The Thing About Life Is...

You can see the ocean from here. The cliffs aren't terribly high, but it might be a mighty painful fall down them. They wouldn't make a very good hiding place, seeing how they're out in the open, but it'd definitely make a good vantage point, especially if you were lying in wait for someone to pass along the shoreline below.
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The Thing About Life Is...


Post by riserugu* »

The only sounds echoing across the cliffs now where the crashing of waves against the rocks below the cliff and the soft sobs coming from the shaken form seated near the edge, knees draw up and her face buried away in her hands as one Tegan Bianco –or G15 as she would become to be known as—sat and cried, unable to bring herself to anything else but this. She had woken up some hours before inside a graveyard of all places, confused and unable to focus on anything expect the fear washing over her and leaving her in her current state, barely able to stand let alone make for a proper plan for a situation like this. A situation like this… and who would have thought this would have ever happened to them, they where just supposed to have gone camping, not be kidnapped and forced into something where now they where presented with only two options, and two only it seemed.

Kill or be killed.

The thought in itself almost sent her over the edge and sobbing again, happy that no one else had come across this place – she had spent some time in that graveyard watching as a boy ran from the church as she had been leaving, she had managed to quickly hide behind one of the tomb stones as he ran past, looking terribly frightened and leaving Tegan scared that whatever had scared him off must still be inside the building, though after spending an hour crouched behind the tombstone and watching the building for any signs of anyone through the thrown open doors, she finally deemed it safe to move and made quick work of getting as far away from the building as she could just in case there was someone still in there and wondered around for hours on end. Mind blank and unable to focus, to bring her mind to think too long on just was happening to them.

Finally though she found herself drawn to the sounds of water, waves crashing against the cliffs, the sound almost allowing her to smile as she felt warmth as she thought about home, the sounds of waves against the shore near her home, of her mother and father and her siblings, and her grandparents. It hard to deal with the sudden hitting thought that she realized that because of this… because of all this she'd never, ever see her family again. She'd never be able to spend time chatting away the day with her dad, or help her mom with the cooking, have to yell at her younger brothers for one reason or another, or be able to have her evening chats with her sister ever again. And just that thought… being suddenly hit with this, just made the pain in her heart so much worse and leave her crying even harder into her hands, unable to bring herself to do anything more.

But just what could she do, go out there and actually attempt to kill her fellow classmates? The thought in itself seemed hard to think about for too long because it was just so sickening, sure she wasn't terribly friendly with a lot of them, didn't mean that gave her a reason to want to actually kill any of them. But that actually seemed to be the only sure fire way to be able to go home, to get off this island as escape didn't seem to be an option… but she refused, she just wasn't going to lower herself to that level. Then what? The only thing she had left for her would be to become just another number on someone's kill count? Just another helpless kid who got killed during this ruthless act? And the more she thought about, the more she tried to find a way around all this, a way to get off this island and back to her family the more she found door closing and leaving her utterly unable to think of anything.

Why though—why them?

Out of the thousands upon thousands of school across the United States, why did they have to be the ones picked? But would she really have wished something on like this on someone else? Breathing slowly she sniffed, finally bringing her face away from her hands and glancing over the sight of the ocean laid out before her as far as she could see, it would be beautiful if she wasn't conflicted of the thoughts on just why they where here… taking in a deep breath of air as she slowly pushed herself onto her feet. Glancing down to the pack that had been sitting beside her all this time, narrowing her eyes lightly and suddenly feeling rather angered by all this all the sudden, which was odd because it took a lot to manage such a task. But when faced with a situation like this where there was just no way out besides going out a path she refused to take, or allow herself just to become another statistic, she found herself with only one option left.

Reeling back though, she allowed herself a satisfied smile as she delivered a strong kick to her daypack and sent the thing jutting forward and off the side of the cliff, stepping forward somewhat in order to watch as it smashed into the rocks below before tumbling over and into the waters and continue to be tumbled about the waves below, sighing lightly and swallowing hard – she hated it, being left with only this, but at least this way she wouldn't have to sink to murder or die a dog's death for those jerks in charge to laugh over, either way though she regretted not being able to see her family… not being able to tell them all goodbye, not be able to spend one final moment all together before this moment. Sifting herself closer to the edge of the cliff, standing still and closing her eyes to the ocean breeze and allowing herself to picture her home once more as she sifted her weight and moved forward more, tears once again streaming down her face…

"I'm so sorry…"

Tegan didn't register the sensation of her toppling over the edge and falling into a dive toward the rocks below, nor when she hit the rocks, the force snapping her spine and busting her head open that the pain was there for only a second before she, like her daypack, slipping into the murky ocean waters below.

G15 – Tegan Bianco – Dead
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