World's End Girlfriend

The water treatment chamber is the largest of the three intensive care rooms. Cold and uninviting, it has a tiled floor and partly tiled walls with a few drains to ensure any spillage can be easily handled. Multiple metal tubs are spread throughout the room, some of them flipped onto their sides or overturned to assist in draining, others left sitting flat. All of them, however, are covered in grime, and a number still have murky water floating in them. In the back of the water treatment room, through some heavy doors, is a shower and changing area for the doctors and nurses tasked with administering the treatment. Despite featuring a couple of wooden benches and hooks to hang clothes on, it is as unwelcoming as the rest of the area.
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World's End Girlfriend


Post by backslash »

It would take approximately 14 billion years to reach the edge of the universe.

If you could see that far, you'd be looking back in time, thanks to the nature of how light travels. You'd see the beginning of the universe, stars being born, galaxies forming. If you were fanciful, you might see distant planets where a civilization not too unlike our own would one day develop.

You could look back in time, and think about how it all culminated in a little blue and green planet floating about 92 million miles from a medium-sized yellow star, and the remarkable beings that would arise from its oceans over millions of years and call it their home.

And then you could think about how all those billions of years lead up to some sick fucks executing a bunch of children for their amusement.

((G017 Raina Rose Start))

Raina woke up and she was drowning.

No, that wasn't quite right. But she woke up and she was in water and she didn't know where she was and oh god she couldn't swim-

When her body came alive a split second after her brain did, she shrieked. She flailed her limbs and tried to sit up but slipped down and she was in a tub, she was in a torture chamber oh God oh God-

Another moment of panicked, undignified thrashing, and she managed to knock against the edge of the tub enough to tip it just slightly. It didn't fall over, but the sudden shifting of gravity sensation of almost-falling stilled her almost immediately.

Raina stayed frozen, half-curled up and shuddering. Gradually, it worked out in her head that she certainly wasn't drowning, the water in the tub wasn't deep enough for that, and she could probably just climb out.

Her limbs were stiff and cold though, from hours unconscious in chilly, murky water, and of course she was soaking wet. She gripped the edge of the tub, but she had no strength to pull herself over it.

It was a slow, painful process to work up into a sitting position and ease out of the tub - torso over first, then one leg, then fall to the floor with a wet smack and lay there shivering and trying not to sob. That was what she concentrated on, to keep herself from thinking of anything else. She'd always considered her active mind such an advantage, too.

There might have been someone here, a minute ago; dimly, in the back of Raina's mind, she thought she recalled footsteps. No way to say if they were dream or memory. No way to say if one was better or worse.

There was a bag nearby, with her name and a number on it. Raina kicked at it halfheartedly, or would have if her legs were working properly. The floor was cold and wet, and she was cold and wet, and she was trembling violently now and rapidly losing the battle not to cry.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by frogue* »

In Johnny Ray McKay's mind, he'd always been playing the game of life with a shitty hand. He'd been born poor, born ugly, born stupid, born lazy, and born in Kingman Arizona.

Johnny had long since given up on winning the game. All he'd meant to do was to stay in it as long as he could, and hopefully have a nice enough time along the way, get as many free drinks from the waitresses in the sequined one-pieces as he could. Now, life had taken the 2 and the 7 in his hand, it had torn them to pieces and it had set the pieces on fire.

Had Johnny been a petty person, it would have been some consolation that at least his classmates were equally fucked.

He splashed some water on his face, from one of the big baths in the dark, damp room that he'd woke up in. The water tasted stale, in a way that he hadn't realized water could. He wiped it from his eyes, then wiped his hands on his jeans.

Johnny had never spent much time thinking about his death. He'd had a vague sense that it could happen at any point, but that point had always seemed far in the future, and he'd never really turned his mind to the how of how he'd go. Looking at it now, he supposed this was something of a benediction. He wouldn't have wanted to go by surprise, Johnny decided. It was important, he thought, to know that your last days were your last. You could choose how you would conduct yourself, and make sure you'd be remembered how you wanted to be remembered.

You could get yourself right with God.

The first thing though, was to get outside. Johnny wanted to see where he was, see the sun, see strange birds in strange trees. He wanted to be in nature, not on this horror movie set. Nobody should die indoors.

There was a splash and a scream behind him, and Johnny jumped. He had thought himself alone in here, and the sudden noise sent his heart up into the roof of his mouth. For all his thoughts of being at peace with his imminent departure, the sudden panic that surged through him shamed him. He put a hand on his heart to steady his nerves, and looked for the source of the disturbance.

A girl had risen from one of the tubs.
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((Alice Baker continued from Dirge for the Doomed))

Alice thought a lot as she quietly made her way to her intended hiding place.

She'd have to kill, should she be the last person standing. With her current strategy, she'd either want to escape, which of course assumed that rescue came, or, again, live until the end. She'd need to be prepared to kill; mentally, she'd need to develop the nerve to murder another living person whose name and face she might well know and see them bleeding on the ground-


She couldn't do it. The very thought of being that kind of person made tears come back to her eyes. She couldn't hurt someone. She felt guilty when she smashed a bug, for goodness' sake! All she could do was pray that somehow, some way, she'd go home. Maybe they wouldn't send her back if she asked nicely? Hah.

The asylum was creepy. It looked like something out of a scary movie, which Alice didn't appreciate given the circumstances. According to the map, the basement was where the creepiest-sounding places were. So logically, people would avoid them. Plus, they were secluded. Who'd find her there? It made sense.

The dusty halls and stairs added to Alice's anxiety. She wasn't being paranoid, really; there could actually be someone murderous here. If anyone else had come to different conclusions than her, decided they could kill, then...People always died in these things. From Day 1 there were always killers. Not just accidents either, but cold-blooded murder.

Alice thought that 'water treatment' sounded like the safest place, compared to the lobotomy and electroshock rooms, so she went there. As she pushed open the door, though, she discovered two important facts. One, water treatment was not referring to the treatment of water, but treatment WITH water, for the patients. Not so innocuous.

Also, the room was occupied, by tow people; Johnny McKay and Raina Rose. Now, she was not very familiar with these two. Raina in particular didn't look too threatening with her blue hair, and Johnny had a reputation of being...less than refined, but Alice wasn't going to bet on either quality as being indicative of their benevolence. So as soon as she saw the two, warped images of the pair's faces wearing expressions of sadistic glee as they moved in for the kill, flashed into Alice's mind.

With a gasp of surprise, the door slammed shut and Alice found herself sliding to the ground before she sat, back against said door, panting in fear. Soon, the panting devolved into sobbing.
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Oh, hey. People.


There was movement nearby, at least, and Raina struggled to maneuver herself into a kneeling position. As previously mentioned, she was cold, and wet, and aching all over due to being cold and wet for who knew how long. Her teeth were chattering, and last she recalled it was the middle of May in Arizona, so...

Not that they were in Arizona anymore. God only knew where Raina and her classmates had been dumped to die.

Another violent shudder ran through her as she thought that.

When she finally got around to actually looking up to see who was in the room with her, she started, or would have if she wasn't already shaking.

"J-Johnny?" Her voice came out a croak, but it was kind of a happy croak. That was Johnny on the other side of the room for sure, and she didn't think she'd ever been so happy to see his goofy cracked-out squirrel face in her whole life. ...Had she ever been happy to see his face? It wasn't the kind of face that normally inspired happiness, regardless of how you actually felt about Johnny himself.

Oh well.

"John-n-ny, h-hey." Raina wrapped her arms around herself, trying to rub some heat back into them. "Wh-wha-"

She was interrupted by the door to their room opening, and then quickly slamming shut again. Raina got just a glimpse of whoever it was that had opened the door - some girl, small, blonde - but there wasn't enough time to really process who it might be. The sudden movement had sent a jolt of shock through her, tinged with fear.

There was... it sounded like crying from the other side of the door now, though. Deranged psycho killers didn't run away from people and cry.

Raina sniffled a little herself. "Who was th-that?" Not useful dialogue, no, but rhetorical questions were better than just crying herself.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by frogue* »

It was kinda fucked up, Johnny thought, how happy he was to see Raina.

They were trapped in a nightmare, and of course he didn't want her trapped in here too, of course he didn't. Still, the joy that washed over him at the sight of her face refreshed him a million times more than that shitty water had. It was selfish, it was stupid and it was awful to think, but if he was going to die here, he was happy to be doing it with a friend.

Christ, what a thing to be thinking.

The shock of seeing her passed, and Johnny focused on Raina more intently. She was shivering, her voice unsteady, and it looked like she was on the verge of tears. It was a horrible thing to look at, and Johnny dug his nails into his palms, hating himself for his self-centredness, for the glee that he'd felt at seeing a friendly face. Raina shouldn't have to die here too.

Johnny wouldn't've called them friends exactly, but as far as he knew she was one of maybe two people who actually gave a shit about them, and to someone who'd never experienced that, it was something pretty special. Raina was smart, she was pretty, she knew everything there was to know about space and she looked at Johnny like he wasn't completely fucking worthless. She made him feel... he didn't know. Something. Whatever. This wasn't the time to analyse it.

Unthinking, he stepped forward and hugged her, holding her head against his shoulder. She was soaked through.

"It's uhh... gonna be okay?"

Even to his ears the words sounded hollow and shitty, and he regretted them as soon as they came out of his mouth. Of course it wouldn't be okay, and of course she knew that. She wasn't some idiot child who could be fooled with a soothing tone, and frankly Johnny's voice didn't sound all that much less terrified than hers had.

He felt her start, suddenly, and pull away from him, and he whirled around to look where she was now staring. The door had slammed closed behind them, though he hadn't seen who had done it.

Was this it? Were they trapped? He could feel a sucking dread rising in his stomach, and he took a deep, unsteady breath to calm his nerves. What he really wanted right now was a cigarette, and he patted at his pocket in an instant and embarrassing terror at the thought that they might be gone. They were still there, thank Christ, and a full pack too.

Emboldened by this smallest of miracles, he took a step towards the door.

"H-hey, whoever's out there... open up, yeah? We don't wanna hurt you... umm, unless you wanna hurt us? In which case we'll, fuck you up?"

The door looked thick and solid. Johnny hoped it had muffled just how incredibly lame he had sounded.
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Alice ceased whimpering as she heard muffled speech on the other side of the door. It sounded like one of them, probably Johnny by the voice, was reassuring her, telling her that he wasn't going to hurt her. He sounded like he was unsure of himself, but whether it was from the weakness of the threat or the weakness of a lie told in vain, Alice didn't know.

She had some time. The door was shut, and seemed solid enough. If they had firearms, it'd be challenging to hit her through it. Alice weighed her options. She'd just spent a whole bunch of time contemplating the inevitable. She wanted to avoid death, and people here would bring death. So naturally she encountered people right away.

Still...she did want to believe they weren't murderous, at least not yet. The situation was only just beginning, so many would be in denial. The killing would be soon, but not yet. The real horror was coming, but it wasn't here just this moment.

So for now, if not necessarily forming allies, she could at least interact a little. At best, they'd leave her alone. At worst...she'd try not to think of that. Still, since she had the external ground, she was a bit safer if she eased the door open.

She did so. "I'm opening the door a bit. I was going to hide in here so, uhm, if you guys were going that'd be good. I'm not, uh, not a threat." Alice said, trying and failing to use a non-terrified tone. She cracked the door open and peered inside, making sure they weren't aiming weapons at her.
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Post by backslash »

"Hell yeah we will," Raina muttered when Johnny said they'd fuck up whoever was on the other side of the door if they were hostile. What exactly they had at their disposal to do that, she didn't know. Johnny's hug had made her feel a tiny bit better, and maybe she'd surreptitiously used his shirt as a bit of a towel, so she was slightly less wet and cold and all-around miserable as she had been a minute ago. It was enough to get her to her feet.

The door creaked back open just enough for Raina to get another glimpse of the girl on the other side. It was Alice, she thought, or maybe Bryony. One of those two, they always hung out together and were more or less interchangeable, if how often Raina got them mixed up was any indication.

Alice and/or Bryony was also trying to kick Raina and Johnny out of the water room so she could hide in it. Honestly? Kind of a dick move.

It would have been more of a dick move if Raina didn't seriously want to get out of this hellhole, though, so she could probably let it slide. "You want in here? It's not exactly what I'd call prime real estate." She went back to rubbing her arms for warmth as she waited for either Alice or Bryony to reply.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by frogue* »

Realizing they weren't in immediate danger, Johnny felt his courage return. He couldn't put a name to the face he saw peeking out from behind the door, but it was a familiar one nonetheless. Blonde and meek, with an expression like she'd just wet herself in front of the class, everything about her screamed "not a threat".

Without the imminent possibility of death hanging over him, Johnny found himself standing a little straighter, and the tremor to be gone from his voice.

"Yeah, look that's not a good idea, okay? This place is... there's no way out, either, no way to run or anything... I mean I ain't a tactician or anything, yeah, but this plan is..."

The girl was clearly petrified, far more scared than he or Raina seemed, and the last thing she probably needed right now was for him to be insulting her. He remembered seeing her around school, remembered that nervous little face, looking like a strong wind might blow her over, or a fly landing on her table might send her screaming. He pictured her, sitting by herself in this dim, awful room, waiting to die, and thought was just too horrible. Johnny couldn't do it.

Bringing her along mightn't make things easier for him and Raina, but they were probably fucked either way, and he just couldn't leave her here by herself. He couldn't.

Johnny shot Raina a look, imploring. Raina breathed deeply, bit her lip, then nodded. It was all he needed to see.

"Look, come with us, okay? Just tag along until you find somewhere better. I mean, this wet, it's cold, you'll catch your death if nothing else, yeah?" It was a poor choice of words, and Johnny cursed himself.

"Besides, there's safety in numbers, right?"
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To be entirely honest, Alice hadn't anticipated being invited along.

She looked at the two. Johnny and Raina...they were friends or something, weren't they? Alice didn't keep track of al the social connections at school, but she wondered what it was like, to wake up next to someone you cared about. She was flung back to the chapel, thinking about finding her friends, wanting to see them, hug them, spend time with them.

Watch them die.

It was nightmarish. Bryony wasn't cut out for this. Hell, nobody was, except ironically the people who most deserved to be here. Alice couldn't off-hand name someone from her school who deserved this, though. It was cruel.

And now these two were bring up that same choice, to come along, find her friends, and..."And do what?" Alice said. The door swung fully open. She stood there, still tiny and meek-looking, almost certainly, but Alice tried to hold herself up a bit stronger now.

"I...I appreciate your offer. But if we just walk around this place, eventually we'll run into killers. One person has to kill every day, that guy said. People are going to do it, I'm sure. And I don't want it to be me that dies." Alice took a breath. "If there's a rescue, if someone comes here, that's the best shot at going home. And I just want to go home." Her voice broke there, and she started whimpering.

" I don't want to go anywhere where there'll be a lot of people, because that's where the ones who are desperate will go. Sorry, I appreciate the offer but...Where would we go?"
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Raina gave a jerky half-shrug in response to Alice's - she was pretty sure it was Alice - question. "Outside, first of all. This place is a shit hole and it's soaking wet everywhere and I'm cold." Dangerously close to whining, but if there was ever a time in her life when she deserved to whine, it was now. Belatedly, she remembered that she didn't have any fresh clothes to exchange for her wet ones. A real cherry on top, that was.

Johnny had to go and have one of his moral moments, like he did every so often, and Raina had more or less made herself accomplice to that by encouraging him, so they might as well try to bring Alice along. What did she really think she was going to do, just sit in here all day and all night and nobody would ever find her? The moment someone with ill intent came along, she'd be trapped.

"Look around," Raina said, jerking her head to indicate the room. "Johnny's right. Nowhere to go in here except that door. It's..." Not the kind of place you want to die in, were the words that refused to be said.

Raina had rarely thought about dying, not in any concrete sense. She was sixteen, for heaven's sake, she had a future! She was going places! She had never been in danger and never been in the kind of mental state where death seemed an attractive option. Why should she think about dying when there was so much living to do?

And yet here was Alice, the same age as her and probably in the same boat, and she was trying to just shut herself away until someone came along and snuffed her out.

Dammit, Johnny, sucking Raina into his moral compunctions. Wasn't it supposed to be the other way around?

"It's not a great place. If you don't want to stick with us for long, we can probably find somewhere else that at least isn't wet and probably moldy, yeah?"
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by frogue* »

Johnny shook his head, feeling himself getting pissed off.

"Look…" he faltered for her name "…you. Like, I'm sorry, but that's some bullshit, okay? You just wanna hide here, hoping someone else is gonna come along and solve everything?"

He didn't want to upset the poor girl, but at the same time it was better to hurt her feelings than to leave her here alone for someone to come along and hurt her who knows what way.

"Is that how ya solve all your problems? Ya just wait around and hope they'll fix themselves. I'm sorry, I am, but that is just… look, that's just fuckin' stupid, okay?"

The sour, old taste of the water in the baths was still in Johnny's mouth, and at that moment he wanted nothing more than to clean his teeth. In lieu of that being an option, he pulled his cigarettes from his pocket as he spoke, and tore off the clear plastic packaging from the fresh, unsullied pack. He opened the top, pulled the foil from the front and tossed it into one of the tubs. It bobbed on the surface.

When he flicked the bottom of the pack, one cigarette jumped out further than the others, and Johnny pulled this out of the pack, then turned it around and replaced it, upside down so he knew which one it was. This would be his lucky cigarette, and Johnny would be careful with it. He'd need all the luck he could get.

"Look, you don't need to be rescued okay, we can rescue ourselves? I mean, you're lookin' at Raina fucking Rose here, biggest brain in Arizona! Ya wanna try and find a science question this lady doesn't know the answer to, we're gonna be here all night. All day. Ya know, whichever…"

Johnny put a cigarette in his mouth, lit it and inhaled deeply. He felt better instantly, and thanked God for the blessing that was nicotine.

"If ya wanna get out of here, I promise ya your chances are ten thousand times better with us than they are all by your lonesome, and if ya wanna find somewhere to hide then I promise ya we can find ya somewhere better than this shithole, okay?"

Raina was giving him a look of disapproval, but Johnny thought it was more likely regarding the smoking than the plan. He hoped so, anyhow.

He held the pack out to her with a crooked grin, his cigarette hanging from his bottom lip.

"Hey Ray, did ya want one? Risk of dying from lung cancer just got a whole lot lower…"
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Post by Espi »

Alice winced at Johnny's harsh comments. Did he think she hadn't considered that? It wasn't like dying alone was appealing to her, but if she was going to die here, did it really matter where or how? Eventually she'd have to leave, according to the so-called rules; the Danger Zone thing would force her out.

As for the rest..."I'm sure Raina is brilliant, I really am. But can she figure out how to get us out of here when, as we speak, these people are watching and listening?" Alice said, softly, glancing up at a glint of shiny glass near the room's corner.

Her gaze moved to the ground, and she continued, "I just don't think I'd be able to do anything to help even if there were some kind of plan. I'm not that smart or anything..." Alice gave a wry grin. She knew her limits; she didn't know much about engineering, wiring, explosives, technology, geography or anything that might help. She could play music and draw with a tablet and write crappy fanfiction; that was about it.

Still, the temptation to not be alone was strong. Surely she could find a compromise. "I guess if, you really want me to come with you, I could tag along. But only until we find a place where people aren't likely to look for us. To hide out, you know. Then I'm staying, with or without you guys."

She held up the coil of bunting. "This is what I got assigned, so...I doubt it's much help. I don't even know why I kept it, really." Alice shrugged.
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Post by backslash »

Well shit. Was that a challenge, Alice?

Logically, Raina knew that Alice wasn't doubting her so much as the terrible, impossible circumstances they'd been thrown into. Nothing rankled her more than having her intelligence and capability questioned, though, and she almost unconsciously drew herself up taller in response.

"There's always something to do," she said. Not that impressive a boast, but hell. If David Bowman could outsmart a psychotic computer in the deep space, she could outsmart a bunch of assholes in a control tower, or wherever said assholes who had dumped them here were located. "I don't know what, yet. But we'll think of something." She doubted that either Johnny or Alice would get the reference, given how few people her age had even seen 2001: A Space Odyssey, much less read the novel, but those were the most important words in the book: But he would think of something.

"You should hold onto that," Raina indicated the bunting string Alice had been given. "You never know what it might come in handy for. No wasting resources." Right, they had resources. A whole island full of resources, and potential allies, and plenty of time to come up with a plan. It was early yet.

Suddenly filled with purpose, Raina uncrossed her arms and went to pick up the bag that had been left by the tub she'd woken up in. It was damp, thanks to the water puddling on the floor, and she almost cringed as she thought of what might be inside, but she picked it up and shouldered it.

"Stick with us as long as you like. We'll find somewhere safe - and dry - to plan things out, and you can stay there or not. But let's get the hell out of here, I hate this place."

She also gave Johnny a Look™ and eyed the offered cigarettes with distate. "You know I don't smoke, Johnny, and I'm not going to start now. We're not down and out just yet." She decided not to address his joke about the lung cancer, or their diminished chances of contracting such. That sort of thing was counterproductive. Raina Rose wasn't going to die here, and if she had her way, Johnny and everybody else was going to live a long, full life, with enough time for her to bitch about his poor hygiene and smoking habits forever more.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by frogue* »

Raina's face was a picture of motherly disappointment, which all in all wasn't bad, Johnny thought. To be disappointed in someone you needed to've expected more of them, and the fact that Raina expected anything of him was a positive, as far as he was concerned.

He pocketed the pack with a shrug, then turned back to the girl in the doorway.

"So not that Raina like, y'know, needs a man to validate her opinion or whatever, but she's right. About everything."

Johnny gave the girl a little smile, hoping he looked reassuring.

"It's not great, obviously, but we're not fucked yet, yeah? We've got options. We've got, y'know, resources, like she said. Shit, I haven't even checked my bag yet, right? Maybe there's a fuckin'… jetski or something in there, yeah? We don't know."

The girl was frowning, and Johnny sensed he was losing her. He needed to refocus.

"Look, Raina's right that we'll think of something, ‘cause that's just what people do, yeah? She's right that we shouldn't be wasting shit, ‘cause like, obviously, right? And she's right about getting the fuck outta here."

He waved an arm expansively, indicating the wet, puddled floor; the creepy baths filled with their ancient water (and who knew just what the fuck the water was filled with); the dark, oppressive atmosphere of the room. Johnny hated the damp. He was a child of the desert, and even the swimming pool changing rooms he hadn't liked. This? This room was a fucking nightmare.

"Look at the fucking place. I mean if you're so fucking doom and gloom, what you're saying to me is that this is the place you wanna die, right? In here? I mean we're not gonna die, obviously, we got this, but like…"

The thread of the conversation was getting away from him again. Focus, Johnny.

"This places sucks some donkey dick, okay? Fat old hairy donkey dick. Fuck this place, let's go be somewhere else."
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Post by Espi »

While Johnny's metaphor was...colorful, it did convey the point. The room was cold, damp and musty, and the tubs of water did not look appealing, or sanitary. Perhaps moving on would be better than staying here.

These two seemed confident, Alice wondered how much of it was bravado. Surely they couldn't be this sure that they'd beat this organization? The group had been doing this for almost a decade, and the last incident had gone off with no rescues or survivors beyond the 'winner'. If they were going to live, Alice doubted it'd be the acts of teenagers that would save them.

Still, no point further arguing. Johnny seemed enthusiastic about Raina's potential, and though Alice didn't know the other girl very well, she seemed to be reasonably intelligent. She'd not run into anyone else thus far, so perhaps people might not be as violent as she'd expected, at least not right away. The 24-hour deadline would change that, most likely. Though Alice was pretty sure they'd never acted on it before, if nobody ended up dying they'd probably kill at least some people, even if they didn't blow up the entire class.

Besides, what was the worst that could happen? If they wanted to kill her, she'd already be dead.

"Alright..." Alice quirked an attempt at a smile, without much success. "If you guys really want my company, I'll come along." She stepped out of the room and held the door open for Raina and Johnny.
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