Henry Delgado

NPCs (non-player characters) go here. This section is for characters who will not be participating in the game, including teachers and school administration. To encourage consistency, the staff have created a number of ready-made teachers, all of whom are available for free handler use unless stated otherwise. Please add any teachers you create to this roster. DO NOT create new departments/subjects for the school without first getting a staffer's okay.
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Henry Delgado


Post by SOTF_Help »

Name: Henry Delgado
Position: Vice Principal
Gender: M
Age: 50

Appearance: Mr. Delgado is more likely to be identified as someone's friendly grandfather rather than a school administrator.  A heavy-set individual, he weighs about 170 pounds and stands 5' 5" tall. Standard workday attire for Mr. Delgado is a sedate button down dress shirt, khaki pants worn low under his gut, and a silly novelty tie.  His salt-and-pepper short hair is always slightly unkempt and he never manages to trim his bushy eyebrows, but his Van Dyke beard is always neat and tidy.  One explanation for Mr. Delgado's perpetually mussed hair is his habit of wearing his sun glasses on the top of his head.  

Biography/Personality: The grandson of immigrants from Mexico and Guatemala, Mr. Delgado grew up in Seattle area.  A combination of scholarships, parental contributions, and working two part-time jobs allowed him attended the University of Washington, Seattle.  After spending twenty years in the classroom teaching history, he got his administrator's credential and has spent the last seven years working as a vice principal.  He plays a vital role in the administration's method of dealing with wayward students as he is the ‘good cop' to Mrs. Freeman and Mr. Rasmussen's ‘bad cops'.

Many students like to visit with Mr. Delgado, especially first thing in the morning.  Mr. Delgado's husband, Stuart, owns a bakery and likes to spoil him by stopping by and leaving boxes full of freshly baked goodies.  When anyone mentions the plethora of baked goods in his office, Mr. Delgado often pats his ‘pansa' and jokes that he has to share them with students and staff or else people would have to just roll him to and from his office every day.
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