Twists and turns

North of the residential district is a large building containing all of the cargo from the logging industry as well as general supplies. In this building there is a series of red and blue cargo boxes that form a giant maze, in turn providing some amount of decent cover. All the boxes are locked shut with large padlocks, making them impossible to open.
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Twists and turns


Post by VinnyMcQ* »

(Boy 102, Trevor Duncan start)

Trevor lay on the cold, damp floor of a warehouse. His eyes were closed, his breathing slow but steady. This would be the last undisturbed rest he was ever going to have and he was aiming on savouring it. Focussing on nothing but the gentle rise and fall of his chest Trevor lay on the floor. There was utter quiet all around. The rhythmic sigh of his breathing filled him with a sense of calm. In this moment he could be anywhere he chose. He hadn't been abducted. There was no game. There was no fear. There was only peace. For this small moment Trevor was fine .

Trevor took a deep breath. He opened his eyes. He exhaled. There was light in the warehouse, and there was a chill in the air. Slowly, Trevor sat up. He looked around him. He was in a maze of containers, red and blue. His legs shook as he stood up. Still a little groggy then he thought grimly. Trevor looked behind him then bent down and slowly unzipped the bag. Everything was at it had been described. He reached into the bag and grasped the wooden handle of some unknown item. Pulling the sides of the bag down Trevor withdrew the hoe. Hmm, could be worse.

I need to find…someone. But who? Someone big? Someone smart? The one with the biggest gun or the one with a paperclip? What's the smart choice? The video showed the sort of person who survived this ordeal. Trevor knew he wasn't that person. Then who shall I be? One thing was certain; he couldn't stay where he was. Why can't I? Just sitting here wouldn't be a bad idea. There's no need for me to go out there, out into that place, where people will forget who they were like what? A day ago? In here you know who you are. That's all you can be certain of here anyway.

Turning the thought over in his head Trevor decided to compromise. He would explore this building at least. It made sense to know his way about, especially when he was in danger of becoming lost if the crates went on in the seemingly haphazard pattern he could see. With no structure, no form how was he supposed to find his way anywhere without looking? There was no way of knowing if he'd passed the same spot over and over again, unless he left something behind. If I leave something then that's just a sign that I was there. Better to not do that.

Trevor slung the bag over his coat and gripped the hoe in both hands, holding it ready if needs be. Slowly he walked forwards. The sound of his footsteps seemed deafeningly loud but there was nothing he could do about that. And if he kept his pace regular then he could almost be comforted by the sound.

Trevor made his way through the maze of red and blue.
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Post by Yossarian* »

((B078 Gary Griffith begins))

Wh-what am I doing here?

Short, skinny, black haired guy asked himself, but he already knew the answer.

"No..." He mumbled silently under his nose... "Impossible."

How could that happen to him? Why? He didn't deserve any divine retribution, he wasn't bad, he tried to be as helpful to everyone as possible, and now...

Well, SOTF chooses at random, and this time it was Gary's turn to prove his survival skills. The problem was - Gary was completely the opposite type of person, than every previous winner. Weak, shy, without any useful survival skills except from first aid, and his weapon... Turned out to be a nightstick. Pacification weapon. Pretty useless considering Island's standards, and even more useless in his weak hands. But that's all he got for now. And then, another realization struck him.

Omigosh, Rein is here as well. And Elaine... no she isn't here. Good.

He sighed with a relief. At least one dear person for him is out of this sick game. But Rein...

I need to find him... He decided in his mind, but he probably should start from finding himself in the maze of red and blue cargo boxes.

"Where am I?" He asked loudly, but only a silent echo bothered to answer him. Looked like some kind of warehouse, but he couldn't be very sure. Unsure of what to do next, he picked up his nightstick, and slowly started to make his way. He only hoped he won't get lost in here... And he won't be attacked immediately...
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Post by VinnyMcQ* »

‘Where am I?'

Trevor heard the voice ring out and stopped dead. There's someone else here. Not high pitched enough for a girl, has to be a guy. Trevor wasn't sure whether or not he should be worried. He didn't recognise the voice, but he was bound to know who it was by sight at least. But until I know who it is, I need to know if they're dangerous. I don't know that voice but they might know mine. And then I could be in trouble. Trevor walked forward slowly, careful to make as little noise as possible. He came to a T-junction of sorts and went left. Then he made his decision. He would talk to this boy, but it wouldn't be /him/ talking. Trevor cracked open his box of impersonations and selected one that he thought perfect for the situation. It was calming, but strong. It said both, don't kill me, and also, don't mess with me.

‘It's a warehouse young man. It could be called a maze too I guess. Or did you mean where we are in a wider sense? Its Survival of the Fittest, but I'm sure you knew that already.' Trevor wondered why whenever he brought out Patrick Stewart he devolved into a pretentious douche but it didn't bother him. Its just a role. One of many.

Trevor looked down another hallway of sorts. No sign of the mystery boy. He resumed the role again. ‘I'm sure you've thought through all the different options regarding survival in this place. Perhaps like me you are looking for allies. I'm not sure we can find each other in this godforsaken maze without making undue amounts of noise, so I'll have to ask if you have any ideas?'

Yep, I won't be doing him for a while. Not till I can control the douche part.
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Post by Yossarian* »

Suddenly, some other voice replied to his question. It sounded really douchy, and if it wound sound more like a Danya, Gary would probably believe the devil himself was mocking him.

"It's a warehouse young man. It could be called a maze too I guess. Or did you mean where we are in a wider sense? Its Survival of the Fittest, but I'm sure you knew that already."

Even though Gary was probably one of the most calm people stepping on the surface of this planet, it still didn't help him from turning on the 'sarcasm mode', though everything stayed in his head.

No shit, Sherlock. I guessed it myself...

Gary carefully walked through the maze while trying to pinpoint the location of the owner of the voice. The more he talked, the easier was his job, though the echo still made it impossible to tell exactly.

"I'm sure you've thought through all the different options regarding survival in this place. Perhaps like me you are looking for allies. I'm not sure we can find each other in this godforsaken maze without making undue amounts of noise, so I'll have to ask if you have any ideas?"

Huh... That sounds like he is somewhere about... There? Gary looked in the direction left to his current position. He still didn't trust the guy, especially not after the not very good first impression the boys voice gave to Gary, but a temporary ally was probably still better than no ally, and as long as he'll be careful, he should be fine. After all, after spending so much time with Rein, he was almost a master of avoiding death.

Anyway, the situation demanded a trickier way to deal with it. Gary stopped in one place to answer the mysterious boy, before moving his position again to avoid being tracked.

"I guess, we can find ourselves by using our flashlights. It's quite dark in here, so if we'll point it up, we could find ourselves by observing and following the light. But we don't have infinite supply of batteries, so I think we should just follow the air current. If you can guess which way the wind is blowing, you should have no problems with finding the exit, and we could meet there. What do you think?"

After finishing his monologue, Gary resumed his slow steps to the left, still unsure if he correctly guessed the guy's location.
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Post by VinnyMcQ* »

Trevor continued walking and regretting. Why didn't I pick a different voice? If that was me on the other end I'd be close to killing the guy now… Trevor's initially joking tone turned serious. Fuck what if this guy /does/ decide to kill me now? You can't make a second first impression. Stupid stupid stupid. Trevor had now resorted to poking his head around corners before turning, just in case he ran smack dab into the other boy. He was also looking over his shoulder far too often. I'm afraid he realised. It was obvious now that he stopped to think about it.

The boy spoke. He suggested two things. They're both retar-stupid. They're both stupid ideas. He had to voice his objections. Can't keep up douche man though. How do I make it better? Maybe there's no harm in using my own voice. Chalk it up to panic you know, panic and then whoa full throttle dickhead. I wonder if there's a thing for that. I'll Google it sometime. At this point Trevor faltered. There was no sometime . This was it. Trevor came to a corner again and peeked around the corner. There was a skinny black haired boy walking towards him, nightstick in hand. Just my luck, junior policeman. Fascists the lot of them. Ah but he's not a policeman is he, just some poor kid like me. Seen him around though, somewhere anyway. Probably just in passing.

He decided to face the boy. Can't play cat and mouse forever . Trevor steeped around the corner and planted his feet, holding the hoe ready in case the boy tried anything.

‘I'm Trevor' he said switching to his normal voice. ‘Pleased to meet you.'
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Post by Yossarian* »

Just as Gary was about to turn, the boy suddenly appeared from the corner. He just greeted Gary and introduced himself as Trevor, but with this kind of entrance he could just as well recite Latin poetry or shout 'Heil Hitler' and he would get the exact same result.

"Oh my fucking God!" Gareth shouted and raised his nightstick to attack the sudden silhouette. Thankfully he realized nothing happened and managed to lower his weapon, and take a few frantic steps back, losing his balance in the process and falling on his butt.


As soon as Gary got back on his feet, he taxed that 'Trevor' guy. He didn't look very threatening which was always a plus. There was something in his last sentence that bothered Gary, but he didn't exactly know why, and there was no reason to be unnecessary suspicious. Or maybe it was, but Gary was always way too trustful toward other people.

"Gary... Gary Griffith. Warn me up next time you want to jump out of the corner like that." The black haired boy said while forcing a smile on his lips.
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Post by decoy73 »

((Simon Telamon continued from One Lucky SOB.))

After checking out his map, Simon figured that the warehouse was the best place to look for a lock.

361, 361 ... This key has to have a purpose ... 361. He felt a familiar pain in his lower left leg. Simon didn't bother to stop. He always got phantom limb syndrome when he got nervous. Rubbing a fake leg wasn't going to do anything to relieve the pain. He just looked forward at the large building. He'd been able to use the compass he'd been issued to navigate his way north to the large building that lay ahead of him. He walked carefully over to the door, standing by the handle facing outwards so as not to be seen by anybody possibly inside and to see what was outside. Then, he carefully grasped the handle, pushed down slowly, and gently opened the door. He peeked in to see nothing but huge red and blue crates, but he heard something, faintly.

"I guess, we can find ourselves by using our flashlights. It's quite dark in here, so if we'll point it up, we could find ourselves by observing and following the light. But we don't have infinite supply of batteries, so I think we should just follow the air current. If you can guess which way the wind is blowing, you should have no problems with finding the exit, and we could meet there. What do you think?" Then after about ten seconds ...

"I'm Trevor. Pleased to meet you." Simon breathed a sigh of relief. They seemed friendly enough.

"Gary... Gary Griffith. Warn me up next time you want to jump out of the corner like that."

"Hello?" Simon called out as loudly as he could. "Anybody there?" (Although Simon already knew the fact, he figured he should act like he didn't know Trevor and his friend were there. He just hoped he was correct in his judgement.)
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by VinnyMcQ* »

Trevor's eyes widened in surprise as the mystery boy gave a startled shout before falling to the ground as he backed away. A player would have ended it then, leapt forward and buried the hoe in the poor kid's skull. Maybe swing it like a golf club, take out the chin. Or go like I've a baseball bat. I'm sure that would work. Trevor chided himself on these thoughts. He wasn't about to play the game. Not in that sense. People die all the time. For the cause, fighting injustice. Anyone playing might as well take a pay check from Danya. They deserve the same.

The kid got to his feet again and introduced himself. Gary warned him not to jump out at people like that. It was good advice. If he'd had a gun, that could have been the end of me. But I knew he didn't have a gun, so I knew the risks. Could have thrown it at me I guess, that would have hurt. Trevor apologised. He lowered the end of the hoe towards the ground, holding it loosely. If needs be he could still swing it upwards but it was a less threatening stance.

‘Gary eh? I've seen you around, sorry to say I don't really know you that well. Sorry about the voice thing before, I'm not really myself when I'm doing someone.' He laughed and shook his head. ‘But hey no harm done right?'

Trevor's eyes moved away from Gary's and centred on his chest. If he was about to make a move then it would show through his body language and he needed to see as much of it as he could. Just then another voice rang out.

‘Hello? Anybody there?'

Trevor cocked his head in the direction of the noise and put a finger to his lips. If they were lucky then this newcomer wouldn't know where they were. And if they didn't know where they were then they couldn't kill them. In theory.
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Post by Yossarian* »

Gary still didn't quite get what Trevor was talking about when he said 'Sorry about the voice thing before, I'm not really myself when I'm doing someone.', but before he could ask anything, another voice echoed through the Warehouse.

Trevor immediately went silent, and so did Gary. What were the chances of finding another harmless (assuming Trevor was harmless to him of course, but then again if he would, he would probably just attack Gary while he was on the ground) person when in theory everyone should be going out for the kill? At the moment the only voice he would answer outright would be Rein's but that new voice definitely didn't have any traces of German accent in it.

And so, he waited for another signal from the new visitor.
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Post by decoy73 »

No answer. Either they were expecting an ambush, or they were planning one. Noting that he had heard two people talking, he hoped that Trevor and Gary were simply being cautious. It was entirely likely that the death had started already. He figured he'd take his chances. It was also entirely likely that two non-players had met up, and one was armed with an actual weapon, as opposed to a potential weapon.

"I'm not playing!" He called out, as he stood in the doorway, hands up, grasping his key in his right hand so that it was visible between his index finger and thumb. "All they gave me was a key. I'm thinking it might open something in here, so I came to check it out." Simon paused for a moment. What should I say?

"There's no risk. I'd have to be right next to you for me to do anything stupid, and if you have anything that's useful, you could take me out before then."
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by VinnyMcQ* »

Trevor nodded his head towards the sound of the voice for Gary, silently indicating the exit. Why'd you do that? If someone did that to me I'd be all, yes I heard it too dumbshit I know where the voice came from thank you. Yeah but someone's got to lead the other right? And I'm not about to be led, not here. It's ok to take charge once in a while. Trevor lowered his voice to a whisper and said to Gary, ‘I don't know about you but I'm not sure about just letting this guy grab whatever from these containers. What if he pulled a machine gun or something?'

Ploughing ahead he added, ‘You know anything about this guy? Cos I think I do. If it's who I think it is then he knows how to fight. Wrestling mind you, stay out of his reach and you'll be fine. If he grabs you, I've got your back.' I hope you've got mine he added silently. ‘Follow my lead ok?'

Trevor decided to try and scare he kid away. It was time to pull out the big guns, so to speak. No more messing around with classically trained actors. Trevor pulled a voice that they were all too familiar with. The big man himself. Danya. Projecting his voice so it filled the warehouse, Trevor let rip.

‘Now now Simon,' Trevor felt sick just impersonating the man, ‘normally I'd just let you go and try your luck. But hey it's my gig I can interfere if I want to right? Not my business if such a strong contender gets beaten to death in vain. But there are ratings to consider and, really, it would be such a waste. That there key of yours will be, ah, useful later. I'd save it if I were you.'

Trevor added a little piece of his own to give credence to the speech. Like a petulant child he cried, ‘That is not fucking fair! You take us all here and then fucking choose favourites? Fuck you man, FUCK YOU DANYA!'

It was almost satisfying, yelling at Danya. Almost.
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Post by Yossarian* »

Gary didn't know whether he disliked more the presence of a wrestler around, or someone who can speak like Danya in one moment and make theatrics like that. There was one thing he was sure of, he didn't trust none of them. Still, Trevor looked like a safer bet, as he already proved he is not in a mood to kill at least for now.

And so, Gary only silently nodded in agreement to his plan about the... Hey wait a minute...

Gary pondered for a while. How the hell Trevor knows that the other guy's name is Simon and he's a wrestler? He didn't introduce himself. Voice only? We are in the warehouse, with this echo it should be nigh impossible.

Gary bit his lower lip, tightened the grip on his nightstick, and awaited silently for the next movement of either Trevor or the other guy, prepared for even the wildest scenarios like Trevor and 'Simon' working together and preparing a trap for him.
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Post by decoy73 »

Simon didn't hear anything for a second. It was just silence. This was, of course, expected. It wasn't like he was at the exit of an office or anything. Then, someone started talking, a familiar voice.

"Now, now Simon. Normally I'd just let you go and try your luck. But hey it's my gig I can interfere if I want to right? Not my business if such a strong contender gets beaten to death in vain. But there are ratings to consider and, really, it would be such a waste. That there key of yours will be, ah, useful later. I'd save it if I were you." Simon gasped as he stepped back from the door, letting it close.

Shit. He's actually talking to me? But why? It's not an announcement or anything ... Any doubt over what was happening was immediately broken by the next statement.

"That is not fucking fair! You take us all here and then fucking choose favourites? Fuck you man, FUCK YOU DANYA!"
Simon frowned. Trevor's messing with me! He's trying to scare me off! Simon stepped forward and reopened the door. He was, to say the least, a bit upset. At least if they didn't trust me, he could have just told me to go away.

"Oh, very funny, Trevor. Perhaps I should have rephrased what I said." Simon took another step inside, letting the door close behind him loudly enough so that it could be heard. "I'm coming in. You can help me out if you like, or you can avoid me. I'm not going to attack you, and I'll show you what I get if I unlock anything, but don't fuck with me or I'll give it right back." Simon started to walk towards the boxes, looking for the correct lock, but so far to no avail. The key didn't even go in. It was after about thirty seconds that a weird thought came through his head:

Wait a minute. I never met Trevor before today. How did he know who I was? I heard his name, but I never revealed mine at any point? Does he know something about me? Simon started going more into a defensive position, looking around as he grabbed onto each lock and attempted to unlock each lock, failing every time.

No telling what's going on. Trevor knows my name. Who knows what other info he has on me?
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:19 am


Post by VinnyMcQ* »

Trevor frowned. Well that went well he thought. It was a long shot anyway, but now he's in and not a happy bunny either. What to do what to do? Trevor shot Gary a glance. No ideas coming from this one. Don't stop just keep going. The minute you let up this kid will come round the corner with his prize and take you down. Put you in your place. Trevor looked at the wall of containers either side. They seemed to grow, filling up the space all the way to the ceiling before collapsing around him, burying him. Focus! This isn't the time to make an enemy of your goddamn imagination. There's a real enemy out there, a whole island full of them.

Trevor laughed as Simon began to threaten him. Here was a kid he knew, just a regular, normal guy he'd went to school with. There was no reason for them to be at each other's throats. Yet here they were, ready to fight, maybe even kill each other. It was absurd. But Trevor was still afraid. Afraid of this lad with his key that could give him a gun and that would give me lots of death. And pain first. I don't want either of those. I can't let him open that box.

Trevor turned to Gary. ‘Gary, I can't let him open that box. If he finds it and pulls a gun then we're dead. And I am not about to die here. I'm going to confront him. It might get bad. I need you to try and get behind him; don't let him see you though, just in case. He can't take us both unless he gets a gun. Please, help me stop him before he finds one.' Otherwise we're both dead.

Not waiting, Trevor began walking towards the door. Simon had helped him in that respect. He ran through the fight in his mind. He ignored the fear he felt in his gut. He trusted himself and what he could do. I trust I won't kill him. No matter what.
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Post by Yossarian* »

Gary felt more and more clueless with every sentence he heard from Trevor.

What? How does he know there's is a gun waiting in that box? How does he know this box is here? What's going on here? Is this a dream?

Without even realizing it, Gary nodded to Trevor as he told him his plan to confront 'Simon'. He doubted the fight was necessary, and both 'Simon' and Trevor were really overreacting, but it was no time to argue. He started looking as Trevor went toward the direction the other boy's voice was coming. He slowly followed him to see what will happen.

If the fight will occur, will he help Trevor? He didn't know...

Will he even try participate in eventual scuffle? He didn't know...

Will he run away like a coward during the first possible moment? He didn't fucking know. To be honest, Gary just stared outside of the corner just enough to see the situation without being seen himself, and hoped it really was some sort of a bad dream.
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