Hit the Ground Running

Behind the school are some open spaces for sports events. Aurora High has a nice football field with bleachers, smaller baseball and soccer fields, and a tennis court. All of these areas are secured by fences and locked gates, though they are left open during daylight hours.
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Hit the Ground Running


Post by ThePureLight7* »

[Jesiree Merridew - Start]

Jesiree was fairly certain that she was alone, as she had planned. She had made sure that her father was off work to watch James and that there was no football practice today before coming out to the fields, even though she was fairly certain it wasn't even football season. Football was one of the few sports her parents never signed her up for, so she couldn't be bothered to remember when the season was. Even if she had been signed up for it, it still  probably wouldn't be worth remembering, but it would've been easier to do so nonetheless. She placed her backpack on the bleachers, filled with books for the homework she would need to do over the weekend, but would probably end up putting off. It wasn't anything spectacularly important anyway. There was a short essay due that next Monday for her language arts class, but she had tackled the whole thing in about an hour days ago. Essays in particular were easy for her. To her, they didn't require thinking; just typing as she felt the words come to her.

She needed something with more difficulty than just typing a thousand words of "Simon is a Christ-figure, the island on Lost was purgatory the entire time, Moby Dick represents the Republic of Ireland, and Brave New World was a scathing satire on how the Jews control the media." This was part of the reason she had made her way to the fields that day. Today was a training day.

She walked over to the corner of the field, and crouched down with one knee forward. She looked off into the distance, towards the fence at the other end of the field. "100 yards..." she said quietly to herself. She pushed one foot forward and started sprinting as fast as she could towards the other end. She was getting pretty good time. About two-thirds of the way across the field, she could feel herself slowing down. Her legs were starting to burn, but she kept pushing as hard as she could. After reaching the end-zone she started kicking forward, slowing down. She dug her foot slightly into the dirt to stop cleanly and avoid running into the fence.

She leaned up against the fence to take a short rest before running back. It took longer for her to reach the other end this time, as she was still slightly out-of-breath. She sat down at the bleachers next to her backpack. She pulled out a bag lunch that she hadn't finished earlier, and pulled out half of a turkey sandwich. She sighed, planning to get back into the field after finishing.

[Jesiree Merridew - Continued in F is for Finance and Future]
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