Curiouser and curiouser.

Your typical dark and dank caverns, located conveniently at the side of a tree-covered mountain. They'd certainly provide some sort of shelter, although the caves are so dark that without some sort of light, you can't see your hand in front of you. Be careful... who knows who may be hiding in the shadows of the caves?
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Curiouser and curiouser.


Post by MooCow* »

COMING FROM 'START GAME: Clemence': http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...t=0#entry538190

She swung her chain casually as she strolled the rocky area beyond the eastern beach that led to the caves. Ah the caves, they were a prime location for anyone who'd chosen to hide... certainly, certainly there would be students deep within it's depths... players to eliminate. Clemence knew what she needed to do. Ever so quietly she made her way to one of the grotto's openings and disappeared inside.

CONTINUED IN 'B35 - STARTING POINT': http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=236
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