
At the front right-hand side of the storehouse is a stairwell that leads to the helipad located on the roof. Originally conceived to help with deliveries, this idea was quickly abandoned when it was found that the tumultuous weather around the island meant there would be continual delays. Instead, the helicopter was converted for use in case of a medical emergency necessitating a trip to the mainland. Now, though, the helicopter has been blown sideways and is delicately balanced half on the helipad and half off of it, perpetually appearing to be a strong breeze away from falling off the roof.
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Post by CondorTalon »

((Nancy Kyle continued from Let's Awaken, By the Day.))

Nancy's plan to trek up to the northwestern part of the island was dashed as soon as her collar gave a loud beep. She took a cautious step back and, when it beeped again, legged it back toward the supply depot.

She'd only partially been paying attention to the announcements, but she knew the utilities compound had been declared a danger zone. She didn't think that the path leading up to that area counted, but evidently she was wrong.

So now she sat against the base of the helipad, looking up to see it towering over her. Judging her, possibly. Who knew. She needed to catch her breath. She raggedly ran a hand through her hair as she exhaled. It was getting late, though, and tomorrow... well, tomorrow, she could continue her plan.


It would be a bit of a wait.
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Post by CondorTalon »

It looked like it was going to rain soon. Nancy convinced herself that it was true, as she stared at the clouds. She stood up after a few minutes. It would probably be a good idea to head inside. She looked wearily at the storehouse. She didn't want to head inside. She'd been there for just a few seconds before she came out here. She didn't want to head inside.

But then... it was either that or get soaked.

Nancy didn't want to get soaked. And cold. And sick.

She walked.

((Nancy Kyle continued in If It Bleeds, It Leads.))
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