Stay Frosty

The center of town is picturesque, flower beds surrounding a large fountain. Large amounts of graffiti mark the fountain's edge, most of it pertaining towards the fact that the centerpiece of the fountain is a carved naked woman with arms outstretched. A well-traveled road leads down to the docks, and a second road leads towards the felled forest. This area also includes the houses closest to the center.
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Post by Sister Grimm* »

Really, she shouldn't have been surprised. Someone not listening to reason, a question, nay, a plea to keep things civil falling on deaf ears? Why, it was the norm here. Quite possibly the norm everywhere, but everywhere else it didn't seem to matter, did it? Elsewhere things didn't end up like this, with guns drawn and people just waiting for a fight. Really, she shouldn't have been surprised. After all, her time on the island hadn't shown much evidence to the contrary.

Now that she was closer, she realized that she didn't really know any of the boys standing before her, at least on a first name basis. One she vaguely recognized as Jacob Charles, another Falcone something. But those two seemed to fade into unimportance compared to the one with the gun. That wasn't to say the other two weren't dangerous, just not as much so. Focusing on the clear and present danger and all that.

There was a chance, as slim as it might seem, that things could be ended peacefully. Considering the alternative, that was the outcome she liked to think was more likely. The gun wasn't aimed at anyone, so that was nice. It also didn't seem like the other two were happy about the gun being brought into play, so this didn't seem to be something they made a habit of. Or it could be an act to try and put them at ease. It'd be easier to assume this was just a misunderstanding, but that kind of assumption could get them both killed. No, it would be smarter to stay sharp, to stay ready.

She heard Bounce calling after her, followed by rapid footsteps and the sound of her friend drawing closer. As much as Alice would have preferred that she stay in cover, it was nice to know that she didn't want Alice standing alone. At least Vic was still staying hidden. One problem at a time. Alice shifted once Bounce drew close, standing between the smaller girl and the boy with the gun. Probing, her hand found the other girls before giving it a reassuring squeeze before letting go.

Now, about the impasse they found themselves at...Alice's eyes narrowed at the boy in question. He was the one who put things in a position to escalate. There was still the fact that he wasn't pointing the gun at them, so it at least gave credence to the idea that he was just playing it safe. Now, Alice, play it safe. Don't make things worse. Just, be friendly. "Put your gun away and go back the way you came. We'll go back the way we came. No one gets hurt. Simple as that." That was friendly, right? Friendly-ish? Close enough.
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Post by Namira »

((If it comes up, feel free to skip me, guys, as per my away notice)).
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

Tim frowned very deeply when one of the girls ran for the other, shouting her name all the while. The one who was telling them to go away was named Alice, apparently. He would have took more careful note of that, but there was a streak of worry running through his mind. That girl, Bounce was it?, was worried that Tim would shoot. And Tim definitely wouldn't shoot, not at three girls who didn't seem very antagonistic. They weren't waving weapons around, they weren't shouting threats. They just simply told the boys to leave them alone, and here Tim was, playing the bad guy.

He wasn't bad. He was just scared, but it was no excuse now. He wanted to take it all back and yell that he was just kidding or something. But brandishing a gun would be a damn cruel joke.

Raising his gun in the air and shaking his palms in a show of, "I totally didn't mean that!" he began to shout, "No, no, wait! It's okay, I won't shoot, I-uh!" He swallowed hard and took a huge step back, his face turning slightly red. This was so dumb, he hadn't meant to freak anyone out like that! He was going to get himself killed alright, and it was all because of this stupid gun. It wouldn't be like that if he had a sword or binoculars or something...

Colin shouted at him to put the gun away, and Tim was surprised because he'd never heard Colin use an expletive before. It was sort of amusing, but not really, since his frantic, loud voice held a great deal of truth. Why the fuck was he holding the gun? Like, seriously? It all seemed so stupid. Ugh. "Y-Yeah, I'm so sorry!" Tim shouted, trying to make his eyes hold an apologetic look, but, mostly, his eyes just looked frantic and panicked. With a smooth movement, Tim slipped the gun back into the waistband of his pants and held his hands out to show that he was no longer armed. He didn't think that his gesture would particularly fix anything, but it was a small gesture, all the same.

Colin managed to surprise Tim again, his voice snappy and sharp as he sternly asked if Tim had a plan. Once again, Tim put his palms in the air and shook his head slowly, his eyes floating down to stare at the hard ground beneath him. "No.. No, forget it."

Once again, he wanted to apologize or turn around and walk away, but something kept his feet glued firmly to the ground. His eyes turned up and looked at each of the girls in turn; it all felt so nightmarish. Everyone was stuck in place, and if Tim was a painter, he was sure that this would make for a very tense and beautiful painting. It would be called "Stare" and the painting would just be four girls and three boys staring each other down. One particularly blonde boy was holding a gun, and one particularly... Wait, what? Vic was holding a gun too! How long had she been holding it?

Now Tim's paranoia felt a little justified, and he was about to reach back and grab his gun, but before he could even think about it, the armed girl threw her bags off, took off her jacket, and ran off. And Tim felt completely at fault. Would she have left if Tim hadn't took out his gun? Did Tim just lose Bounce's group a member? "Wait!!" he shouted, but it was too late. She was gone, and it just made him feel even worse.

He sighed and faced Alice. Apparently the two girls before him hadn't noticed Vic's scramble to safety, and if they had, they weren't showing any sign of it. Alice made a demand, and Tim wasn't foolish enough to disobey twice. "Put your gun away and go back the way you came."

Tim swallowed hard and nodded. "Okay. Okay, okay." The next part, he said in a much softer voice. "But I wasn't going to hurt you guys, I'm sorry." A pause, and he looked over at Jacob and Colin, his face sunken in and shadowed. "Let's just go."
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Post by Brackie »

((Short post is short so I can get Jacob's death over and done with today))

Well, look at that. Seems that Alice was properly paranoid about them. Jacob scratched the back of his head and averted his gaze from the whole situation, it was getting nowhere faster than a donkey on a treadmill. Still, Timothy seemed to get the idea after a while and put the gun away, and that was when Jacob decided that he needed to get his original plan back into action.

If he could find his bag, then he wouldn't be as useless as he was - always.

"Guys, I'm gonna run ahead and look around town for my bag, alright?" Jacob started. It wasn't that these guys weren't great company, he just really really wanted to make sure his stuff was okay.

He strode off in quick strides, leaving the fountained park behind him.

((Jacob Charles continues in All's Fair))
[+] The Island
V4: G069 - Clio Gabriella: Hold me closer, tiny dancer; count the headlights on the highway to hell.
V4: G083 - Paige Strand: Feelings don't try to hurt you, even the painful ones. You're responsible for all of the damn consequences.
V4: B118 - Jacob Charles: Every grieving heart has screamed at one time or another 'why can't you just let me die?'
V4: G114 - Aston Bennett: A woman who desires revenge must dig three graves.
V4: B108 - Ma'afu Tuigamala: Most men would rather forget a hard truth than face it.
V5: G015 - Janie Sinneave: Every human being must find her own way to cope with the impossible, and the only job of a true friend is to facilitate whatever method she doesn't choose.
V6: B018 - Maxim Kehlenbrink: Too much self-centered attitude brings isolation. Result: loneliness, fear, anger, and a hammer to the skull.
V7: G044 - Mikki Swift: It takes 18 years to build a reputation and a minute to ruin it.
V7: G070 - Jessica Rennes: Despair is our chance to wrestle with water and fall through.
V7: G075 - Aditi Sharma: She can still scream that rebel yell, just as loud as it was in 2005.
[+] Home
V4: B042 - Brendan Wallace: History has a way of repeating itself for years to come.
v5 - Penny Huang: Good girls can make bad decisions.
v5 - Jasper Rourke: Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, "what could have been".
v7 - Gaelan Meloy: And nothing matters.
v7 - Jordan Brankovich: Rethinking it all.
v7 - Kayden Brockman: Not done yet.
v7 - Ji-hyun Christensen: Just getting started.
[+] Remind Me Tomorrow
Destiny Martinez will live fast and die faster.
Aidan Winston is going to let you know you're not solving anything.
Lara Rodriguez thinks you should keep your opinion on her to yourself.
Peyton Hoffman isn't fond of the PC Police ruining everything.
Lindsey Sewall wants to make sure you drank water today you stupid bitch.
Luke Travers needs to have a code.
I'm hosting a SOTF!
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Post by T-Fox* »

This had all gone to hell so, so fast. Jacob was running off, and within a few seconds, he ducked behind a building and was gone. Tim did seem legitimately sorry for having tensed the situation though, so... there was that. Colin wasn't mad, not at all. He was more... frustrated with the entire situation. He couldn't blame Tim. Fear and paranoia... They made sense. In all honesty, his survival instincts had probably just decided that he should have some show of power in a tense situation.

Unfortunately, for someone who had to deal with it all, having a clear head, Colin saw it for what it was.

"Tim... Don't worry about it. We should probably just go though."

A few moments of silence. He glanced over to Bounce and Alice, and back to Tim.

"We should probably find Jacob though."

A door slammed off in the distance. Probably Jacob looking for his bag. Thankfully, that meant that they had a trail of breadcrumbs to follow. Head towards the sound.

A soft sigh. He had never had to deal with anything like this before. Sure, there was a little tension sometimes. Hell, once after a show, some drunk jackass started harassing him for not playing "Five Finger Death Punch", whoever the hell they were. You just... don't go to a cafe looking for a metal show.

That was the night he asked Bill to quit serving Irish Coffees. Cops weren't good for what was slowly at the time turning into a hipster hangout.

Another slam, off in the distance. This one a lot quieter than the first. Jacob was moving away, at a speed he couldn't quite fathom for someone hunting for something. He was probably jittery, frustrated, and trying to move as fast as he could. Hell, that bag could be in the first house he 'checked'.

"Come on Tim. I think Jacob's this way."

His voice raised as he turned to address the girls who he had unfortunately brought more fear upon.

"I'm sorry! We're leaving. We aren't going to come back, we don't want to hurt you."

Stress on the don't. He wanted them to know that his group was not a threat. Really, the two trios were really similar. Just three people who grouped up to survive. Trying to find strength in numbers, solace in friends and like minded forms. Who knows if Bounce, Alice, and Vic knew each other before all this happened? Actually, quite a few people probably, but he didn't. And he knew he would never know. He just regretted that it was so late in this... excuse for a game. Maybe if they'd all met on day one, with the fear of being alone so fresh in their minds, them maybe, just maybe they could all travel together in relative safety.

He shuffled back, adjusting his bag on his back.

"Come on... Let's just get out of here."

((Colin Falcone continued All's Fair. ))
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Post by Sister Grimm* »

Well, colour her surprised. She didn't actually think that whole 'back down or else' thing would work. Maybe because she didn't add in an overt threat? Whatever the reason or rationale, she wasn't complaining. A chance to get out of this without Bounce or Vic getting hurt? Yeah, sure, sign her up. Especially if it meant she didn't have to take a bullet for anyone. Once was, yeah, once was enough for her to decide that was no fun. The fact that Tim was backing down was proof enough not everyone on the island was as crazy as Raidon.

All the same, she'd wait for Tim to join his friends in leaving before returning to Vic. It wasn't that she didn't trust him, it was just, well, she didn't trust him. She didn't care what he did or where he went, as long as it didn't interfere with her group. Alice just wanted him gone, before he did something stupid with that gun of his. To be fair, he seemed pretty level-headed, but taking a chance on someone with a gun was hardly conducive to long term survival.

She watched the group trickle away, one by one. First Jacob, then Colin, and finally Tim. Until they were out of sight, Alice remained where she was, standing directly between Bounce and danger. Only when the whole group dropped out of sight did Alice turn to Bounce and flash her a relieved smile. "I'm happy with how that worked out, aren't you?"

She cast a surreptitious glance over her shoulder just to make sure Tim wasn't trying something by doubling back before turning back to Bounce. "So, how about we try that greeting again? Minus the tackling?" Alice rolled her shoulder before wincing at the pain that caused and remembering to never do that again. She threw her arm around Bounce, hugging her for a second before letting go and stepping back. "I am really glad to see you again, Bounce. It's great to see a friendly face." The taller girl stepped around Bounce and started toward the road Vic was crouching on last she saw her. "I'll grab Vic and we can head somewhere a little less populous. What do you think? Sounds good?"

Well, that would have been the plan, if Vic was where she was supposed to be. Alice stepped onto the street where Vic had been hiding and felt something that could only be dread. Of course, there was no cause for alarm, she was probably just, maybe, hiding in a building or something? She saw Tim with his gun and didn't want to risk him getting spooked when he saw a third person, so she hid. The jacket on sidewalk, her jacket, that was probably just a marker or something. Right?

Alice took a tentative step toward her jacket, feeling the first stirring of fear behind the dread. "Vic? It's safe, you can come out now." She called out, her eyes darting back and forth for some sign or indication of where Vic was hiding. Because the alternative, that Vic had ran off, was too painful to even bear thinking about. Well, maybe she could have been attacked? Sure, she had time to take off her jacket before she was killed without the Mexican stand-off happening a stone's throw away hearing.

"Vic, it's okay, it's me. Come on." Alice called out again, trying to write off the tremble in her voice as her imagination. She had to be around here somewhere, she just had to be! But she wasn't, and Alice knew it. She was, God, she was gone. She'd left Alice behind. But that was, it was impossible. Vic loved her, there was no way that she'd leave. Yet that was exactly what happened. Alice felt sick. Sick and angry and betrayed and hurt. She wanted to scream or cry, she wasn't sure which was more likely.

But she couldn't do any of those things, as much as she wanted to. She was trembling, shaking, but she forced herself to steady. If she was alone, she could wallow in self-pity as much as she wanted to. But she wasn't alone. Bounce was here now, and relying on her. Alice choked back a sob as she recovered her jacket. She tried not to think of Vic wearing it not long ago as she put it back on. She especially tried not to think of Vic getting hurt because she wasn't there to protect her.

With all the resolve she could muster, Alice pulled herself together and returned to Bounce. With a forced calm on her voice, Alice said, "Vic's gone. Where should we head next?"
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Post by Namira »

((In the interests of continuity, not reacting to the DZ announcement. I apologise for this not being my best)).

Bounce couldn't quite believe that Alice getting in the faces of the other group had sparked off such a reaction. She'd been so, so convinced that they were hostile, ready to start shooting at the first opportunity. But no, the move which all logic and history had told Bounce was completely stupid... had actually worked. They'd backed down just because Alice had confronted them. Of course, that proved that they'd never been looking for a fight in the first place, but Bounce's store of knowledge was telling her that she'd been right to be concerned.

Her brain... or rather, the memories of SOTF in it... that was Bounce's one advantage. She had to use it as much as she could.

With things a little calmer following the rapid departure of the group of boys, Bounce even managed to muster a smile at Alice's greeting. It was wan, weak, but most certainly genuine. Though Bounce had placed her trust in Victoria as an extension of Alice, nothing could hold a candle to somebody she knew, completely and 100%, that she could count on.

But of course, the positive had to be followed by another problem. Vic was gone. Alice, understandably, was distressed. Bounce herself? She could deal with that, beyond the loss of their gun. Callous as it sounded, Bounce didn't trust Vic, and if she'd bailed on them at the first inkling of a fight, it seemed that her suspicion had been warranted. Well, better now than in any real danger. Bounce much preferred the idea of sticking with Alice anyway.

Choosing her words carefully, Bounce replied. "It's clear she ran off. I don't think it's a good idea to remain here any longer, in any case. We need to move out of the built up area, it's too attractive to others," Bounce paused. "I ran into Aaron earlier. He suggested a rendezvous at the sawmill. If you've no objections, we could head there. Either way... let's get going, we can talk as we walk, okay?"

Bounce took a moment to orientate herself, then started off down the street in the direction she HOPED was out.

((Bounce --> Make Your Own Kind of Music))
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Post by Sister Grimm* »

Alice felt numb. Well, she didn't feel anything, but that was numb. Well, she didn't feel anything outside a faint ache in her chest. But she really didn't want to think about that now. Didn't want to think about anything actually. Because that would sooner or later, much more likely sooner, lead back to Vic. Vic, who Alice had trusted with her life, Vic, who Alice would have gladly died for, running away. God, she hoped it was something as simple as that. Fear, while not exactly a ray of sunshine, was understandable. At least it wasn't like Vic was waiting for a chance to leave. Right?

All the same, feelings of abandonment and guilt managed to push through that comfortable numbness. Now that she was over that initial shock of finding that her love was gone, her mind had time to run wild with ideas concerning the why. Maybe she saw Alice as an albatross? A weakness, or a liability? Someone to be taken advantage of, then tossed aside? It was funny, in a way that wasn't funny in the least. Vic had promised that she wouldn't leave. She hadn't, to be fair. Not in the way she meant at the time. That was little consolation, though.

Bounce was speaking, then. Alice made herself listen, even if all she wanted to do was find Vic. Logical, reliable Bounce. Now, Bounce was great. Alice liked her, loved her even. She was, after all, her only friend in the world. But that part of Alice that wasn't M.I.A. wondered if Bounce would die to throw in some compassion? Alice listened, her eyes drifting back to the street where they'd left Vic. Logical, reliable Bounce. Always planning, always thinking ahead. Even if Alice was holding out for a reassuring word, she would concede that it was appreciated that Bounce at least had her head in the game.

But that wouldn't do, would it? Bounce might be the brains of that outfit, but Alice was the muscle. She couldn't just coast along, no matter how much she might want to. Vic was, Vic was gone. On her own. Bounce was right, naturally. She'd left of her own accord, and she knew exactly what she was doing. It wouldn't do any good to go looking after her. She clearly didn't want to be found. As worried as Alice was about her safety, at least she was armed. There were 5 bullets left in the revolver, so at least she wasn't defenseless.

Alice looked away from the street and back to Bounce, offering a slight nod. She was, if not 100%, ready to move on. More then ready to get the hell out of here. "The sawmill sounds fine."

Before falling into step next to Bounce, Alice cast one last look over her shoulder at the street. She was hoping to see Vic walking towards them, guilty and feeling a change of heart. But, of course, no. Vic was gone, probably long gone by the time Alice noticed. It was the best she could do to hope that they might be up again in the future. For now, it was Alice and Bounce. Survival of the Fittest, look out.

((Alice Blake, continued in Make Your Own Kind of Music))
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

Tim looked over at Jacob as he informed the boys that he was going to go ahead and look for his bag. Before Tim could comment or argue, Jacob was gone and all Tim could do was watch. His little carefully formed trio was now just a duo, and exactly how long would that keep up? What if Colin decided to ditch him too? Everyone seemed to be bailing. That armed girl bailed on her little team, Jacob was gone.. Everyone seemed to be leaving, and soon Tim would either be alone or dead. He wasn't sure which one was worse.

"Crap," Tim muttered, watching as Jacob's form disappeared. "I hope we catch up with him soon.. I kinda liked the three of us traveling together. He was alright, nice, ya know?" That and Tim felt like he helped Jacob. Colin and Tim had saved Jacob from suicide! It bonded the three together, kept them close.. They shared emotions and secrets, and it wasn't until much later that Tim would realize that Jacob was gone forever - never to be seen walking upon this green earth.

He could hear Jacob slamming through buildings, presumably looking for his bags, and he also heard Colin speak to Tim, instantly clearing his troubles. He told Tim not to worry about it, and Tim obediently nodded, in-taking air through his nose. "Yes, we should go.. Sorry," he said, tacking on another apology. He just couldn't help it, he felt as if he'd never be able to adequately apologize for that stupid gun-brandishing mistake. He just felt so bad!

As Colin lead Tim off in the direction where Jacob supposedly was, Tim turned around and managed a really half-hearted wave in the direction of the female trio. Colin rattled off a quick apology, and Tim followed suit. "Yes, we're leaving! And I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-uh-scare you guys!" He shut his mouth before he began rambling off more thoughtless apologies, and the two guys were off, off to search for Jacob.

But Tim was just glad that he still had Colin. Colin was still sticking by his side and nothing had changed... Still two good friends, the comfort of music between them. Sure, the music wasn't physical - it wasn't a tune that they could both actively hear, but it was a tune that replayed constantly in Tim's mind. It was a reminder of how he and Colin met, that day in the coffee shop... The songs that Colin preformed and Tim watched even though he had so much homework that he should have been working on...

The music would never stop, and Tim would always remember those songs, even after his time on this dreaded island. Even in death.

((Tim Questiare continued in One Final Bow))

((Topic concluded))
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