No Rest for the Wicked

If not for the several overturned golf carts, one could barely recognize the greens as having once being a golf course. Over time, the grass has grown over, leaving much of the course unrecognizable, though if one tried hard enough the holes could be excavated.
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No Rest for the Wicked


Post by Will* »

((Finn Grant continued from As Good as Dead))

Finn had been jogging for a solid twenty minutes until he came across something that didn't look like the familiar sight of woods. As he entered what could only be described as a large meadow, Finn slipped his bag off of his shoulder and chucked it onto the ground. He slumped down next to the bag and laid back on it, breathing heavily.

Twisting his body around, Finn unzipped the duffel bag and pulled out one of the bottles of water. He untwisted the cap and took a huge gulp of water. Releasing a loud sigh, Finn put the cap back on the bottle and placed it back in his bag. It was then that he realised that he hadn't actually taken a proper look at the bags contents since waking up in the woods.

Pulling the bag in front of him, Finn opened it up wide and gazed inside. There was a bunch of food including bread, crackers and some sort of bar. There was also a few bottles of water, a guide, a first aid kit, a flashlight, a map and compass and of course his megaphone.

Upon seeing the food, Finn's stomach growled violently. He wondered how long it had been since he had last eaten. Finn took one of the bars out of the bag and began to unwrap it, breaking off half of it and putting it in his mouth. As Finn chewed he looked at the remainder of the bar in distaste. He chucked the rest of the bar back into his bag and pulled out the bottle of water again, taking another gulp to wash down the horrid taste of the bar.

Finn then decided to try and figure out where exactly he was. He took out the map and began twisting himself around to match up the map with where he thought he might be, bringing to light that he was at the golf course. Finn looked up and sure enough in the distance he saw the clubhouse and several overturned golf carts. He would probably head there after he'd finished resting, there'd probably be some good supplies in there.

Finn shoved the map and water bottle back into his bag and placed it behind his back again. He leant back and closed his eyes, taking in a large breath of fresh air. He could feel the heat from the sun pulsating against his face. With his eyes closed it almost felt like any other day back at home sitting out in the garden trying to get a tan.

For a while he just laid there, pretending he was lying down in his back garden without a care in the word, but when he finally opened his eyes, reality came back to him. He wasn't in his garden, he was still on this god forsaken island being hunted down by his classmates.  

When he had decided that he had gotten enough rest, Finn stood up and grabbed his bag, putting it over his shoulder. He did a large stretch before heading off at a light jog towards the clubhouse.

((Finn Grant continued in In Situ))
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