, but soon grew to enjoy the gameplay in playing around probabilities and bluffing. As a result, her stream schedule started to include a regularly scheduled day where she would play card games and deckbuilders such as Magic: the Gathering Arena, Slay the Spire, and Balatro instead of League of Legends.
In the real world, LK also made ever deeper forays into the world of physical card gaming, she joined Red Rock’s Magic: the Gathering club and started attending local Friday Night Magic events, whilst also regularly inviting friends over for low- or no-stakes poker nights. Owing to encouragement from her new friends in the club and local scene, as well as some cajoling from her parents to get outside more, LK’s engagement with Magic: the Gathering grew rapidly in her early years at Red Rock. It grew to become something of a fixation for several months of her freshman year, with much of her free time being devoted to learning and mastering the competitive metagame in much the same way she’d done with League of Legends. Before long she was assembling the most powerful decks and regularly placing in the top four at competitive events hosted at her local stores, bringing home prizes more often than not. After reaching a level of consistent success in the local scene, LK’s focus eased off significantly as she considered herself to have caught up to those who had been involved for longer, but she remained engaged and continued attending events on Friday nights more often than not, keeping abreast of new releases and shifts in the metagame. With major events coming to Denver and Las Vegas in 2025, LK looks forward to taking what she’s learned to an even more competitive environment throughout her senior year.
With the added variety, alongside overall improvements to quality and general momentum, LK’s Twitch channel grew steadily throughout her high school years, returning to a peak viewership of around fifty and rising by the end of eleventh grade, with especially noticeable bumps coinciding with the releases of each season of the League of Legends spin-off series Arcane. Over several years of interacting with her chat, LK developed her existing social confidence greatly, becoming adept at switching seamlessly between friendly banter, serious analysis, and occasionally having to shut down poor behaviour.
Besides her newfound interest in card gaming, LK’s high school social life came to mostly centre around her fellow nerdy students, particularly those who shared in her chosen online subcultures of gaming and irony-poisoned memes. Her relationship with her parents grew closer throughout high school, although they remained connected primarily by electronics. With their closeness during lockdown in mind, LK and her parents made a point of setting aside times for group phone calls to discuss life events and keep sharing interests like they had before.
She also pursued a more active dating life, trying her luck with almost every girl that seemed to reciprocate her interest, largely driven by an underlying desire for emotional closeness to fill the gap created by her parents’ return to work. Although her unapologetically forward approach has rubbed a few very much the wrong way, LK knows how to graciously take no for an answer, resulting in reputation as a shameless flirt but also a harmless one, simply over-enthusiastic and maybe a little desperate. The approach has earned her a few brief relationships so far, typically ending as quickly as they started thanks to LK’s inattentiveness to her girlfriends as she maintains her focus on her hobbies and forgets not to flirt with other girls.
In terms of academic attainment, LK’s record remained solidly above-average throughout high school, with her mathematics and IT grades improving consistently over the years as the prospect of college applications began to loom in the future. With the advantage of financial security and some family ties to rely on, she’s remained comparatively casual about her future prospects, confident that she can do without a scholarship thanks to her parents’ money and that she’ll find herself at whichever college accepts her. She intends to study computer engineering with a view to putting her extensive experience playing video games to use in developing them, though her plans are essentially vague and nebulous as of the start of her high school senior year.
Advantages: LK is very confident, especially socially confident, and finds it easy to get along with her peers. She possesses a competitive drive and quick reflexes that have served her well in cards and e-sports, which may help make up for her otherwise average physical fitness.
Disadvantages: LK has never experienced significant hardship in her life and has essentially no practical skills to depend on. She is dependent on prescription medications to manage her mental health, which will suffer heavily if she runs out or loses them.