The Wolf

The expressway may span the entire island, but the sewer system goes a step further by spanning the entire island underground. The smell down below may be a bit wretched, but by descending into the depths of the sewers, you'll gain leverage against your opponents. Be careful when standing near a manhole, who knows who might pop out of it.
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The Wolf


Post by baby_g* »

The only reason he could think of, being the reason that he had woken up was because of the rain pouring on his face. The level of the dirty grimy water was also rising, sending a cold chilling sensation up his leg.

Kevin was a strong built man, who didn't really take any shit from anyone. He was usually seen in school hanging out with his friends, walking around, eating burgers. He was always very polite to those around him, that is, those around him that deserved it. If someone pissed Kevin off, he wouldn't give two shits if he offended you while telling you to blow it out your ass. He always had a way to being able to sound completely right and logical about everything, yet couldn't be either when it came to his own life.

Now, waking up because the rain was beating down on him, realizing he was in a place he didn't reconize, feeling the painful bruise of a bump on the back of his head, and a rucksake he didn't recall being his, one could imagine how extremely pissed off he'd be. He opened the front pouch of the bag and found a book. It seemed to be the know all of all shit which he'd face in this place. As far as he was concerned, the head honcho would be very unpleased, that is, once Kevin gets a hold on his neck between his hands.

He knew that inside the sake there was water, bread, some nibblettes and a weapon.

Fuck that shit. They don't call me the Wolf for nothing!

Another thing one would say about Kevin was that he was cocky, and there he left, rucksake over his shoulder, staggering off into the rain with an awkward walk as if he had his jockstrap up his ass.

That's the rain for ya...

((continued elsewhere...))
Posts: 401
Joined: Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:17 am


Post by baby_g* »

It was clear that Stephanie had already become lost. It was raining and thus making her vision abit blurred. She heard some noise coming near her, and unable to make out what it was, she ducked behind a near bolder.

Wanting to have her hands free, she packed everything she was carrying into her bag and fastened it tight around her shoulder. Squinting, she was able to make out the figure walking towards her. He was tall, a little larger than herself and completely unaware she was there.

This could be my chance...

She didn't really have anything in mind. Maybe just jump him and kick him or something. Steph wasn't really one for great plans. He was almost close enough now that she could have the advantage.. if only.. now was the time. If she didn't act at this moment, he was sure to see her and then she was definetly dead.

Within a bink of an eye she jumped the lad causing him to trip and fall on his back. The only problem was that when she had jumped him, she fell with him, thus falling right on top of him. She tried to stay there, hoping to pin him in a way, but her efforts were useless.


Kevin knew he wanted to get out of where he was, but with the rain making his steps uneven and slippery, it was easy for him to lose his balance here or there.

He hadn't walked very far before he found himself being pushed onto his back on the ground, followed by a girl trying to crush him. She was laying ontop of him now, trying to struggle for a way to get up quickly and run away he guessed.

There was no time to guess and make plans, he acted accordingly and grabbed the girl by the hair and force her under himself. It was kind of funny that this chick thought she could take down the wolf just with her bare hands. Who the hell did she think she was. Now with her under him, hands pinned and the weight of himself holding her down, he thought it dew time to get some answers. Starting with the basics.

"WHO the FUCK are YOU!?"


Steph could feel the weight of the boy on top of her and his bellowing voice made it even more clear that there wasn't much chance of her getting out of this alive.


"I'm .. uh... I'm SORRY!!"

She let the tears fall down her face as she tried to sniffle a clear sentence.

"I'm Stephanie, I just thought you were going to hurt me... I'm sorry, I just.. I just... I don't want to die! I'm Sorry.. Please... let me go!"


As soon as the girl started to cry Kevin got up and let her have her space. There wasn't anything he hated more in his life than the sound of chicks crying. He tried to shush her, thinking that her damn blatting would lead to more people coming to find them.

"Shh. It's okay. Fine, just shut up."


"I'm Kevin."

He got back to his feet, and held out a hand to the girl to help her up.

"Listen, I don't want any trouble, You go your way and I'll go mine.... If I see you again.. You'll have something to be sorry about."


Kevin eh...

The wheels were once agian turning in her mind as she let the boy help her up to her feet. The crying worked all the time, she knew this to be true. Oh, the wonder of it all. She had tasted what it ment now to attack someone, and she wanted more.

She waved good-bye to her new enemy as she began to walk in the opposite direction as he. This was going to be some blood bath.. and she could wait to get her fill of it.

((Continued else where....))


Kevin watched as the girl walked away, waving at him. She must have been some crazy broad to go from crying to smiling that quick, either that or she was up to no good, like most women.

He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he'd end up somewhere and that's what counted. Maybe he'd meet up with some of his friends from school and he could actually figure out what was going on.

((Continued else where...))
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