Wake Me Up...

Back in the early days of the island, the residents tried to mine the mountain for gold. The mountain, however, produced nothing, and after they reached the other side, the miners gave up. The leftover buildings serve as testament to the failed expedition. The wood buildings are very aged, creaking when a strong wind blows by. There are still pieces of old equipment that are scattered throughout the surrounding area, now serving little use to the island's inhabitants.
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Wake Me Up...


Post by Rocky* »

((G013 Reiko Ishida start))

Reiko Ishida, known to the world as G013, felt herself on a comfortable bed in a small wooden building. Her head hurt a bit, but that was probably because she hadn't had much sleep. The first day of an extended class trip was always spent not sleeping, especially when your in the same room as your friends. Only, she didn't remember staying up, or even being in a cabin. Reiko's eyes snapped open as she remembered. They never made it to the camp site. They had been abducted, tied to chairs, and then thrown on an island. Survival of the Fittest was real.

She remembered the video they were shown. The boy had been on the news a few times. John Rizzolo, as she remembered. He had "won" the previous installment of this game. The man on the PA system... Danya was his name.... had said he was what they wanted. Ruthless aggression. Kill or be killed. All those tired cliches one always heard in these situations.

Reiko grabbed the bag sitting beside her, not her own bag, but the one given to her. Her small hands rummaged through the bag until they touched something cold. Gripping the metal, she pulled it out. What she held in her hand was an oddly shaped weapon, like the ones that one ninja turtle used. Michelangelo. He had always been Reiko's favorite. At least her weapon wasn't completely useless. Placing it on the bed, she rummaged through her bag a bit more. A look of surprise crossed her features as her hand came into contact with a second weapon. They had given her two weapons? It must have been a mistake, even if the weapon was identical. Looking around, she found that a camera had been placed in one of the corners, watching her every move. Standing up, she looked directly at the camera.

"Danya, that was your name right?" Reiko said to the piece of equipment. "I don't know what kind of sick fetish you have seeing innocent children dying, but rest assured, I won't be one of them. I'll play your little game, but I'm doing it on my terms. Just as long as you know, I think you're a sick fuck. Enjoy the show."
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Post by KamiKaze »

Just outside one of the wooden buildings lay a teenage boy. He did not look that remarkable; short brown hair, a mixture of Asian and Caucasian features, a red jacket, a green baseball hat lying on the ground next to him, as if it had fallen off once he hit the ground, with a fair bit of muscle; he looked completely average. Here this boy laid, on his stomach, and completely knocked out. This boy, was, of course, B080 on the terrorists' systems, also known as Remy Kim.

He used to be a drama geek that just so happened to be on the baseball team. Right now, though, he was completely out of it. For a while, he looked almost calm, as if he was fast asleep, and did not know what was going on right now. But, after a while, he groaned and mumbled, stirring very slightly.

Remy could remember watching some clip about a guy killing a girl by stabbing and shooting her. Was he looking at Youtube or something? No, that can't be it, it was a big screen, and his classmates were there. He did not remember why the teachers would show something like that, unless it was for Social Studies, or-

Remy's eyes flicked open very quickly. A sharp pain met his head, but it paled in comparison to what he just realized.

Survival of the Fittest? Really?

Remy had heard of that before. Heck, he had even watched a few clips of it, though only out of morbid curiosity. In all honesty, he could not stomach it. He had also been reading conspiracy theories about it online, such as the Illuminati had been behind it all along, and this is just preparation for a police state. He usually read those theories out of curiosity, and was never sure if they were true. But, now he was part of the program, and he was going to...

Oh god. No. He was going to die? That can't be!

Remy felt his face get a little wet as he lifted his head off the ground, and he realized that he was starting to cry. Oh god... he was crying. Fuck. He did not want to go out like this! He had dreams and friends, for crying out loud!

What about his mother? Did she know that he was there? What would she do? He always depended on his mother, and always tried to impress her. But, did she find out what happened to him? What would she do? Was she okay?

And then he remembered. Josée was on the trip. Oh god, Josée. How was she taking this? To be honest, he could see her happily taking part, smiling all the while... and then she would find Remy himself and-

No! That was not a good thing to think about! Sure, Josée was a bitch, but he really should not think about her killing him. But, what if they did meet on the island, and she had some sort of gun, which she would be happy to test on him? He and Josée had never been on good terms. Some people found that surprising, seeing as they were twins. But, each twin had become jealous of the other. Remy often felt his mother payed more attention to Josée than to him, and as I result, he hated his sister, and often tried to impress his mother. And he knew very well that Josée hated him right back.

What would she do if she ever saw him? Remy was strong, and he was fast, but it wasn't as if he could kill anyone, even his sister. But, he might have to make a decision to defend himself sometime.

Remy lifted himself off the ground, so that he was resting on his hands and knees, and found a bag resting near him. As he put his hat back on his head, he stared at the thing. Was this his? He remembered that they each had a daypack containing their items. So, it couldn't hurt to look inside, right?

He crawled over to the bag, and, with a deep breath, unzipped it.

After searching through the contents a bit, squinting a bit due to the headache that was coming on, Remy eventually found a thin, metallic object. Even though it looked harmless, he knew exactly what it was. He could remember seeing it in movies and such, but it was not as if he never saw one personally, until now. It was a switchblade, like the ones delinquents would always use in some of the movies and plays that he watched. Remy was never much of a weapons person, but that did not mean that he was not able to recognize a knife when he saw one.

He found a small button of the side of the handle, and pressed it, trying to keep his fingers out of the way.


A blade flipped out, shining brightly in the daylight. On command, it was ready to be used... to...

Oh god. What in the hell-

Remy felt the inside of his mouth get a little warm, and he knew what was coming. The headache... the stress... the killing that was going to start any minute...

He placed the knife back in the bag, still in its sharp state. A few seconds later, he stood up and walked a few steps in a dizzy manner, looking for a good place to do it, as the feeling was getting worse. But, it was too late.

And, before he could really find a proper spot... he leaned forward as far as he could and vomited all over the ground.

Once his stomach contents were gone, he breathed heavily, pulling himself back into a standing position. God damn. People were really going to die here. He was going to die. Fuck. Fuck them all to hell.

He staggered to where his bag was, still feeling a little queasy, and took the knife out of where he placed it.

On second thought, I'll keep you near me. At least I'll have something to defend myself with, right?

And so, Remy tried his best to unset the knife. It took him a while to figure out how, but by the time a couple of minutes passed, he was able to do so without getting cut or stabbed. He placed the switchblade in his jacket pocket, and then looked at the building he had woken in front of. It was the small wooden sort, and upon looking around, there was very little setting it apart from the other buildings just like it. Did this used to be a small colony of some kind? Eh, better not think about it now.

He stepped up to the door of the building, and he was able to reach out to open it. But, on second thought, reconsidered. What if someone was in there? Probably not a good idea to just barge in.

And that's when he decided to check first. His heart started to race as he raised his fist and knocked on the door.

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" he shouted, hoping any residents would notice him.

But what if they were the kind that were playing? What then?

I'll deal with it once it comes up, he firmly told himself.
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Post by Fiori »

B47: Maxwell Lombardi start

Personally, Maxwell didn't even want to take part in the silly school trip to start with. After all, he was heading to a prestigious university after the holidays were over anyway, so there was little point in socialising with people he's never going to see again.

But sadly, his parents insisted that he go along anyway. Their argument was that it'd give him a chance to make some friends, seeing as amongst all the Americans there happened to be a decently sized number of fellow Brits. Though Maxwell personally suspected that the real reason was that his parents wanted an excuse to get him out of their hair... Which, along with the fact that he'd been kidnapped by an insane terrorist organisation bent on pitting and entire school year against itself was the reason why he hated his parents at that moment in time.

He'd groggily awoken to find himself lying on a strange bed. A bunk bed to be exact, as Maxwell painfully found out as he tried to sit up. He let out a faint ouch as he rubbed his head, helping himself off the bed as he took note of the surroundings. It wasn't exactly the most pristinely kept room he'd ever slept in. There were cobwebs in every corner of the small building, and dust covering every surface save the bed he'd been sleeping on. The floorboard looked so old he was surprised that he didn't fall straight through it, although the fact that it creaked whenever he applied even the slightest bit of pressure didn't make him feel any better.

It was then that he spotted something, out of the corner of his eye, a camera nestled in the perfect position to capture his every movement. It was at that point that he recalled what had happend....

Oh no... You're not serious, are you? PLEASE tell me this isn't happening...

He sat on the bed, burying his face into his hands.

Good lord... Why did I have to come along on this STUPID trip in the first place! I knew from the beginning that it wouldn't be a good idea, and NOW look where I am! In the middle of bloody Survival of the Fittest! I mean... Jesus Christ! What on earth was the chances?!?

He stood up and began to pace about the room, every step he made creaking the floorboard ever so slightly.

This isn't right! I'm not supposed to be here... I was supposed to be going to Harvard! Getting a proper education! I don't DESERVE to be here, with the rest of those Neanderthals! I deserve to be privileged, not to be forced into some twisted game where I have to commit bloody MURDER! This... Is all complete and utter BULLSHIT!

He rested himself against the window pane, looking outside to see another wooden wall blocking his view. A scowl began to appear on his usually relaxed face.

Bastards... The lot of them. Why the hell should I die here? Just so that they could get back to their irritatingly mediocre lives? Pathetic... I know one thing for sure. I'll be damned if I'm dying here, on this wretched island. I don't deserve to, I know that for sure... So why should I just lay down and die like the rest of these idiots?

Personally, I'd prefer to live. To get off this damned rock and back to reality... And if that means slaughtering the rest of this damned class, then...


... Good Christ, what am I thinking?

The scowl slowly disappeared as Maxwell moved away from the window, seating himself back on the bunk bed where he'd awoken.

Thats EXACTLY what that bastard Danya wants you to think! He wants you to go out there and start making short work of the rest of the school... You'd just be playing straight into his hands, like a sheep doing exactly as its told.

Besides, you couldn't stomach all that death... All that murder... You can hardly shoot a fox, let alone a human being for crying out loud! Sure, it sounds easy on paper, but you'd have to be sick in the head to actually do it with the same ease...

These collars... There must be SOME bug in them... Some glitch which could be exploited... Their only human after all... If I could only figure out what it is, or find someone who knows what it is, then perhaps I could get off this island altogether! Not only would I be alive, but it'd also mean that I wouldn't need to kill anyone in the process!

He stood up quickly, and excited expression on his face.

Yes... Thats settled it then! All I have to do now is figure out how to take this damn thing off without blowing myself up in the process...

He paused for a moment, not exactly sure where to begin. First things first, he decided to head out the building. Take note of his surroundings. Where was he anyway? Some kind of wooden encampment?

He opened the door slowly and peaked outside, only to spot more wooden buldings lined up in rows. He left the building as quietly as he could in an attempt to avoid bringing any unwanted attention to himself... After all, whilst he knew for a fact that HE wasn't playing, he wasn't sure about everyone else on the island... Many of them were idiots after all. Idiots AND mindless sheep who do as they're asked...

Knock, knock

"Hello? Is anyone in here?"

He froze on the spot. Somebody else was here besides himself. Somebody close...

Whoever it was had obviously not spotted him yet, and judging from where he heard the voice Maxwell guessed that he was directly behind the building he'd started in...

Damnit... What now? Is he playing? Doesn't sound it... But what's to say he putting on an act?

He tried to shake away these thoughts for now as he edged along the side of the building, peaking around the corner to see what was going on. Sure enough, standing by the front door of building directly opposite of his was a guy wearing a red jacket and a green cap. He wasn't exactly sure what he was up to, or what he was planning to do. Was he simply looking for help? Or was there something more sinister about this stranger's motives...

Either way, until he knew for certain that this newcomer wasn't of any danger to him, Maxwell simply kept quiet and watched.
Coming soon to a V9 near you
Marcia "Marcy" Valerio: The Dancer
Koa Tagaloa: The Wrestler
Johnny Benowitz: The Jock
Florida Riley: The Saint

Xavier Martinez: The maybe pregame only character, but don't count on it
[+] V8
Cassie Chao: The Wallflower Thank you... For talking to me, when nobody else even knew I was there.
Shawn Bellamy: The Bastard "We're the only decent people left on this island, Matt. Way I see it, as long as one of us survives this... I'd say that's a win, wouldn't you?""
Lillian "Lily" Larsen: The Satanist "Don't think explanations will be necessary. Neither of us are exactly innocent anymore."
Mitch McDuffy: The Gamer Jobtown. Baby.
[+] V5
Brian Zhdanovich "Just... Just stay safe Ruby. Don't take any unnecessary risks, or accept candy from strangers. But most of all, don't you ever..."
Ruby Forrester "Do you seriously think you're the only person on this island whose had a shitty week?"
Jenna Rhodes"Of course, assuming that all goes as planned, we'd have to do something about the whole 24-hours-no-kill limit. Maybe draw straws, or take a vote, something along those lines... Either way, the longer we put this off, the more likely it is that we'll all get rescued and taken away from this hellhole."
[+] V4
Marty J. Lovett ""Well... Here we are buddy. To be totally honest with you, I didn't think either of us would make it this far. Who'd of thought, huh? I was SURE that I'd be dead within the first couple of days."
Joshua Krakowsk "...I'm tellin' you Marty, somewhere out there is a picture of Danya and George Bush on a boat with the biggest damn catfish you've EVER seen!"
Maxwell Lombardi "Now then, I'm afraid I must bid you all adieu. I look forward to meeting the rest of your children, siblings, lovers, friends and what not. And I'm sure they're looking forward to meeting me as well..."
Vera Osborne"Now then... Tell me why I shouldn't just snuff out your existence and get it all over and done with?"
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Post by SRJJJB* »

G075: Josée Trembley start

Only a short distances away a young girl laid peacefully on the ground. Opening her eyes slowly the girl, Josée Trembley who was also known as G075, woke up from her slumber to enter what would be the most hellish moment in her life. Trying to get her eyesight working she went ahead to rub her eyes. The ground was uncomfortable at best and left her slightly annoy. Starting to get her senses together she look around to see her surroundings. She was confuse on why she was sleeping outside.

"What the hell" Was the first words that came out of her mouth. Then everything slowly creep in. The trip, the bus ride, the shooting of the teachers, Danya and so many other memories. But what hit her the hardest was the word Survival of the Fittest.

Hell no

Their was no way in hell this was happening. It was some sick joke. Maybe by Remy? But things soon became clear to her. She notice the bag beside her and she knew what was waiting inside. She decided to stand up and walk towards it. She was slightly clumsy as she had just woken up but she reach it. Lying down on her knees she open her bag and started to look through it. Her hands wander and she pull everything out one at a time. The kit was exactly as Danya had shown on the screen. Except her weapon was different of course. She grasp her hand around it, pull it out and look at the small club. It was smaller then what she usually seen but it was definitely a club. She look at it and it finally click it. She was really participating in Survival of the Fittest. Her classmates and her are going to have to kill each and other. Only one could win. Could she do it?


She couldn't let herself be manipulated into killing. She just couldn't. She didn't have any close friends but still these were human beings. To add Remy was here....

Remy was here. The thought went through her head now. Processing the idea. Her dear old twin brother was also on the trip. Where was he now? Was he playing the game? No he's was a big softy. Then again they clearly fought before. What if they met? Would he attack her? Would she have to kill him? She starred at the blackjack and wonder. Then the sight of her dead brother horrified her. She hated him but to kill him? No that was a bit too far... She drop the blackjack. She was starting to panic.

Calm down girl... Just calm down... This is... This is real...

She was going to need help. Fighting would happen. No matter what some sick maniac would probably attack her. Her size and weight would obviously make her an easy target. To add she was partly deaf. She was going to need someone aware or strong. Both would be nice. Where was Campbell when she needed him? Of all the people in Bayview he was the one she trusted the most. Hell he was the only one she trusted. She was going to need help.

She went ahead to put everything inside her bag except her blackjack in which she kept in her right hand just in case she needed it. She toss the bag on to her shoulder and started to walk. She needed to find someone quickly.

Only a few steps in her wish was granted. Wherever it was a blessing or a curse is debatable. In front of her stood the one person she wonder the most about. Remy himself. She stood there looking at her brother in shock. What was she suppose to do now? Call him out? Avoid him? Attack? Part of her thought of the scenario again. If he was gone... She would be left with her mother alone. With all the attention. She grip the blackjack more tightly. This was her chance. Could she do it? Could she kill her twin brother?

She took a step forward.


Second step.

Mother could be all mine... This was Survival of the Fittest...

Third step.

Only one can go home... Mother deserves me right? After all those year separated?

She stop and push the thought away. Was she crazy? She shook her head. Their was no way she could go home to her mother knowing her brother was kill in her hands. She had to get home. Or at least Remy home. Her mother deserves one or the other and did the next thing she never thought could she ever do.

"REMY!" She shouted to her twin brother. She started a light jog. For at this moment she was putting her life in his hands.

But for how long?
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Post by Rocky* »

Reiko had been busily packing her bags, transferring all the items she would require from her personal bag into the much larger supplied bag. She took a single change of clothes, as well as other personal effects she might be needing later. Finally, once she had everything transferred over, Reiko placed one of her sais on top, zipping it up. The remaining weapon was shoved in her belt, within easy reach of her dominant left hand. With any luck she would be able to catch someone off guard when she pulled out a second weapon.

The petite girl was just about ready to leave the small building when she heard two voices in rapid succession. The first was a familiar voice. Reiko had a brief flash of the skating rink back home where she spent many, many days. She had met Remy there, even taught him how to skate a bit. They were supposed to meet again, but then finals happened, and prom, and well... it didn't look like that was going to happen any more.

The second voice was... not familiar. It was female, that much Reiko could place, and the tone seemed to show familiarity with Remy. Friend? Girlfriend? The small girl remembered Remy was also a twin. Sister then maybe? There was only way to find out she supposed. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, Reiko walked around the small corner separating the bunk from the doorway to see Remy standing at the open door, and the unknown female behind him.

"Remy!" Reiko yelled at the no doubt confused boy at this point. She remained standing where she was rather than running up to Remy. She wasn't the kind of girl who cowered behind the first person she saw.
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Post by KamiKaze »

There was no one inside, apparently. Was it safe to go in? Maybe. Maybe it was safe to just waltz in there, use this as shelter, and just wait this whole thing out-


That voice... it sounded familiar... a little too familiar. Remy felt the hair of his back stand on end. He knew that voice. Hell, he could recognize it anywhere. It was a voice he had dreaded hearing for a few years now, and right now it had caused him more dread than ever. He did not even have to look, but he knew who it was.

But, he looked behind him, and it confirmed his worst fears.

Josée Trembley. Running towards him. With something in her hands. He could not tell what the hell that was supposed to be, but whatever it was, it wasn't good.

Just when he woke up... just when he had an idea of the situation... now he had to deal with her. Great. Just... great. She really could do anything at this point. Attack him, threaten him... hell, Josée was a wild card in this scenario. It didn't help that she had a few friends at school, like that OC kid. What would they do if they saw him? Even if Josée wasn't as much of a problem as he expected, they still had decisions of their own, which could easily mean "shoot Remy Kim".

He felt himself reach inside his jacket pocket and touch the knife. Could he kill her? Remy always found himself wishing that one day she would disappear. He never actually wanted her to die, but more that he wanted her out of his life... and everything between him and his mother would be back to normal. If she just went away, Mom would care about him like she used to, right?

But... he did not see himself as a murderer. He could not kill anyone, not even Josée. Heck, how would Mom react if she saw him killing her on live television? What then? Could he really just... take her life?

"Josée..." he said, in a very firm tone that made it clear he wasn't sure if he could trust her.

What was Josée going to do?

A second cry of "REMY!" came out, and Remy suddenly found himself looking at the source, namely, the door he had been knocking on. Was that Reiko?

He could remember Reiko. She taught him how to ice skate that one time, that he could recall. Could she be trusted? Remy was not sure if he could kill her, either! Heck, for the most part they were on good terms, like how he was with Josée!

"Reiko?" his eyes widened.

Oh god, if they both were playing, he was screwed. Very much so. Oh god... he had a knife, he could at least defend himself, right?
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Post by Fiori »

It didn't take long until what at first seemed like a fairly simple situation turned complicated by the inclusion of not just one, but TWO newcomers... Both of whom called out the boy's name one after the other.

The boy in question (Whose name was Remy, as it turned out...) seemed just as confused as Maxwell was, judging from the way he reacted to the situation. He couldn't quite make out who the other two newcomers were, although he could have sworn he recognised the name of one of them.

Reiko... Where have I heard that name before?

Either way, it didn't change the fact that within little time the situation had suddenly gotten a lot more dangerous... Whilst he was certain that if push came to shove he could probably fend off this Remy chap, the fact that there were two others there meant that if the situation DID turn violent then there would be three people to contend with... All it really took was for one of them to be playing before the wooden encampment would become the site of a bloodbath.

To make matters worse, Maxwell had absolutely no idea what weapons any of them had... From all he knew, one of the girls could be holding onto some kind of firearm, ready to blow the head off anybody stupid enough to...

Wait a minute, weapons?


Good god, I nearly forgot! Everybody starts out with a random weapon each... Christ, I can't believe I let something like that slip my mind!

As silently as he could, Maxwell moved back into the same hut he started in, his eyes darting around for where his pack had been left... Sure enough, there it was placed neatly on top of a wooden table with the number B:047 on its side.

So, I guess this means i'm nothing more than a mere number to these terrorists... Bastards...

He went over to the bag and slowly unzipped it, making care to not alert his presence to the others who're barely a few metres away from him. He wasn't hoping for much in particular, something with a bladed edge be suffice enough. Although the fact that the bag looked as though it had something large and bulky inside of it didn't fill him with much hope though... he was somewhat surprised to find however that his weapon turned out to be a intricately decorated round shield. Like the ones used in pretty much every movie set in the Middle Ages ever made...

Well, it's not a sword, thats for sure... Still, not that i'm complaining. At least it's better than some of the other things i've heard people start out with on this show...

He quickly fitted the shield on his left arm, tightening the straps on the side so that he couldn't drop it on his foot by accident. It seemed fairly light, considering it's size. Certainly light enough for him to carry it around with him without worrying about it impeding his movements...

Hmm, now then... I better head back and check on how the situation is going... Hopefully, they haven't all killed each other by now...
Coming soon to a V9 near you
Marcia "Marcy" Valerio: The Dancer
Koa Tagaloa: The Wrestler
Johnny Benowitz: The Jock
Florida Riley: The Saint

Xavier Martinez: The maybe pregame only character, but don't count on it
[+] V8
Cassie Chao: The Wallflower Thank you... For talking to me, when nobody else even knew I was there.
Shawn Bellamy: The Bastard "We're the only decent people left on this island, Matt. Way I see it, as long as one of us survives this... I'd say that's a win, wouldn't you?""
Lillian "Lily" Larsen: The Satanist "Don't think explanations will be necessary. Neither of us are exactly innocent anymore."
Mitch McDuffy: The Gamer Jobtown. Baby.
[+] V5
Brian Zhdanovich "Just... Just stay safe Ruby. Don't take any unnecessary risks, or accept candy from strangers. But most of all, don't you ever..."
Ruby Forrester "Do you seriously think you're the only person on this island whose had a shitty week?"
Jenna Rhodes"Of course, assuming that all goes as planned, we'd have to do something about the whole 24-hours-no-kill limit. Maybe draw straws, or take a vote, something along those lines... Either way, the longer we put this off, the more likely it is that we'll all get rescued and taken away from this hellhole."
[+] V4
Marty J. Lovett ""Well... Here we are buddy. To be totally honest with you, I didn't think either of us would make it this far. Who'd of thought, huh? I was SURE that I'd be dead within the first couple of days."
Joshua Krakowsk "...I'm tellin' you Marty, somewhere out there is a picture of Danya and George Bush on a boat with the biggest damn catfish you've EVER seen!"
Maxwell Lombardi "Now then, I'm afraid I must bid you all adieu. I look forward to meeting the rest of your children, siblings, lovers, friends and what not. And I'm sure they're looking forward to meeting me as well..."
Vera Osborne"Now then... Tell me why I shouldn't just snuff out your existence and get it all over and done with?"
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Post by SRJJJB* »


Josée slowed down a bit. The tone her brother used clearly showed mistrust. She didn't like it. She walked a bit slower unsure of what to do next. At this point she wanted to earn her brothers trust not bury herself in his hatred even further. She needed to figure a way out to show she was on his team. Of course she might as well answer her brothers confuse reply.

Suddenly another voice yelled out his name. Josée look at the newcomer with curiosity. Obviously this girl knew Remy. But was she trustworthy? She looks at her brother for confirmation but instead saw his eyes go wide. Was it fear? Was the girl a threat? Josée wasn't sure but she did see an opportunity here to earn her brother trust. She had a small grin appeared on her face when she saw the chance. She went ahead to get herself in between the girl and Remy. All she had to do at this point was to make sure she seems ready to protect her brother. Of course she didn't want to piss the girl off either. No point in making enemies on this island.

"Hey brother who's this girl? Can we trust her?" She asks almost casually as if she already establish the fact they were together. "If so who is she? Or actually I think you can answer that question" She ask the girl. "No offense but I don't know who you are… I'm really sorry but I just want to keep me and my twin brother safe. You understand right?" She finish and looking at the girl with a pleading look
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Post by Rocky* »

Wow, talk about paranoid. Reiko couldn't help but think as the other girl rattled off a bunch of questions at the smaller girl, all the while placing herself between her and Remy. It wasn't like Reiko was going to just up and attack them, not when she was out numbered. Oh well. At least she confirmed herself as being Remy's sister, that was one less question she would have to ask.

"We met a few months ago." Reiko answered, figuring it would be the best way to go. "I taught him how to skate." And that was all there was to that. She didn't really feel the need extend the conversation.

At that point Reiko didn't want to be in the company of so many people. If had just been Remy, it would have been fine, because she knew that she could trust Remy to not try to attack her. The other person however, she didn't know about. She seemed a bit too jumpy. Reiko didn't need that kind of headache. She just wanted to find Reika, to make sure she was safe. She wouldn't last 30 seconds out here alone.

"Oh I understand." Reiko said finally. "Which is why I'm going to leave. And you aren't going to follow me." The tone in Reiko's voice said more than the words itself. She didn't need to spell it out that anyone following her would not like the consequences. Readjusting the strap on her shoulder, Reiko took a deliberate step past Josee, and with one last look at Remy, took off at a light run.

((Reiko Ishida continued in The Right Thing for the Wrong Reasons))
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Post by KamiKaze »

Josée had stopped, and after noticing Reiko, had placed herself in front of him.

What the hell was she doing...?

Remy had absolutely no clue. It could be any number of things, really. What if she was trying to get Reiko to leave? What if she was-

Wait, she was asking if he knew her, and if she could be trusted?

"Josée, it's someone I know from-", he started, but Josée cut him off, deciding to ask her directly.

Reiko seemed surprised, and began explaining that they met at the ice skating rink a while back. Remy wanted to say something, anything to Reiko. Nice to see you... come talk to us... save me from my sister who's most likely to kill me the moment she had the chance... anything.

But, Reiko immediately reacted, saying she understood, and soon she was running away. Josée had scared her off, apparently.

No! She can't run off now. What if someone got her? What if she died out there? What if- oh hell, a lot of horrible things could happen. And Josée just scared her off like it was nothing!

God damn Josée! She always ruined everything! If Reiko died out there, it would be her fault! Sure, Remy wasn't sure if Reiko could be trusted either, but at the same time, he wanted her to be safe. And Josée... she just started ranting at her! That was not good.

"Reiko?" he shouted as he watched her run away. "Reiko, come back!"

Remy found himself running towards the disappearing shape that was Reiko. He can't let her get away. He just can't! But, soon enough she had disappeared completely out of sight, and Remy stopped.

She was gone.

Reiko Ishida, the first person he saw that could help him, was gone.

And he was stuck here, with Josée, and god knows what kind of weapon she had. Remy was going to die, he was sure of it. And Reiko was going to die too. Oh hell, many of his friends were going to die, and all he could do was let himself be shot to death by Josée or some shit!

Remy clenched his fists as he felt his eyes water up again. Josée always got in the way... she always made things worse for him... god damn it! Now what was he going to do? Remy was alone and scared. He doubted Josée would want a nice little tea party or some shit, and any moment someone aside from her could just pop a cap into his skull or something. There was no way he was going to live out here. All he had was a knife. It could defend himself for a little while, but it was nothing against a gun. And what if Josée had one? What if someone nearby had one?

Oh shit, it wasn't his time to go yet! He had to live, for his mother's sake! What would she do if he died? He had to make it, just for her and all his friends back home! And what was going to happen to Reiko? She was going to... oh god, they got Reika too, didn't they? Fuck! Now they were both out there... waiting to be killed... and he didn't want either of them to die! Heck, Reika didn't deserve to die, and he had to go find her too. He just had to. Or else some psycho would come up and... no! He must not think about that either!
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Post by Fiori »

Before leaving the temporary safety of the wooden building once again, Maxwell actually took the liberty of taking his pack along this time. After all, chances were he wouldn't be heading back in there again any time soon...

He moved quietly back into his previous position, peaking out again to see how the situation had gone in his absence. From the looks of things... Not much. From the looks of things, they where still talking to one another. Something about skating as far as he could make out.

The small girl... He could have almost sworn he'd seen her before. Those glasses, that hair. They reminded him of someone he'd met recently... If only he could remember.

Suddenly, without much warning, she'd darted off. The boy calling out her name as she ran into the distance...

Theres that name again, Reiko... Where on earth did I meet someone called Reiko? I'm sure i'd of remembered such a thing... The only time I can recall actually conversing with anyone in this blasted school was during...


... Ah. Of course...

It was at that moment that he recalled the night he'd decided to attend the Bayview Prom with an attractive young woman whose name he'd mostly forgotten... Vanessa or something? That night he'd been somewhat forced to converse with a pair of dykes who happened to be dating. A Chinese girl and a short, glasses-wearing Japanese girl whom he'd barely taken any notice of...

This certainly made things more... Interesting. If Maxwell was going to get off this island, then (As much as he'd hate to admit it) he'd need help. Only problem however, was that seeing as he'd spent majority of his time at Bayview avoiding others like the plague he hadn't really made that many friends or colleagues. At all. He highly doubted that anyone who was smart enough to think of a way out of here would trust a man they barely knew anything about, which sadly made Maxwell's job even harder...

But this Reiko girl... She'd actually met him before (Well, watched him anyway). SHE knew what he was like (Well... What he was like when he was putting on a small act to woo that redhaired beauty anyway...). So chances were that she'd be more likely to trust him than most other people on the island. Especially more than his aforementioned Prom Date would anyway... (Best I keep as far away from HER as humanely possible...). She seemed quiet enough when he saw her, and as long as he didn't think too much about her... Sexual preferences, then he should be fine.

After finally making up his mind, he took another look to check that the other two strangers weren't looking before swiftly moving in the direction Reiko had headed. Maxwell wasn't exactly the best tracker in the world, but judging from the way she'd ran off it shouldn't be too difficult for him to follow her trail...

Not exactly the best plan i've ever had... At least its better than staying with these two morons anyway...

((Maxwell Lombardi continued elsewhere...))
Coming soon to a V9 near you
Marcia "Marcy" Valerio: The Dancer
Koa Tagaloa: The Wrestler
Johnny Benowitz: The Jock
Florida Riley: The Saint

Xavier Martinez: The maybe pregame only character, but don't count on it
[+] V8
Cassie Chao: The Wallflower Thank you... For talking to me, when nobody else even knew I was there.
Shawn Bellamy: The Bastard "We're the only decent people left on this island, Matt. Way I see it, as long as one of us survives this... I'd say that's a win, wouldn't you?""
Lillian "Lily" Larsen: The Satanist "Don't think explanations will be necessary. Neither of us are exactly innocent anymore."
Mitch McDuffy: The Gamer Jobtown. Baby.
[+] V5
Brian Zhdanovich "Just... Just stay safe Ruby. Don't take any unnecessary risks, or accept candy from strangers. But most of all, don't you ever..."
Ruby Forrester "Do you seriously think you're the only person on this island whose had a shitty week?"
Jenna Rhodes"Of course, assuming that all goes as planned, we'd have to do something about the whole 24-hours-no-kill limit. Maybe draw straws, or take a vote, something along those lines... Either way, the longer we put this off, the more likely it is that we'll all get rescued and taken away from this hellhole."
[+] V4
Marty J. Lovett ""Well... Here we are buddy. To be totally honest with you, I didn't think either of us would make it this far. Who'd of thought, huh? I was SURE that I'd be dead within the first couple of days."
Joshua Krakowsk "...I'm tellin' you Marty, somewhere out there is a picture of Danya and George Bush on a boat with the biggest damn catfish you've EVER seen!"
Maxwell Lombardi "Now then, I'm afraid I must bid you all adieu. I look forward to meeting the rest of your children, siblings, lovers, friends and what not. And I'm sure they're looking forward to meeting me as well..."
Vera Osborne"Now then... Tell me why I shouldn't just snuff out your existence and get it all over and done with?"
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Post by SRJJJB* »

Josée smiled at the successful speech. Reiko had perfectly agreed to leave the two of them alone as she had asked. She turned around to look at Remy expression. Instead she saw him running passed her while yelling out Reiko's name. Once again Josée was confused by her brother. First he shown fear at seeing the girl and now he wanted her around? What the hell was wrong with him? She walked beside him and noticed his eyes were tearing up. The girl sighed at her brother's obvious weakness. He was a crybaby after all. Now she had to comfort him. She put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Remy… That girl was your friend right? I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare her away it just when I saw you it look like you were scared of her. Look if you want we could chase after her. She's your friend so we can trust her right?" Josée proposed to her brother with a smile. Hopefully this would be the key to getting a bit of his trust. Of course it wouldn't hurt to add a bit more.

"I mean we need as much help as we can to get back home right? Mom needs us Remy. I don't care if I die as long as you can me it home to see her. If she were to lose both of us…" She went silent at that point. Hopefully this would work because she could really use her brother's trust at this point.
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Post by KamiKaze »

It wasn't fair... it wasn't fair at all...

Why did it have to happen?

He just wished he could be back home... that this was all just a dream. Why their class? Why did the teachers have to die? Why did Josée have to scare her off? Nothing made sense right now. All he wanted was to be back home.

Remy heard someone walk up to him, and soon enough, a hand was resting on his shoulder. Remy jumped right away, and looked behind him. Josée! Right behind him! Fuck, she was in the perfect spot to just shoot his head open or something. She could literally do anything to him. A number of images of what that black thing was popped into his head. Was it a gun? A knife of some kind? It could be anything, and she could be just itching to use it on him!

She asked him if that was a friend of his, and Remy opened his mouth to tell her that yes, that was his friend, and you just scared her off. But, apparently he looked scared of her? Well, he did know that if they were both playing, he was essentially fucked. But, the main person he was frightened of was, of course, Josée. After all, unlike Reiko, she had every reason in the world to take his life. Right?

Apparently not.

Apparently, she wanted them both to live. But why? She had multiple reasons to just shoot him. What was the point of keeping him alive? What was going on inside her mind right now? Seriously.

Wait... mother had to have one of them back home? Mother, she was aware of how Remy and Josée were sometimes. Was she worried that one was going to kill the other too?

But, was Josée serious? Was she the type to just lie to him, just like that? What if she really was going to kill him at the drop of the hat? What would he do?

"Josée... you sure?" Remy looked over his shoulder, trying his best to look at her.

He quickly glanced back, and stared off into the distance. Reika and Reiko were out there, somewhere. What if one of them had already encountered a psycho? What then? Would they be able to defend themselves? They were small, but Reiko was athletic. For Reika, that probably wasn't the case, but she was nice and calm, and could talk her way out very easily. They both had advantages, so they couldn't just die like that!

But, Remy knew he had to look for them. It was really the right thing to do.

"We should go find them... her and her sister..." he said, staring out into the distance.
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Post by SRJJJB* »

Josée cocked her head sideways in confusion. Was her brother that afraid of her?

"Sure about what Remy? Us sticking together? I mean we don't look eye to eye at all but I mean come on we're twins for crying out loud! If I can't trust my other half than who can I trust?" She burst out. Slightly frustrated on how protective her brother was she marched forward.

"Come on Remy with got to find Reik sisters. Let play the big god damn heroes." She announced.

She stopped for a second and turned around. Looking at her brother she gave him a smile. "Let's make mom proud right?" With that she entered a light jog and went in the direction that Reiko went. Hoping her brother would follow. At this time she would need the support. A girl such as herself would have little chance surviving in the wild with crazy players trying to kill. Right now she had to put all of her trust into her brother. The real question was how long could she trust him?

((Josée Trembley continued elsewhere...))
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Post by KamiKaze »

Was she serious?!

After all this time, she was going to help him?

How odd. It seemed genuine, though. Was she really bullshitting him? Didn't look like it. But, it was her... it didn't make any sense!

But, here she was, saying that they had to find the Ishida twins. And, well, she wanted to help? But she hated him. She said that one of them had to get home, though.

Mom... she would be upset if one of them were to kill another, right? After all, despite the rivalry, they still shared a mother. Remy's hand wandered back to the blade in his pocket. If he killed her, Mom wouldn't understand and forgive him, right? Same would happen if the other way happened and Josée killed him.

So, it wasn't logical to kill one another, since their mom would disapprove.

Maybe it was indeed to be a good idea to team up with her?

He had to find the Ishidas, though, of course. Josée really was going to help him with that, huh?

Ah, screw it.

Josée and Remy were going to find the Ishidas. Together.

There was no use being all suspicious, after all.

And so, Remy made his decision. He was going to follow Josée.

((Remy Kim continued elsewhere))
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