S130 - White, Mariya [DECEASED]

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S130 - White, Mariya [DECEASED]


Post by backslash »

Name: Mariya Nana White
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: Hairstyling, nail art, makeup, reality television, working out

Appearance: Mariya is on the taller side of things, standing at 6’1” and weighing 160 lbs. She is very muscular, with six-pack abs and a generally athletic body from time she’s spent working out. Her heritage is of mixed Japanese and African American descent, with chestnut-brown skin, a heart-shaped face, monolid green eyes, a small upturned nose, and thin lips. She rarely deals with facial acne, more often having pimples or zits on her back and the back of her neck. Her hair has recently been styled into large two-strand twist braids that reach her hips and is naturally black, though she regularly dyes it, most recently having dyed three portions of it; the front-right quarter golden blonde, the back-left quarter light brown, and the front-left quarter ginger orange, with the back-right quarter being left alone. Mariya prefers a more natural look when it comes to her own makeup, only wearing some waterproof mascara, light blush fitting her skin tone, and eyeliner in the simple double flick style.

Mariya does not have that much interest in fashion, though she still puts some effort into it. She prefers casual, comfortable clothes that just so happen to work well together. On the day of the abduction, Mariya wore a long-sleeved mulberry cotton shirt that peaked out from under a white faux-fur-lined hooded parka, dark blue denim short shorts over mulberry thermal leggings, and white faux-fur-lined snow boots. She added on to the mulberry and white theme by painting her nails the former and white bandana tied around her neck, with plans to use it as a face mask if necessary.

Biography: Mariya White was born to Dallas White and Ryota Miyazaki on December 12th, 2003, in Boston, Massachusetts. They first met when the accountant would accompany a friend to Dallas’ beauty salon. While the two would date for a year, they would only stay together for another year after Mariya’s birth before amicably separating. Ryota would take full custody of Mariya once he moved to Salem to find different work, with Dallas believing their daughter was better off growing up in a smaller, less busy town than Boston.

Dallas would still make regular visits to be in her life, though, so Mariya was able to grow close to both her mother and father. She would notably get closer to Dallas, however, as she would idolize much of her mother’s profession. From the long, fancy nails, to the intricate, impressive hairstyles and the beautiful uses of makeup, it all combined to amaze Mariya. Ever since she was five, she’s wanted to be a beautician, just like her mother.

Both Dallas and Ryota would both encourage this interest, allowing semi-regular trips to Dallas’ salon and teaching Mariya beauty salon basics such as nail art and hair styling respectively. Dallas enjoyed bonding with her daughter over her profession, and Ryota believed it was a good way for Mariya to express herself. This included allowing her to dye her hair fairly early on in her life, at age seven, sparking an interest in that as well.

Mariya would still have opportunities to bond with her father as well, one of which is in their television habits. Ryota has a strong interest in reality tv, which he’s shared with Mariya since she was ten. From classics like Big Brother to Survivor, to more recent hits such as Love Is Blind and Too Hot to Handle, it’s likely the two have watched it. Mariya herself enjoys the shows for dramatic elements, paying close attention whenever there’s an argument, and especially so if a physical fight occurs. This has also shown up in her attitude in school, never getting involved in or promoting drama, but always trying to be a witness whenever it occurs.

Another bonding activity Mariya shares with her father is weight lifting as, once she hit puberty at age twelve, she began to feel self conscious of herself and her body. Ryota tried his best to curb these feelings by offering Mariya to work out with him, believing that if it worked for him at her age, it might work for her as well. Fortunately for them both, this succeeded, as Mariya’s confidence rose once the results of working out became clear. In her own words, she liked to picture herself as a mix of femininity and masculinity, able to style someone’s hair or lift a hundred pounds over her head with ease. She and Ryota keep up with weight lifting to this day.

Mariya was fourteen when she spent her first summer working at her mother’s beauty salon, and she loved every second of it. While there was the problem customer here and there, every instance where she got to style someone’s hair or do someone’s nails made her giddy, ready to help people feel pretty. It was also during this summer that Dallas gave Mariya her first lessons on makeup, believing she was finally old enough to learn. While she doesn’t believe she’s mastered it as much as she has nail art and hair styling, she still believes she is fairly skilled in it.

The pandemic hit Mariya pretty hard, as not only did it mean she could not work in the beauty salon for the summer, but Dallas could not visit in person without putting them all at risk. To make up for this, she threw herself into her other hobbies even harder, binging seasons of reality tv from before she started watching it and doing even more intense workout routines. She did this in an effort to distract herself from what she was missing out on for the year, and once restrictions were lowered, she toned down those behaviors.

Around school, Mariya is mostly seen as a friendly face to chat with, as well as one to go to if you want some beauty advice. She prides herself in her ability to make people feel better about themselves and feel better in general. From hearing people out with their problems to offering help with hair or makeup problems, she puts a lot of stock in making people smile. She does have a bit of a reputation for her need to witness drama, however, to the point that friends joke about her having recorded every fight in school on her iPhone.

Academically, Mariya is an acceptable student, mostly attaining Bs and Cs for grades. Her best by far is Physical Education, where she has an A+, while the class she struggles most with is English, having little interest in the subject and retaining a C- in the class.

Mariya’s relationship with her family is entirely positive, with surprisingly little in the way of issues. While Ryota has some concern over her grades in English, Dallas has convinced him that they are of no concern, as she herself did not receive the best marks in English classes and believes she has done just fine in life. Dallas keeps up her regular visits and Ryota has kept up their work out and reality tv routines.

After graduating high school, Mariya has plans to go to college and major in cosmetology. Dallas has promised that, once she graduates, she’ll get a full time job working at the beauty salon.

Advantages: Mariya is notably athletic, giving an intimidating figure compared to some of her peers. She is well known and well liked, meaning making allies should not be difficult. Finally, due to her habit of expressly staying out of drama, it is unlikely she will be involved in any petty squabbles.
Disadvantages: Despite Mariya’s efforts to stay out of drama, her habit of always trying to witness it could mean she won’t leave a dangerous situation once school squabbles do come up. Her high prioritizing of making others feel better is also likely to hinder her, as she will most definitely be disheartened in the environment that is SOTF. Additionally, her friendly demeanor could cause problems as well, as it would not be difficult for someone to take advantage and betray her.

Designated Number: Student No. 130


Designated Weapon: Sword-shaped dildo

Conclusion: Take heart, S130, for legends say that whosoever wields Asscalibur shall become ruler of this island henceforth. Go forth boldly. - Jim Greynolds
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."

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