English, wherefore art thou?

Located on the first floor of the school building, the language arts wing houses all the school's English, Spanish, and other foreign language classes. The Principal's office is also in this area.
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English, wherefore art thou?


Post by KataLlama* »

((Continuing from The New Face of Zero and One in the Library))

"Gah! Finally!" Jack entered the classroom and, seeing that no one was in yet, threw his stuff under his desk and sprawled out on top of it and a few other neighboring desks.

Last period of the day! Jack thought. And English is almost always a breeze, unless we get an essay.
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

((First post of Fiona Sparki))

The day had mostly gone by without a hitch but in general, it was a bit of a blur for the blonde girl. Mornings just weren't her thing so she spent a majority of the day with her head down or sporadically taking notes. This particular day was no different and as she walked to English class, she couldn't help but rub her eyes in tiredness and give a wide yawn. "Yaaaawn."

She turned the corner and walked into the English classroom which was bare except for one person who was draped over a few desks, including hers. She was tempted to just walk out of the classroom until the bell rang and then come in late, but why risk a tardy? It was the last class of the day. Deciding to just tough it, she headed in the direction of Jack and after giving him a weird look, cleared her throat.

"Ah.. Um, you're kind of...lying on my desk," she told him, giving him a slight grin. She wasn't about to be rude for no reason to the boy who just seemed a little overexcited about the last period of the day. Fiona found herself a little excited as well, plus Jack was fairly nice. As she waited for his response, she took her backpack off and let it drop softly to the floor.
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Post by BetaKnight »

Evelyn Reed paused just outside the door to her English class, rapidly texting her best friend. She recognized Fiona's voice and bit down on her lip as her fingers flew across the keyboard of her Sidekick. OMG must go to eng now hope loser isnt catching since thats whos inside save me from this freak show

Sliding the phone closed and slipping it into her pocket, she took a deep, cleansing breath to steady herself before strutting into the classroom. Almost against her will, she glanced over at Fiona and Jack and their weird little tableau. Ewww. Of course like would attract like, she thought snidely to herself as the two conversed in low tones.

Evelyn's eyes quickly raked Fiona from head to toe before snapping forward as she approached her seat at the back of the room. As usual, she found Fiona's appearance lacking. I hate her stupid fucking hair. No cheerleader should be allowed to sport that pathetic Gwen Steffani wannabe ‘do. It's so incredibly tacky and disgusting that I could just vomit every single time I lay eyes on it.

In fact, there wasn't a lot about Fiona that Evelyn approved of. She was continually baffled as to how on earth Fiona was allowed to be on the squad. Cheerleading is supposed to be about being the best. We're the public face of the school. We are the living embodiment of school pride. Just…look at her. Evelyn bent her head over her purse and hid her expression of revolt by digging around for her emery board. She's so fat that it hangs over her uniform. She can't tumble worth a crap. There's that skanky ‘rocker' look she's always sporting. Evelyn let out a small snort as she pulled the board out of her bag and examined her nails. So she's ‘perky' and has ‘lots of energy'. Whoop-de-fucking-do. So are some of the Special Ed kids, but we don't put them in uniforms and let them perform with us.

Evelyn attacked her nails with a vengeance. And of course I can't say anything to anyone about it. She's been on the squad longer than I have. Which is just bullshit. I wonder who she blew to secure her spot, because her fat ass sure as hell didn't earn it based on talent.

She blew on her nails, working to bury the resentment bubbling inside of her. After a few seconds, her nails were as close to perfect as she was going to get them, and she felt sure she could keep up the happy little mask she needed to wear when dealing with Fiona.

"Hey Fiona! Aren't you so glad we're almost done for the day? I swear, the closer we get to graduation, the slower time seems to be going," Evelyn called out cheerfully, giving the other girl a little wave.
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Post by blastinus »

(Sorry for not mentioning your character, BetaKnight. I've corrected it a little.)

(Drew O'Reilly continued from Pumping Iron)

The last class of the day, and it had to be English. Piece of cake. All the teacher needed in this class was an interpretation, and so you could never be wrong. Of course, then she told the class the correct answer, but at least until then, you could imagine that your answer was right.

Of course, life would be incredibly dull without the occasional sudden surprise, as Drew slowly stepped into the classroom just in time to see that it was nearly empty. He must have arrived earlier than expected. What was even more surprising, however, was the state of one of the room's few occupants. Specifically, he was lying across several tables, apparently intent on getting a nap. However, one of the other occupants, a young lady who Drew couldn't quite recall the name of, was calmly attempting to get the fellow off already, so the situation was well in hand.

"Funny place to take a nap," Drew said, slipping under the guy's legs in order to get at his own desk. "I'd never do that, especially not on school property. What's your name, if you don't mind me asking? I've seen you before, but I don't think we've ever talked."

I really hope that there's some huge penalty for people sleeping on their school desks. I'd tolerate even a detention. Anything that helps me to think that this last period was worth attending this afternoon

As for the other two ladies, one of which Drew had brushed against on the way past, he noticed they were both on the cheerleading squad, and were therefore not worth talking to. All he knew cheerleaders to be were stuck up and arrogant, and he really didn't feel like talking to someone of that type today.
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Post by KataLlama* »

Man, and I was just about to fall asleep! Yawning, Jack sat up and situated himself atop his desk. Well there's that chick who was asking me to move. She's talking to some other cheerleader so that drama'll cancel each other out.

Turning to look at Drew, Jack began, "Hey man, sorry about that. My name's Jack. I think I've seen you around too. As for the property, well, who really gives a damn. Teacher ain't here, most people weren't here, and I got a few minutes of Z's. It's all good. Oh yeah, and before I forget.."

Standing up, off the desk for a change, Jack said loudly, "Sorry for being your desk Fiona! It was a thing. "

Turning back to Drew with a grin, Jack finally took his seat.
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

Fiona turned away from Jack as she heard a familiar voice speak out to her. Looking over at the girl, she realized it was Evelyn and gave a wide grin. Evelyn and Fiona weren't exactly friends; they didn't talk all that often but they were in the same squad. And when you're in a cheerleading squad, you're practically like family. At least... that's what Fiona thought. If she had known Evelyn's true thoughts and opinions about her, it would definitely be a surprise and a shocker. She always worked so hard to get on everyone's good side and there was no solid evidence that pointed to Evelyn's apparent dislike for Fiona.

Walking away from her row of desks, she walked over to Evelyn's desk and placed a hand on the surface. The first thing that one would notice was the difference in the girl's nails. It was a silly, trivial thing but cheerleaders were all about nails. Fiona's deeply contrasting against Evelyn's beautiful nails. Fiona's nails were short, rough and unpainted while Evelyn's nails seemed perfectly filed and shined. It was just a metaphor for how different the two girls really were. Polar opposites.

"Yeah! I can't wait to get home..fix myself a delicious milkshake.. And no practice today either! Hehe but... I do dread graduation. Don't you? It feels like..once we graduate..cheerleading will be over.. And I really had fun too! But oh well, what can we do, right?" she asked with a light hearted laugh.

When Jack apologized for being on her desk, Fiona just looked back and shook her head with a grin on her face. "Oh, it's no problem!" she told him as she turned her attention back to the fellow cheerleader. "Got any plans for this summer?" she asked, just fishing to make some idle conversation.
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Post by BetaKnight »

Evelyn pasted a welcoming smile onto her face as Fiona walked over. Just smile, nod, and be gracious. Smile, nod, and be gracious. She kept repeating the mantra in her head as Fiona leaned over and dropped a paw on her desk. Evelyn smile widened just a bit as she fought down the urge to comment on Fiona's man hands.

"Yeah! I can't wait to get home..fix myself a delicious milkshake.. And no practice today either! Hehe but... I do dread graduation. Don't you? It feels like..once we graduate..cheerleading will be over.. And I really had fun too! But oh well, what can we do, right?"

Oh, hooray no practice, Evelyn silently mocked. No surprise you're happy about that since practice would mean making an effort. And of course you're gonna go home and make a milkshake, Hogzilla. You've probably been salivating over the thought all day. "Yeah, no group practice. I texted my tumbling coach and since I have the afternoon clear, he wants me to come and get some practice in with him. I've been working on some new elements, and he wants me to come in and run the sets again."

Her brow puckered prettily as she considered the rest of Fiona's statement. "No, I'm not dreading graduation at all. Just think of all the amazing things we get to do between now and then. I mean, the parties, senior trip, prom…." Evelyn trailed off as she pictured the upcoming events. Pulling herself back to the here-and-now, she flashed Fiona a conspiratorial smile. "Don't say anything, but I've already got my prom dress all picked out. Now I've just got to wait for the guys to get up the nerve to ask."

"Plus, I'm expecting an acceptance letter from one of my choices any day now. I'm hoping for USC since their cheerleading team has the best competition record, plus California would be just awesome!" She gleefully bounced a bit in her seat. "But I'd be happy with a spot at University of Louisville or University of Kentucky. UK has won fifteen national championships for cheerleading." Evelyn shrugged in an off-handed manner. "My coach knows someone who knows one of the coaches on the UK team, so I'm hoping that they send a rep to check me out. So I've got to make sure I nail those new elements."

Jack and Drew butted into their conversation, sticking their noses in where they weren't wanted, as usual. Evelyn rolled her eyes at the boys. At least in California, the guys will be totally cute and awesome and nothing at all like these morons.

"Got any plans for this summer?"

"Oh, yeah, totally. I'm going to cheer camp for two weeks, which sounds a little lame but seriously rocks. Plus, my parents are making noises about taking the whole family on a vacation to Florida. My dad wants to go see the Space Center, which is totally lame. But the beaches there are supposed to be totally wicked." Evelyn leaned forward and rested her chin on her hand. "What about you?"
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Post by blastinus »

My, aren't we humble today? She probably has that speech on flashcards.

Leaning back in his desk, Drew listened to the conversation of the two cheerleaders on the side and silently laughed to himself. If a silly twit like Evelyn seriously thought that she was going to college, then the possibility of him getting into his father's alma mater was practically assured. Of course, the likelihood that the prissy girl would get accepted to any of the colleges she listed was more likely a result of her being able to do a backflip than anything academic, so it was hardly an accomplishment.

Fat chance of her getting a job once she's graduated, of course. Most likely, she's just going to end up as a gold digger, living off dirty old men who're too senile to have any sense.

Drew's cheerful thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Mrs. Bishop, coming in shortly after most of the rest of the class. Mrs. Bishop had a habit of being late, and most of the students knew that, so it was rare that anyone was especially in a rush to get in. The fact that Drew and three others had come in this early at all was a good indication that somebody wasn't thinking straight. Drew himself liked to come in early in order to appear as a shining example, but he couldn't imagine that such a motivation would occur to two cheerleaders.

"Good afternoon," Mrs. Bishop said. "I am very sorry for being late. I was grading the essays you handed in yesterday, and I lost track of time. Now, if you will turn to page 128 of your reader, I would like you to follow along with me in reading a few select poems from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Let's start with 'The Walrus and the Carpenter.'"

Good old Mrs. Bishop. Always chooses the most boring stories ever. Who wants to hear about a stupid British girl dreaming about a bunch of stupid people doing stupid things? Her older sister should have just drowned her in the lake at the start of the story and spared us all the trouble.

Outwardly, Drew looked very eager to hear the reading for today. If there was one thing he knew how to do, it was how to put up a facade of cheerfulness. However, inside, all he really wanted to do now was to go home.
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Post by Solitair* »

Eiko had caused a few heads to turn when she entered the classroom in high heels, but the rest of the class arrived soon after her. She noticed the four students who arrived before her, and tried to recall what she knew about them; it didn't turn out to be much.

A rather mixed company to say the least. In one corner sat Reed and Sparki, two cheerleaders; the former was prim and proper, if dull and vacuous, maintaining a respectable appearance (almost as respectable as Eiko's herself). The latter was decked out in one of the most garish outfits she'd ever seen. It was times like this that she wished Bayview required the students to wear uniforms. There was a time and place for such outlandish clothing, and Eiko wished Sparki would reserve them for her concerts or whatever she got them for.

Then there were Sanders and O'Reilly, two students who Eiko liked more, if only because they regarded education as more than a chore. Sanders was admittedly homely and a bit of a slacker and an otaku, not to mention his atrocious sense of humor. He'd likely end up working behind a desk all his life, a shame for one as studious as him.

O'Reilly, on the other hand, was a rather odd one. He looked rather like an athlete; you would sooner expect to see him on a baseball court than in a boardroom. But apparently he had a hidden passion for engineering. He was definitely college-bound. Perhaps she'd talk to him later.

Before she could take a look at the other students, Bishop-sensei walked into the room, tardy as per usual, and gave the class their assignments. Eiko knew little about this Carroll gentleman, and had never read Alice and Wonderland before. Judging from the sparse groans she heard after the reading was announced, the other students were more than familiar with it. Curious, Eiko withdrew her textbook from her handbag and began to read.
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Post by KataLlama* »

Jack spaced out as the cheerleader began talking about...something, but it didn't matter to him. He began idly tracing a pattern in the grain of the desk and was startled to awareness by Eiko's heels clacking on the floor. Unlike most people in English, Jack liked Eiko. She was a nice person who also happened to be Japanese (And Jack kinda has a thing for Japanese chicks, probably all that anime he watches). She was a dedicated woman though, and always seemed to be so busy. Jack on the other hand..

"Good afternoon. Something Something, I'm Late. More Blah and stuff essays. Read things." Mrs. Bishop came in and sat down. Most people opened their books to the appropriate passage, while others settled into mantaing their failing average with an afternoon of texting, but Jack sat in his chair for a moment. With a sigh, he got up and went over to Mrs. Bishop's desk.

"Hey Miss Bishop, you said you were grading essays?" Jack said in order to catch her attention away from her work. She looked up and smiled. "Why yes Jack! But I'm real busy right now, and not everyone has turned theirs in yet. I'll be handing them out next class."

"Oh." said Jack, slightly dissappointed. "T-thanks anyway." Walking back to his desk, Jack sat down and opened his book to the passages and began to read. Clearing her throat, Mrs. Bishop called out, "Uhh, Jack?" Lifting his head from his work, Jack looked at the teacher.

"You did get your usual grade though, so no need to stress." Finished, Mrs. Bishop returned to her work in silence. Jack returned to his attention to the task at hand with a grin.

So that makes another perfect score. People like Drew and Eiko will probably be annoyed again. The idiot is one of the best students in class. Now then...Finish this quick and you got 30 minutes of easy snooze time. Let's see...illusory..dreams...to make a statement about reality..something...
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

Fiona nodded politely when Evelyn told her practice with the coach on tumbling. Honestly, Fiona thought that she would benefit from that herself but... She just wanted Friday all to herself. She wanted to nap, watch TV, maybe play some games with her brothers... Although she adored cheerleading, sometimes she just needed some 'me' time.

When Evelyn said she wasn't dreading graduation, Fiona found herself a little surprised but she agreed with some things she said. "Oh. Yeah, I am looking forward to prom and the senior trip of course but... Not really prepared for it.. I might look at dresses this weekend. Oh hey, if you can't find a date, you and I could go in a group. I doubt I'll ask anyone out.." she whispered, cheeks burning red. She was staring at the tile flooring for a moment before she looked back up. "But maybe someone will ask me. I sure hope so.."

Then she listened as Evelyn chattered on about college. While Fiona offered a polite grin and nod, inside she was cringing at the mere thought of college. Once again, while cheerleading was the essence of life for her... She couldn't imagine making a career of it. She was better suited for going into business or education. Besides, while Fiona could pass as a small time cheerleader in high school, she doubt she could pass at a college. She wasn't that good and definitely didn't look the part. "That sounds really great. Best of luck to you. I'm looking into the University of Virginia. It's a tad far but I've heard they have a great education program. I'm.. interested in teaching, hehe," she said with a nervous smile.

When Evelyn described her summer, Fiona seemed to grin. Florida sounded amazing. "Wow, I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun! I'm probably going to visit my grandparents in Washington.. That's my only plan really. Florida sounds cool though." Fiona didn't even mention the cheerleading camp. While it did sound fun, she couldn't see herself attending it. Besides, after senior year was over, so was cheerleading. And Fiona had no future in cheerleading.

When Fiona realized that the teacher had come in, she gave a wave to Evelyn and returned to her seat beside Jack. She thoroughly enjoyed Mrs. Bishop's teaching. She was a simple women who didn't work them to do the bone and they read interesting things. Like Alice in Wonderland poems. One of Fiona's favorite piece of literature. "Oh!! Oh! I LOVE ALICE IN WONDERLAND!" she blurted out. "Can we read 'How Doth the Little Crocodile' next? Please?" she begged cheerfully with a grin. Her dreadlocks fell from her shoulder and brushed behind her.
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Post by BetaKnight »

"Oh. Yeah, I am looking forward to prom and the senior trip of course but.... Not really prepared for it.. I might look at dresses this weekend. Oh hey, if you can't find a date, you and I could go in a group. I doubt I'll ask anyone out….But maybe someone will ask me. I sure hope so."

Evelyn just stared at Fiona in disbelief. She can't possibly be serious. "You can't possibly be seriously thinking that no one will ask you. You're a cheerleader." Even if you are our charity case. She shook her head as if to shake loose the idea of a cheerleader being dateless for prom. "Of course someone will ask you. Taking a cheerleader to prom is a total status symbol. That's why guys brag about it to their kids, like, twenty years after the fact. Guys will ask you, and it's your job to be selective in who you go with."

The conversation then turned towards college and summer plans, with Fiona revealing her plans to attend University of Virginia as an education major and vacation in Washington as other students filed in. Mrs. Bishop came in, late as usual. Not that I care that she's late since it means I can never be late, but I can't believe none of the other teachers haven't called her on it. Fiona hurried to her seat next to Jack as Mrs. Bishop dumped her stuff all over the desk before addressing the class with her standard apology.

Evelyn groaned and rolled her eyes as Mrs. Bishop announced the page number and assignment. Oh, spare me. This is so not how I need to start my weekend, she silently complained while digging her Literature book out of her backpack. She cringed at Fiona's exuberant declaration of love for Alice in Wonderland. Way to play it cool, Fiona. Keep up the good work.

With a huff, she made a show of turning to the proper page. This is so juvenile. I can barely stand it. Evelyn half-heartedly followed along. It wasn't that she had anything against the material. In fact, quite the opposite was true. Her mother had been an English major in college, and the pair had spent many an afternoon reading together when she was small; Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass had been particular favorites. Currently resting in her bookshelf at home was an antique edition that her father had brought home from a business trip to London especially for her. She just had no desire to sit and listen to her classmates butcher a portion of her childhood with their totally unoriginal thoughts and 'insights'.

Pulling out her notebook, Evelyn quickly scrawled out the required literary response. Since she was very familiar with the material, it only took her about twenty minutes to cover the entire aspect of the prompt. Not my usual A level work, but I really don't give a damn today. Besides, one imperfect assignment won't kill my grade, and I've pretty much got a lock on a 3.5 GPA . Giving it one last cursory glance, she tore the paper out, gathered up all of her things, and made her way up to Mrs. Bishop's desk.

"Umm, Mrs, Bishop, I've finished the assignment and I'm all caught up with everything. Plus, I've got an appointment RIGHT after school. So since it's all done and it's Friday, I'm gonna leave just a little bit early, okay?" Evelyn flashed the teacher her best cheerleader's smile while putting her paper on Mrs. Bishop's desk. Without waiting for the teacher to respond, Evelyn bounced on the balls of her feet. "Thanks, Mrs. Bishop. You're the best." She quickly hurried out the door and out into the warm spring sunlight.

((Evelyn Reed continued elsewhere))
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