Nothing Really Matters

The center of town is picturesque, flower beds surrounding a large fountain. Large amounts of graffiti mark the fountain's edge, most of it pertaining towards the fact that the centerpiece of the fountain is a carved naked woman with arms outstretched. A well-traveled road leads down to the docks, and a second road leads towards the felled forest. This area also includes the houses closest to the center.
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Nothing Really Matters


Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

((Janet Binachi continued from Despair.))

The tranquil scenery of the town center seemed to exist only to infuriate Janet. On the plus side, she appeared to be alone. On the down side, she was only alone in body. Her thoughts were twisting around themselves, berating her and turning her mind inside out. Exhaustion washed over her again. She sat down near the fountain and pressed her hands to her eyes.

Did any of it really matter? It was a question that had been bouncing through her mind since earlier in the day, the proverbial bull in the china shop of her mind. It tore through any attempts at rational thought, through her anger and her fear. It even tore through her urge to just break down and cry. Somehow, she was still going. She wasn't certain how, or why. Perhaps it was an urge for revenge, to destroy Danya for destroying Jay. Except what good would that do? It probably wouldn't even prevent this from happening to anyone else. And of course, there was always the possibility that someone had beaten her to it. That last announcement had been delightfully vague.
Posts: 190
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:24 am


Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

((I don't really have anything to put in here. Janet Binachi continued elsewhere.))
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