Monochromatic Living

Located in the center of the first floor, this area is a large open space filled with rows of lockers, as well as tables, chairs, and benches. Most students come here repeatedly throughout the day, to retrieve or deposit books, food, love letters, and the like. The school takes a very dim view of decorations on the outside of lockers, so this space tends to appear rather dull.
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Post by Hunt11* »

He slowly broke into a smile as he saw how happy Miles was with this turn of events. Not that Ethan ever really worried about how Miles was doing, not because he didn't care, but from his experience life rarely went against him. But still, Miles had every reason to be happy, though he had only just started to know Emily, she seemed like a really fun girl to hang out with, and was definitely one of most attractive girls in the school.

Ethan chuckled slightly as he felt Miles put his arms around him. He had almost forgotten about the game coming up, which was rather telling about the quality of the opposition for that game. Their group was not the toughest group in the state, but the school took subpar to a whole new level.

"I think the two may be connected. We should have no problem winning the next game, as we absolutely trounced them the last time we played."

When the topic of conversation was brought back to the issue of prom, Ethan was pleasantly surprised that Miles had suggested Stacy Ramsey as an option. Stacy was definitely an attractive option. She is one of the hottest girls in the school, also from the limited time they had hung out she had proven to be a lot of fun to be with. When Emily chimed into support Miles idea Ethan was reminded of the the fact that the current opinion on Stacy was that she was a little more promiscuous then her friends. Now while that could lead to a fun night turing into a very fun night, Ethan did not give that train of thought much attention. All he cared about was having a fun prom night with an attractive girl, anything else would just be a bonus, nothing more.

"Well thats an idea. I would be surprised if she hasn't already been asked to the prom yet, but if she is still available, I would be hard pressed to think of a better option."
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Post by Cake »

[font=verdana]Stacy: Come 2 the Student Center. Emily said someone's looking 4 u. PS: Your mom has got it going on. <3 Miles.[/font]

He stuffed his phone back into his pocket with a knowing smirk.
"Well my friend, you won't know unless you ask right?" Miles patted Ethan's shoulder. "Good luck."

"Later 'Em. Tell your cousin I said hi. Hope she finds a date too."
Miles put his index plus middle fingers together and blew a kiss at his new prom date. He nodded at Ethan and made his way out of the area.

That was easy.

[[Miles Strickland Continued To: A Safe Bet.]]
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Emily agreed with Ethan's assessment about the odds of Stacey not having Prom plans, but she didn't say anything about that out loud. No reason to get snide. She'd learned that that sort of thing had a way of getting back to people, and that they had a way of not seeing the humor in little quips. Besides, Miles was doing way better, offering kind encouragement. Best to back him up. Emily smiled and nodded.

"Yeah," she said. "It's worth a shot."

Then Miles was heading off. He bid Emily farewell and told her to tell Lahela hi, wishing her the best of luck in the date department as well. Come to think of it, Emily hadn't heard if Lahela had any Prom plans. It seemed fairly likely that she did. Kids at Aurora were pretty interested in new people, and Lahela was easy to get along with. If she didn't, maybe finding her somebody would be a worthwhile project. Emily didn't want her getting caught up with the wrong sort of person. Of course, thinking about it, Miles was pretty much one of Emily's few friends who didn't fall into that category.

"Will do," she said. There would be time to worry later. "Bye, Miles."

She smiled really broadly as he blew her a kiss, and returned it with a wave, the finger-waggling sort.

After Miles had left, Emily turned her attention fully back to Ethan.

"Well," she said, "that was exciting. Now the student center seems extra boring, though."
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Post by Hunt11* »

Ethan shrugged slightly and smiled at Miles. He had a point about asking Stacy. It wouldn't hurt to try and in the end, he could gain nothing unless he was willing to risk something.

By the time Emily chimed in her support it had become a moot point, he had made his decision and was willing to see how this would all turn out.

"Fair enough, next time I see Stacy I will ask her out, for whats the worst that can happen?"

Seeing Miles leaving the scene he nodded back at him before turning back to Emily with a smile.

"I can see why you would think that due to certain recent events. Well anyway congratulations and I hope that Miles helps make Prom a whole lot of fun for you."
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Ethan stated that he would ask Stacy out next time he saw her. It was enough to get Emily to smile. She really hoped Stacy didn't turn him down. Okay, yeah, Stacy was probably not the perfect date in a few ways, but Ethan was happy about the idea of going to Prom with her. That was what really mattered.

Ethan congratulated Emily on her date, and she beamed at him.

"Thanks," she said. "Miles is cool. I'm sure we'll have so much fun."

It was still hard to fully wrap her head around everything that had transpired. Life was just so much better than it had been a few minutes ago.

"I hope Stacy says yes, and I hope you guys have a great time too," Emily said.
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Post by Hunt11* »

Ethan sighed to himself. Just saying your going to ask out a girl is all well and good, but actually doing it will be another matter entirely. Hopefully their would be a chance to ask her out in a more private setting, as doing it in from of a crowd had the potential of turning ugly. Shaking himself out of the negative thoughts Ethan turned his attention back to Emily.

"Thanks Emily, and as long as everything plays out it should be very easy to see how thing are going for the both of us. Anyway, lets see if I can finally get my locker open."
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Post by Will* »

((Stacy Ramsey continued from We Rule the School))

Stacy walked along the corridor that lead to the student centre. Several minutes ago Stacy had received a text from Miles Strickland telling her to go to the student centre. He had told her that Emily Nakoa said that someone was looking for her. The text also contained a quote from the song "Stacy's Mom" which had made Stacy smile. Luckily, Stacy was not too far away from the student centre and wasn't busy so she was able to get there relatively quick.

Entering the dull room, Stacy scanned it with her eyes to find Emily. Stacy liked Emily, they were both on the cheerleading squad and Emily was nice enough to her. Sure Emily was a bit of a rebel, but Stacy didn't mind too much, she was a decent enough person and that's all Stacy really cared about.

Stacy spotted Emily not too far from the entrance of the room. She stood with a boy who Stacy recognized from the football team. The boy's name was Ethan Johnson. Stacy had never really talked to him before which surprised her due to the fact that she spent a large majority of her time in the cheerleading squad cheering for him and the rest of the football team.

As she approached the two, Stacy flashed a smile.

"Hey Emily, Miles just texted me saying you said someone was looking for me?" Stacy clasped her hands together and put them down in front of her. She turned her whole body to face Ethan and smiled. "I'm guessing he was talking about you?"
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Ethan seemed to get a bit down for a moment, but recovered and turned his attention back to his locker. Emily couldn't really think of any way to help, so she just stood by for a few seconds before becoming distracted by a new voice. There was Stacy herself, heading towards them and saying that Miles had told her that Emily had said something or other. Emily was confused for only the briefest of moments; Miles had clearly used her to lure Stacy over for Ethan's sake.

This wasn't a thing Emily minded. Stacy was on cheer squad with her, while at the same time being less connected to Miles. If it looked like Emily was trying to set her up for Prom, it would probably go over a lot better than with Miles cast in the role of matchmaker. On the other hand, Ethan would know the truth, that his teammate had looked out for him. It was an elegant solution overall. Now, the ball was in Ethan's court, and Emily's job was to get out of the way. She didn't want to add any pressure here. If things didn't work out, it would be bad enough for Ethan that she and Miles knew everything. No need to stand around and watch it fall apart too.

"Hey, Stacy," Emily said. Then she let a little frown cross her face, dug her cell phone out of her purse, and glanced at it.

"Shoot," she said. "I lost track of time. I need to get going here. I'll catch up with you guys later. Sorry to run, Stacy. Nice chatting with you, Ethan."

That done, Emily made sure she had her things, then headed out of the student center.

She'd almost forgotten the project that had brought her there in the first place.

((Emily Nakoa continued in C is for Cookie))
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Post by Hunt11* »

With a satisfying click Ethan finally got the locker to open. That made the whole thing just a bit more frustrating as Ethan could not figure out why he had such an issue when it came to opening the damn thing earlier on but whatever. With that little drama finally finished he now had nothing to distract him from the big drama that could be about to start. His luck with girls was inconsistent at best, and it was never anything more serious then a party hook up, so it was time to find Stacy and face the music.

As Ethan reached into his locker he heard while not a familiar voice, but a relevant one all the same as he saw Stacy walk over towards them. When Stacy mentioned that Miles had sent her over here Ethan began to smile. It looks like he owed this perfect opportunity to Miles, and while it be nice to have a bit more time to prepare himself for the plunge, it was a now or never situation.

"Hey Stacy, hows it going right now?"

Turning to look over at Emily it seemed like she about to head out now. While it would be great to get to know her better right now Ethan just wanted to be alone when it came to what would happen next because Ethan would prefer to have as few people as possible seeing what could very well end in a rejection.

"I hope to see you around soon Emily" Ethan replied before turning his attention back to the gorgeous girl in front of him.

"Your right, Miles was talking about me." He moved slightly closer to Stacy as he put his hand behind his head and smiled. "I was just wondering if you don't already have other plans would you come to prom with me?"
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Post by Will* »

Both Emily and Ethan greeted Stacy and Ethan asked how she was. However, before Stacy could respond to Ethan, Emily announced that she had to leave. This slightly worried Stacy, she would be left alone with a guy who she'd never spoken two words to in her whole life up until now. Her eyes widened and her eyelids fluttered as she gripped tighter to her hands that were stiffened in front of her.

"Oh, err, bye Emily!" She called out to her as she left the room.

Once again, Stacy turned her body to face Ethan and smiled. He confirmed that Miles was in fact talking about him in the text she received. Ethan then took a step closer to Stacy which made her slightly more anxious than she already was. Stacy's anxiety reached its peak when Ethan asked her to prom. Her mouth dropped slightly and her eyes widened even more. Then a grin made its way across her face.

Stacy had begun to blush. She brushed away a strand of hair that was in front of her face and placed it behind her ear. Biting her lip, Stacy smiled at the ground. She still didn't have a date to the prom and up until now she was getting nervous that no one would ask her. She looked up into Ethan's face again. He seemed like a nice enough guy to her and he looked alright, sure she'd never spoken to him before, but there was always time to get to know each other.

"Sure, I'd love to go with you Ethan." Stacy responded with a large grin on her face.
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Post by Hunt11* »

Ethan continued to smile as he mentally prepared himself. I could have done that a lot smoother about the whole thing, but the deeds done, now to see how this all plays out. She hadn't burst out laughing or anything like that which was always a good sign, but she also wasn't looking directly at him which was a reassuring sign. When she actually responded Ethan was dumbfounded to say the least. He was sure that he would have been rejected by Stacy, even if she wasn't already going out with somebody, but nope, she had actually said yes. It was all that he could do to not start first pumping and laughing in pure joy, but what actually mattered right now was the hot girl in front of him as his slightly forced smile became completely genuine.

"Great. Uhh. Wow ." Ethan had to force himself to stop speaking and gather up his thoughts so he could coherently respond to Stacy. "Thank you so much, I promise that I will do all that I can to make prom awesome for you."

Now Ethan's mind was racing as he subconsciously began to plan out the next couple weeks in terms of who he needed to talk to, and perhaps most importantly where to rent a tux for the night.
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Post by Will* »

It was now official, Stacy had a date to the prom. She no longer had to worry about going to prom on her own or wondering if or when someone would ask to go with her. Letting out a sigh of relief, Stacy continued to smile at Ethan.

"Well, I'm glad that's over with. I thought no one was going to ask me." Stacy let out a nervous giggle. "I gotta get going now. Here, I'll give you my mobile number."

Stacy slid her bag off of her shoulder and whipped out a small peice of paper and a pen. She placed the peice of paper on a table beside her and began to scribble down her mobile number.

"Here you go." Stacy handed Ethan the peice of paper with her mobile number on it. "Call me if you want to arrange anything. I'll see you later!"

Stacy picked up here bag off of the floor and swung it over her shoulder. She turned around and walked out of the room. It was now time for her to start getting things ready for the prom. The most important thing she needed to get sorted was a dress; she needed to look beautiful for what could be the best night of the year.

((Stacy Ramsey continued in Scarlet Darlings))
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Post by Hunt11* »

Ethan took the paper and smiled at Stacy

"Thanks for the number, and I should give a call soon when I have things a bit more under control."

After fiddling with his phone for a bit Ethan now had the contact information for Stacy, and with his backpack on his shoulder it was time to head on home and face the music. He wished that the situation would some how improve, but after two years of the same old fights, he had resigned himself to what was about to come, so with a sigh Ethan made his way out of the student center and started to walk back home.

((Ethan Johnson continues in That After Workout Burn))
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