Sub-Area Description: Forgotten Campsite

Hidden a fair ways into the woods, the remains of the forgotten campsite can be found in a small clearing, ravaged not only by time, but the island wildlife. The campsite itself comes fairly well-stocked and wouldn’t be an awful place to take shelter for a night, with a slightly torn tent, a fire pit, an old picnic table, and the cover of trees.
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Sub-Area Description: Forgotten Campsite


Post by SOTF_Help »

Sub-Area: Forgotten Campsite
Description: Hidden a fair ways into the woods, the remains of the forgotten campsite can be found in a small clearing, ravaged not only by time, but the island wildlife. The campsite itself comes fairly well-stocked and wouldn't be an awful place to take shelter for a night, with a slightly torn tent, a fire pit, an old picnic table, and the cover of trees.
Status: OPEN
Assigned Staff: MurderWeasel
Notable Changes or Damage:
If you have any questions about or concerns regarding this sub-area or any actions taking place therein, please contact the assigned staffer by PMing them. This staffer is in charge of keeping track of changes and damage within this area and updating this post accordingly. However, to help out, please feel free to reply to this thread noting any damage or changes.
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