The Fifth Announcement

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The Fifth Announcement


Post by Megami* »

The birds were singing, the bees were buzzing, and Mr. Danya sat in his plush chair, humming giddily to himself as he looked over the information concerning the morning announcement.  He had to admit to himself that the children taken for this version of the game were a much more brutal lot than the ones from Barry Coleson had been.  Fifteen murders had taken place over the past day.  There were a lot of them, but they worked fast.  Such a bloodthirsty lot, they were.

He coughed momentarily and let out a sniffle.  This summer wasn't treating him very kindly.  Still, he wouldn't let that interfere with his work.  Once again, it was time for the dreaded morning announcement.  It was a passtime Danya took pleasure in.  He grinned from ear to ear as he once again looked over his list and flipped the switch on the microphone sitting near him.


"Good morning, children, and what a beautiful morning it is!  Just take a look at this gorgeous weather we're having today!  No rain, no fog, just a couple mud puddles on the ground and it's all sunshine and butterflies from here on out!  Of course... it's getting down to the wire, so maybe you guys are a little too busy fighting for you lives to worry about the weather.  Either way, it's irrelevant.  Let's get on to the good stuff.

I must admit, I'm proud of you all.  You're such an improvement over our last contestants.  I've never seen more hate-filled, bloodthirsty kids than you guys.  Let's get on with my good ole' list of the deceased, and you'll see what I'm talking about.  The first death of yesterday was Miss Lee-Ann Collier.  Let this be a lesson to all of you out there.  Lee-Ann teamed up with a Mr. Sam Sorenson out on the island.  She thought he was her ally.  He just wanted a piece of ass.  A dead one, at that.  Apparently, Mr. Sorenson liked the quiet ones, if you get what I mean.  Either way, he wound up trying to strangle her and take advantage of her, so in true coward's fashion, Lee-Ann detonated her collar.

Fascinating, isn't it?  The second death of yesterday was a true tragedy indeed.  Deliah Dollop was finally reunited with her sister Debrah.  I guess the pressure of the game got to her or something, because Deliah wound up having a miscarriage here on the island.  Oh so tragic.  Her sister wigged out and chopped her up with an axe after she found out about the pregnancy.  I think that's what they call taking sisterly love a little bit too far.

Third to die was Sarah Dao.  It seems that Sarah was trying to, how to put it?  Get her freak on with one of the random guys on the island, and Mr. Robert Adams walked up on them.  Sarah tried to kill him.  She, obviously, lost.  Fourth and fifth to die were Seth Malvice and Walter Smith, killed by a personal favorite of mine, Miss Mariavel Varella.  Seth just seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but with Walter, it was so much more personal.  Almost... intimate, even, eh Mariavel?  Apparently the sex was really bad or something.  Shame, Mariavel struck me as the sort of person who liked it rough.  Either way, they're both dead, and she's still kicking.

Number six was Burton Harris.  He and Chiaki Takao wound up mixing it up, but when the area they were in became a dangerzone, Chiaki had enough sense to get the hell out.  Burton, however, didn't.  Collar detonation for him.  BOOM!"

Danya laughed audibly for a moment before continuing.

"Now then, seventh to die was another personal favorite of mine, An Linh Tuan.  Miss Tuan had kept a pretty low profile on the island since mixing it up with Jonathan Michaels way back on Day One.  Least, she kept a low profile until she ran into Blake Ross.  It was love at first sight, or something like that.  Apparently, Blake likes to get rough, ladies.  He wound up throwing the poor girl through a window and killing her.  I must say, Mr. Ross... kinky.  Eighth down was John Matthews.  After Jackie Kovacs died was several days ago, John swore revenge on his murderer, Felix Travertil.  Well, needless to say, John didn't get his revenge.  Felix just added another to his kill count.

Number nine to die was quite the little angel.  Maggie Heartgreeder stumbled onto a downed powerline in the residential area after the storm blew through.  It killed her on contact.  See, kids?  Even the island is out to get you.  Tenth and eleventh down were Cathalie Meguro and Mitch Gunther, offed by Mr. Franco Sebberts.  Two more points for Franco.  He's giving Mariavel a run for her money when it comes to murdering you all.  Next, my favorite necrophiliac, Sam Sorenson, was killed off by Huy Tran when he tried to kill Anna Dibenidetti.  So heroic, Mr. Tran.  Jenna Cassidy was thirteenth to die, killed by Stephanie Crew.  Mr. Roland Kelly finally put his name on the map when he scored kill number fourteen, Mihiro Duli.  Finally, last but certainly not least, Mr. Damien Carter-Madison, doormat for everyone at Gilroy Academy, was responsible for the last death of the day, Kristey Burrowell."

The coldness in his voice was apparent as he announced the dead and their murderers.  After all, they were just names on a page.

"A few more things before I bid you adieu, children.  Damien!  Damester!  The Dame!  We like you, kid.  We like you and Huy Tran.  Oops, I wasn't supposed to announce your names, was I?  That whole anonymity thing, right?  Hm... I believe the expression is, my bad?  Head on down to the marina, kids.  We'll give you something worth your while.  Also.  Dangerzones.  You knew it was coming, kids.  The lighthouse, pagoda, and church will join the mountain ranch, cliffs, farmhouse, wheat field, and mansion ruins as dangerzones.  The island is shrinking, kids.  Are you getting nervous yet?  Over and out, guys!"


The OOC Stuff:

First and foremost, rolls.  We did five, and the rolled characters were Bryan Calvert, Franco Sebberts, Seth Mattlock, Jenna Cassidy, and Elizabeth Ebert.  Jenna's already dead, I didn't feel like doing another roll.  Seth's rights are up for grabs, let me know if you're interested.  Otherwise, you guys know the routine.  Let me know if you're using your swap or hero for anybody.  I'd be willing to use my hero card for somebody if they're interested, I plan on killing off one of my characters pretty soon anyway.  Let me know if you need it!  Secondly, prizes.  Mitsuko2 won this month's Best Death 1-0, so she gets her choice of prizes, should she choose to accept it.

On another note, thanks to everybody who updated the wiki, you have no idea how much it helped in my attempt to write this announcement.  I apologize for the delay, but I've already explained the situation.  As always, thanks for roleplaying with us!
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