Day By Day

It isn't much now, but at one time, this airfield was the life of the island. It contains a sole landing strip in the middle of an overgrown field, and the solitary air control tower nearby looms menacingly over the island. The remains of a downed aircraft sit nearby, having crashed long after the island base had been abandoned.
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It was good that Darnell finished vomiting when he did, coughing and wiping his mouth with his left hand as he picked the sword back up with his right, because just after doing that he heard the tell-tale sound of sneakers moving through asphalt. With a sigh, Darnell straightened back up and turned around to face whoever was there. He really wasn't in the mood for any more surprise encounters, but found himself glad at least that it wasn't a player with a gun behind him; they would've fired by now. Of course, he wasn't expecting to see Eduardo Trinidad-Villa behind him, holding Dan's shield in one hand and Darnell's original hedgeclippers in the other. That was odd, but seeing as he saw no blood on the hedgeclippers, in stark contrast to the blood covering his claymore's blade, he knew Dan was still alive.

Well isn't this fuckin' convenient...

Eduardo looked like he was in rough shape, bruised and scuffed and very dirty, a very frustrated look on his face that clashed with the tired or mournful expression Darnell himself bore. Eduardo had been the first player Darnell encountered, though judging by what had happened with Dan Brent not two minutes prior he clearly wasn't the last, and it was oddly fitting that they would meet again so soon after Darnell had bloodied his hands. Truth be told, Eduardo was one of the last people Darnell wanted to see right now, but he supposed there was no choice.

"What do you want, Eduardo? I'd be lying if I said I was very keen on seeing you again at the moment."

That was the only thing he could think of to say to the other man, his grip on the claymore tightening. Eduardo had proved two days or so ago that he wanted nothing to do with the idea of peacefully co-existing with Darnell, mainly by trying to kill him and almost being crippled for it, so Darnell could be forgiven for assuming Eduardo wanted to start something again.

Heh...he looks kinda funny, trying to hold a shield in one hand and a pair of hedgeclippers big enough to take someone's head off in the other.

"Still," Darnell added with a small chuckle, nodding towards Ed's recently-injured leg, "it looks like your leg got better."

Still not sure what the boy wanted, Darnell kept his stance neutral, his eyes meeting Eduardo's.
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Eduardo recoiled when Darnell had turned around, withdrawing the hedgeclippers back to a ready position. Half-expectedly, it looked like Darnell wasn't in the mood to attack, though Eddie made a mental note otherwise due to the outlying circumstances.

"I wasn't expecting to find you here with...well...what used to be company either," Eduardo replied in a slightly shaken but still frozen monotone.

Truth be told, Eduardo hadn't quite expected to have found Darnell - of all people - hanging around the airfield either...let alone the airfield itself. And perhaps it was Eddie's decision that he'd left Boxer alive albeit unarmed - just in case he had to fall back. That and he probably wouldn't have been able to squirm out of the titan's grip or get up once Boxer had hit him. He'd have to evade Boxer at least until he got a gun. And yet he couldn't help thinking that he was actually sparing boxer out of something more than another battlefield tactic though.

Either way, Boxer was now "back there," and Darnell was right in front of him. The bundle of gray tilt-nodded his head and shrugged, his face briefly turning apathetic (albeit usually his most "positive" face.). Acknowledging that "compliment" was the least he could do.

At least Before he suddenly planted his healthy foot forward, clenched the clippers shut and thrust them directly at Darnell's gut.
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"Company"? That's what he calls it?

Darnell visibly grimaced as Eduardo made light of his two kills, his expression going cold as he tried to force down the rising anger in his gut. The boy nodded at Darnell's statement about his leg being better, the acknowledgement almost making it seem like Eduardo actually didn't mean any harm for the moment. Still, he found his left hand moving onto the claymore's hilt along with his right as he raised it into a lazily held defensive position, just in case.

This kid tried to murder me, he can't mean well now all of a sudden.

Darnell's gut feeling about Eduardo would be proven right, as the boy snapped the hedgeclippers shut and quickly stepped forward, stabbing the closed blades at Darnell's stomach. There was no way out of this fight, and as soon as Eduardo attacked Darnell felt his body start to move, instinct taking over. Sharply stepping back and to the left, causing Eduardo's blow to miss, Darnell chambered the sword back almost as a karateka would a punch, the blade righting itself horizontally before being thrusted forward at Eduardo's chest. Acting on reflex, he had aimed the attack at a weak point between the ribs, where if the stab landed it would pierce straight through into Eduardo's heart. There was no time to think it through, no time to restrain himself, his body just acted on its own.

Hey, wait, where am I aiming?! No, STOP!

He couldn't stop himself, it was too late. The blade was already moving over Eduardo's hedgeclippers, towards his exposed side. Darnell found himself struggling to avoid closing his eyes before impact.
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Eduardo knew he was stabbing at air as soon as he noticed Darnell move back. He'd recovered just enough that his reflexes were almost back up to normal, and once Darnell came back, he quickly calculated that he'd put up the shield to deflect him, at least for the time being.

I miss-

Eduardo's thoughts and motion were suddenly cut off when he quite literally felt his chest explode. But rather than a scream being forced out, probably the last thing out of his mouth was a sort of choking gurgle. His limbs slowly went limp, his legs dropping him to a kneel. It was the sword's leverage that had kept him from completely collapsing to the ground while his shield and hedge clippers fell out of his loosening grasp, clacking and clinking as they hit the pavement.

He looked back up into Darnell's eyes. Eddie's own vision was already blurred past the point where he could see Darnell's facial expression, let alone tell the look in Darnell's eyes. But that didn't matter for him. He had already lost the game. He wasn't going to find out what he was supposed to find out, and with his beliefs, there was only one way to go - out. He had failed to sufficiently seize the opportunity for a way out of his predicament. And in a way, he was expecting it. It was quicker than living his life back at Highland Beach, though a much slower, natural death then probably wouldn't have been this painful. The utter irony that he was now dying by the same weapon he was supposed to be enacting "divine" justice with didn't sooth the pain one bit.

At least, ironically, he'd found the opportunity to do something he hadn't done in quite a while.

Eddie smiled.

He smiled a smug yet innocent, childlike smile at Darnell as his vision started to go white. It would have been almost tearjerking did he not suddenly cough up a little blood (with even more trickling from his lips, down his chin and onto his dark gray shirt, staining it black). Blood aside, it was a smile that quite effectively said "I told you so" without any voice or extra lip movements. More specifically, "I told you...your compassion can't last forever. Fucking jock." Darnell wouldn't have much time to read it before Eddie's head tilted to the side, and the expression reverted back to the apathetic rigor mortis it had always been.

As breath and blood finally left Eddie's lips and his consciousness dissipated, he thought he could hear a voice. A frustrated, adult voice telling him...

"You disappoint me. Thankfully...I have a plan B..."


((Boxer continued from Summer Can't Last too Long))

The leviathan linebacker could feel a sense of dread as he approached the airfield. His height put his field of vision above the shrubbery, but he was lucky to find a landmark after his only companion had left him unarmed and unguarded. Of course, 'lucky' did not describe the situation as soon as he exited the shrubbery to find out what was going down on the airstrip.

He gasped as he saw Darnell Butler impaling someone on the sword. This was someone he'd always known (at least as far back as his memory would take him) as a kind, caring person. Not someone who had apparently killed three people. Unfortunately, that wasn't the biggest shock to his system, let alone waking up here in the first place. And it had to be a big shock to surprise Boxer enough to scream.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Boxer cried out as he instantly recognized the person hanging on Darnell's blade.

He honestly didn't know what to feel, or rather, what he was feeling right now, at the sight of his teammate just killing a person Boxer could have considered his best friend. All he knew that he could feel his blood and adrenalin pumping, and his fist clenching. Soon he could put a word to his current emotion as he slowly started trudging...and then marching at Darnell: RAGE.
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There was nothing Darnell could do as his blade forced its way through Eduardo's ribs, impaling his heart and killing him almost instantly, though there was time for one smug (but bloody) grin on the boy's part. The only thing that held the husk of flesh that used to be Eduardo Trinidad-Villa up was Darnell's own grip on the fifty-five inch (forty one of those inches were the blade) Claymore, and Darnell found that grip releasing itself after he shuddered almost involuntarily from sheer horror. The sword still sticking out of his heart, Eduardo's corpse fell to the earth with a vaguely wet "thud", still at last. Darnell did not go to take the sword out just yet, his hands shaking as he gasped for breath.

"No...God damn it, no! Why can't I stop? I want to stop killing, why won't you let me stop, God?! Please, j-just let me stop...why am I doing this? I just want to go home."

Muttering to himself wouldn't do any good for anyone, he knew that fully well, but he couldn't help it any more than he could help that he was now three times a murderer. Three times, someone had attacked him for little if any reason; he had lived all three times, and all three times the other man did not. It wasn't right, he hadn't wanted to hurt anyone, he just wanted to live. He wanted to be back home again. He wanted to be enjoying himself on the Senior Trip like his class was supposed to be doing now, trying to get up the courage to ask Kallie out or something after the trip, hanging out with Keith and the rest of his friends, getting annoyed at the latest of Guy's antics, practicing football with Evelyn and the rest of the team...hell, he'd have even picked breaking up fights and studying for finals over this torture. Simon had been his friend (at least in Darnell's eyes), while he'd never had a problem with Brent or Eduardo, so why did he have to kill them? Before he realized it (things seemed to keep happening before he realized them, lately), his eyes started to cloud up, and his hands raised up to rub them dry.

No, don't let yourself cry. Real men don't cry. There are cameras everywhere, don't let Danya and the bastards who work for him get that satisfaction. Don't let them win.

However, before he could totally break down or get sick again, he heard Daniel "Boxer" Carvalho scream out, and turned to see the enraged giant storming towards him. There was still a bit of wetness to his eyes from the tears he was keeping trapped in their ducts, betraying the neutral expression he met Dan's gaze with by showing the turmoil in his mind, but there wasn't time to worry about that now. He wasn't afraid of Dan, especially since the few times they had come to blows had resulted in sound defeats for Dan, but Darnell knew he could be tricky to deal with. That applied even more when the man was this clearly enraged. Raising one hand so the palm faced Dan, he called out.

"Dan, I didn't want to kill Eduardo. I...I had no choice, you have to believe me on that. He would've killed me, Dan! Settle down, we can talk about this, I don't want to fight."

Darnell Butler may not have wanted to fight, but part of him knew that if Dan tried anything, he wouldn't have any choice. He was staring the leviathan in the eye in an instance where he was most dangerous, especially since he wasn't very bright to begin with. He lowered his hand slowly, his eyes still on the rapidly approaching Dan Carvalho, wondering if the man could be reasoned with again.

If not, I'll have to take him down.

Darnell couldn't help but gulp a little at the prospect. No matter how this ended, he wasn't going to like it; it was too late to avoid violence entirely. The three corpses around him were ample proof of that.
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Post by laZardo* »

Boxer actually slowed down as Darnell outstretched his hand, as if out of a preconditioned, Pavlov's dog reflex. But rather than charge at Darnell, the titan didn't bat his fellow jock a second glance as he passed him (or tried to walk past him, anyway), before stopping beside Eddie's corpse. The sword that went right through Eddie's heart was still there, sticking out almost perfectly upright with the sun glinting a hideous ruby glow off of its freshly drying bloodstains. Not that it was this blood that Boxer was fixated on, as he knelt beside the corpse.

Eddie's face, which by now had gone pale due to lack of blood, had long since lost his final smile. Of course, not even Boxer had seen Eddie smile, though he had probably come close. And perhaps the fact that he would never see Eddie smile again - at least in this life - did little to help Boxer hold back his anger and tears. Much less that Eddie was killed by someone who had actually stuck up for Boxer at times, and one of his most valuable teammates. And much, much less that he'd even imagined them actually murdering each other.

Boxer put a giant hand on Eddie's forehead. It was already as warm as the environment around him, but it reminded him of a place much "warmer."

"Eddie? Is there anything wrong?"
"No...Boxer. I'm fine. Now about acute and obtuse angles..."
"Look, I know those guys are tough...but they mean well."
"I'm sure they do...

"What...what did he ever do to you that you had to kill him?" Boxer said softly, a guttural murmur where sadness and anger mixed like a crucible. "I did what you guys asked...I got him to help me with homework..." He could feel his fists clenching. The sword was right in front of him, but he wasn't quite up to going Highlander on Darnell just yet...
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When Dan slowed his approach in response to Darnell raising his hand, Darnell was half surprised and half not. It was almost something of a conditioned response for the man, but at the same time the pace at which he had been marching towards Darnell and Eduardo's body had made Darnell think Dan wouldn't think twice about trying to walk through him. Another thing Darnell hadn't expected as he lowered his hand, though, was for Dan to suddenly alter his path so that he was walking at Darnell's right side. Understanding that the leviathan was trying to move around him, and seeing the look of focus on his face, Darnell casually stepped to his left to move out of the way. Turning around to see Dan, he saw him kneeling next to Eduardo's body, his hand on the dead boy's forehead, noticing the pooling blood everywhere even less than Darnell had when Simon died.

Why is he so affected by this, after he bullied Eduardo so much in school?

He felt a bit ashamed for even idly thinking such a thing; all death should carry such an effect. No matter who you were, how well you knew or got along with the deceased, there was no excuse to have no reaction to someone being killed. Was he already getting desensitized? No, that couldn't be it, he still felt nauseous about the whole affair, and the nagging guilt in the back of his head had yet to go away. He found himself wanting to say something to Dan, something that would comfort him, but he couldn't think of anything.

It's my fault, anyway, what fuckin' right do I have to try to help?

By now rain had started to fall some, landing around and on both Dan and Darnell, washing away the blood from some places and soaking them both. In some cases it stung a bit, and it was soaking through his clothing, but due to the fact that it cooled him down and was getting rid of the smell of blood Darnell found himself being grateful. The noise and occasional thunderclap was distracting him from his idle thoughts, though, and just before Dan spoke one of the aforementioned thunderclaps rang out, causing Darnell to almost not hear his question.

"Dan, I...I really don't know what to tell you, other than the truth. I d-don't know why Eduardo did what he did, but he attacked me, wanted to kill me. I had no choice but to defend myself, and almost before I knew it I had stabbed was like a reflex. Fuck, I didn't want to hurt him, Dan, you know just as well as anyone else I would never hurt anyone if I had a choice. God...I fucked up. I fucked up so fucking badly..."

OOC: Didn't have many other ideas, but at least it's a post. Sorry.
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Boxer slowly became lost in thought as the rain started to fall, soaking Boxer's jock attire and causing his "mane" to drape around his head and neck. He looked into Eddie's eyes - staring as blank and lifeless as they curiously always were - before he reached out a hand to close them. Before he could do so though, it was as if Eddie's eyes seemed to glint a bit - no doubt as a result from the bolt of lightning that preceded Darnell speaking. As soon as Darnell finished, Boxer withdrew his hand, slowly stood up and faced his teammate.

And there was another flash of lightning before Boxer replied.

"You're fucking up...everyone's fucking up...I tried to do the right thing by you guys and THIS is what happens!?" Boxer suddenly retorted, standing up to face Darnell with an expression twisted in anger.

It was perhaps a very inconvenient truth that Boxer really believed that what he did was the "right thing." He had dutifully carried out the jobs given to him by his superiors on the team right down to the letter, though sometimes (such as in the case of Clive Maxwell) there were those instances where he wasn't quite able to see everything through himself. He had a much harder time when it came to the stuff Eddie had assigned him, but he managed to get through that too. And yet Boxer was human enough that there were rare moments when he questioned what he was doing, yet he made those concerns known only to Eddie, particularly because he didn't feel like losing that sense of camaraderie from the team and as had been all of his life in football, only the team.

Concerns that were met only with reassurances of "Don't worry about it" and "they're good for you" from Eddie that were often followed up with sarcastic remarks about his own life that caused Boxer to sympathize with his victim. And perhaps through his lack of other kinds of social contact, it was sympathy that eventually manifested itself in a decidedly homoerotic manner.

"What did he do to you that you had to kill him!? Did he tell you about us?! And the library?!" Boxer shouted, before thrusting out both hands to grab Darnell's collar. "Am I the one fucking up!?"
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Something snapped in Darnell when Dan shot up, his features twisted in anger, and grabbed Darnell, screaming in his face. Whereas most would be terrified by having Dan "Boxer" Carvalho in their face yelling at them, his breath filling their nostrils while he looked like he was a second away from strangling them, Darnell found himself getting very annoyed. Angry, even. At first he was surprised when the giant spun around and grabbed him, for a moment being too stunned to do anything as Dan's outrage made Darnell's own feelings more pointed. He had almost never seen him this angry, and never at all so angry at him, so he found himself shocked for a moment.

Unfortunately for Dan, he would find Darnell would soon snap out of that. His frustration at Dan apparently not listening to him clashed with his own remorse, joining with him being startled by Dan suddenly grabbing him as he did. Darnell Butler had always been a fighter, and held the belief that nobody had a right to put their hands on him for no reason. His jaw started to clench, his teeth grinding together as he closed his hands into fists.

This guy's starting to piss me off...

This was only the second time in two years that Darnell Butler had found himself getting truly angry at anybody, which was a surprise considering all the stress life had been putting on him before the school trip. Without warning, Boxer's attack brought on the fury that he had spent so many years trying to get rid of entirely, the rage that was just as much of a reason for his nickname of "The Bull" as his football prowess was.

"Shut the fuck up, Boxer," he would say suddenly, before Boxer could stop his rant, his head snapping up so his glare would be apparent as he made eye contact with Boxer, the snarl in stark contrast to Boxer's shouts, "You have no fucking idea what the hell is going on! You NEVER had any idea WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON! You've always been too stupid! What the fuck was I supposed to fucking do, huh?! Sit there and LET EDUARDO KILL ME?! You barely even understand the words coming out of your mouth, so shut up and GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF ME, YOU WORTHLESS INCREDIBLE HULK REJECT!"

Boxer would get no warnings, no chances to respond either physically or verbally as Darnell twisted his hips and torso, throwing out his left arm in a thundering hook aimed at Boxer's liver. Anticipating that this would cause Boxer's head to move forward while his left retracted, Darnell shot his own head towards him, aiming the hard bone of his forehead at the bridge of Boxer's nose, his hope being to break it. He didn't care if the nose actually broke or not though, immediately retracting his head and leaning back slightly as he brought his right up and around in a huge haymaker aimed at Boxer's temple, a roar escaping his lips as he attacked.

The result if all three attacks landed? Boxer would be out cold, and if he wasn't lucky his nose would be shattered. Darnell never fucked around when he was in a fight.
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((Previous was approved by me. This isn't much of a post due to college full force in all orifices.))

Just as well, Boxer never fucked around when enraged, either. Except when his rage lost its direction and he ended up causing a lot of collateral damage. But even that too was rare, and this was certainly not one of those times as Darnell made a swift and ruthless counter, one that Boxer really didn't see coming. By the time it was over, the titan had collapsed to the floor, his arms wrapped around his front with his nose bleeding. The blood trickled and dissolved into the pavement as the rain poured.

"Gurrghk...hurrgh..." Boxer could barely gurgle as he slipped out of consciousness. "E...ddie..." were the last syllables from his mouth before he went limp on his side.

The titan had been incapacitated, but far from killed. Still, the casual observer would at first glance would find no less than four bleeding, unmoving bodies strewn across the runway. And if anyone would have arrived or watched, they would have seen Darnell Butler just leaving the scene. One of those bodies was still thinking though...contemplating what the hell just happened to him, and what to do next. But it would be a while before Daniel "Boxer" Carvalho would be able to do anything else.
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OOC: Sorry about the very short post, but I'm just not feeling it right now, and need to get Darnell out. I'll make it up to y'all later.

Darnell could be heard letting out a small, barely audible sigh after Boxer hit the ground and passed into unconsciousness, his massive hands cradling a bleeding nose that very well may have been broken. Now that the sheer anger had left him, all that was left was a sense of strong fatigue and an element of shame, along with having a bit of a headache.

Damn it, sorry Dan. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why couldn't I control myself?

The only consolation to Darnell as he stepped over Dan and pulled his sword out of Eduardo's torso, forcibly averting his eyes from the red blood covering the blade and making a mental note to wash it when he got the chance, was that the overcast weather made things much cooler, and therefore more tolerable. Still, he wanted nothing more to do with this fucking airfield, and found himself wanting to leave as soon as possible, so with a grim expression and a small prayer asking the Lord for forgiveness on his lips, he picked up his pack and carefully stepped around the bodies strewn around the runway, heading back to the jungle. He still had friends to find, after all, and anywhere was better than the airfield.

I'm not a monster.

OOC: Continued elsewhere.
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((Because six-day weeks have returned and I've finally been able to sit down through the pain to make this little number.))

It was raining as Boxer lost consciousness and it was raining as he regained it. Boxer smelled blood as he fainted (his own, from having his nose broken) and smelled it as he woke up. The rain was blunting his sense of smell, but then again he had collapsed close to Eddie's corpse. And as such, it was remembering what he had just seen that caused him to wake up with a bit of a jolt and turn towards his old friend...or at least what was left of him.

Eduardo was still dead, the look on his face still as soulless as it was when Boxer was knocked out, only paler. The sword had been removed, and Ed's gray shirt was now pitch black due to the lack of light save for whatever moonlight and lightning shone through the rain.

It was a cold night, and to Boxer, there was only one person who could keep him warm. He certainly felt that way as he lifted Ed's corpse up slightly to embrace it in the delusion that Ed was merely unconscious or at worse, comatose. The smell of dried viscera irritated Boxer's nostrils to no end, but he tried to bear it as best he could through the cold mass he embraced it. He couldn't help but shed a tear at the situation though.

After about a minute, Boxer laid Ed's corpse back down and stood up, picking up the wooden shield he'd been assigned along the way. He took one last look back as he started an initially wobbly trudge away from the area.

"I promise...I'll get them for you..." he muttered to himself. He thought of finding his other teammates, whether they were with Darnell or not...but for Boxer, he knew where his allegiances lay.

((Boxer continued elsewhere.))
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