Everyday is like Sunday

To the South of the mansion lies another small area of cliffs, again caused through natural erosion. Perhaps viewed as an eyesore or danger to children, the cliffs here have been tastefully cordoned off by a low chain fence, though it is only waist height.
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Post by Chib* »

Everything seemed to be going so well. She, Janet and Jay were all well armed, they didn't need to worry about Hayley because girl-whose-name-she-didn't-know-but-recognised-as-being-the-one-that-shot-Kyle was going away. No big standoff, no large body-count, just nice friendly backing off. Later on they could ambush her or something and then their group wouldn't have to lose anyone. Outright firefights, Ema was quite convinced, were never a good idea.

And then something that was never a good idea happened.

Hayley got up, shoved Ema aside. She demanded Charlene come back. Then they started talking. And it wasn't a friendly conversation. It was anything but friendly; if anything, it seemed like Charlene was intentionally baiting Hayley, trying to rile her up and make her start shooting. What the actual fuck was she thinking? Did she have a death wish? "You killed five people for no reason." - assuming stuff and making accusations (close to the truth or otherwise), yup, she had a death wish.

And Hayley was, evidently, glad to oblige. A solitary gunshot. It hit. Charlene's response was close behind, it did not hit.

From there, everything should have been fine. The girl should have just gone down and died quietly, so Ema et al could just go on with their fucked up lives with no further distracting gunfire. It should've been fine, and probably would've. But it wasn't, because one of the soon-to-be-deceased's friends decided to show up too. Being alone was too much to ask for, clearly.

So a third bullet tore through the air. Ema had seen it coming from the moment the new girl reached for her gun. In the moments she had to react, she made up her mind and acted quickly. What would Price do?, thinking like him hadn't steered her wrong so far, might as well keep it up. According to Ema, he'd protect his comrades. So she did. She dived in Hayley's general direction, no time for finesse, shoving her to the ground. Of course, the bullet was going something close to the speed of sound, so if it took her about as long to think as it did Thea to pull the trigger, there wasn't much of a grace period for her and Hayley to be out of the line of fire. Hayley made it, being underneath Ema.

Ema did too. Just.

She dropped to the floor awkwardly, a mess of flailing limbs and howling vocal chords, and rolled off of Hayley. The wound, which she'd later find out was superficial, essentially a very shallow laceration, stung like a bitch and burned from the friction - bullets, not sharp like knives, just fast. That pain, along with being on the floor with hair in her eyes, was a large factor in what she did next. She opened fire, five rapid, panicked shots in the general direction of Thea, none of them remotely accurate, but probably close enough to make her rethink standing in the open. With that obligation taken care of, Ema let her right arm fall, whilst her left hand flew to the wound on her shoulder. She felt liquid, blood, but not much. She'd live.

It was about at that point that she noticed Hayley getting up, hurriedly dressing and making ready to take off in pursuit of... probably the other shooter. Groaning, Ema got to her feet as well, and in lieu of wasting time putting a shirt on underneath, just zipped her coat up. And it was at about that point that she realised Hayley's vision was focused not on where Thea had been, but on Jay, who seemed to be bolting beachward. Profanities were uttered, and Hayley ran after him.

Ema looked to Janet briefly, before grabbing her own stuff and following. What the big deal was about keeping Jay around was, Ema wasn't entirely certain, but losing sight of Hayley was most definitely not an option.

[Ema Ryan --> The Stoner Always Dies]
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Post by xylophonefairy* »

((Acacia Salinger continued from The Use of Common Sense is Authorized))

Oh okay, so this was new.

One minute she and Thea were having a nice conversation, reminiscing about their time on the Cheer squad. It was the sort of conversation they might have had on the real trip. The next minute, Charlene had been shot, and Thea was shooting. As shots rang out, she dropped to her stomach, feeling sick. No, no, not again! This was almost exactly the same thing that had happened with Roman, only this time it didn't seem quite so random. Because, as she shakily started to pull herself up, she saw Hayley Kelly and Ema Ryan making a dash for it. Her eyes narrowed slightly; it was the first time she'd seen them, but she'd heard enough about Hayley at least to know that she didn't really want to become too associated with her.

So Acacia stayed ducked down in some loose shrubbery until they were pretty much past. Then she clambered to her feet and tentatively moved towards Thea. She had shot her gun! Admittedly it was in the heat of the moment and the girl had just shot her best friend, but it still surprised her. And they though that I was crazy! Then she remembered that Charlie had been shot, and in a flourish turned to run over to her. After all, she was a dab hand at dealing with this situation now. What had happened last time?

Oh yeah, she had squealed and cried and Jojo had fixed everything for her. She wondered where Jojo had gotten to, she couldn't remember hearing his name on the list of dead. Here, not being dead was everything. She wondered if Alex still hated her, and discovered that she wouldn't have blamed her if she did. Even though it wasn't her fault. And that reminded her, she was supposed to be trying to win so that she could go home and say sorry to his Mom. And she'd been concerned about teaming up with two of her friends because it meant that at some point she would have to kill them. And now there was one down...

No! How can you think like that?! She's your FRIEND. You played tennis with her. And now she's been shot and all you can think is 'well at least I didn't have to do it!' You're a sick girl, Acacia!

"Thea!" Acacia called to her friend. "Mary-Ann!" She wanted as much help as possible. Maybe one of them would have done a first aid course? She knelt down next to Charlie and put on her best calming face. The one she had totally failed to use when Roman had been shot. "We need to put pressure on her wound!" she made no move to put pressure on it herself, somehow her own interventions seemed to make people die. Also, she couldn't seem to make her limbs move.
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Post by Little Boy* »

Fuck. This. Show.

He felt sick, absolutely sick to his stomach. Thing seemed to slow down. The girl was backing up, for a second he was sure that would be it- the end of it. But it was never the end of it. There was something about Survival of the Fittest that brought out the sadistic side of God, or fate, or whatever the fuck was in charge up there. Hayley yelled at Charlene, her gun raised. Things were spiraling out of control, just like before.

His heart beat fast. This was wrong, absolutely wrong. The girl was backing up- why antagonize?

"Hayley- Hayley-" He began, nervous, trying hard to break through to the girl. But it was like something had changed in her- like something had emerged. A dark side, to speak in cliches.

Jay felt like pissing his pants. He looked over toward Janet with frantic eyes.

Oh shit. Just like David. Fuckin' shit-

"Hayley, we should go. Hayley-"

No one was listening to him, like always. Tensions were running high. He caught bits and pieces and tried fitting it together. Had Charlene killed Kyle? Had she hurt Alex? Fuck, she deserved it then, if she'd killed him. Deserved it- but not from Hayley, not right then and there. Not so soon after they'd talked, joked and acted like nothing was happening. He couldn't take that sort of whiplash. He wasn't even aiming anymore, his gaze flickered from Charlene to Hayley to Ema and Janet, too scared to make a move.

Fuck- fuck no, Jesus- Hayley can't just- could she really just-

Her anger was absolute. It was like the old Hayley Kelly had never even existed. Charlene hadn't shot Alex or hurt him- Jason had. Jason something, who'd been shot by Hayley. Jay was confused, but mostly terrified. Why was this happening? Why so soon? Why him? He felt a familiar urge build inside him.

"Hayley- Hayley-"

"You're lying, a-and even if you weren't...he's dead, and Jonathan's dead, and...y-you're the only one left. I can't...let you..." Hayley whispered, her voice inches from cracking.

"You killed Jason. You got your revenge. Besides, it's not like you're exactly blameless here. I panicked. You killed five people for no reason. One of them was my best friend's boyfriend. James Mulzet? Remember him? The way I see it, if I killed Kyle and you killed James, we're even. Karma's a bitch, huh?"

Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy-



He'd suppressed the urge to flee for so long. He'd tried to put on a brave face, tried to explain away his cowardly actions. He'd vowed again and again, no more, no more running away, no more jokes. He wanted to win, but to do so he'd have to be worth it. Deep down, he knew he'd never be worth it. There was no point trying anymore. It was time to stop pretending to be something else. He would have felt relieved, if he hadn't been so scared. Jay Holland was a coward through and through, and it was his time to shine.

"JANET LET'S FUCKING BOLT!" He screamed, grabbing at her hand.

He would run, but he'd be damned if he'd leave her behind. There were more shots behind him, he didn't know from who. Charlene or Hayley, Ema or whoever the fuck else, someone was going to die. But it wouldn't be him. Because he would run as fast as his legs would carry him, beyond the point where his lungs failed him. Jay Holland was going to die like a coward, but it suited him just fine.

They disappeared in the brush, running at a breakneck pace. He was barely aware he was crying, his terrified sobs choked out through panicked and choppy breathes. The sounds vanished behind him.

((Jay Holland continues in The Stoner Always Dies))
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Janet could feel the tension build thick enough to be cut with a knife. Hayley and Charlene, throwing accusations and threats. Janet was shaking. What the hell? She didn't shake. Shaking was something... something... something Jay did. Not something she did. She stayed in her crouch, lower profile, steadier aim, and she could throw herself flat if necessary.

And then BANG. Three shots so close together, the sound was like only one shot. Ema tackled Hayley; when? Janet herself brought her gun up and toward the newest threat. She fired a shot, and the recoil nearly threw the gun out of her hands. She had not expected that. She was a moment away from readjusting her grip when Jay loomed in her peripheral vision, grabbed her by the hand and, in a fear driven moment, literally yanked her to her feet. She found herself half running, half being dragged, and Jay was deaf to her protestations. He ran, fast, dragging her along with him.

((Janet Binachi, continued in... The Stoner Always Dies.))
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Post by decoy73 »

((GMing of Thea Kairos done with permission from Arscapi))

There were two gunshots - the first Charlie felt due to the recoil of her gun, the second one she felt from the pain in her right side as she fell to the ground, spinning ...

July 4, 2007 ...

Charlene shook her hair, trying to get as much water out of it as she stepped out of the pool and scanned for her best friend. There. Charlie found her best friend in a lawnchair a few feet away, in her dark green bikini. Charlie sat down in the lawnchair beside her as she adjusted the strapless top of her tankini.

"So, nice way to start the year." Thea lifted her Dolce & Gabbana shades so that they were being used as a headband as she noted Charlie.

"I know. seems like we just finished the year. We've got camp in a couple weeks"

Charlie picked up the Jackie Ohh sunglasses she had left at the chair as she picked up a drink she had gotten. "Yeah. That's going to be awesome. Top of the ladder this time." She took a sip of her drink. She loved kamikaze shots.

Thea nodded. "It's our year. We're going to rule - "


Charlie and Thea both looked at the source of the noise.

"Yee-ha! Pyrotechnics!" Thea and Charlie just shook her heads. Boys would be boys.

"Anyway," Charlie chuckled a little at the jocks as the fireworks went off. "Anyway, you're almost-captain, other than Riley. We've got this year to give ourselves the best time of our lives."

"That, and it's July. We'll need to start looking through the magazines for prom fashions soon." Thea sighed. "It's weird, huh? We're a year away from going to college. I don't think when we met back in second grade we were thinking that we'd still be friends now."


Charlie thought back to that day. She'd been so mad at practically everyone ... until Thea came in.

"Yeah, that was something. 'CHUCK NORRIS! CHUCK NORRIS! CHUCK - ow my face!'" Charlie laughed at her impression of that guy almost ten years before. "Funny as hell. Not to mention that he had it coming."

Thea laughed at that. "Oh, man, Charlie. I can't believe you're still bitter about that."

"Me? Bitter? No way. It's just funny. Besides, wouldn't have met you if it wasn't for that, so I guess it all evened out. Karma, huh?"


"Karma, maybe not. More like … fate." Thea turned to Charlene.




Present day ...


Charlie opened her eyes. She was sitting up by a tree, Thea was in front of her, worried as hell. For a second, Charlie thought she could see tears as she ...

Aaah! Charlie jolted in pain as she looked down to her right side, where the pink of her tank top was stained with some expanding splotch of red.

Oh, shit.

"Talk about luck. You've encountered Hayley, like, three times, now?" Thea asked. Charlie laughed weakly at the joke, some blood starting to drip from the corner of her mouth as she coughed and everything blurred for a second before coming back into focus.

"Yeah. Talk about it. Fate, huh?"

Thea laughed as she took Charlene's hand. "Okay, now I know that you've been hanging out with me too long. You believe in the Fates now?" Charlie smiled at that.

"What can I say? I learned from the best." Charlie squeezed Thea's hand with all her strength, which, given the circumstances, wasn't much, and going down fast. Was it always this hard to breathe?

"Now you admit it." Thea laughed almost humorlessly before the smile left her face. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop her."

"Don't worry about it. Dumb bitch is fucked anyway. Guess I couldn't get her. Looks like it's up to you."

"I'll get her." Thea's voice was determined now, borne from anger, grief, and the game. "She'll pay for taking you and James from me." Charlie shook her head.

"Not right now. I want to savor this." Charlene smiled and made eye contact with Thea with her mismatched eyes and smiled as her vision blurred again. "You're my ... BFF. You ... were the best ..."

Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Post by Ruggahissy »

((Mary-Ann Warren continued from The Use of Common Sense is Now Authorized ))

Mary-Ann followed behind the girls. Charlene in front, Acacia and Thea behind her and Mary-Ann bringing up the back. She didn't feel much like talking, though she was appreciative to have someone to band to.

It killed her that she felt like she had to stay with someone. It just proved that she wasn't strong enough to go on alone. She felt like a disappointment to R.J. In addition to this she felt like she'd swallowed up his silence for him, only looking up to the conversation of the other girls every once in a while.

Then there were gun shots. Mary-Ann instinctively dove to the ground. She heard yelling from up ahead. Someone called her name, they needed her help. Mary-Ann was frozen in fear for a moment. It wasn't typical for her to run towards the sound of gunshots.

Someone's in trouble. I have to help. I can be scared, but I just need to be brave at the same time. Just have to be brave.

Mary-Ann scrambled up and gripped her gun. She trotted ahead and when she came to a stop she saw Charlene, motionless.

"What happened!?"
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Post by xylophonefairy* »

Acacia turned slowly to Mary Ann.

"She got shot," Acacia said with surprising calm. Thea was with her, and she looked back at the both of them. They'd always been a lot closer to each other than she had been to either of them, and it didn't seem right to disrupt that when Charlene was so obviously... Hayley was a better shot than John was, it had taken Roman ages to die. She remembered the feeling of revenge that she'd felt afterwards, dulled into a shocked silence by the fact that John Smithhad died a few hours later anyway. Shaking her head, Acacia hoisted her bag up onto her shoulder.

"I'll try and follow them," Acacia said, as Charlene's final moments dripped past. She didn't want to see another person die, and pulled her gun out of her pocket, holding it loosely in her hands, wondering if she might finally get to use it. There was still a sense of excitement that tingled around the gun, it still felt cold, heavy in her hands but the feeling wasn't so alien any more. This was why she had connected with Roman anyway, he had loaded it, she was still clinging onto that somewhat. "See if I can't slow them down," Acacia turned to Mary Ann and nodded with pressed lips, before looking back to Thea. Every parting could be for the final time, for all she knew she might never see Thea or Mary Ann again. She might die on her way, Hayley Kelly might shoot her, someone might ambush the others. It was safest to travel alone.

With that final thought, Acacia picked up her heels and disappeared into the woodland just north of the cliffs. There was a good gap between them already, and she had no idea where they had gone, only the vague direction. Which, as she got out of the immediate shooting zone, she wasn't even entirely sure she had gotten right. They seemed to have disappeared awfully quickly, and Acacia chewed her lip.

You're not getting away that easily!

Although, the gun was the only thing that had really given her confidence in this game. Game, hah! And it wasnt going to be enough any more, because they had guns too. Guns that they had used before and probably had no qualms about using again, as far as Acacia knew. Shoot 'em in the back!

((Acacia Salinger continued in A Slight Change of Plans))
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Post by Arscapi* »

Thea's eyes filled with tears as Charlie too, left her. She meant it, the promise she'd made to Charlie. Hayley would pay, pay for taking the people that Thea cared the most about. Gone, they were both gone, Thea sat down hard barely registering what Acacia said. She watched her run off and then turn in the wrong direction. Thea wished her luck and hoped that she'd be okay on her own again.

Not something she'd ever imagined herself worrying about. This was supposed to be their senior trip, the last big thing before graduation. She was supposed to be worrying about whether or not she and James were going to stay together when they went on to different colleges. Not wondering where his body was and how she was going to be able to talk to Charlie's parents now. Would they forgive her for missing her shot? No, they wouldn't need to, she decided because the next time she wouldn't miss. She had a handle on the weapon now and with a little more practice she was sure she would hit the mark next time.

Thea wiped her tears with her shirt. She figured it was probably time to change into a new one anyway. She looked down at Charlie and gently reached out and closed her eyes.

"I'll miss you," she said softly.

Glancing around, she realized that she was suddenly alone with the exception of Mary-Ann. With a sigh she grabbed Charlie's bag and began to rifle through it. She was getting tired of this, going through her loved ones' belongings. She came up with another picture and smiled. Who knew that Charlie and James were so sentimental to carry around pictures? She shifted it into her bag next to the picture of James.

She looked over at Mary-Ann and asked, "Do you need a weapon? Charlie had a gun, and I think there're some magazines, though they aren't here in her bag." She glanced uneasily at the body not sure if she was quite ready for that yet.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Mary-Ann stood, shell shocked, looking down at the dead blonde girl. So pretty before, but now she was bloodied and cold. Acacia mourned her friend and then quick as lightening, she ran off.

"Hey, hey wait!" she called out. Nothing. Mary-Ann sighed.

Thea was still with Charlie saying her good byes. Mary-Ann suddenly felt very awkward being there. It was like she was listening in on someone's private conversation. She bit her lip and shifted a little. Then it seemed Thea remembered her.

"Uh, that's okay. I've got a gun already," she said, holding up her pistol. Mary-Ann was over come by a creeping horror. The dead girl in front of her reminded her that she was on an island that was littered with her dead classmates. It was easy to forget sometimes and focus on her personal loss. Other dead people besides R.J. sort of passed by her until now. She sort of wanted to throw up.

She was telling Thea she already had one like someone offering her napkins at a picnic. That's what they were supposed to be doing; eating at the camp ground on their senior trip. That was gone. Everything was gone. That reality didn't exist anymore, only this one. It was really weird for her to imagine that maybe in some other parallel universe the other Mary-Ann was roasting hot dogs on a camp fire.

How long ago did the two realities split? Was it the second they stepped onto the bus? Maybe it was before that. Maybe it started all the way back in school when they were asked everyone to have their $20 and permission slip in to their homeroom by the end of the week for the senior trip.

Maybe there was no other way and this was destined from the second they were all born.

If the place I want to go back to doesn't exist anymore, is it really worth it to try so hard to go back?

It was a disturbing question. She pushed it out of her mind and tried to think only of being the toughest version of herself she could be. She knew if she thought too long she might not keep going.

"You okay, Thea?"
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Post by Arscapi* »

Thea frowned at Mary-Ann's answer. She'd been hoping that Mary-Ann would find the weapons for her; she really didn't want to search her best friend's body. But she was not about to leave a gun lying around, not with monsters like Hayley around. The last thing they needed was more ammo.

"You okay, Thea," Mary-Ann asked.

Thea looked up at her. "I'm really not," she admitted. "That…that bitch, she's taken everyone from me. First James and now Charlie."

As she mentioned Charlie she let out a huge sigh and resigned herself to looking through her friend's clothing. After a brief search she came up with a gun and two clips. She took them and slipped them into her bag. She turned her attention to Charlene's bag and found a knife and a photo of Charlie, Thea, and a group of friends. Smiling sadly, she tucked it carefully in beside the picture she'd found in James' bag.

Thea stood. "She ran off didn't she? What a coward! She has to be stopped, before she hurts anyone else," Thea said firmly.

"Did you see which direction she went?"
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Mary-Ann eyed the other girl as she silently packed up the things of her dead friend. She rocked on her toes and kept a close hold of her back.

"Yeah.....yeah, she went,"

Mary-Ann pointed and bit her lip.

"That way."

Thea. She just wanted to get revenge. She also probably wanted to do what she said, stop Hayley from hurting other people, but Mary-Ann thought she could figure out which was more motivating a factor.

She'd been given a second chance. R.J. protected her and pushed her forward and gave her everything he could to make sure she got through. She felt like she'd been wasting all of that away. She couldn't even muster the strength together to pretend she was strong.

She felt like a failure.

But maybe....maybe she still had a chance to do right.

"Let's find her."

((Mary-Ann Warren continued in Confiscate the Crown ))
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Post by Arscapi* »

Thea gaped at Mary-Ann, she really hadn't expected the girl to be totally on her side. The last time she'd even thought about revenge the others had jumped all over her case.

"Umm, yeah okay," Thea said. She looked around making sure that she gathered all her belongings and the ones that she'd taken from Charlene.

With a last look at her best friend, she turned and hurried after Mary-Ann.

((Thea Kairos continued in Confiscate the Crown))
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