Louise Havok

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Louise Havok


Post by SOTF_Help »

Name: Louise Havok
Position: Math teacher
Gender: F
Age: 45

Appearance:  A tiny woman who stands only 5'1" tall, Mrs. Havok's steely gaze gives the impression that she is somehow much taller.  She has cultivated the ability to quiet even the rowdiest of students by staring at them over the top of her gold-rim reading glasses.  The unwavering gaze of her hazel eyes has been fondly nicknamed "The Havok Death Glare" by previous students. Those same students liked to joke about the fact that Mrs. Havok keeps her glasses on a chain "like a little old lady" but those jokes are usually made outside her hearing range.

Making a point of coming to work ‘dressed for the business world', Mrs. Havok's wardrobe consists almost entirely of suits, blouses, blazers, knee-length skirts, and sensible shoes.   The one exception is on pep rally days. Mrs. Havok will wear jeans and an Aurora High staff polo shirt.  In keeping with her ‘business prepared' image, she wears her dark brown hair up in a bun that does not hide any of her grey streaks.

Biography/Personality:A former IRS agent and accountant, teaching is Mrs. Havok's second career. A desire to help young people prepare for the job market and feeling unfulfilled working for the Internal Revenue Service, Louise Havok quit her job, returned to college, and obtained her teaching credential.  

Students tend to be very polarized in their opinions of her, either loving or loathing her.  She believes that it does her students no favor to coddle them and accepts no late work.  This is, in part, a front she puts up to force her students to be responsible for their work habits and personal success. Before school and after school, Mrs. Havok can be found providing extra help to any student who comes seeking it.
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