Cantata Mortis

Between the school buildings lie an athletics field and a cafeteria with fifty lunch tables. A connected parking lot holds four broken school buses. A notice in the cafeteria announces an Easter egg hunt.
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Cantata Mortis


Post by Espi »

((Gwen O'Connor's story continues from Face The Sky))

Gwen had ultimately opted to try and get back to the hospital. Couldn't hurt, right? She'd been alone all day, and if she could find a sign of Maynard at the hospital it might lead her to him. It was worth a shot, and if she followed a straight path it wouldn't be too far.

Sadly the woods were Danger Zoned, meaning she had to walk around them, so it took much longer than expected to get where she was going. It was evening now and she was too tired to keep going, which sucked because who knew what might happen if she slept here in the open.

On the positive side she wasn't tiring out as quickly, and seemed to be slimming down a bit, though that minor boon was nullified by the periodic hunger pangs and nervousness about food supplies that plagued her. She didn't want to starve; that would only weaken her. She had to be very careful with her rations.

Gwen spotted the cafeteria from a fair distance away, which was lucky because it would be getting dark soon. She headed towards it, and poked her head in through the half-open door.

As she gazed into the tiny little cafeteria filled with chairs and tables, Gwen felt a pang of loneliness. Where was this place, that apparently had so much development, even a nuclear plant, but was totally abandoned? It made no sense.

"Anyone here?"
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Post by Namira »

((Kammy continued from Mass Destruction))

Still trucking on. The events of the aviary had been a stark reminder of how quickly things could take a turn for the worse, and Kammy was pushing herself hard to cover as much ground as she could. The fatigue was mounting, she kept having to pinch herself or bite her lip to keep her attention from wandering, eyes roving back and forth back and forth... any sign of danger, any sign of a familiar face. Mentally, Kammy was taxed almost as much as she was physically; maintaining those levels of concentration wasn't easy, and less so when worries kept striking her from left field. Some relevant, some random to the point of absurdity. Kam supposed there was no accounting for stress in a death trap.

Buildings loomed ahead of her. Kam tilted her head to the side for a moment, then checked her map, which was never too far from her hands. Necessary, if she was to avoid retracing her steps too often. Given the heading she'd been on, this was... the school? The layout was demoralisingly large. Searching was going to take more than a while. She'd skipped over most of the hospital purely because of what had happened in the lobby - so much noise nobody could've missed it.

Killing people to save time didn't seem viable, oddly enough.

Well... Kam had to start somewhere. Smallest building first? She moved towards the middle of the grounds, drawing close just in time to see someone in front of her open a door and then call out. A moment in Kammy's head... dyed hair, little fluffy, that voice...

"Gwen? It's Gwen, right?"
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Gwen gasped as she saw Kam approach. She knew Kam, she wasn't exactly hard to recognize, and moreso she knew Kam was Michelle's girlfriend, Michelle who was dead now.

And had murdered two people.

Gwen stepped slowly out the door, hands held out in front of her. She wasn't sure what Kam might be armed with, if anything, but Gwen knew she had jack squat, and pretty much anything trumped that even if Gwen wanted to fight or had a chance of winning a fight. She had to be very careful, and she really, really, really hoped Kam wasn't actually playing. Two people dead at once might have been an accident, but Gwen didn't want to take any chances.

Hopefully this would work out.

Gwen lowered her arms and pulled her face into a wan smile. "Yeah, that's me. Hey Kam. You wanna talk or...?" Gwen swallowed. Kam didn't look aggressive, but Gwen wasn't exactly a master reader of intentions. If Kam was about to start shooting, Gwen would be the last one to know. "I'm not armed, or like, hostile or anything."
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Post by Namira »

The figure turned and immediately flinched. Kam had to stop herself from mirroring the action. That hurt, even though Kam recognised that yes it was Gwen and yes she didn't look like she was armed. Because Gwen saw Kammy as a threat, no... more than a threat, a menace. Someone that was intimidating, potentially violent. She'd been on the announcements, and there was no context for that. Anyone else just knew Kammy as somebody who had murdered two other people. They didn't know why she'd done what she'd done, didn't ...

It was making her own excuses. She'd panicked and shot her way out of the situation. Maybe she could've run, or...

Kam kept the gun lowered and out at her side, making it clear she wasn't pointing it at anyone.

Kammy sighed. "I know what you've heard. It's complicated. I didn't... Alex came after me and I just... defended myself. That's not really an excuse for what happened but...  yeah. It was shitty and it's fucked up," Kam rubbed her head with the back of her arm. "I'm not going around trying to take people out, if that's what you're worried about. I'm just trying to stay safe until I can find Michelle.

Have you... seen her by any chance?"
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Post by Espi »

On the plus side, Kammy was being pretty nice, and she lowered her weapon again (when it had been raised Gwen nearly wet her pants) and she seemed to have a good excuse for killing those two people. Well, it had apparently been self-defense, but that was about as good an excuse as there was. If there was, at least.

On the minus side, she was still looking for Michelle, and Gwen knew all too well what happened to her. Poor Michelle; Gwen's constant companion, the closest she'd had to a friend on the island, probably dead by Gwen's inaction and inability to help her. Michelle had been so sweet and kind and Gwen had abandoned her. It was unforgivable.

And now the first penance. Gwen had to break the news to Michelle's girlfriend.

"Kammy, I was...I was traveling with Michelle, ever since the first day. We were traveling, looking for...for people." Gwen thought it best to not specify the details of the plan, to avoid Kammy getting the wrong idea. "But, yesterday, remember how it was raining? We holed up in the hospital to stay dry."

Gwen took a deep breath. She didn't want to think back to the hospital. "And...and Eliza, you know Cody's sister the punk rocker or something, she came in with a gun while most of us were asleep. She was talking to Michelle, and I came into the room, and Eliza..."

Gwen rubbed her eyes. "Eliza started shooting, and she tried to shoot me, but Michelle grabbed the gun and Eliza shot her and she was bleeding so much and she told me to run and I..."

Shaking her head, Gwen stared at the ground. "I'm so sorry, Kammy. I think she might be dead."
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Post by Namira »

Gwen had a look on her face. Kammy couldn't read it.

Clicked. She'd seen Michelle, that had to be a reaction to the name.

Kam still couldn't read it.

She exhaled slowly.

Gwen spoke, she had seen her, they'd been together, just like Bianca. The rush of excitement didn't come this time. Something was wrong.

Was she in with a bad group?

Had Michelle killed someone, too?

Had Gwen got separated from her, and she was missing?

-Wait, the hospital? They'd been to the hospital, right where Kam had been earlier? How hadn't they crossed paths? Dammit.

And... Eliza had shown up. Eliza who Kam had run into early on. That maybe qualified as bad company, but it wasn't like-

Eliza started shooting.

She shot-

Eliza had...

Michelle was-

Kammy's head dropped.

She screamed.

And screamed.
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Post by Espi »

((Hug GM approved))

Gwen knew something was coming. She expected loud crying, declarations of "whyyyy" or the like, the kinds of things you saw on tv shows or movies or in books. It was only logical for someone to be able to tell that Kam's reaction was not going to be positive, and Gwen had been more than prepared to offer whatever support Kam needed.

Screaming loudly like Kam did was not an expected reaction, and it threw Gwen off completely. She wanted to help, she really did; she'd tried to be delicate, but she knew that she'd done a shitty job of breaking the news gently, so a freakout was inevitable. Gwen froze, watching Kam scream her lungs out, trying desperately to think of something she could say to help.

"Kam, I..." She winced as Kam broke into another shriek. "Kam, just...just take a deep breath, and..." Gwen paused again. "Listen, it's going to be hard, I know, but we'll make it through. Just, just don't give up."

"Michelle saved my life." Gwen stepped forward and gently embraced the other girl. "For Michelle's sake, we can't give up."
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Post by Namira »

Gwen's words didn't even reach Kam's ears over her own throat-tearing screams. This couldn't be real, this couldn't actually be happening. Kam was supposed to find Michelle, supposed to look after her, defend her until someone - the government, the SEALs, the motherfucking Seahawks showed up to save the day. Then they were supposed to go home and graduate and go to college and get together and tell her parents to fuck off if they didn't like it, and, and they, they were...

Arms were around her, Kam's head snapped up so fast she nearly headbutted Gwen, lashing out with her arms and shoving violently.


Tears were streaming down her face, didn't even remember starting crying. Her throat hurt, her head hurt and her gut felt like she'd been eviscerated. This wasn't in the script. Kam wanted a rewrite. Gwen had to be wrong, there had to be - she'd left before anything had... she didn't know for sure, couldn't know for sure because she'd left and hadn't seen, so there was...

there was a chance...

Kam crumpled to her knees, hands catching her from falling on her face. A fist slammed in the ground once, twice.

"I don't fucking..."
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Post by Espi »

Gwen nearly fell flat on her butt when Kam shoved her, and as it was she ended up on her knees. When Kam fell so did her heart, which then ignited with sudden anger. She was just trying to fucking help and Kam shoves her? What did she think she was, when Gwen was just trying to be nice? It wasn't like Gwen wasn't scared and mad and sad all at once too but she didn't take it out on-

Gwen took a deep breath. Getting upset would only aggravate the situation.

"Hey, listen." She said, voice commanding. She stood up. "I know you're pissed but it doesn't help to take it out on me. I..." She trailed off. "I cared about Michelle too, probably not as much as you did but, but damn it if she didn't deserve to be here!"

Gwen felt warmth running down her face, and brushed her cheek. She was crying, and the finger came back stained indigo. She rubbed her eyes again. "If you don't believe me you can go to the hospital yourself and find out."
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Post by Namira »

Kammy struck the ground one more time and felt the skin over her knuckle split. She drew back her hand again and then paused when her eye caught sight of the blood trickling down her finger. Tearing herself apart inside and out. A violent shudder ran through her entire body as she began to heave with great gasping sobs.

Gwen was speaking again, and now some of it was getting through to her. Eyes filled with tears and anger flashed up. So many - too many emotions were running through Kammy simultaneously. She wanted to scream again. She wanted to keep crying. She wanted to punch Gwen in the face for her mindless fucking comments. Cause gee why you gotta be so upset Kammy? You're not the only person who cares about the girl you're in love with. So selfish.

Instead of doing any of those things, Kammy rocked back and sat. Sobs wouldn't stop coming, wracking her whole body. Her throat burned as bad as the time she'd strained her voice trying to sing on stage.

"I need to see," she said quietly, somewhere in the midst of all that.
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Post by Espi »

Based on Kammy's reaction, Gwen wasn't exactly helping, which was, you know, probably be to expected. She did feel for Kammy, she really did, but she was also really, really, bad at talking to people apparently because she had no idea what she was saying and it obviously wasn't helping which was a bit frustrating. Gee Gwen, good job, way to fail miserably at helping people again.

Michelle had died saving her life, she knew, and this was the fucking thanks, was breaking the news in the worst way she could think of.

Gwen put her hands to her head and exhaled, trying to shake off all her frustration. She was upset from what'd been going down on the island, sure, but she shouldn't take it out on Kammy or even herself. She knelt in the mud, across from Kammy, and almost lost her balance as she sat cross-legged. "Okay. I can take you if you want, or if you want to go alone, I understand either way."

She took another breath. "And Kam, I'm sorry. For everything."
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Post by Namira »

Kammy, in the midst of everything, somehow got her feet underneath her and rose. For a few moments unsteady, eyes blurred with tears, she regained and kept her balance. She had to look like a mess. She felt like a mess. This was all fucked. There was a sense of disconnection from her surroundings, like she was floating a little above her actual body, surrealy out of herself. When Kam moved, it was almost as if the instruction was on a delay between brain and motion.

There was a spasmodic shrug. Kammy couldn't meet Gwen's eyes. Too busy ripping herself apart piece by piece. Eliza, Kam had seen Eliza, they'd crossed paths right at the start, if she'd just thought... if she'd acted then... then Michelle would be alive and Eliza wouldn't be running around freely with blood on her hands.


"Don't need you to show me there, but if you want to come with, then come with," Kammy said dully, still not looking at the other girl as she rounded off.

"...Whatever," Kam muttered as she turned and began walking roughly where she'd come from. Hospital that way. Michelle that way. Too late.

((Kammy continued No Time Left))
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Post by Espi »

As Kammy departed, Gwen watched her walk off with dread settling into her gut. She might never see Kammy again if the poor girl walked off by herself. But on the other hand, Gwen didn't really feel like Kammy wanted her to go with her, and Gwen had to find Maynard. Michelle was gone and it sucked, but Gwen wasn't Kammy, and the one she loved was still alive. As much of a bitch saying it made her sound like, Gwen didn't want to feel how Kammy felt.

She wanted to find Maynard before it was too late, and now she had a bitter taste of what'd happen if she failed.

Besides, Kammy was probably going to need the alone time to think. Recovering from loss was hard, and Gwen figured Kammy would probably want to be alone while she mourned. Gwen hoped she'd be okay, but logically she knew unless Kammy was the last person left she'd be another Michelle or Daniel or Alex. Another bloody corpse on the ground.

Gwen didn't want to think of it, but she wasn't any better-off than Kammy. Neither was Maynard or Adam or Virgil. And hell, Kammy and Virgil had guns, so at least they could protect themselves. Gwen hadn't had been tested yet, but she didn't want to think of what'd happen to her in a kill-or-be-killed situation. Could she commit an irredeemable act and hurt or kill another human being if she needed to? Was she even physically capable of it, assuming she could muster up the mental courage to violate the moral code she'd stuck to for her whole life?

She walked into the building, shutting the door behind her as she prepared to bed down for the night. She'd probably have trouble sleeping again, as had been the case since every night but last.

((Gwen O'Connor's story continues in God in Fire))
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