The Genesis

Most of the Amusement Park’s attractions are held in the central grounds area, which is packed with several long-deserted games and foods stands, still offering their prizes to anyone who wants them. Also housed in the area are the large yellow Ferris wheel and the bumper cars, which have suffered the trials of time and become flush with vegetation.
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The Genesis


Post by Espi »

((Theodore Fletcher's story continues from Dream Melody))


Theo listened to the announcements intently, trying to note the names as they came up. He'd been awake for a couple hours, keeping "watch" of sorts from his spot of rest in the amusement park on  bench. It'd been peaceful, watching the sun rise through the morning mist and hearing the birds awaken.

Dave Russell apparently killed himself. That seemed odd; clearly he hadn't wanted to be murdered or murder, but still…Theo wasn't sure he'd be willing to throw his life away.

Certainly not anymore.

He heard his name, which was expected, but strange. He'd murdered Gabby, killed her in cold blood, of course he was on the announcements, but…

Hadn't he done it after he'd killed Hansel?

Then he heard it. Hansel Williams, he'd killed Daniel Whitten.

After Theo had killed Gabby.




Fuck no.

Theo had murdered an innocent girl on a misunderstanding, and he should be off scott-free but no he'd gunned down Gabby and gunned down Dan and now he was a two-time killer and Hansel was still alive and

Theo killed a girl on a false assumption

And he could've made it out

But now he couldn't

And he had nobody to blame

But himself.

"God fucking damn it!" He screeched, dropping his bag and slamming his foot into the bench. He kicked it again and again, all the while vaguely processing the rest of the kills and deaths but not really caring nobody he knew was involved whatsoever.

Theo sat down on the bench, and put his hand on his forehead. This was stupid. He was stupid. Dumbass. Should kill himself before he caused more trouble

No. Bad plan, don't make your work a waste. You're dead anyways, even if you win people will find you. No point in offing yourself if someone else was up to the task. And hey, maybe he could make final 2 and let them kill him, give someone else a ride home.

Either way, suicide wasn't an option.

Theo sat there for a bit, then the beeping started.

He stood, trying to determine it's source.

He realized he was in the amusement park.

Which was a Danger Zone.

Theo grabbed his bag, shouted, "Fuck!" and bolted as fast as his legs could carry him.

((Theodore Fletcher's story continues in The Path is Open))
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