Eunice St. Claire

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Eunice St. Claire


Post by LeslieFranc »

Name: Eunice St. Claire
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: Social media, stan culture, drawing, gossip, collecting headbands

Appearance: Standing at 5’2” and weighing 95 lbs, Eunice is a small and skinny Caucasian girl with sharp and defined features. She has fair skin remarkably dotted with freckles, while her face also shows past pimple scars and current ones mostly situated on her forehead. She has thick eyebrows over narrow blue eyes, which often looked bigger with her large thick oval red-rimmed glasses. Her nose is small and flat while her lips are pretty wide. Her curly dark brown hair had obviously been cropped short to a pixie cut, but it has been left to grow a bit longer by then, resulting in longer bangs usually held up by a headband, along with the ends at the back reaching the bottom of her neck, and the sides reaching past her ears.

Eunice is a girl who almost always looks and acts grumpy. At her most relaxed, she’d still look like she wants to get out of wherever place she is in. The only exception is when she is with her closest friends, wherein her mood seems to get exponentially better by the moment and she’d be seen boisterously laughing or being uncharacteristically talkative. Other than that, she’s either scowling or presenting a bored expression as she focuses with a deceptive amount of concentration on her phone or her sketchbook. She has terrible posture, with her back hunched and her head down to either fiddle with her phone or doodle and sketch on a paper. She habitually cracks her fingers and neck a lot, mostly in between very short breaks from drawing or being on her phone. Because she’d rather be off on her own world most of the time, she rarely uses her voice, but when she does, it’s actually pretty low and husky, growing from a murmur to a step behind being considered a yell the longer the duration she has to talk.

For someone with a more sour disposition, Eunice seems to enjoy wearing clothes with the most eye-catching colors, such as neon and anything else bright. Her colorful fabric headbands tend to have varied striped and plaid patterns, although she never bothers to change out of her small and plain silver hoop earrings. Other than the headbands and the earrings, she doesn’t really accessorize much. Besides the purposeful choice of hues, Eunice doesn’t think too much on what else she needs to take account for with what she’s going to be wearing for the day. Her wardrobe mostly consists of simple and casual wear with the occasional flashiness, a mix of clothes she has owned for years and/or was gifted from relatives and friends. She could be wearing a plain shirt, or one with a design that doesn’t mean anything to her printed on it, a blouse that might be too gaudy, a comfortable dress, or even just a hoodie. She prefers wearing skirts and shorts but would wear some pants if it’s the first thing she grabbed from the closet. Slippers, sandals and flats are her go-to footwear, but she’d even remove them and would lounge barefoot if she could get away with it.

At the time of the abduction, Eunice was wearing a neon purple tank top underneath a bright yellow parka. She wore light denim knee-length jeans and neon green sneakers. On her hair was a pink and yellow plaid headband.

Biography: Eunice was born on March 26, 2004 in Salem, Massachusetts to Dexter and Heidi St. Claire, an architect and an elementary school teacher respectively. She is the second and youngest child of the couple, following after Mildred, her older sister of four years, or Milly as she likes to be called.

The St. Claire family was a content middle-class household, if not a bit distant and mediocre. Eunice was spoiled on account of being the youngest, but was also known to cry and throw tantrums due to Milly’s frequent and nonstop teasing. She often responded by pinching, slapping, biting, and pulling, which Milly often laughed off until they started to do some real damage and hurt as Eunice got older. This grew to an accepted dynamic of a continuous cycle of Milly bothering Eunice, who got annoyed to the point of screaming and light violence, which often only spurred Milly on to do it again until she decided that Eunice had gone too far and hurt her too much in response, and the sisters started actually fighting, by which Heidi would then intervene. Heidi was both the caretaker and disciplinarian, while Dexter was the fun parent who made jokes and took the kids out to eat on the weekends, resulting in the children preferring his company more in their earlier years, despite having spent more time with their mother who also happened to be their school teacher.

Eunice was pleasant enough among her peers at first, easily joining in with playing their games and running around the playground, if a bit quiet and sullen at times. However, she had a short temper and reacted badly to anybody touching her stuff, refusing to share crayons and toys with her classmates. Eunice was a sensitive but stubborn child. Nevertheless, she was labeled as the smartest kid in class as well as the class artist at the same time. Thinking that easily getting top scores and making the prettiest artwork in comparison to her classmates made her better than them, Eunice had always doubled down that everyone else was in the wrong, and that she was in the right. She didn’t have any friends as a result, opting to stay in the classroom drawing with crayons and waiting for her mother on her lonesome while the rest of the class played outside as they waited for their parents to pick them up.

She received a toy piano as a birthday gift when she was five, and after witnessing her first-grade music teacher play a real one, asked her parents for lessons. Her parents were reluctant at first, but when even Milly revealed that she also had an interest in learning how to play an instrument, they acquiesced. Milly decided she didn’t like it after a few months, and instead switched to learning how to swim, but Eunice took to playing the piano so well according to the teacher that her parents agreed to let her continue.

During summer vacation when she was eight, the St. Claires went to the beach. Eunice didn’t really like it, but distracted herself by playing games on the tablet as she sat in the shade. Milly came over and tried convincing Eunice to go into the water, which Eunice refused to until Milly started sticking wet sand all over Eunice. Eunice started chasing Milly and Milly tried to escape by swimming away from the sister who didn’t know how to swim. Eunice spitefully tried to reach Milly in deeper waters and almost ended up drowning if it weren’t for Dexter quickly picking her up. Milly tried teaching her how to swim the next day, and Eunice found that she liked it enough to ask for more lessons once they went home.

Eunice was a kid who despised being teased or made fun of, no matter how lightly or friendly, and often responded with venom and threats so that people would back off, as it was the only way she knew how to stop being made to feel like an idiot. However, she grew to be more self-conscious about how she was always silently eating alone during break or being picked last in group projects, despite being one of the top students in academics, art, music and even physical education. Her family showed concern about her lack of social skills, and when Eunice finally asked for advice on making friends, was told to “fake it ‘til you make it.” She was bitter about it, but made a habit of listening in on conversations to learn about her classmates’ interests so she could share it. She heard about the popular cartoons, TV shows, movies, songs and singers, and tried to learn everything there is to know about them. She found that she genuinely liked most of them, and finally managed to hold casual and lighthearted conversations with her classmates that had nothing to do with class assignments. Eunice enjoyed getting into pop culture and the online fandoms surrounding them. In particular, she became a fan of One Direction in her remaining grade school years, enjoying their songs, videos, personalities, and their faces. After finding a video of someone drawing a portrait of Harry Styles on YouTube, Eunice found an interest in realistic drawing.

Eunice started middle school attaching herself to a former classmate whom she had some conversations with about celebrity culture, and soon found herself finally sharing a table with some people during lunch. She joined a variety of clubs that she felt that she excelled in, such as the academic decathlon, the swim team, the art club, and the orchestra. She took pride in the variety of things she was capable of, and pushed herself even further by asking for violin lessons. Heidi and Dexter were proud of her, and often encouraged her pursuits. Her busy schedule often pulled her out of spending any free time with those she considered friends, and in the times she did, often felt herself as an unnecessary hanger-on and found it more exhausting than academics or her extracurricular activities, even if she still enjoyed the topics of conversation. This often resulted in the gradual frequency of instances of her losing focus on and concern about her grades and lessons in favor of finding time to spend it with friends. Nevertheless, despite her persisting feeling of being unappreciated and ignored, she was thrilled at being included in something. She especially liked being able to complain and gossip with others, and felt some vindication at finally being in on the joke instead of feeling like being the joke itself. Unfortunately, Eunice never experienced hanging out with friends outside of school, having never been invited to leave the house and spend time with friends around town. She grew jealous of the popular people whose lives seemed so easy and probably never had to work hard to get people to like them, while at the same time she was obsessed in learning everything there was to know about them.

Crushes soon became a frequent thing to talk about during this time, and while Eunice mostly never found any schoolmates her age attractive at the time and had standards molded by celebrity and fictional crushes, a part of her was indignant that nobody ever had a crush on her. She was often envious when somebody she knew was being crushed on simply because they were cute, which was when Eunice started feeling self-conscious about her appearance. She found herself obsessing about her physical flaws and finding out what would get a cute boy’s attention, or even any boy, her resentment growing at how much effort she had to put in compared to others. At times like that, she tried to comfort herself at being good at other multiple things, but it often felt hollow, even with her own parents’ insistence when she goes to them for comfort.

In the midst of her search for self-expression and an identity besides being the gifted and talented student but also the oft-ignored friend, Eunice chose to collect fabric headbands as an everyday accessory after a classmate once pointed out that she liked the one she was wearing that day. A shopping trip to the mall with her mother and older sister also molded an immovable preference to bright and neon colors, as her sister’s complaints that the neon lime blouse she bought was physically harmful to her eyes led her to the decision of leaning into those types of color choices in spite, but also in genuine delight.

Heidi and Dexter started arguing when she was thirteen years old. Their father was constantly being accused of cheating, which he defensively denied with an uncharacteristic display of violent anger. Eunice and Milly never asked for the details and didn’t know how to deal with the heavy atmosphere that just got worse as the days went by. Eunice’s friendships were shallow, and so she didn’t feel comfortable in the idea of going to them for support, and she was neither close enough with them to hang out outside of shallow conversations through text or on free periods. Instead, Eunice distracted herself with watching teen drama shows and being sucked into fandom culture. It became a habit for her to lock her doors whenever her parents are about to argue before putting on her headphones and listen to a pop song at a high volume. She also started joining her sister in watching anime and Korean dramas in the highest volume in Milly’s own locked room, trying to escape from the turmoil by getting lost in more fictional stories and characters. Milly also taught Eunice a bit on playing the guitar during this time.

Her eighth grade went by with her fixated on distracting herself from the idea of their family breaking apart. She couldn’t find it in herself to be motivated to do well in academics nor her extracurricular activities, as her parents were too stressed out to muster enthusiasm for her, and the people she hangs around with had never shown any interest in her besides the casual things they shared. Eunice was very much distracted and very impatient with others. She still partook in gossip and conversations, but her attitude took a more cruel turn with sharp remarks and barbed comments, whether she was talking about someone or to them personally. When she stopped attending club meetings and her grades started dropping, a part of Eunice was anxious, but once again tried to distract herself by talking to others about easier topics she liked. However, her offline social interactions left her insecurity and resentment to fester, as her self-image as the high-achiever she used to fall back on was crumbling, and her own parents’ praises that soothed her were missing. In the face of the popularity contests and the social ladder she had always watched and judged from the sidelines, her family’s advice to “fake it ‘til you make it,” and the realization that just because she was in on the joke didn’t mean that she stopped being one, Eunice grew paranoid on what exactly people thought of her. It got to the point where she immediately assumed that people were making fun of her when she saw them whispering to one another when she passed them by. Eunice assumed by herself that it was about her attitude she couldn’t help, or her ugly face, or her tanking grades. Frustrated, Eunice grew more prickly and let the friendships she made drift apart. She spent most of her time by herself once again, distracted on her phone or a sketchbook. While having conversations with others became rare, Eunice's habit of listening in on conversations and learning the latest gossip on social media remained.

Her parents were mad about her grades and unattended lessons and tried to confront her about it one night, which led to an angry outburst that resulted in a screaming match with them. It ended with Dexter slapping Eunice twice, Heidi frantically calming him down in response, and Eunice locking herself in her room and refusing to come out until noon of the next day, even if it was a school day. She spent most of it reading fanfiction while blaring out music through her speakers, and refusing to lower it or acknowledge her short-tempered father’s demand to enter her room. It took her mother’s tired plea to finally stop playing the music. Eunice and Dexter didn’t see each other until dinner, and didn’t talk to each other until two days after, but Dexter slapping Eunice was never brought up again like it never happened. It was always how their family went on after any fight or argument, but Eunice will always hate her father for it.

In the summer before Eunice's freshman year, her parents finally had a divorce and her father moved out. Her mother didn't provide the details, nor did Eunice ask for them, but she did know that her father's infidelity was proven true. Eunice retreated more into herself and spent most days lying on bed reading stories or watching YouTubers. After Milly went to college, Heidi and Eunice started frequently arguing over her laziness and lack of motivation. Unfortunately, the tension in the house only went higher when Milly came home from college for the first time and was stressed out to the point of picking fights with Eunice or Heidi. Fights started every day once again until Heidi gradually started de-escalating fights rather than face them. As Milly was the one who had outbursts due to stress, Heidi started paying more attention to her and siding with her during arguments against Eunice, which highly frustrated her.

Eunice's father isn't expected to come home ever again, although Milly and Eunice still decided to keep their last names. Fortunately, while Eunice, Milly and Heidi are often at odds with each other when together, they have undoubtedly become closer despite the increasingly combative relationship. Particularly, the St. Claire's home was filled with a lot of screaming and tears during quarantine, but Eunice could say that some things were better after the long exposure.

Eunice never made huge efforts to socialize again during high school, despising her time during middle school faking it and preferring to be more blunt in her words, at times even prickly on purpose. Still, her self-consciousness over being a loner never went away. There was a moment when she decided in a burst of determination to continue the things she did back then again to fill the void. However, she made a mistake when she tried to play a piece on the piano, and never tried again. When a cousin gave away a flute, Eunice tried to learn to play it but found just trying to make a proper sound difficult and gave up. She spent a whole night studying for a quiz, but only marginally did better when she received her score. As her failed efforts only made her feel worse, Eunice decided that it wasn't worth it and went on distracting herself with online stuff.

Drawing was the remaining thing that Eunice continued to do, although it became less of something to pursue and more of something that relaxed her. As a matter of fact, Eunice took on the habit of drawing boys she was attracted to. She had sketchbooks filled with a variety of sketches of celebrities, fictional characters and even different boys in school she thought were attractive.

While Eunice definitely feels sexual attraction towards guys, she is actually aromantic. Although, she is currently unaware of this nor the term itself. She had read romance stories and deep down wanted something like that, but she doesn't believe that anyone will ever like her that way, which is another source of bitterness for her.

Besides online or celebrity drama, high school drama excites her. Eunice obsesses over the fantasy of seemingly having it all, finding them all worthwhile to pay attention to rather than her boring plain self. At the same time, she hates the reminder of real people actually being so much better than her in any way, but she couldn't help it either way.

Even though Eunice had stopped making any real effort on her studies, she always managed to get a passing grade and never went below a C, although nothing higher than the rare B. She takes an indifferent tone with most teachers, taking care not to get in trouble while at the same time could come off as dismissive. She's often automatically rude to classmates, a responding glare always ready. Her words are sharp and binding, and could reach a level of crassness. Eunice doesn't often mutter things out loud to herself, and whatever comes out of her mouth is often released with the intention of being heard. She also has no problem with walking away without a word from someone if she felt bored or annoyed enough. While she herself had never been in a physical fight with someone else besides her sister, Eunice is more often than not ready for violence and threats if ever pushed.

Eunice is currently indecisive about her life after graduation, and is very anxious about it. She has no passions or drive to plan for the future, and is scared of growing up. Her current plan is to apply for a lot of colleges in Salem and see where it goes from there, still undecided on which course to take.

Advantages: Eunice is pretty smart and very observant. While out of practice, she is a swimmer and always had this natural athleticism.
Disadvantages: Eunice had an unlikeable personality throughout high school, and would find it difficult to find someone who would be willing to side with her. She's also near-sighted, so if she lost her glasses, she'll be a little visually challenged.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Heya LeslieFranc! I'm the staffer that's critiquing Eunice today. She's looking great so far, but she's got a few things that need to be addressed before she can be approved, most of which are just minor grammatical issues.
but it has been left to grow a bit longer by then, resulting in longer bangs usually held up by a headband and the ends at back to reach the bottom of her neck and the sides past her ears.
This bit is a little confusingly written and took me a few reads to parse properly. I think it would be clearer if it was:
"but it has been left to grow a bit longer by then, resulting in longer bangs usually held up by a headband, along with the ends at the back reaching the bottom of her neck, and the sides reaching past her ears" or something similar.
She wore light denim knee-length jeans and neon green sandals.
Sandals might not be the best choice given the trip taking place in winter (her toes might get snow on them). You don't have to change this if you don't want to (the character can just make a dumb choice IC), but I thought I would point it out.
Normally this mistake would result in a formatting ding, but I'm willing to address it in a critique today instead of sending you all the way back. This should be "Biography", not "Background".
Eunice was born on March 26, 2004 to Dexter and Heidi St. Claire, an architect and an elementary school teacher respectively.
Where was she born/where did she live? I assume this is Salem since you don't mention her moving, but I want to be sure.
This grew to an accepted dynamic of a continuous cycle of Milly bothering Eunice, who gets annoyed to the point of screaming and light violence, which often only spurs Milly on to do it again until she decides that Eunice had gone too far and hurt her too much in response, and the sisters start actually fighting, by which Heidi would then intervene.
A bit of tense trouble with this sentence. This should be fully in past tense, but a few words (gets, spurs, decides, start) are in present tense. Go ahead and adjust that.
Eunice had always doubled down that everyone was in the wrong
Should be "everyone else" if I catch your meaning.
and wait for her mother in her lonesome
"Waiting" to match the tense of the rest of the sentence, and "on" instead of "in".
playing games on the tablet as she sat on a shade
"sat in the shade" rather than "sat on a shade".
Eunice started chasing Milly with the intent of literally making her eat sand
This is a bit too prose-like for a profile's tone. Cut the "with the intent of literally making her eat sand" and drop the comma and you should be fine.
once they go home
Tense issue; "once they went home".
Unfortunately, Eunice never experienced hanging out with friends outside of school, having never been invited to.
Invited to what?
but will never be enough
This reads sorta weirdly as an addition and also clashes with the tense of the rest of the sentence. I'd suggest just cutting it.
didn't provide the details, nor Eunice asked for them
Should have a "did" after "nor" here. Likewise change "asked" to "ask".
has no passions nor drive to
"Or" rather than "nor" here.
She also has this fearlessness within her that's ready for any sort of fight.
You don't really mention her being fearless or ready to fight in the biography. Remember that all advantages/disadvantages should connect back to the biography in some way. Feel free to either cut this bit or add that somewhere, your choice.
Eunice is an unlikeable personality throughout high school
Would be "had" instead of "is" here.
She also has low stamina
Swimming is a high-endurance sport, and thus this contradicts you saying that she is naturally athletic. I'd suggest cutting this and just sticking with her being near-sighted and grumpy.


...and that's it! Post back here when you have those edits made and Eunice should be good to go! :3

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