
Some woods overcrowded with trees. Watch yourself here... who knows who will be hiding behind a tree, prepared to kill?
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Post by riserugu* »

((Continued from: Resting & Suffering))

Edward wasn’t quite sure how long they had been walking; the shade of the trees in the woods though gave a peaceful sort feeling over him even though he knew their wouldn’t be much peace as long as they where on this island.

His slow walk halted as he brought a hand to his mouth, covering it as he let loose a fit of coughs from having breathed in all the smoke he had back at the coppice. Though as he drew his hand away from his mouth, he caught an odd taste entering his mouth… an odd metallic taste.

Glancing to his hand he realized what it was, coating his hand was the deep red liquid that he feared. “Blood…” Ed, said weakly, a small grin passing over his features as he coughed, more blood spilling from his mouth as it happened. He had remembered hearing about the reason why people would bleed from their mouths… internal bleeding.

It had, there was no other way, to have been Jacob had shot at them. But why hadn’t he noticed that something this bad had happened? Ah…yes, his autism… he had hardly felt the other bullets entering his body why should he have felt the one that was killing him.

Standing upright once more, he moved to step forward but only found himself falling against ground on his side. Coughing as he hit, blood coloring the brown dirt red.
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Post by OnceForgotten* »

((Continued from: Resting & Suffering))

"...We can recupe here...then we can get back together with Adam maybe...Ed..ED!!!"
Garrett limped over as quickly as he could to his collapsed friend.

"Dude, stop playing around...We have to..."
He then noticed the blood oozing from his friends mouth. Garrett dropped down to his knees in front of the small boy, the boy who had saved his life.
"You'll be ok..where are you hit?" Garrett asked, tears streaming down his soot and dirt covered face, giving him the look of a circus clown.
Garrett ripped a portion of his shirt off, ready to administer aid to Edwards wounds, but then was hit by an extreme wave of dizzyness. He toppled over next to Ed, but pushed himself back up with his good hand. The world was still spinning, but he knew he had a job to do.
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Closing his bad eye, he found himself letting out a small laugh over this. “Don’t… don’t worry about ruining your shirt.” He muttered weakly, pushing himself up into a sitting position and undid the daypack from his shoulder, and unzipped his jacket shrugging his off his shoulders finally taking note of the bullet wound in his chest staining his undershirt with blood.

Taking note of the wound he allowed his body to fall back against the ground, resting on his back as he glanced to where Garret was, frowning at the sight of the other boy almost collapsing. “I’m sorry – I’m sorry I couldn’t help you any… I didn’t think it was this bad.”
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"Damn" Garrett gasped as he saw the cherry red blossom of blood which stained Edwards chest.
"Dude, Im gonna be straight with you..I dont know how much I can do with that. I can try to get the bullet out, if your up for it"
Garrett looked at his questioningly, hoping that Ed was feeling better than he looked.
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"Damage has already been done, you can't do anything." He said pushing himself to sit up again, smiling lightly in a weak manner to Garret. Bright blue eyes where already starting to grow glassy, and dull looking...

"I actually wanted to find a way off this island, you know? Go back home... live out my life till I was ready to die." Edward mused, glancing up at the pieces of sky through the tree tops before looking back to Garret with another smile, reaching in his pocket and pulling out the pepper spray. "I don't know how good this'll be, but here." He said, rolling the can toward him....

Chuckling again he sighed, "It's really not that bad, the pain... with my condition I can hardly feel it."
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"Well...Be glad for that, because that shit looks like it hurts" Garrett gave a sad grin, hoping to brighten the boys spirits.
"Well, if you plan on...resting for a while... I think I'll hang out with you"
"And if you need anything, I can get it for you...Believe it or not, I think I am in better shape than you are right now"
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Edward smiled lightly, blinking back emotions. "It's okay, I don't think it'll be too long now. Though, hey if you've got to find someone -- do try and find Adam and Hawley. Hawley's might have killed a few people... but he's a nice kid."

Breathing out, he continued to smile, "Man, if you got to do one thing for me. Get off this fucking island alive... and continue making your music, hell make a song in my name, that would be nice." Rommel laughed, though it dissapered into a fit of coughs as more blood begun draining from his mouth, and now his nose.
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Garrett tried to smile at the other boys remarks, but it immediatly turned to worry as a fresh bout of blood poured out of Ed's mouth.

"I was working on a song before I left, It was called The Martyr. I think that seems appropriate."
Garretts eyes portrayed a steely resolve as he made his next statement.
"and I will get off this Island. one way or another."
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"Thanks, that sounds like it'll be nice." He muttered, gripping his jacket in his hand looking it over lightly before holding it to the other boy. "Here, I want you to have this. It's my lucky jacket, my mum got it for me before we moved from Germany. Even though the German says Bad Luck... I've been pretty lucky for me, and it mean alot to me if you took it... take care of it for me, you know?."
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Garrett solemnly accepted what must have been one of the boys most prized possessions.
"Ill be sure to get it to your family when I get back"
He slowly moved around the small camp they had set up and gathered all the supplies. He placed his crossbow and pepper spray in his weapons bag, and then, hesitantly, he also placed the jacket in there as well.
He sat down then, and decided to change his bandages, knowing that he was going to have to get on the move again soon.
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“Back to my family…” He muttered weakly, lightly closing his eyes as he smiled. Flashes of memory running through his mind, of the time when his friend had drowned so long ago, how after he had been told of his autism he shunned everyone outside of those in his mind away. How when he came to Barry Coleson it gave him a chance to start over…

His memories pressing back to the day that they left, who his mother wished him to have the best time as she had always wanted to visit where they where traveling too. How his dad just wanted him to make sure he brought back a good gift, laughing with a grin.

And Edward had waved goodbye to his parents from the bus… not knowing that was the last time he’d see them.

Gulping lightly, ignoring the sick taste of blood sliding down his throat, as he reopened his eyes and glanced off to where Garret sat watching him lightly as he had started going about changing his bandages. He now finding himself blinking back tears, “I’m happy to have met you… I – I’m happy to call you my frie…”

Edward’s found his voice trailing, as everything seemed to start fading into black and he allowed another smile to grace his lips. As he swayed in his sitting spot lightly before, eyes lightly closing as the smile faded and he fell back to his side against the ground.

Breathing in deeply, before everything just grew cold…

B01 – Edward Rommel - Dead
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Silent tears rolled down Garretts face as he watched the friend...breath his last. He walked up to Ed and placed his fingers over his eyes to close them, saying a silent prayer as well.
He then sat down again, a wave of dizziness and nausia hitting him at the same time. He held his head in his hands and waited for the world to stop spinning. I have to leave here... Find someone else...Maybe I'll get lucky twice...Maybe I'll find someone like Ed...
With that, Garrett stood up with his pack and his weapons, and walked out of the small clearing.

((Continued in: Starting Place for B#54))
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