Those who would hurt you

According to the mural on the concrete wall near the botanical garden, this place was once a project for the island's school children. It's quite well taken care of and is overflowing and flourishing with life. Of course, just like anywhere else, the worms here need their food. Perhaps you can provide?
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Those who would hurt you


Post by Mitsuko2* »

The garden was spectacular. In her opinion, that is. Her eyes wandered around the beautiful picture in front of her. It was like the painting her mother had. Only real. She reached out to touch a petal on a nearby lily. Beautiful. She began to pace around the garden touching various plants. Her eyes were still bloodshot from the crying she did. Her skirt too, was still bloody. Drenched in the blood of her teacher. She choked as she remembered what happened on the bus. She sat down on a bench and let the tears flow.

She had been sitting there, reading her book like normal. Why did she even come? Her parent's barely let her do ANYTHING. Why did they let her do this. She sighed and continues to read. Great expectations. What a good boo, she'd read it 10 times. Suddenly the bus jerked to a halt. She looked up from her book just in time to see Mrs. Garrick's head explode onto her lap. She was so surprised that she hardly moved. Then the scream began to well up inside her. Finally she let it go. He scream lasted only seconds, but for her it felt like years. Her teacher was dead. And her remains were on her lap…

Melanie DeSilva, AKA Girl 12, grabbed her bag and opened it up. She wanted to know what they gave her to defend herself. She pulled out what looked like a gun. Except there was no safety. What in the… She pulled the trigger, and out came a squirt of water. A squirt gun?! Are they serious? She dug through the bag some more and felt like puking when there was no other weapon. She was going to die here.

"Why? What the hell did I ever do? WHAT THE HELL?!" she sobbed into her hands as the weight of the situation hit her.

She was going to die if she stayed here. She needed to hide. Yeah, she'd hide. She picked up her stuff and ran, trampling over the garden she, only moments before, admired. She needed to hide!

Continued: Elsewhere
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