Will Davidge

NPCs (non-player characters) go here. This section is for characters who will not be participating in the game, including teachers and school administration. To encourage consistency, the staff have created a number of ready-made teachers, all of whom are available for free handler use unless stated otherwise. Please add any teachers you create to this roster. DO NOT create new departments/subjects for the school without first getting a staffer's okay.
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Will Davidge


Post by SOTF_Help »

Name: Will Davidge
Position: Science teacher
Gender: M
Age: 47

Appearance: A mountain of a man, Mr. Davidge looks like he'd be more at home in a shop class or out cutting down trees instead of standing in a science lab classroom.  Standing at 6'2", he keeps his light brown hair cut short. His twinkling blue eyes and infectious grin often appear right before he bursts into song, excerpts from Man of La Mancha and Guys and Dolls among his favorites. Sporting a full beard and bushy eyebrows, his wardrobe appears to consist entirely of plaid flannel shirts, faded blue jeans, and hiking boots.  

Biography/Personality: Mr. Davidge's booming voice and boisterous behavior has made him one of the most popular teachers at Aurora High School.  His habit of tossing a small brain-shaped ball at students to get them to answer question and using it to hit students who are not paying attention has become the stuff of legends.  A former college football player, Mr. Davidge also helps out as the coach of the frosh football team.  He can often be found hanging out before school, after school, and during lunch in Mr. Shigen's room.
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