The Dilemma

The area was once green and wooded, however this portion of the island has since been logged through and the damage is plain to see. Large unkempt logs are scattered across the clear-cut area, caught amongst the endless stumps and what sparse foliage is available, which provides little cover. The area is silent, with little to no noise to be heard, creating an eerie sense of isolation.
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The Dilemma


Post by armeggedonCounselor* »






[G102] Janet Binachi - START!

Janet rolled over and opened her eyes. Immediately, she regretted it. The sun was harsh up above, in a clear blue sky. Not a cloud anywhere in her field of view. She closed her eyes again and tried to think. It was hard- her head was pounding and her mouth tasted of dryness. The smell of dirt and grass was all around her. The only sound was the occasional rustling wind. She felt a shiver of fear go down her spine. Wherever she was, it felt huge. She wasn't usually Agoraphobic, but this place felt even bigger than it was because of the silence. She had heard (and laughed) at the phrase "deafening silence," but this place embodied it.

'Think. What happened?'

She remembered the bus. Getting on the bus. It had been hot then, so hot she had fallen asleep. She remembered the Math teacher giving the speech... but that was before she slept. There was something trying to enter her thoughts. An auditorium. With a jolt, Janet opened her eyes again, gasping to herself. The auditorium, the movie, the voice... that awful voice.... Red. She remembered the red the most, the red that burst from the teachers when they were... were.... She gagged slightly, the memory burning itself permanently into her neural pathways. The sound of the gunfire. It was so loud, even in her memory. She had been sitting near the front. She looked down at herself and nearly threw up. There was... red on her pants, her socks, her shoes. Red all around. She turned away, gagging again. She... she really was....

She had seen the show before, of course. Nearly everybody had. Survival Of The Fittest. She had wrote a report on the psychology involved just a year before. She didn't watch it religiously like some other people did. She had assumed that it was staged. But there was no denying that voice. The voice of the host. The voice of... Danya.... The red, as well. She couldn't forget it. It was ubiquitous on the show, as nearly everyone was bathed in red. She reached a hand to her throat and hesitated. There was still one chance. One last hope that this was a horrible dream. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and placed her hand firmly on the collar.

"N-no.... No. This can't be happening to me, this isn't supposed to happen to me oh god oh god why?" she said, the words coming out before she could get a hold of herself. It was true. She was on the show. Oh god.... What would her parents say? What would they do? Would her Dad call Grampa Louie? Of course he would. What did she think Grampa Louie could do? Even at the height of the Mafia's strength, they wouldn't have been able to touch Danya. If the government had failed for three years, why did she think her Grampa would succeed? Rescue... would not be coming.

So... what did that leave her? She counted three options. One, try and escape. That would almost certainly not work. Two, kill herself or let someone kill her. That was also not an option. That would be giving up, and the Binachi family did not give up. Thus.... Only one option. She had to survive. She would have to be the Fittest. With strengthened resolve, Janet stood up and looked around.

Immediately, the scale of the place she was in struck her. She could see, in the far distance, a forest. All around her was brambles, with clumps of grass poking up. She had woken up near a stump. She could see the tree that had once occupied the stump lying about twenty feet away. The sun was unbearable, beating down on her like a huge bonfire at her back. She felt the feeling of isolation again, staring into the vast emptiness of the area. The lack of sound pushed against her ears, which filled the silence with a slight buzzing. A fly disturbed the silence slightly as it went about doing whatever it was flies did. It's pathetic buzzing seemed to be swallowed up by the huge silence surrounding her. She took a deep breath and began looking around. She had been promised a daypack and a weapon.

It wasn't too hard to find. Whoever had placed her here had a sense of humor, it seemed. Her weapon had been securely driven into the ground, and her daypack had been hung on the... blade? She walked over to it and pulled the bag off the hockey stick. It was a little heavy, but nowhere near heavy enough to be containing enough food. She opened it and looked in, sifting through things with a heavy heart. Her choker hadn't been around her neck, and her searching indicated that it wasn't in here. Then she remembered.

She had left it at home to avoid losing it. It was important to her. Precious. Her grandfather had given it to her as a birthday present on her sixth birthday. She had worn it everyday since, proud to have it. Of course, when she was six it had been very loose. Her mother had had to shorten it with temporary fabric glue. It had nearly started to fade by now, and would probably be dark gray by the time Janet was considering marriage. She felt herself choke up and forced the emotion away. Plenty of time to be upset later. For now, she needed to move. The extra clothes were nice, but not necessary. While it was gross, she could get by just wearing what she was now. There would be places to wash her clothes somewhere on the island, rivers or something. She would, of course, change her panties every day. To do otherwise would just be gross. Her change of clothes would be saved for possible utilization as cast material and bandages.

With everything set and organized in her mind, Janet grabbed the hockey stick and yanked. She completely failed to pull it out of the ground with one hand. Grumbling, she turned and pulled again, falling over when it came out of the ground this time. She looked to the sky and screamed, "I hate this stupid island!"

Whoops. Bad idea.
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Post by Yossarian* »

((B075 Robert Jenkins begins))

Thankfully for Rob, the mourning and anger time was over. Of course, at first he threw a lots of screams and curses toward the world, God and, of course, Danya. But several minutes later, initial anger worn off, and his most precious allies on the court came back - resolve, determination, a will to win, and also in this case - a will to live. He had to make it. He sacrificed too much of his life just for this one goal - make his way into NBA, and nobody will stop Rob from reaching it, especially not a fucker like Danya.

While still in the woods, Rob sat down for a while to calm down and create a plan he should follow during those next few weeks in the best case scenario or during his entire life in worst. He quickly come up several rules which would be later known as 'Rob's guide to survival':

Rule 1: Never give up
Rule 2: Use everything you can to your advantage.
Rule 3: Arm yourself
Rule 4: Team up only with strong people, and even then DON'T TRUST THEM.
Rule 5: Never give up
Rule 6: Play smart. Know when to step back before placing yourself in dangerous situation.
Rule 7: Never give up.

Apart from rules 1,5 and 7 which were in effect all the time, Robert made use of rule 2 first when he found Kevlar Vest in his daypack. It wasn't a weapon, but since the Vest was probably the best non-lethal assigned object, Rob considered himself pretty lucky. He put it on immediately and covered with his Minnesota Timberwolves A-shirt. With this kind of clothing it would be very difficult for anyone NOT to see it, but who knows, maybe someone will forget about it in the heat of (eventual) battle.


Fast forward a few minutes, and Rob left the woods. Or rather left the 'tree' part of the woods, as the place he found himself in was probably a part of this forest at some point. But now... It was just an empty space serving as a testimony to human greediness and killing potential. Not that Rob cared about it in any way, but he could use some better cover than a few fallen logs.

Suddenly, the previously silent air, was filled with a scream made of anger.

"I hate this stupid island!"

Rob quickly changed his stance into low profile, crouched behind a three logs making a little pyramid. It was still problematic with his posture, height and not very comfortable kevlar vest to hide behind them but he managed it somehow.

After getting into position, Robert scanned the surrounding to find the source of the scream. In such an open field it wasn't really hard.

A girl sitting on the ground, armed with a... Hockey stick. Looks pretty harmless.

Rob's evaluation process eliminated the girl as a potential ally, but since she didn't look like a threat he decided to take a risk and approach her. That hockey stick would be a better weapon than his bare fists (even though Rob had much better fighting experience with them, rather than with a sport tool), and the situation looked like a perfect 'give me that' opportunity.

Was he planning to kill? No, definitely not. He wasn't even half as twisted to think about it. He was ready to do it at some point, as it would be impossible to win without it, but the less blood on his hands, the better.

No, he wasn't planning to kill. He was planning to act like a jerk though.

"Hello there, fellow Island Hater." He said to the girl without smiling. "Is there any... Problem?"
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Janet nearly jumped out of her skin as she heard the voice behind her. She spun onto her knees and stood up, hockey stick held across her body as protection. She found herself staring at one of the basketball players. Some name that started with R. Ryan? No.... Robert. Not the gimp one, obviously. Her heart sank as she looked up into his eyes. The boy was huge. She spun the hockey stick in her hands and took a cautious step back.

"No problem. No issue at all," Janet said cautiously, moving back again. She felt her leg hit the stump and she stopped, keeping her breath level. The ankles would be a good target if the man should make a move. Or the neck. She wasn't certain as to the strength of the wood in the hockey stick, but she did know that it would be able to get one or two good strikes in.

"Do you have a... problem?"
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Post by Yossarian* »

Rob gave Janet a bonus points in his head for not running away.

Impressive. I thought she'll be trying to run, but it seems she wants to fight back if something will happen.

Well, he still wanted the weapon though, so the situation could get ugly in a moment. He wanted to avoid any fight this soon, but it's better to be prepared for the worst.

Instantly, Rob made a small step with his left foot, bent his knees a bit and lowered his body to get ready for any attack on the legs which would require immediate dodge. Then, he placed his arms before his torso in a stance prepared for any blow coming on the upper part of the body. Sure, it was more of a fist-fight stance, but it worked once against a guy with a broken table leg during a bar brawl once... Any potential blow will probably hurt like hell, but at least he could counterattack easily if anything would happen.

The big 'if', eh? Rob didn't mind taking the stick with a force, but it would be much better to make a deal like a civilized people.

"Yeah, I have one problem. It seems you want to attack me, when there is no need to fight at all..." Robert replied still battle ready. His face showed nothing more than focus on the hockey stick Janet was wielding.
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Janet felt her heart sink. Robert definitely knew more about fighting than she did, which wasn't hard considering she knew very little more than what she had observed while observing a fight between two jocks, which would be extraordinarily unhelpful here. Time for a different plan.

She allowed fear to slide into her voice as she took what she hoped was a surreptitious step to the side and asked, "W-what do you want from me?"

She hated that sound in her voice. Fear was not an emotion becoming a Binachi. If (and it was a big if) she lived through it, she would never be able to look her granddad in the eye again. She let her grip on the stick loosen slightly. She knew what he was after. It was the reason he was bulkier and the reason he was threatening her with fists. It was also the reason he wouldn't be able to catch her when she ran. He hadn't gotten a weapon. It seemed, to her untrained eye, that he had gotten something like a bullet proof vest. Which was mostly useless against anything that wasn't bullets, but she doubted Robert knew that.

She swallowed and said, "P-please don't hurt me...."
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Post by Yossarian* »

Still tense, Rob scanned every move from the girl. Loosened grip on the hockey stick probably meant she realized she had only minimum chance in close combat, and she lost most of her resolve. The shaky voice only seemed to give another argument for that.

Rob replied to the girl with his typical cold, straight-to-the-point manner.

"I told you, I won't hurt you, unless you'll give me no other choice... And what do I want? You probably guessed it already - your weapon. Just give it to me, I walk away, you walk away peacefully, probably to never see me again, and that's that. Nobody get's hurt. Is that acceptable?"

Huh, what a preposterous demand, I would've never agree to it myself... Rob thought about the deal he just offered. In any normal circumstances he would probably hear 'fuck off', but they were far from normal circumstances, so he just kept his stance, and awaited answer from Janet.
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Janet looked down at her weapon, keeping up the frightened girl act. Obviously, giving it to him didn't feature strongly on her list of plans. It was her weapon, and she wouldn't get another one unless she made it herself. And she had really sucked at arts and crafts. She looked back up at Robert, fear still showing in her eyes.

"M-my weapon? B-but... I need it," she said, backing up slightly.

She needed to goad him into moving before she could do anything. She really didn't want to strike at him, but he was likely to be able to keep up with her if she just took off. She was fast and she could go for a while, but he was an athlete. He was almost certainly in better shape than she was, and he would almost certainly be able to catch her in this plain. If she made it to the forest, the story was different. Her build was more slim than his, so she could more easily avoid getting caught up on trees. Her best option would be to strike at him, in the ankle or the knee or the head, so that he would be slowed down slightly.

"I-I'm not going to give it to you," she said, stepping back in a more obvious way.
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Post by Yossarian* »

"Shame..." Robert replied, but frankly he wasn't really expecting any other answer from the girl. She still looked afraid, but he doubted it will paralyze her enough before taking action, and that would be unfortunate. Getting hands dirty, and probably taking a blow or two were perfectly okay with him, but risking an injury just to get his hands on a Hockey Stick which was a tier C weapon at best? That's just not smart.

I need a different approach... Rob always liked to stick with one tactic, but as on the court - if one's not working, you need to try something else. Maybe if he could provoke Janet into doing something stupid, he could use it to his advantage. It worked against cocky opponents during dribbles and stuff like that. The girl was probably anything but cocky, but it was worth a shot anyway.

"So..." He began talking, while still observing every movement. "I'm not going to lie, I'll just try to take your weapon by force. You can either fight back... Or run away. Think carefully about both options. You probably won't win in a fight, but who knows? Running away is the safer option, hockey stick is not a very rewarding prize for an effort I would put into it so I would probably pass, but... If all you're going to do here is run away before every single intimidating person, then you should ask yourself if you really need that stick, as it will only slow you down..."

If all would fail, he could at the very least deliver a wake-up call to the girl. It wouldn't give Rob any advantage, but that's always an achievement, right?
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Janet nearly laughed at that. It made so little sense. She stopped acting like a frightened child to get haughty, a favorite pastime.

"If you were just going to give up when I ran, what was the point of trying to intimidate me into giving you it? Of course I'm not going to fight you, you're nearly twice my weight and definitely stronger than me. Even with the Hockey Stick to amplify my strength, you're more likely to beat me than I am to beat you," she said, straightening her back so she no longer looked like she was cowering. The time to act was over. Now was the time to act! ... Wait. That wasn't right.

She pushed that distraction out of her mind and moved back another foot. Now she judged that she was out of Robert's lunging range, which put her at a slight advantage.

"If you're not going to commit, you should leave. You will not be able to take this from me by force."
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Post by Yossarian* »

The distraction worked... Kinda. Instead of losing a few seconds to ponder the situation, she decided to lose a bit more of them by... Gloating? Never mind, the result was satisfying.

Rob used the time to made final preparations for the charge. Most of his body was ready before, so he just adjusted his body a bit, bent his knees a bit more and got prepared for a quick dash toward Janet.

He noticed that immediately after delivering her speech, the girl made a few steps back. Shouldn't be a problem, but letting her any more time to get even more distance would be a mistake. Rob tensed his muscles.


"If you're not going to commit, you should leave." Janet continued her speech.


"You will not be able to take th..."


Without even bothering to hear the last part of the sentence, Rob's body sprung like a spring, and he made a wild run for Janet. And whether the girl decided to fight back or run away, that fast start was the only thing he needed. As the distance became satisfying for him, the 6'5" giant used his speed, momentum and his body to close the distance to 0.00 meters by performing a tackle. He obviously wasn't as skilled as football players on that field, but as long as he could just tackle the girl down to the ground, he should have this one in hands.
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

((Mild GMing approved by Yossarian.))

Janet was more than a little surprised when Robert charged her. She felt herself move, though she wasn't sure who had told her to do that as she settled her weight back slightly and held the hockey stick out, bracing it against her hip with the blade. Robert ran into the other end, which caught him in the stomach. The stick bent impressively, pushing against Janet and placing her on her rump for the second time in minutes. This time, the air was knocked out of her as the stick pushed into her diaphragm.

Janet sat on the ground, stunned. She felt her breath returning quickly, although her vision was mildly blurry from the hit. Unsurprisingly, 250 pounds of muscle hurts when it hits you, even if the weight is sent through a hockey stick.
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Post by Yossarian* »

Even though most of the impact went straight for the object he was trying to take away from girl, he managed to put her on the ground. Too bad about the blade end of the stick which was now causing Rob a decent amount of pain in the stomach. Normally that kind of contact with a sharp edge would end up with a big scratch and maybe even small cut on the stomach, but thankfully the vest prevented any serious damage. It couldn't prevent hurting like a bitch though. At first, Rob grabbed his stomach in pain, but he quickly realized there was no time for it. That wasn't the first time he got hit there, whether in the fist fight or by a random elbow during match, he could deal with it. He had more important things to do, like a follow-up for example.

After raising up his head and using his arms to support his body, he noticed that Janet was a bit stunned as she definitely had to feel at least some of the impact from the tackle. Without thinking much more, Rob decided to take advantage of girls state. He quickly leaped toward her (which looked rather comically considering his position), attempted to grab and squeeze her right leg with one of his hand to give her something else to think about rather than a hockey stick in her possession, while the other hand tried to reach the stick and pull it away from Janet in one swift move.
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Post by Lawther* »

[B-049 Tobias Elwin Start]

Tobias barely knew anything about Survival of the Fittest before being plopped down on the island. He'd never watched the show, personally. He'd been too busy either working on cars and motorcycles or going on hunting trips with his father to bother watching much TV. So when he learned that he'd been kidnapped by terrorists and was going to be forced to fight to the death, he had no reason to believe that the American government wasn't about to come kick some terrorist ass in a few days. So, when he woke up, he went about calmly rummaging though his pack as if it were just another camping trip.

"Shoot, I bet the Marines are on their way already." He said to himself as he put on an unbuttoned black denim motorcycle vest over his grease-stained West Coast Choppers T Shirt before tying his American flag bandana around his arm like a badge of pride. After all, he reckoned they had probably been missing for a few days now, so rescue was probably on the way. He thought it was rather funny that they gave him a gun, though was a bit pissed that they took away his travel toolkit and his daddy's hunting knife. Those were two things he would have to go back and collect after the Marines were done kicking all sorts of ass. Who ever these terrorists were, they weren't too bright: Nobody fucks with America and gets away with it.

He had taken the time to read Dayna's little survival guide, laughing at the details of the book as if it were a cheap comic book. Like hell any of his fellow students were about to go off and kill each other. Instead of playing the game, Tobias had readied his pistol in the hopes of catching some small game even if the caliber wasn't exactly the most optimal one; hopefully he could find something like a hare or wild fowl. He'd be damned if all he was going to eat for the next few days was homemade venison jerky meant for a short trip and the rations they provided. It wasn't long before Tobias began to make his way through the deforested area, looking for a good place to set up camp.

Now there were many things about survival that Tobias could abide by in a desperate situation. After all, his father had prepared him for some of the things he might need to know in the event of a disaster. He could abide by a man stealing from his neighbor's stockpile to feed his children. He could abide by a man fighting another man for food. But if there was one thing Tobias was not about to abide by, it was a man beating up a girl, especially if it was just because some terrorist told him to.

"Well shit." He said as he watched the burly looking man charge the girl in the distance.

Seeing the large and clearly capable boy launching himself onto a girl like a rabid wolverine for no apparent reason, Tobias decided to act. He put down his packs and readied his pistol before jogging to about 10 yards away from them as they scuffled on the ground. At least the girl had gotten in a few good hits.

"Boy'o, you've got about 5 seconds to get off that there girly and get the fuck outta here before I come over there, lube this here 45 pistol up real nice, turn that som'bitch side ways, and stick it straight up your candy ass!" He yelled at the boy, hoping that he would give up and leave the girl alone. As long as he left peacefully, Tobias had no intention of harming him, or anyone else today for that matter. Unless of course, they deserved it.
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Janet's attention was redirected from being stunned when Robert's hand closed on her leg. It felt like it was in a vice, but she still managed to keep the hockey stick out of the way of his grasp. She snarled slightly, twisting in his grasp.

"Let go of me!" she screamed, kicking her free leg toward Robert's shoulder. She wasn't going to kick him in the face, as it would cause too much damage. An attacker or not, hurting people was not something Janet enjoyed doing.

And then a new variable entered the equation. Tobias, who had managed to avoid most of Janet's attentions concerning psychology. He seemed to her to be a rather straight forward individual, who had just threatened to ram a gun up Robert's ass sideways. A part of her wondered if he realized what they were actually knee deep in. He obviously wasn't a game player, or he would have just taken a shot at Robert. It wouldn't have mattered who was hit, after all. But the nearly comical threat revealed another part of the boy's psychology. It revealed that he didn't take the game very seriously. She filed that away in the part of her brain dedicated to useful information.
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Post by Yossarian* »

God... Damn it... How... Persistent... Can... You... Get?

Robert asked himself in mind as Janet repeatedly kicked his shoulder. Already tired of this worthless scuffle, he wanted to make the one last jump on her, and...

"Boy'o, you've got about 5 seconds to get off that there girly and get the fuck outta here before I come over there, lube this here 45 pistol up real nice, turn that som'bitch side ways, and stick it straight up your candy ass!"

The fuck?

Rob immediately released Janet's leg and turned his head toward the interrupter. The guy who looked like he got lost on his trip through Scandinavia was keeping the safe distance from him and Janet while... Pointing a handgun right at Rob's chest.

Fuck. And here comes the knight in shiny armor...

As much as boy's attitude and lame taunt pissed Rob off, he couldn't argue with the gun. Robert had a vest on him, but as long as the guy wasn't a complete moron (and it was safer to assume he wasn't), he would know to aim for the head.

Rob slowly stood up and raised his hand in the air. Although judging from the guy's behavior, he was here to play the hero rather than kill anyone, making any unnecessary, frantic movements would be a suicide.

Rob stared silently at the Norse giving him a 'your turn' signal.
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