Deborah Freeman

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Deborah Freeman


Post by SOTF_Help »

Name: Deborah Freeman
Position: Principal
Gender: F
Age: 63

Appearance: The principal of Aurora High School is a commanding presence at 5'10", and thanks to the stiletto heels she favors, she is able to look even the tallest of her students in the eye.  In addition to her height, Mrs. Freeman's dark complexion and shaved head make it very easy to pick her out of a crowd. She has cultivated a slightly predatory and masculine air about her that is emphasized by her pronounced cheekbones, lean physique, piercing eyes, and fondness for animal print clothing and accessories.  Every student and staff member is well acquainted with the staccato tapping of her heels as she prowls the hallways of the school.

Biography/Personality: Dedicated to the idea of helping young men and women brighten their futures through education, Mrs. Freeman has worked at Aurora High School for the past seventeen years.  From a solidly blue-collar background, she takes pride in pointing out that her father, who dropped out of school in eighth grade, was able to provide her and her siblings with college educations to ensure that his children had better opportunities than he did.  Like her father, she believes that good education is the key to continued success in life.  As a result, she keeps a special eye on students who come from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

It is common knowledge that Mrs. Freeman was a member of the Black Panther Political Party during her time at California State University, San Francisco.  Prominently featured in her office is a framed picture of the 1968 Olympics Black Power salute.  This information, combined with her lack of patience for people who disrupt ‘the learning opportunities of others', has proven to many a student that her bark is just as bad as her bite.
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