Running Free

A multi-level parking garage used for mall visitors and employees. The basement tier is known for being a little dangerous at times, as many of the town's rather sketchy individuals seem to enjoy hanging out down below.
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Running Free


Post by Sean* »

((Joe Rios continued from Burger Time, Rose Codreanu start))

Joe walked into the parking garage. First floor, just like Rose had told him over text messaging. He almost immediately saw a familiar face standing next to a familiar Audi and waving at him.

"Hey, Joe! Wassup?" Rose greeted him and held her hand up for a high five. Joe chose to finish the gesture.

"Not much, what about you?" Joe responded in turn.

"Ah, nothing, bored outta my fuckin' mind. Come on, let's get in the AC," Rose said as she got in on the driver's side. Joe nodded in approval as he, too, got in the car; if they were with other people, as they sometimes would be, he would have had to call shotgun, but fortunately they were alone, rendering such a process pointless.

"So, what've you been up to lately, bro?" Rose asked him in her usual upbeat manner.

Joe scratched his back a bit. "Ah, nothing, ran into an old friend at the food court."

"Well, that's cool, I guess," Rose said. "Who was it?"

"Reiko Ishida. Not sure if you know her."

"Oh, yeah, I think I do... is she the one with the huge posse?"

"Yeah, I think so. She's really into figure skating or something like that," Joe said. "Anyways, this is getting a little boring. Let's go down to the theater and see what's playing, we can probably figure something out."

"Good idea. Iron Man looks pretty good, let's try that."

Strange minds really do think alike.

((Joe Rios and Rose Codreanu continued in Enjoy the Movie))
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