Ringo's Records

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Ringo's Records


Post by ZigZaggerty* »

Adwin sat behind the decorated wooden counter at the back of the store. Racks and bins filled with CDs and Vinyls lined the walls and floors of the store, posters of various bands were posted across the walls in any available space. Signs stood up to make sure the customers would know what music they were looking at. The electric lights hummed brightly, one at the back flickered giving the store a somewhat disconnected look. Music lazily drifted out of the speakers located in various places around the store, the astute listener could place the voice crooning over the speakers as Wayne Coyne.

Adwin flipped through a Guitar World magazine as she momentarily glanced back up at the empty store, she sighed and went back to her reading. One of the few times she was not high was when she was working at Ringo's Records, she normally took the downtime to study, read, and just generally relax. Otherwise it was another boring day at the store and hopefully someone would come in wake her from her current stupor.

((Continued in Slap Bass is for Chumps))
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:31 am


Post by Lacus* »

((Continued from Morning in the Clyne Household))

Lacus was walking though the city, when the sound of music made her come to an abrupt stop. She knew the music, but she couldn't place the artists name. She was never good at that stuff. She walked into the store. There were CD's and records everywhere. She scanned the shelves for any good music. She noticed as she walk further bake a lite in the back was flickering. She saw a girl sitting behind a counter. Lacuse thought that since she had never been in here before she would ask the person at that counter where what she wanted was. " Excuse me dose this store carry Green Day or Romstine?"

((Continued in One Bagged Lunch))
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